View Full Version : Anyone bought XBOXone or PS4?

Mr. Clean
27-Jun-2014, 05:56 PM
I'm interested in your thoughts on them....Worth the Jump?

27-Jun-2014, 06:12 PM
Pulling the trigger over the next month or two, myself.

Mr. Clean
27-Jun-2014, 06:22 PM
Pulling the trigger over the next month or two, myself.

I'm probably going to wait until the MGS: Phantom Pain drops and then go buy It, MGS: Ground Zero, and a PS4. Dunno for sure yet though.

27-Jun-2014, 07:15 PM
I'm still playing GTA V off-and-on at the moment on my 360, and there's still a few games I want to get to on the 360 as it is (e.g. South Park: The Stick of Truth), so I'm not going over to the new generation anytime soon. I always like to let new tech bed-down good and proper before I hop on as well, and if there's going to be a bigger focus on needing to be online to play a game (e.g. with stupidly huge day one patches), then there's no point in me hopping over until we - finally - get our broadband upgraded around here (which is, fingers crossed, not too far away).

28-Jun-2014, 03:02 PM
I'm still playing GTA V off-and-on at the moment on my 360, and there's still a few games I want to get to on the 360 as it is (e.g. South Park: The Stick of Truth)

Get it.

Feckin hilarious.

28-Jun-2014, 06:26 PM
Get it.

Feckin hilarious.

Aye, it certainly looks it. It's on-the-list, and will probably be the next game that I get.