View Full Version : It Nears: Short Horror Film

27-Jun-2014, 06:12 PM
Hey, thought you guys might get a kick out of this little horror short I worked on behind and in front of the camera last week:

I actually appear in it very briefly. You'll have to look really closely though, during the wide shot of the alley near the end. Blink and you miss me! :)

If you guys dig it, please subscribe to Mike's channel there, we've got lots more on the way, including one short the forums' own Andy worked on lighting and sound on!

Lemme know what you think!

27-Jun-2014, 06:20 PM
I'll have to watch it with sound later, but as a silent it works. I mean, I was all like WTF at 1:54 :)

Hope you're well, Kraken. Been a while, man.

27-Jun-2014, 06:40 PM
I'll have to watch it with sound later, but as a silent it works. I mean, I was all like WTF at 1:54 :)

Hope you're well, Kraken. Been a while, man.

Thanks, man. The audio is pretty much key, it's definitely better with it. :P

Yeah, I've not been around much; been super busy with various things, but I'm good and I'm still lurking from time to time. :)