View Full Version : 4DX cinema - Groan!

01-Jul-2014, 09:31 AM
Didn't this sort of stuff come and go a generation ago? Seems like cheap gimmicks, when really what's happening on the screen should really count?

Anyway, jump to 2m10s in for a run down on it...


ps: Watching a XXX movie with the prospect of those water sprayers might be a step too far for me!

01-Jul-2014, 09:41 AM
I couldnt watch that pitch. If this were a movie, that commercial would showcase an evil coorporation's latest technology that we as an audience member just know is gonna screw up and open a portal to hell.


01-Jul-2014, 10:01 AM
@Ned - haha, it does have that kind of vibe to it, doesn't it?

Ugh ... 4DX? Yep - gimmickery notched up to 11. So anyone who has trouble with motion sickness or flash sensitivity is counted out (in addition to anyone who can't see 3D).

I was watching that pitch and I just thought to myself, yeah, it might be a little fun for about five minutes, but over the course of an entire movie I could imagine it becoming really annoying - particularly the smells and the water. Also - the fog - I can't imagine that would clear away too quickly, so you'll have the stuff hanging around for ages, getting in the way of the screen, no doubt smelling kinda weird. It's annoying enough when some berk strolls into the cinema proudly carrying a metric tonne of stinking nachos or a decidedly fragrant hotdog with all the overpriced trimmings, so being blasted in the face with water and scents and fog and wind in addition to that would be really irritating.

Also - the chairs bumping around - that's not very good for people with drinks. I take it they wouldn't be allowed food in the theatre in 4DX with all the bumping around - and the managers of theatres aren't going to be pleased with that as fleecing people for overpriced, extraordinarily marked-up popcorn etc is their main priority.