View Full Version : The Hateful Eight (film) - Quentin Tarantino

31-Jul-2014, 10:56 AM

Out 2015 :) - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/68216

31-Jul-2014, 01:55 PM
Awesome, this is the first I've heard of it, but Tarantino films have been on my mind a lot the last few days after coming across Kill Bill ep. 1 channel surfing again earlier this week and watching a tense 30 minutes of Django last night :)

31-Jul-2014, 02:43 PM
When Tarantino pitched his fit about the script being leaked, I knew it would still be made. Although I have a hard time seeing it released in 2015 when it doesn't start filming until next year...

31-Jul-2014, 04:51 PM
First I've heard of it as well. Knew nothing of a script leak. (& sure ain't gonna read it now!) From the poster it appears to be another western? I am so down for that. :)

31-Jul-2014, 07:26 PM
I'm looking forward to it :)

01-Aug-2014, 12:14 PM
First I've heard of it as well. Knew nothing of a script leak. (& sure ain't gonna read it now!)

Yeah, it leaked out toward the beginning of the year. Tarantino had given copies to only about five people that he trusted and somehow it still leaked. He later went onto some movie site, I forget which, and wrote this long article saying how one of those actors' agents had stolen the script and now he's ruined the film for everyone because there was no way the film would be made after the leak. Less than a month later he comes back and says he'd re-written the last third of the movie. Another month or so later, he assembles his (awesome) dream cast for the film for a live script reading. A few months later...now he's wanting to film. Tarantino can be such a drama queen sometimes...

But yeah....I'm certainly looking forward to another Tarantino western. I believe he said this one will be more of a traditional western rather than the over-the-top, Django? The cast he's looking at for this thing is amazing. Kurt Russell, Samuel L. Jackson(of course), Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, Walton Coggins, Etc. As long as the film isn't bloated with too lengthy of a run time, I think it should be something special.

01-Aug-2014, 01:29 PM
Am I the only person starting to get bored of seeing Samuel L. Jackson in eveeeeryyyything! :)

01-Aug-2014, 01:49 PM
Am I the only person starting to get bored of seeing Samuel L. Jackson in eveeeeryyyything! :)

You at least have to give Tarantino credit for giving Jackson a range of varied characters rather than have him play Jules over and over again. His role in Django was quite strange, but definitely one of the most memorable of the film.

But as for your question, no you're not the only one. He's also been promoting some credit card company here in the states and it seems like he's on every commercial break.

EDIT: After making my post I realized that your "eveeeeryyything" is probably a reference to that commercial. I didn't catch on to it at first. It's early and I need more coffee, damn it. :lol:

01-Aug-2014, 01:57 PM
Am I the only person starting to get bored of seeing Samuel L. Jackson in eveeeeryyyything! :)

He was overexposed at least a decade ago and I was tired back then, now I don't much care. He was very well utilized in Django and obviously rocked socks in Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown etc., so if I am going to see him, let it be in a Tarantino flick where I know it has a good shot of being a properly fun fit for the actor :)

01-Aug-2014, 09:14 PM
I used to like Samuel Jackson, Pulp Fiction, 51st State, Deep Blue Sea, Dusk Till Dawn but then i started to get a bit sick of him. Looking forward to any Tarantino film though. I would like to see him make another Dusk Till Dawn type film though!!

24-Nov-2014, 08:45 PM
And here's the cast - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/69592

The cast of Tarantino's THE HATEFUL EIGHT have begun rehearsing the dialogue-heavy western before heading out to shoot in Colorado next month, and Samuel L. Jackson has enthusiastically provided us with our first shots of this group via his Twitter. Between the two stills, you can see a baseball capped Bruce Dern, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Kurt Russell, Walton Goggins, Michael Madsen, Demian Bichir, Tim Roth, and of course, a mid-motion Mr. Tarantino.

I've always loved Bruce Dern since "Silent Running."


25-Nov-2014, 01:33 AM
I'd forgotten all about this, so thanks for the reminder. Interesting that Kurt already has another western finished & on the way, "Bone Tomahawk"


25-Nov-2014, 02:17 PM
I've always loved Bruce Dern since "Silent Running."

To me, he'll always be the military neighbor, Rumsfeld, in Joe Dante's The Burbs. :D

25-Nov-2014, 04:33 PM
To me, he'll always be the military neighbor, Rumsfeld, in Joe Dante's The Burbs. :D

Ditto. :D

Looking forward to seeing this, and also looking forward to seeing Russell in another QT flick (as well as Roth and Madsen) - I thought he rocked in Death Proof. :)

25-Nov-2014, 10:44 PM
To me, he'll always be the military neighbor, Rumsfeld, in Joe Dante's The Burbs. :D

Arrrhhh yes :)

06-Nov-2015, 09:56 AM
Hmmm... The trailer fell a bit flat on me for some reason...


06-Nov-2015, 12:05 PM
I don't know why, but I keep giving Tarantino chances. Every time I see one of his new films, I say that's it, I'm done (especially after that shitfest 'Inglorious Bastards'). I didn't bother with 'Django' for ages and when I did get around to it, I was left with a big, fat, meh at the end, despite the first 2/3's of the film being relatively good.

'The Hateful Eight' more than likely will have the same effect. He hasn't made a really good film since 'Jackie Brown' and has never hit the heights, again, of 'Reservoir Dogs' and I don't think he ever will.

BTW, speaking of Kurt Russell...check out 'Bone Tomahawk' (already mentioned by Moon). It's slow and steady, but a very good debut effort from a director I'll be keeping an eye on, with a great performance by Matthew Fox and no, I'm not making that up.

06-Nov-2015, 02:48 PM
I don't know why, but I keep giving Tarantino chances. Every time I see one of his new films, I say that's it, I'm done (especially after that shitfest 'Inglorious Bastards'). I didn't bother with 'Django' for ages and when I did get around to it, I was left with a big, fat, meh at the end, despite the first 2/3's of the film being relatively good..
I've enjoyed all of his films to some degree :)

BTW, speaking of Kurt Russell...check out 'Bone Tomahawk' (already mentioned by Moon). It's slow and steady, but a very good debut effort from a director I'll be keeping an eye on, with a great performance by Matthew Fox and no, I'm not making that up.On my list now!

06-Nov-2015, 03:42 PM
Hmmm... The trailer fell a bit flat on me for some reason...

Still looking forward to it. I suspect this is the type of flick that a trailer isn't going to do a lot of justice, as I anticipate the focus is going to be on juicy dialog and the interplay of the actors.

06-Nov-2015, 05:13 PM
I always enjoy QT's flicks. Inglorious Basterds was a little bit disjointed with switching around between different characters all the time (and felt a little bit overlong), but then Django Unchained regained the sense of pace and focus, and was a hell of a fun time!

Looking forward to this one, too! :)

BTW - here's the newest (2nd) trailer just out today (the one Neil posted further down was actually the 1st trailer):


21-Dec-2015, 01:00 PM
Reviews seem +ve - http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/dec/15/the-hateful-eight-review-quentin-tarantino-takes-agatha-christie-adds-gags-more-guns-and-samuel-l-jackson

A blood-splattered murder mystery in 19th-century Wyoming is the notional plot for Tarantino’s swaggering off-message and old-fashioned three-hour masterpiece.

24-Dec-2015, 07:27 PM
I loved it! Even though it's another western from Tarantino, it couldn't be further away from Django tonally. In a strange way, this flick is like Tarantino's nod to Carpenter's The Thing. From the claustrophobic setting in a blizzard, to Ennio Morricone's score, to the basic plot of "its one of us.....but who?!?", there are many things that remind the viewer of The Thing. In fact....I'd say this is a better nod to The Thing than that prequel they released several years back! :lol:

Very enjoyable film with great performances, great score, great plot, great just about everything. I'm not sure if I could see myself watching it more than two or three times given its lengthy and talkative nature, but that initial viewing is a hell of a ride. 8/10

25-Dec-2015, 09:19 AM
I loved it! Even though it's another western from Tarantino, it couldn't be further away from Django tonally. In a strange way, this flick is like Tarantino's nod to Carpenter's The Thing. From the claustrophobic setting in a blizzard, to Ennio Morricone's score, to the basic plot of "its one of us.....but who?!?", there are many things that remind the viewer of The Thing. In fact....I'd say this is a better nod to The Thing than that prequel they released several years back! :lol:

Very enjoyable film with great performances, great score, great plot, great just about everything. I'm not sure if I could see myself watching it more than two or three times given its lengthy and talkative nature, but that initial viewing is a hell of a ride. 8/10

Good to hear! I had mixed feeloings from the trailer, but I'll be seeing it week after next here in the UK!

25-Dec-2015, 09:23 AM
I loved it! Even though it's another western from Tarantino, it couldn't be further away from Django tonally. In a strange way, this flick is like Tarantino's nod to Carpenter's The Thing. From the claustrophobic setting in a blizzard, to Ennio Morricone's score, to the basic plot of "its one of us.....but who?!?", there are many things that remind the viewer of The Thing. In fact....I'd say this is a better nod to The Thing than that prequel they released several years back! :lol:

Very enjoyable film with great performances, great score, great plot, great just about everything. I'm not sure if I could see myself watching it more than two or three times given its lengthy and talkative nature, but that initial viewing is a hell of a ride. 8/10

Sounds great! It having a Thing-like vibe to it gets me all revved up.

I probably won't get to see it until it comes out on Blu-Ray - but I'm very much looking forward to seeing it!

27-Apr-2019, 01:04 PM
A bit of thread necromancy for a surprising new release of Hateful Eight....

I haven’t had a chance to check it out, but apparently there is now a longer edit of the film available on Netflix. From what I’ve heard, it’s actually Tarantino’s personal edit that he used during the 70MM traveling roadshow that happened in America. The strange twist is that it’s separated into four parts on Netflix, much like a miniseries.

So I’m torn.....Tarantino’s additional footage is definitely alluring, but I have a hard time seeing him agree to chopping it into sections. Surely Netflix didn’t do this without his permission? Seems strange that we STILL don’t have Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair, yet this seemingly appeared on Netflix out of nowhere...

27-Apr-2019, 04:00 PM
I'd heard that the 'Roadshow' version of the movie was going to hit Netflix, but I had no idea about this 'split it into parts like a TV series' notion until just yesterday. Apparently the whole thing runs somewhere around 210 minutes BUT the vast majority of that added runtime is just the bloody credits (opening and closing) being on every 'episode'. Indeed, being that this is a sort of 'episodic' version, you can't help but wonder if there's much from the roadshow version at all (which had IIRC an interlude).

All I'd really be interested in is additional footage.

This certainly is a very weird and surprising idea.

29-Apr-2019, 04:16 PM
Love the film. Might check the longer version out.

02-May-2019, 08:04 PM
Love the film. Might check the longer version out.
There's an even longer cut?

I recall wasn't it the opening scene with a carriage just coming towards the camera for about 47 minutes?

03-May-2019, 09:53 AM
There's an even longer cut?

I recall wasn't it the opening scene with a carriage just coming towards the camera for about 47 minutes?


I looked at the comparison on MovieCensorship.com, and it seems that each 'episode' does indeed have some scene extensions at various points which usually amount to a few minutes each. The bulk of the 'overall' running time, though, comes down to the repeated opening and closing credits for each 'episode'.

I was gonna give it a looksee, but it seems Netflix UK only has the original theatrical version. It's really annoying when there's all these articles out there online about something on Netflix, but it's actually only for Netflix USA. :rolleyes:

03-May-2019, 11:53 AM
I came across an article yesterday saying that Netflix approached Tarantino about the episodic idea, then he and his editor personally put this new version together. Good to hear, Tarantino seems to be lightening up as he gets older. The whole “ten movies and I’m done” thing is slipping away, Star Trek is a real possibility, new edits, etc. Looking forward to trying this new version out!

MZ - that’s a shame it’s not available to you, I’d assumed that Netflix added it worldwide...

03-May-2019, 06:10 PM
Like so many Tarantino films, 'The Hateful Eight' starts out brilliantly and then takes a turn into stupid land. For this particular film, that turn happens with the poison coffee. The picture goes to shit after that. His best movie is still 'Reservoir Dogs'. Easily the most satisfying thing he's done, with 'Jackie Brown' and 'Pulp Fiction' following up. The rest of his stuff I don't really care too much for.

He's a strange director. Always interesting, but after 'Jackie Brown', always disappointing.

So, I couldn't really say that I'm that enthused about an even longer version of 'The Hateful Eight'. It was long enough to begin with.

Moon Knight
03-May-2019, 09:09 PM
Inglorious Bastards was fantastic with Pulp Fiction being my favorite.

Kill Bill and Django were fun too so I guess I disagree with everything after Jackie being disappointing.

H8 was his worst for sure.

03-May-2019, 11:12 PM
The first 'Kill Bill' was fine, but part 2 was pretty awful for me.

And 'Django' was pleasantly good for most of its running time. But by the third act I was done.

I absolutely hated 'Inglorious Bastards' (sorry "basterds" :rolleyes: Hate that nonsense as well).

04-May-2019, 10:45 AM
I dig 'em all.

And yep, I love "Death Proof". :thumbsup:

QT does have a tendency to be overlong with his films nowadays, though, I will say that (Reservoir Dogs was a brisk 92 minutes IIRC, and Kill Bill was about 102 IIRC). However, I still enjoy them a hell of a lot and go back for repeated viewings.

12-May-2019, 02:46 PM
So I gave the extended Netflix version a look see. I’d seen the theatrical release maybe two or three times prior, not nearly enough to have it all memorized, but I honestly didn’t catch anything that stood out as additional footage in this Extended Cut??

I enjoyed it, same as the previous edit, but I expected at least a scene or two to stand out as being new, but nope....didn’t notice anything of the sort. So if you’re not able to see this new version, don’t fret over it, as I personally didn’t see anything that makes it worth a special viewing. All-in-all, it felt exactly the same as the theatrical edit, so you can just enjoy that one again and get the same affect, only without the episode separation and credits every forty five minutes.

12-May-2019, 04:20 PM
Movie-Censorship.com has comparisons of the theatrical and Netflix versions.

Ep1: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=385858

Ep2: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=91672

Ep3: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=559405

Ep4: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=114621

12-May-2019, 04:51 PM
Movie-Censorship.com has comparisons of the theatrical and Netflix versions.

Ep1: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=385858

Ep2: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=91672

Ep3: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=559405

Ep4: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=114621

Wow! Surprised to see so many differences and I didn’t really pick up on any of them! Granted, most of them are very minor.