View Full Version : Pff. Hodgkin's. Crap.

03-Sep-2014, 03:02 AM
Hey all, blind here. (I'm working on not being as annoying as I usually am).
I just wanted y'all to know that I was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. I've had a few CT scans, a biopsy, FNA, ultrasounds, echocardiogram, and PF Tests. My chemo treatment should start pretty soon, after the port insertion early Thursday morning. No one should panic, as the chance of me dying from it with the treatment is like really really low. It just sucks to have all these tumors around and on my neck. Feels kinda like my own body is slowly trying to strangle me. It's harder to swallow, and I can't really talk above a whisper right now. I'm basically venting here, but if anyone's genuinely interested, that's cool too. Oh, and I watched Dawn again today for maybe the 23rd time, but the first time in like two years. It's still as good as I remember. Okay, I love you, buhbye.

Port surgery pushed back to Friday, late morning, due to stuff. Stuff I don't really know anything about.

03-Sep-2014, 09:05 AM
I'm so very sorry to hear this! But I'm glad you seem +ve and upbeat about the prognisis/future!

Cancer is a total f***er, so I truly hope you overcome/beat it!

You have my total admiration and sincere hopes for the best!

03-Sep-2014, 10:30 AM
Shit dude, that really sucks - but your positive attitude and prognosis is good.

I wish you well and all the very best for a speedy recovery!

I too watched Dawn again recently ... I've lost count of how many times I've seen it ... but it's still a good flick that has managed to hold my admiration for half my life thus far. It's funny, sometimes you watch a movie for the umpteenth time, a movie you're so familiar with you can say all the lines of dialogue along with it, even predict the music cues and sound effects, but now and then out of the blue something will strike you about that oh-so-familiar film that you didn't really notice before.

A couple of viewings of Dawn ago, I noticed just how full-on the first two chunks of Dawn are (the TV studio bit and the apartment block raid). They're pretty intense, and I noticed more than ever just how good Romero's editing was. The rhythm of it, the sparkiness of it, the sense of flow - it's breathless. :)

03-Sep-2014, 06:33 PM
Hell yeah, Minion! I noticed that too while I was watching it; the editing I mean. It's just so... How to describe it? It keeps moving. There are down moments, sure, but they seem few and far between, without being jarring. It's really just brilliant. Vast difference from today's action sh!t where you can't tell what's going on, and the camera's drunk most of the time. How can that kind of thing affect one emotionally? It doesn't work for me, in any case, but Dawn is just a masterwork. Fran, Roger and Peter are like old friends now. Screw Stephen. He's a jerk. But yeah...
"Yeah, trucks!"
Thanks for the well-wishing also. Much appreciated.

03-Sep-2014, 09:22 PM
Hell yeah, Minion! I noticed that too while I was watching it; the editing I mean. It's just so... How to describe it? It keeps moving.
And that was in the day of real editing with scissors and tape!

04-Sep-2014, 10:15 AM
And that was in the day of real editing with scissors and tape!

Indeed - even more impressive!

Yes, Romero's editing is more about rhythm. I agree with you blind2d, nowadays it seems to be just smashing a bunch of wobbly footage together digitally and you've no idea what's going on half the time. Fortunately, while we end up with awful editing and camerawork such as that in the Transformers movies and its ilk, we get something like The Raid 2 where we know exactly what's going on, we see the choreography in-full, and we understand the physical space that the people are occupying.

The modern way can be handled way, but it's incredibly easy to handle it poorly ... even good movies suffer from dodgy moments of editing. They could do with taking a leaf out of Romero's book. It also helped that he got so much coverage, so because of the amount of shots he was able to get, that increased the tension or pace of a scene. There's kind of a home invasion sequence in Season of the Witch (aka Jack's Wife) that blew me away - the film itself isn't his best work, and it's a little bit dull here and there, but man ... that sequence just comes out swinging and all of a sudden you're gripped like nobody's business and it's all down to the editing ... and yet the editing never makes a big show of itself (i.e. like today's worst offenders where it shows itself by making viewers not understand what's going on, or going stupidly fast) ... you're focused on the scene, not the editing, yet it's the editing that's got you gripped so tightly. :cool:

Films like The Crazies, and Martin, in addition to the standard bearers of Night and Dawn, really show off Romero's top quality editing.

04-Sep-2014, 11:51 AM
Good luck with everything, man. I'm sure you & the doctors have this by the ass!
Let us know how you're doing when you can.

04-Sep-2014, 02:23 PM
Good luck with everything, man. I'm sure you & the doctors have this by the ass!
Let us know how you're doing when you can.

Thanks, zim. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes (bone marrow biopsy, Port installation, and first injection of chemo). Yes. By the ass. :)

04-Sep-2014, 03:10 PM
I wish you all the best, lots of strenght, friendship and your usual sense of humour in beating this Blind!

Always enjoyed coming to this place and reading your at times pretty far out and always funny posts. Being a Damon Albarn/Gorillaz fan helps with that I suppose.
On that note: listened to the Albarn solo album yet? It's pretty good. It kinda grows on you after a while like most good albums do.

and yeah, Dawn ... It's the gift that keeps on giving isn't it. The editing on that film is like music, the 'beats' are perfect. It may be dated in some places but the rythm of that film is what keeps me coming back to it as well. Just perfect.

05-Sep-2014, 12:54 AM
My best to you, Blind. You're young, strong and...ahem...quirky enough to pimpsmack any brand of cancer that rears its ugly head in your system. I know it sucks, even if I can't imagine the situation, I've known enough people with lymphoma to know the treatment will be quite the road to travel. The good thing is you've got this. You've got it by the ass!

You ever need anything, please PM.


05-Sep-2014, 02:59 AM
Wow, thanks kris and Aces!!

Gotta go get some sleep now, but I'm just amazed at the posts from you guys. I... I feel all mushy 'n stuff now... Seriously, no sarcasm. I haven't been this emotional about something from an internet forum since I first saw World War Z or something... I'm tired, apologies. I'm just glad you folks remember me, even though it's practically criminal how little I've been on here in the last couple years or so. Place seems a little more dead than usual, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, is it?

Just watched 'The Seventh Seal' for the first time a few weeks ago, also. Excellent film. I know everyone says that, but it's true.

Thanks, Aces. I'll do that. :) Well, off to bed.

05-Sep-2014, 07:27 AM
Sorry to hear of your troubles lad. The good news is the thing to hold onto. Sod the rest.

Good luck with the surgery and keep upbeat.

05-Sep-2014, 10:30 AM
Hey Blind, Sorry to hear of your news.I don't know you personally, but, My thoughts
and best wishes are with you at this time for a speedy recovery.

Your posts have often made me chuckle!

My father has been receiving chemo for bowel cancer for the last 2+ years. So i've seen
first hand some of the lows and highs. There's no doubt, it's a tough journey.
But with a steely resolve, determination and a generous pinch of humour , I'm sure you'll
get there.

We hope to find out sometime December whether he's finally got it 'kicked into touch'
Fingers crossed

Good Luck with everything & as others have said, if you need anything....


06-Sep-2014, 04:28 AM
Sorry to hear this kid. If there's a bright side to this, it's at least it's one of the most treatable & least life threatening forms of the vile disease. Stay strong young man, & know that all of your online friends in these parts wish you all the best. :)

06-Sep-2014, 05:15 AM
Wow, thanks again, everyone! I really mean it. So today went well... Bone marrow biopsy hurt like a muthabucka, but only for a minute or so, thank the maker (Oh! Two pop culture references in one sentence, WHAAAAT?!). But seriously, avoid all similar operations whenever possible. Most unpleasant. The port was worse on the fear side of things, but not so bad since at least they konked me out successfully. Port still is sore and ugly, with bruising beneath the large part. And lastly first round of chemo injections went just swimmingly. No horrible side effects (at least not yet), and I got to listen to mah tunes whilst it was going down. Plus my nurse was really cute. So yep, definitely could have been worse. Thanks an umpteenth time for the well-wishes, everyone. I really can't fully express my gratitude for your concern and just general awesomeness. Screw tumblr, this is a REAL internet community!

06-Sep-2014, 07:20 PM
Sounds absolutely horrible. All I can say is that I wish you all the best - Those of us who are in good health (possibly even yourself up until a few weeks ago) simply do not realise how lucky we are...it puts everything into perspective.

Hang in there mate!

Edit: Drinking a glass of Grolsch at this moment...raising it to you and toasting your health. :)

06-Sep-2014, 11:43 PM
Thanks Legion, you're a pal! :) Side note: I quit drinking alcohol recently, before the cancer diagnosis, but you go ahead. I'm still equally honored by the gesture as I would have been back before I became a sober prude. Thank you again. It really does mean a lot. Oh, I guess I should make a small update too. I'm doing okay after yesterday, but still sore in a couple places and I can't fully raise my right arm at the moment. Other than that just general fatigue, and slight nausea. So yeah, could be worse. Still sucks, of course, but hey, there you are.

16-Sep-2014, 03:36 AM
Hey, so happy update on my condition!
I went to my oncologist this afternoon and he told me a few really awesome things. First, my bone marrow in perfectly normal! Yay, no more biopsies there, hopefully. Second, my white blood cell count is normal, which was a bit of a worry at this stage of the treatments, but yay, the little guys are troopers! Thirdly, it's confirmed as Type 2 A Hodgkin's, which is great, since it goes up to four, and all that. Speaking of four, I've got about 11 more chemo's until we might end this thing, on a regular two-week basis (once every two weeks, so.... five or six months?).
My throat's feeling loads better, and I can sort of talk and eat/drink anything with ease. So yes, everything's looking up here now. Dunno how soon I'll be back on my board, but other than that I feel about 80%. Gotta stop losing weight though... I'm too skinny as it is.

16-Sep-2014, 07:32 AM
^^ Good stuff! Glad to hear things up the upturn!

16-Sep-2014, 10:44 AM
Great news there dude, all marching forth in the right direction. :cool::thumbsup::)

All the best for the rest of your treatment as well.

16-Sep-2014, 11:20 AM
That's fantastic news buddy, particularly on the white BC count!

You never know how much you need those little b*****s until you
call on them.

Got to keep your weight up - it's creamcakes and bacon butties
all the way (mmmmmm bacon).

PS and stop chasing the cute nurses around, it's bad for your
blood pressure - tell them to climb on instead!!! LOL :D

All the best - R

16-Sep-2014, 05:46 PM
Great news. Definitely puts a smile on my face reading all's going in the direction it should bloody well go!
Keep at it Blind2d.

16-Sep-2014, 11:16 PM
Great news, blind! Keep on fighting cause it sounds like you are winnng. The white blood cell count news is awesome. Eaf lots of your favorite kind of ice cream and top it with bacon, that should put some weight on ya. Best of luck, ill be thinking good thoights for you.

18-Sep-2014, 08:52 PM
Glad to hear things are looking up. :) I had/have positive hopes for ya. :thumbsup:

18-Sep-2014, 10:32 PM

18-Sep-2014, 11:57 PM
Good news there B2D. Hang in there.

Chemo's a bitch though, I'd say. Hope it isn't too bad for you. Keep the chin up.

19-Sep-2014, 12:41 AM
it especially sucks when someone as young as you are gets whacked with the cancer stick. you're hardly old enough to develop the bad habits that lead to cancer. :lol:

I bet when you are my age (and you WILL make it) you will look back on life with an appreciation that most folks just don't have.

19-Sep-2014, 02:51 AM
it especially sucks when someone as young as you are gets whacked with the cancer stick. you're hardly old enough to develop the bad habits that lead to cancer. :lol:

I bet when you are my age (and you WILL make it) you will look back on life with an appreciation that most folks just don't have.

Yep, but at least I've tried 'em a bit.

I'm sure I will, Mike. And thanks for all the well-wishing and concern, not just you of course but every single one of you who has posted on this thread. You're sort of my internet family, and I can't express how grateful I am to have your friendship. :) Chemo #2 tomorrow...

31-Oct-2014, 03:06 AM
Good news, everyone!
I got the results of the PET scan today (the one I took yesterday), and it seems we've got this cancer thing on the run! My oncologist even used the 'R' word (remission)! So yay! Gotta keep doing the chemo for now, and the white blood cell boosters, but progress is being made, and now I have some peace of mind. :) Thought y'all would like to know.

31-Oct-2014, 03:43 AM
Good news, everyone!
I got the results of the PET scan today (the one I took yesterday), and it seems we've got this cancer thing on the run! My oncologist even used the 'R' word (remission)! So yay! Gotta keep doing the chemo for now, and the white blood cell boosters, but progress is being made, and now I have some peace of mind. :) Thought y'all would like to know.

Glad to hear it! Keep on keepin' on on the road to recovery! :) :thumbsup:

31-Oct-2014, 06:43 AM
I'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee reading this with a huge grin on my face. Great news! Keep it up Blind.

31-Oct-2014, 09:34 AM
Good news, everyone!
I got the results of the PET scan today (the one I took yesterday), and it seems we've got this cancer thing on the run! My oncologist even used the 'R' word (remission)! So yay! Gotta keep doing the chemo for now, and the white blood cell boosters, but progress is being made, and now I have some peace of mind. :) Thought y'all would like to know.

That's great! That's really made my morning!

31-Oct-2014, 10:03 AM
That's awesome! Thanks for the update.

31-Oct-2014, 10:36 AM
Kick arse news, Sir, kick arse news! :thumbsup:

31-Oct-2014, 12:28 PM
Good news, everyone!
I got the results of the PET scan today (the one I took yesterday), and it seems we've got this cancer thing on the run! My oncologist even used the 'R' word (remission)! So yay! Gotta keep doing the chemo for now, and the white blood cell boosters, but progress is being made, and now I have some peace of mind. :) Thought y'all would like to know.

Awesome news! Definitely keep on with the therapy though. I expect a full on recovery from you in the next few months so don't disappoint. ;)

31-Oct-2014, 01:27 PM
Great stuff Blind. Good to hear the positive news.

01-Nov-2014, 03:56 AM
Thanks, everyone! :D *salutes to zim* Yes sir. I'll do my best/ganbarimasu. Happy Halloween all.

16-Dec-2014, 03:07 AM

Had my last round of chemo today, and now they want me to do the radiation thing. Two or three straight weeks (10-15 days) of treatment in January, most likely, and then maybe we can say goodbye to this cancer nonsense. I feel like crap. ;) Good night.

16-Dec-2014, 09:48 AM

Had my last round of chemo today, and now they want me to do the radiation thing. Two or three straight weeks (10-15 days) of treatment in January, most likely, and then maybe we can say goodbye to this cancer nonsense. I feel like crap. ;) Good night.

Well here's hoping that this will all soon be behind you and you'll be able to get back to normal. :)

16-Dec-2014, 10:30 PM


17-Dec-2014, 08:29 AM

Had my last round of chemo today, and now they want me to do the radiation thing. Two or three straight weeks (10-15 days) of treatment in January, most likely, and then maybe we can say goodbye to this cancer nonsense. I feel like crap. ;) Good night.

Fingers crossed for you buddy!

21-Dec-2014, 11:39 PM
Thanks, everyone. Well, I'm off for my Christmas vacation now. Take care, all.

22-Dec-2014, 09:35 AM
Thanks, everyone. Well, I'm off for my Christmas vacation now. Take care, all.

Merry Christmas dude, have a nice time ... and indeed, Merry Christmas/whatever to one and all at HPOTD. :)

24-Dec-2014, 10:14 PM

Had my last round of chemo today, and now they want me to do the radiation thing. Two or three straight weeks (10-15 days) of treatment in January, most likely, and then maybe we can say goodbye to this cancer nonsense. I feel like crap. ;) Good night.

Thanks, everyone. Well, I'm off for my Christmas vacation now. Take care, all.

Missed your last update. Glad everything is proceeding well & enjoy your holiday. :)

20-Mar-2015, 03:51 PM
Hey everyone. So! Radiation was successful and now I'm basically 100% cancer free! :D Yay! Sorry I didn't update earlier. I'm a lazy sod. Anywho, just wanted to tell y'all. Also, this new round of Walking Dead episodes is pretty freakin' sweet, right? I love 'em. Thanks for the support, guys. It means a lot.

20-Mar-2015, 04:20 PM
Great news, man! Glad to hear it!

20-Mar-2015, 05:24 PM
Sounds great. I can't even begin to imagine what it feels like, but I'm so glad you pulled through and I'm so glad you get to enjoy the walking dead. A simple pleasure for many, but I suppose when you're facing potential death something so small can become a very joyous occasion.

20-Mar-2015, 05:52 PM
Congratulations, dude - very glad to hear it!

And aye, TWD has been majorly rockin' it. :)

21-Mar-2015, 12:16 AM
Hey everyone. So! Radiation was successful and now I'm basically 100% cancer free! :D Yay! Sorry I didn't update earlier. I'm a lazy sod. Anywho, just wanted to tell y'all. Also, this new round of Walking Dead episodes is pretty freakin' sweet, right? I love 'em. Thanks for the support, guys. It means a lot.

Really good news to hear a positive story like yours B2D. I'm genuinely happy for you.

Take care.

And yes, 'The Walking Dead' this year has been the best ever IMHO.


21-Mar-2015, 12:34 AM
Hey everyone. So! Radiation was successful and now I'm basically 100% cancer free! :D Yay! Sorry I didn't update earlier. I'm a lazy sod. Anywho, just wanted to tell y'all. Also, this new round of Walking Dead episodes is pretty freakin' sweet, right? I love 'em. Thanks for the support, guys. It means a lot.

Vey glad to hear it! I had a good feeling all all along that you'd whip that cancers ass. :D

21-Mar-2015, 04:14 PM
Hey everyone. So! Radiation was successful and now I'm basically 100% cancer free! :D Yay! Sorry I didn't update earlier. I'm a lazy sod. Anywho, just wanted to tell y'all. Also, this new round of Walking Dead episodes is pretty freakin' sweet, right? I love 'em. Thanks for the support, guys. It means a lot.

That's some awesome sauce right there, Blind. A big double thumbs up from this guy :thumbsup:, though I'm sure they'll want you keep on with the follow ups for a while yet. Still, great job, kiddo.