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View Full Version : LOL! What a difference some music makes...

13-Sep-2014, 08:50 PM
Take John Williams out of the closing ceremony and what do you get?


14-Sep-2014, 03:10 AM
I must thank you deeply sir for bestowing upon me the priceless gift of mirthful urination. My soiled undergarments speak of the high caliber that this humorous viewing doth portend, the sour aroma a sweet smell of victory for all who may appreciate such exquisite diversions. I take my hat off to you sir, and wish for the chance to someday show recompense for this most bountiful of presents. Bravo, sir, bravo.

14-Sep-2014, 09:54 AM
Loved Chewie just randomly screaming for no reason. :lol:

14-Sep-2014, 04:56 PM
Loved Chewie just randomly screaming for no reason. :lol:
Sounded more like he stepped on a nail.