View Full Version : Chappie (film) - Blomkamp's next film

05-Nov-2014, 09:50 AM
I know Elysium wasn't rated very highly, so fingers crossed this is an improvement. It looks interesting from the trailer!


05-Nov-2014, 10:20 AM
Now that looks more like it! Really looking forward to seeing that.

District 9 rocked ... but Elysium was kinda meh ... it was too seri-arse for it's own good and lacked the balanced sense of fun that District 9 had while also telling a serious story. Plus, there were some collosal plot holes in Elysium and the politics were so simplified and yah-boo-ish that it just rankled. There were still numerous good points about Elysium, but it was a decided step down from District 9 - "Chappie" looks far more interesting and, from the trailer at least, seems like it's got more of a balance to the feel of its story.

Looks really cool. I'm already rooting for Chappie! :thumbsup:

05-Nov-2014, 11:06 AM

06-Nov-2014, 02:53 PM
I'm looking forward to this and will definitely check it out.....but....I can't be the only person that thought of Short Circuit and Johnny 5?....

06-Nov-2014, 02:59 PM
I'm looking forward to this and will definitely check it out.....but....I can't be the only person that thought of Short Circuit and Johnny 5?....

I did!

06-Nov-2014, 04:51 PM
I'm looking forward to this and will definitely check it out.....but....I can't be the only person that thought of Short Circuit and Johnny 5?....

Yarp, same here.

I love those movies!

09-Jan-2015, 09:33 PM

19-Feb-2015, 06:03 PM

07-Mar-2015, 09:34 AM
Reviews have been hit and miss. Here's a miss one from AICN - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/70622

From its screeching dance music soundtrack to its tendency to blow everything up and save its one clearly inspired moment for the very end of the film, CHAPPPIE is a film loaded with big—even great—ideas, few of which are executed with any style or substance. It's as if Blomkamp is afraid that if he turns the volume down and slows the action, we'll notice something flawed in his storytelling. If anything, the opposite is true. The louder and faster things get, the more flaws we notice being covered up. Even after the failure of ELYSIUM to connect, CHAPPPIE is still a major disappointment.

07-Mar-2015, 09:37 AM
Mark Kermode gave it a somewhat iffy review, but his main gripe seemed to be the tonal balance of the film rather than anything else.

It does seem to be getting mixed reviews, but I'm still looking forward to seeing it.

07-Mar-2015, 05:01 PM
I've yet to see Chappie, but after Elyisum I'm already getting a bit bored with Blomkamp's style. All three films appear to feel the same. He's said that District 9, Elysium, and Chappie are all a sort of unofficial trilogy, so hopefully he can branch out into new territories with his future films and not come off as a one hit wonder with repetitive style.

08-Mar-2015, 10:09 AM
I really liked 'District 9'. I thought the idea behind 'Elyisum' was good, but the execution was "meh" and I have no doubt in my mind that 'Chappie' will only be a "so-so" affair going on the trailer.

I also really dislike when directors say the three totally unconnected films are a "trilogy", simply because they directed them. They're not.