View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! TWD 5x05 "Self Help" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

09-Nov-2014, 11:06 AM
Please keep all talk of episode 5x05 "Self Help" specifically inside this thread.

If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).

Similarly, if you're going to discuss plot points from the comic book, please use "spoiler tags" - not everyone is up-to-date on them, and some people don't read them at all.


Episode 505: “Self Help” - “A new set of issues confront our group while on a mission. Will they be able to push through and survive these challenges? Or better yet, each other?”

Directed by: Ernest Dickerson, Written by: Heather Bellson & Seth Hoffman


Got a feelin' this is going to be more of an action packed episode.

09-Nov-2014, 04:16 PM
Aye, and it looks like it will be totally focused on the Washington storyline as well. Maybe they can flesh out the "cure group" a bit more, make them a bit more interesting.

(so long as there are no pre-zombie flashbacks, I watch TWD for zombie action).

Moon Knight
09-Nov-2014, 07:24 PM
Ernest Dickerson directing? Fuck yeah.

10-Nov-2014, 02:10 AM
Sooo...the mullet is out of the bag now...didn't expect it so soon!

10-Nov-2014, 02:16 AM
Wasn't really anything revealing in this episode for readers of the comic. Next episode looks promising!

10-Nov-2014, 02:39 AM
I've given Abraham a hard time. Though aware of Eugenes truth I struggled with Abrahams blind devotion. I will cut him some slack. Lost his family, made the decision to opt out, and Eugene gave him the the mission oriented reason to survive. Still a bit dumb but ok Abraham, I'll back off. Nice job nailing Rosita. Prime ass in the appocolypse is hard to come by.

I have to add , our group isn't very good at driving. How many times have incidents occurred a short distance down the road. Lori, Daryl I'm sure more. This probably falls under Wylde's lazy writing idea. I've seen enough vehicles flippin over watching 'A-team' 'Dukes' 'Fall Guy' etc, that they really didn't need to do it. I think it's time to take Tara's plan and peddle bikes. I really hope they left a message at the bus for team Rick that they survived crash. That scene could demoralize team Rick from continuing.

10-Nov-2014, 05:38 AM
Beware false prophets and all that,
Abraham was coming unglued regardless, with his insistence on trying to plough through a mega-herd that would've been complete suicide. Eugene just brought the BS out in the open. The sad reality is/was that Eugene coulda been all he claimed to be, but Abraham was never going to get him and anyone else following him to Washington. A leader has to be flexible, and responsive to the needs of the group. Abraham was just the opposite, becoming more rigidly inflexible the more time that went by.

If I were any of the rest of the group, now's a damned good time to backtrack and link up with Rick & Co. Fifteen miles may be a decent distance in their reality, but since there's no real reason to have divided the group in the first place, it only makes sense to reunify it rather than continue stumbling around as two separate groups.

Good episode.

Postscript: As for the bus crash, I was fine with it. Eugene's exposition where he explains how and why he sabotaged the bus makes it a valid plot element, as opposed to trite if they'd just had it "happen" to crash.

10-Nov-2014, 11:33 AM
Great episode.
Completely forgot about Abrahams back story.

10-Nov-2014, 11:51 AM
I thought WD would squander the good it got last week, but this was by WD standards anyway a passable episode.

Moon Knight
10-Nov-2014, 02:25 PM
The way Eugene hit the pavement after Abraham knocked him silly was hilarious. I was afraid they would have killed off Rosita, I wanna see more of her. I forgot all about Abraham's backstory too so it was cool see it played off here; and I dig the approach they took in that narrative.

Let's just see who is the first to complain about the water hose haha.

Good episode.

10-Nov-2014, 03:05 PM
The way Eugene hit the pavement after Abraham knocked him silly was hilarious. I was afraid they would have killed off Rosita, I wanna see more of her. I forgot all about Abraham's backstory too so it was cool see it played off here; and I dig the approach they took in that narrative.

Let's just see who is the first to complain about the water hose haha.

Good episode.

When Eugene hit, all I could think of was yelling "World star, you got knocked da fuq out". After last nights episode I wanna see a whole lot more of Rosita. Very bold move of her to place her hand on her handgun when she stepped between a KO'd Eugene and Abraham.

10-Nov-2014, 03:18 PM
Top episode - I really enjoyed it! I thought it had a good mix of humour and horror - e.g. Eugene in the "self help" section versus Abraham's flashbacks, which were handled well I think. You could have easily gone over the top, but as it was from Abraham's POV you wouldn't see what happened to his family at the supermarket anyway - and I'm glad we didn't see it.

I don't recall if that was in the main comics, or if it was some sort of Free Comic Book Day tie-in or something ... if it was in the main comics then I must have forgotten about that revelation. I knew that his family was dead, but I didn't recall the circumstances. Very grim stuff and a horrifying thing to think about when Cuddlitz talked about it further on Talking Dead (that those were Abraham's neighbours who perpetrated the crime against his "family" ... the fact that he didn't say "wife", but "family", made it even more horrifying).

Loved the firehose walker massacre - good to see that even now, after all these walker kills, they're still finding cool new ways to dispatch them!

Sooo...the mullet is out of the bag now...didn't expect it so soon!

I'm glad that they didn't drag it out any longer. I think they revealed it at just the right time here, and in some ways as soon as they could have done. I was impressed by how they played it out, as well. Abraham didn't half flip his shit!

I have to add , our group isn't very good at driving. How many times have incidents occurred a short distance down the road. Lori, Daryl I'm sure more. This probably falls under Wylde's lazy writing idea. I've seen enough vehicles flippin over watching 'A-team' 'Dukes' 'Fall Guy' etc, that they really didn't need to do it. I think it's time to take Tara's plan and peddle bikes. I really hope they left a message at the bus for team Rick that they survived crash. That scene could demoralize team Rick from continuing.

Let's be honest, if the bus just went head-first into the parked car and stopped that'd be fairly shit ... realistic, but not exactly spectacular ... the classic, yet physically unlikely, 'car rocketing into the air' is a staple of all on-screen car wrecks. :D

The way Eugene hit the pavement after Abraham knocked him silly was hilarious. I was afraid they would have killed off Rosita, I wanna see more of her. I forgot all about Abraham's backstory too so it was cool see it played off here; and I dig the approach they took in that narrative.

1) I have to admit I did get a sick little chuckle out of that ... that dead straight fall style is comedy gold.


There was another brilliant comedy fall from "Red Dwarf" (when Cat knocks himself out when attacking a baddie), but I can't find it on YouTube.

2) I know just what more you wanna see of her too, you mucky pup. ;)

Speaking of Rosita - I loved it when she stepped in front of Abraham with her hand on her gun and ready for a show down ... badass. :cool:

TWD 5x05 Memes:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PeN3A_q-tfo/VGDeu_tox5I/AAAAAAAADUg/6VMeUtW45RM/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_5x05_Abraham_Rosita _Eugene_Shave_Me_Dolphin_Smooth_DeadShed.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YTDaPFNFv4g/VGDetxePA9I/AAAAAAAADUU/fFSaun4blgs/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_5x05_Abraham_Rosita _Eugene_Self_Help_Section_Voyeur_Watching_Book_50_ Shades_Grabraham_DeadShed_CH.jpg

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TjukQoecOno/VGDewGxg-NI/AAAAAAAADUs/lh0BTJLWJhU/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_5x05_Question_Do_Wa lkers_Poop_Answer_DeadShed.jpg

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-atz6Y-juI-8/VGDeuapnnRI/AAAAAAAADUc/voJ7T3Sb5-c/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_5x05_Abraham_Rosita _Eugene_Tara_Self_Help_Voyeur_Enjoy_Female_Form_Me _Too_Oh_Hell_Yeah_Score_DeadShed.jpg


Moon Knight
10-Nov-2014, 03:47 PM
Minion, you saw what I did there. ☺️

Yeah, dude, when Rosita went for her gun was pretty cool. A minor detail but adds a lot to her character. As one of the few Latin characters on TWD, I'm definitely rooting for her!

10-Nov-2014, 09:44 PM
Majorly enjoyed this episode. It felt like we got to now Abe, Rosita and Eugene a bit more and Tara seems to be growing as a character.

I loved, Loved, LOVED the water hose kills and the sick humour of Abe laughing at the message written on the floor. It was also a nice touch that Glenn caught scent of the herd way before they saw it, nice little detail that one. I was also glad to see the revelation from Eugene in this environment because it was just perfect timing. Overall it was a nice mix of action, comedy and character down time. It was a massive step up from last week.

Abraham's flashbacks, which were handled well I think.

I agree that the content was great and it added depth to a potentially great character. I knew the story from the comics but it was nice to see it play out on tv. Was it just me though or did the edits seem slightly off. It seemed as though they moved very quickly from a flashback to "modern day"? I wondered if the UK version was getting butchered again?

11-Nov-2014, 08:49 AM
Glad they didn't stretch out Billy the Fish's scientist nonsense. I wouldn't know how anyone with an ounce of grey matter would look at him and go yeah...that guy's a scientist.

Having read the comics, that reveal was known to me, but I liked the way they handled it.

Abe is a dope, and just cos he lost his family doesn't make him any less a dope. But, I hope they don't suddenly change him into a Mensa candidate now that his main "intro" story is finished.

A decent episode over all though. This year is doing well with good episodes I think.

11-Nov-2014, 09:22 AM
I agree that the content was great and it added depth to a potentially great character. I knew the story from the comics but it was nice to see it play out on tv. Was it just me though or did the edits seem slightly off. It seemed as though they moved very quickly from a flashback to "modern day"? I wondered if the UK version was getting butchered again?

I think that was just how the show was edited together in the first place, to make the transition more jarring.

11-Nov-2014, 01:37 PM
I think that was just how the show was edited together in the first place, to make the transition more jarring.

Ah right I just wondered because Fox UK have cut episodes before so I thought it was an option.

It didn’t change the fact it was a great episode and it feels as though we had some quality time with Abe, Rosita, Eugene and to an extent Tara which makes them feel more like a part of the group. I really like all four of those and this episode kind of added to that.

Moon Knight
11-Nov-2014, 04:38 PM
Thinking about the episode more really unravels certain elements of Abraham's character to me. Now I understand why he didnt want to stay put in any one location and preferred to keep moving on with his mission; the haunting memory of what happened to his family wouldn't cross his mind if this false sense of hope wasn't occupying him. It gave him something to work towards to, a goal, anything to take his mind off the horrors of this new world. Him roughing up Eugene and the look of fear in Rosita brought all that terror back once he realized there wasn't any hope at all.

11-Nov-2014, 04:47 PM
Ah right I just wondered because Fox UK have cut episodes before so I thought it was an option.

It didn’t change the fact it was a great episode and it feels as though we had some quality time with Abe, Rosita, Eugene and to an extent Tara which makes them feel more like a part of the group. I really like all four of those and this episode kind of added to that.

Yeah it was definitely a good way to get to know Abraham/Eugene/Rosita more and establish them more firmly, likewise with Tara. I look forward to hopefully seeing them back with Team Rick and mixing them all in together and get to see some different on-screen partnerships play out in little stories here and there. We needed some time alone with these characters and we got that, and it was a spiffing episode ... you really get a whack in the gut from Abraham's back story and man, that moment where he just goes straight for his gun and sticks it in his mouth without even pausing for thought, it's just so automatic ... it was chilling. The more you think about the details of his back story, the more effed up it is ... and now that his one reason for surviving has been shown up as a total lie, he's right back to square one. This dude's been masking this pain for however long it's been - months, more than a year maybe - and all of a sudden everything comes crashing down, the little barriers he set up to shut away the agony of losing his family specifically because of the monster he unleashed from within himself to - quite justifiably - annihilate the brutes who raped his family (his former neighbours for crying out loud!) ... chilling stuff indeed!

Oh and this week's Talking Dead was excellent - Cudlitz and McDermott seem like really nice, fun guys, and their chemistry together was a lot of fun to watch ... I prefer it when TWD members outnumber the famous fan guests (in this case all three were TWD family members).

Moon Knight
11-Nov-2014, 05:04 PM
Yeah it was definitely a good way to get to know Abraham/Eugene/Rosita more and establish them more firmly, likewise with Tara. I look forward to hopefully seeing them back with Team Rick and mixing them all in together and get to see some different on-screen partnerships play out in little stories here and there. We needed some time alone with these characters and we got that, and it was a spiffing episode ... you really get a whack in the gut from Abraham's back story and man, that moment where he just goes straight for his gun and sticks it in his mouth without even pausing for thought, it's just so automatic ... it was chilling. The more you think about the details of his back story, the more effed up it is ... and now that his one reason for surviving has been shown up as a total lie, he's right back to square one. This dude's been masking this pain for however long it's been - months, more than a year maybe - and all of a sudden everything comes crashing down, the little barriers he set up to shut away the agony of losing his family specifically because of the monster he unleashed from within himself to - quite justifiably - annihilate the brutes who raped his family (his former neighbours for crying out loud!) ... chilling stuff indeed!

Oh and this week's Talking Dead was excellent - Cudlitz and McDermott seem like really nice, fun guys, and their chemistry together was a lot of fun to watch ... I prefer it when TWD members outnumber the famous fan guests (in this case all three were TWD family members).

I still want to know Rosita's backstory, dammit! Haha

If a bland character like Beth can get some time why not Rosita? I hope she doesn't get T-Dogged. :(

11-Nov-2014, 06:24 PM
So.. Is Eugene dead from that punch/fall?

11-Nov-2014, 07:50 PM
So.. Is Eugene dead from that punch/fall?

If only he'd had that party up front, and put the business in back.

Reverse mullets save lives.

11-Nov-2014, 08:25 PM
So.. Is Eugene dead from that punch/fall?

He made pretty damn unpleasant noise when he hit the floor.

Gotta say, when he shouted that he wasn't a scientist and I saw Abrahams face, I shat my pants a little bit (especially after seeing him playing his own version of "supermarket sweep" in flashbacks) :eek:

Good episode overall. Season 5 is rocking every kind of way!

Oh, and that static herd just a-wandering around was creepy as fuck...were they at a slaughterhouse or something?

11-Nov-2014, 11:10 PM
I was on tenterhooks as to the fate of Carole, Beth & whoever Darryl had brought back to camp from the last couple of episodes, so I found this one to be a bit of a let down. Maybe that opinon will change once we soon get to mid-season break, and presumably the survivors are reunited & faced with another mid-season cliff-hanger.

The good stuff was negated by some of the 'night' scenes where they were so dark I might as well have been listening to the radio, (a niggle in some of the other episodes this season as well)... The bus crash was another eye-roll.... on a par with Lori's crash IMHO which drew vitriol here at the time.

Still it was nice to see Rosita, Eugene & Abraham characters develop more... Abraham's back-story was a highlight as was some of his dialogue. Eugene's use of the water cannon was also neat, though perhaps uncharacteristic. Pity too that Abraham didn't see the truck until after the group had to use the toilet water to drink!

Overall impression was disappointing, but will no doubt still tune in next week...

PS: What did Eugene say about the priest after the crash? I've listened to it a few times & can't make it out.

11-Nov-2014, 11:31 PM
PS: What did Eugene say about the priest after the crash? I've listened to it a few times & can't make it out.
I had a hard time making that out, but he was definitely haunted by the parallel between his and the Priest's complicity in the deaths of others, which was nice to see.

I really enjoyed this episode, as these characters needed to be filled out a bit for the viewing audience. I was also glad they didn't leave the D.C. angle hanging out in the wind too long.

12-Nov-2014, 01:58 AM
If only he'd had that party up front, and put the business in back.

Reverse mullets save lives.
Pearls of wisdom to tuck away for laterz...

So.. Is Eugene dead from that punch/fall?
I thought he wasn't doing a very good job of NOT spoiling it on Talking Dead. I saw him look nervously a time or two at Gale. Obviosly we haven't seen the last of him, but he might very well be eating his mashed potatos through a straw and drooling alot. Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

If a bland character like Beth can get some time why not Rosita? I hope she doesn't get T-Dogged. :(

T-Bagged, possibly, but never T-Dogged.
Unless, I guess, that she ends up getting T-Doggystyled...?!?

12-Nov-2014, 07:41 AM
Good episode!

Two questions...
1) RE Abraham , who were the woman and two kids suppose to be? Did I miss a clue/hint?
2) If a hose can kill the dead so easily why not simply use water pistols :) That scene annoyed me... How did it actually kill them?

12-Nov-2014, 08:17 AM
1) RE Abraham , who were the woman and two kids suppose to be? Did I miss a clue/hint?

If sticking to the original source material, that was supposedly his wife and children who were apparently raped by Abraham's neighbors aka guys he killed in the beginning of the episode. Granted, I don't think the episode made that clear and I see a lot of non-comic book fans confused as a result.

12-Nov-2014, 08:32 AM
If sticking to the original source material, that was supposedly his wife and children who were apparently raped by Abraham's neighbors aka guys he killed in the beginning of the episode. Granted, I don't think the episode made that clear and I see a lot of non-comic book fans confused as a result.

Why were they so scared of him though? Couldn't work that out...

And of course we guessed Eugene was lying ages ago... so no real suprise there!

12-Nov-2014, 10:06 AM
Why were they so scared of him though? Couldn't work that out...

Apparently, they were terrified by Abraham's brutality to their culprits and run off.

12-Nov-2014, 10:18 AM
If only he'd had that party up front, and put the business in back.

Reverse mullets save lives.


I'd imagine he's alive, but effed up for now.

The good stuff was negated by some of the 'night' scenes where they were so dark I might as well have been listening to the radio, (a niggle in some of the other episodes this season as well).

PS: What did Eugene say about the priest after the crash? I've listened to it a few times & can't make it out.

1) Yeah, the night scenes are ridiculously dark. I'm glad they're not lit up like christmas trees, but they've gone too far and it's really hard to make anything out! Hopefully they notch the brightness up a smidge ... keep it murky, but at least make it visible. :p

2) Eugene was also thinking about how the Priest had this secret but wasn't kicked out of the group, they kept him around ... although, to be fair, they left soon after his secret was revealed ... but Team Rick did show Gabriel mercy. They didn't kill him, they didn't throw him out etc.

If a hose can kill the dead so easily why not simply use water pistols :) That scene annoyed me... How did it actually kill them?

Fire hose - like those used in riot control, they can knock a man down quite easily because of the water pressure. The walkers are already known to be mushier than normal humans, so the pressure was able to obliterate their rotting flesh and blast off a few heads. Also, IIRC, some of the walkers were still moving on the ground a bit, so not every single one of them had been snuffed out - we just didn't go through the motions of seeing them stab some heads. The scene had already climaxed ... talk about moist though! ;) :D :p

Why were they so scared of him though? Couldn't work that out...

They were scared of him because of what he'd done - he'd murdered three or four guys with his bare hands (and some canned goods) - and they'd seen/heard it. This man, their husband/father, comes back (after they've experienced a horrific ordeal where their friendly neighbours turned into gang rapists) and he's covered in blood. Abraham has an anger problem and he unleashed the monster inside, plus his family have never seen him in combat mode, so it's a big shock to them - and if their previously benign neighbours can suddenly turn into vicious rapists, then what might Abraham be capable of in this awful new world? Obviously it was a terrible decision, but I can't imagine Abe's wife and kids had had survivalist training, so they obviously made a poor choice based on fear and shock.

12-Nov-2014, 12:47 PM
They were scared of him because of what he'd done - he'd murdered three or four guys with his bare hands (and some canned goods) - and they'd seen/heard it. This man, their husband/father, comes back (after they've experienced a horrific ordeal where their friendly neighbours turned into gang rapists) and he's covered in blood. Abraham has an anger problem and he unleashed the monster inside, plus his family have never seen him in combat mode, so it's a big shock to them - and if their previously benign neighbours can suddenly turn into vicious rapists, then what might Abraham be capable of in this awful new world? Obviously it was a terrible decision, but I can't imagine Abe's wife and kids had had survivalist training, so they obviously made a poor choice based on fear and shock.

Was that explained on screen? I knew from the source material but don’t remember it actually being said on screen, I just filled the gaps in. It was good to see Abe go all badass on them.

12-Nov-2014, 02:04 PM
Yeh, I thought Abe's back story wasn't handled particularly well to be honest.

12-Nov-2014, 02:18 PM
Good episode!

Two questions...
1) RE Abraham , who were the woman and two kids suppose to be? Did I miss a clue/hint?
2) If a hose can kill the dead so easily why not simply use water pistols :) That scene annoyed me... How did it actually kill them?

Neil, you trollin'?

12-Nov-2014, 03:23 PM
Good episode!

Two questions...
1) RE Abraham , who were the woman and two kids suppose to be? Did I miss a clue/hint?
2) If a hose can kill the dead so easily why not simply use water pistols :) That scene annoyed me... How did it actually kill them?

They've all been looted obviously...DUH!!! :D

12-Nov-2014, 04:14 PM
Was that explained on screen? I knew from the source material but don’t remember it actually being said on screen, I just filled the gaps in. It was good to see Abe go all badass on them.

They don't explicitly say "the woman and kids are Abraham's" (although Cudlitz confirmed it on Talking Dead) ... however the little boy clearly looks like Abraham's son, and the relationship is implicit and assumed. I think they did it right ... I hate it when you watch a movie or TV show and one character calls another character "sis" ... nobody ever says that in real life and it's so clunky, likewise whenever someone says "I'm your sister/brother and..." - again, nobody effin' says that in real life.

Much better to assume a familial relationship from pretty clear visual clues.

12-Nov-2014, 06:13 PM
Fire hose - like those used in riot control, they can knock a man down quite easily because of the water pressure. The walkers are already known to be mushier than normal humans, so the pressure was able to obliterate their rotting flesh and blast off a few heads. Also, IIRC, some of the walkers were still moving on the ground a bit, so not every single one of them had been snuffed out - we just didn't go through the motions of seeing them stab some heads. The scene had already climaxed ... talk about moist though! ;) :D :p
They all (most) seemed to have their heads if you ask me... And the scene just didn't seem to suggest brain damaging water to me...

Moon Knight
12-Nov-2014, 07:37 PM
They don't explicitly say "the woman and kids are Abraham's" (although Cudlitz confirmed it on Talking Dead) ... however the little boy clearly looks like Abraham's son, and the relationship is implicit and assumed. I think they did it right ... I hate it when you watch a movie or TV show and one character calls another character "sis" ... nobody ever says that in real life and it's so clunky, likewise whenever someone says "I'm your sister/brother and..." - again, nobody effin' says that in real life.

Much better to assume a familial relationship from pretty clear visual clues.

Exactly. In the comics the story was told not shown, so we had a clearer idea. This was easy to put two and two together.

13-Nov-2014, 12:39 AM
Yeah, I was not a fan of the water hose zombie massacre.
If they had that kind of consistency, everything they bumped into would take a chunk out of them. By now there'd probably be nothing left...
I got over it, though. The rest of the episode was pretty decent.
Eugene, the looky loo...

13-Nov-2014, 02:20 AM
They don't explicitly say "the woman and kids are Abraham's" (although Cudlitz confirmed it on Talking Dead) ... however the little boy clearly looks like Abraham's son, and the relationship is implicit and assumed. I think they did it right ... I hate it when you watch a movie or TV show and one character calls another character "sis" ... nobody ever says that in real life and it's so clunky, likewise whenever someone says "I'm your sister/brother and..." - again, nobody effin' says that in real life.

Much better to assume a familial relationship from pretty clear visual clues.
Agree. They didn't communicate the specific details (and I haven't read that far into the comics) but it was pretty clear that the woman and children were his family, he killed those guys because they had somehow attacked or threatened his family, and his family was freaked out because of the brutality displayed that they had never seen before, the shock of the sight of him standing in front of them covered with blood and gore.

13-Nov-2014, 09:19 AM
Re: the water canon...

There's actually a hell of a lot of power that comes out of those things and they can easily knock a fully grown man off of his feet, cause internal injuries and break bones too.

Although I did think that that scene was a little goofy tbh.

13-Nov-2014, 09:57 AM
I suppose the water canon attack can be justified in the sense that walkers have no awareness of danger/self preservation...simply falling heavily without any attempt to brace themselves or break their fall and smashing their skulls on the concrete could render most of them dead/damaged enough to immobilise them (especially as they seem to have really weak skulls in TWD universe).

I mean, if Eugene turns out to have been killed by his own uncontrolled fall (his head making a sickening sound when it hit the floor) I could readily believe it, so no reason not to believe that weaker/rotten skulled walkers would also have their brains mashed by such impacts.

13-Nov-2014, 10:04 AM
They all (most) seemed to have their heads if you ask me... And the scene just didn't seem to suggest brain damaging water to me...

To be fair they can't fire off a fire hose at full-force into their stunt performers as it would blow them out of their shoes, and it'd cause serious damage whenever it hit the stunt guys in the face (they had protective masks on and the water was reduced to a safe pressure) ... you can kind of tell that the pressure of the hose water isn't up to what they're pretending it is, but I'd rather they get the shots in-camera and just tweak them with CGI to show the head smashing and spurts of blood from blasted chunks of walker flesh.

They're decaying corpses, so their consistency isn't going to be the same as living people.

13-Nov-2014, 11:21 AM
To be fair they can't fire off a fire hose at full-force into their stunt performers as it would blow them out of their shoes, and it'd cause serious damage whenever it hit the stunt guys in the face (they had protective masks on and the water was reduced to a safe pressure) ... you can kind of tell that the pressure of the hose water isn't up to what they're pretending it is, but I'd rather they get the shots in-camera and just tweak them with CGI to show the head smashing and spurts of blood from blasted chunks of walker flesh.

They're decaying corpses, so their consistency isn't going to be the same as living people.

Yes sir. I've had the opportunity to control a fire hose and from that end, its power was impressive. I can understand the scene with the pressure ripping off rotting flesh. I think if the show would have had the survivors finishing the knocked over Walkers off would have helped those that didn't like it. I noticed the Walkers still squirming on the ground and was happy the show writers did that. The decayed Walkers got torn apart, the others didn't.

But I still ain't down with the skull stabbing, despite my user name:)

14-Nov-2014, 02:19 PM
2) If a hose can kill the dead so easily why not simply use water pistols :) That scene annoyed me... How did it actually kill them?


It's already been said, but those deck guns are serious business. At full pressure from that range? I suspect it would cause some damage on healthy tissue, much less on the dead. Having said that................

they don't work when the engine isn't running.

Moon Knight
14-Nov-2014, 06:19 PM
they don't work when the engine isn't running.

I'm surprised it took four pages for someone to finally mention this haha.