View Full Version : Wanna know why the WNBA blows?

17-Jul-2006, 04:03 AM


17-Jul-2006, 01:08 PM
I'm surprised the WNBA still exists. Have they made cutbacks in the last few years accross the whole of the sport? Margines must be getting squeezed pretty thin by now, I'd imagine.

17-Jul-2006, 01:12 PM
Meh that was pretty sad. but in the great list of ****y sports. it still doesn't eclipse NASCAR as the most inaine and utterly worthless sport ever.

17-Jul-2006, 01:17 PM
Meh that was pretty sad. but in the great list of ****y sports. it still doesn't eclipse NASCAR as the most inaine and utterly worthless sport ever.

It's utterly worthless because you don't like it?

It's not fun to watch on tv, I'll give you that. But it's a different story when you're at the track...

17-Jul-2006, 01:22 PM
It's utterly worthless because you don't like it?

It's not fun to watch on tv, I'll give you that. But it's a different story when you're at the track...

no because it requires no real athletic talent.

you drive really fast, shift occasionally, and turn left.

that's called commuting.

I've taken dumps that required more skill than NASCAR.

17-Jul-2006, 01:35 PM
no because it requires no real athletic talent.

you drive really fast, shift occasionally, and turn left.

that's called commuting.

I've taken dumps that required more skill than NASCAR.


You forget to mention that fact that it's at 200 MPH, with about 30 other cars, and for about 2 or 3 hours straight.

There's more to racing than you would think. Try seeing things from different angles rather than dismissing it like your opinion is absolute fact.:rolleyes:

general tbag
17-Jul-2006, 02:11 PM
ive seen the odd nascar race, but from playing the games after lap 20, i turn it off, i dont find it exciting even in a simulation.

17-Jul-2006, 02:28 PM
There's more to racing than you would think. Try seeing things from different angles rather than dismissing it like your opinion is absolute fact.:rolleyes:

I totally agree. I do not like, nor am I interested in racing, but it takes skill, that seems pretty obvious to me, anyway.

17-Jul-2006, 03:53 PM

You forget to mention that fact that it's at 200 MPH, with about 30 other cars, and for about 2 or 3 hours straight.

There's more to racing than you would think. Try seeing things from different angles rather than dismissing it like your opinion is absolute fact.:rolleyes:

wow, that's somehow still not impressive. now it's high speed commuting. as for the 2-3 hours? how is that impressive or a talent? the only thing driving for two hours requires is a decent bladder control, or the foresight to buy an adult diaper. wow, that's friggin heroic! lemme run out and buy a t-shirt.

all i did was state the fact NASCAR was far more pointless than the WNBA. if you or perhaps your poncy sport cannot handle abject criticism on of all places the internet, then i think that speaks for it's self.

go roll your eyes at that.

I totally agree. I do not like, nor am I interested in racing, but it takes skill, that seems pretty obvious to me, anyway.

Racing is fine. Formula 1, and drag racing are both pretty cool. also check out the euro Rally races, now that's a sport.

i just dislike NASCAR because it's so heavily sanitized, and in truth anyone with a few days of training and decent eyesight could do it as well as the "pros".

it truthfully requires no talent.

17-Jul-2006, 05:03 PM
I think I'll post a essay I did on NASCAR, called NASCAR and how much it sucks.

Nascar: The scourge of mankind
Aaron M

Four miles to the Gallon, that’s the average amount of NASCAR cars. One more thing that’s leaded gas. Most war stricken countries in Africa don’t use leaded gas anymore. With 40 cars per event, and 500 miles per race. That’s roughly 5,500 gallons of gas used per event. That’s 99,000 miles the average American car could drive (at 18 MPG) one one NASCAR event.
So instead of blaming President Bush and the Kings of Saudi Arabia, maybe more blame should be directed towards Dale Ernhardt Jr.
Well how is so much gas used in every Nascar event you might ask? Driving in never ending circles with out any real destination.
IF you don’t want to blame Dale Ernhardt Jr, or any of the other “athletes” of Nascar, maybe blaming the tens and tens of thousands of people who flock to these events. What entertainment is gained from watching 40 cars driving counter clockwise over and over again for four plus hours is beyond me.
Yet for some reason people clammier over this sport, ridicule the other drivers as sissies or jerks.
Well with a war on Terror, a weakening American dollar, and the war in Iraq. Can you really blame Americans for wanting a new national pass time? Something to kick back on a lawn chair and crack a beer to?
Yes, you can. Here’s a little fact for gun lobbying Nascar loving father in law. Terrorism is funded by oil money, we stop buying oil and the terrorists funds will slowly dry out. If you support and cheer a event that wastes 5,500 gallons of gas per
Whats more shocking then the 5,500 gallons of gas used by the cars per event is the amount wasted by 75 thousand plus fans who attend each event.
Well keeping the statisics we used earlier to determine how much gas the cars themselves wasted, lets find out how much the fans waste. With an average of 17 miles per gallon and lets say 50 miles to drive to each event. Thats 50,000,000 gallons of gas used by Americans per event No wonder why gas prices are $3.45 cents per gallon.
Maybe we should explain some of the back history of the “sport”. People do deserve to know why it became so popular. Nascar was originaly a way for rum runners in the 1920's and 1930's to show off their supped up cars. The sport was a birth child of depression era desperation.
While farms were being forclosed by banks, and cash was in short supply. Numerous forturne seeking individuals turned to rum running. To outrun the law, they often had to tinker with their cars and add superturbo whatchamalcallets.
Passer bys would comment on the speed and impressiveness of these lawless rum runners, and withen 20 years a dwindling sport was born.
The first runs in the Nascar series were unsafe, dangerous, unregulated, and exciting. For awhile it was a true rebbels sport.
The idea of out running the police, drinking and partying stayed with the sport long enough to imprint the image of rebel on Nascar.
In the early 1970's Tobbaco advertisments were banned on television, and Nascar seeking a new sponser agreed to paint Tobbaco advertisments over their cars. With the amount of money gained by Tobbaco placement's nascar began to take off. The first major events were shown on television. To a somewhat dubious American audience.
Nascar changed in the 1970's from a backwoods type of organization with litte recognition to a more accepted form of sport. Here would have been the time to end Nascar for good, before it reached out and touched the hearts of northern suburbian teenagers.
The largest racing event shown in the 1970's was the Daytonna 500. The controversial ending drew new fans, and created what would soon be a pandemic of driving in circles. On the last lap of the race the two lead cars crashed on the last turn, the number three car passed them for the win. The camera ignored the win and turned back to the wreck, the two drivers were rolling on the ground fighting.
(rolling counter clock wise actully), This also drew in spectators for events. Wanting to see violence on T.V is a huge draw in American socity, that and the more then often wreck played just into the heart of Americans to lazy for Baseball or football.
As the crowds swelled, and the oil burned more and more Nascar events were held. As the number of events increased, the number of cars increased from an average of 27 in 1968 to 41 in 2005 the number of wrecks increased with it.
The Nascar event, possibly the sole reason why a large number of fans attend the events. Nothing like kicking back on lawn chair, having a bud light and watching Jeff Gordon do a barrel roll. Driving in circles is only interesting for so long.
As the number of wrecks increased. Nascar became more restrictive on how it would lt allow it's many “gifted” drivers go in circles. Nets were made mandetory over driver windows, glass was replaced with plexi glass. The most important saftey device in terms of relevence was the “restricter plate”. This tiny little device made the car slow down from 225 miles per hour to somewhere around 180.
Nascar no longer was a rebel sport by the mid 1990's. With millions of fans sitting back and watching toilet bowl racing.
Why do you enver see harverd professers, doctors, or air and space engineers watching the Daytona 500? Why are Nascar events not popular in Europe or Asia?
Possibly the same reason why Jeff Gordon is hated by the majority of Nascar fans. Jeff was born in California, and later raised in Indiana, With the exception of two or three other drivers. Jeff Gordon is the only person in Nascar who can clearly annunciate his words.
The majority of Nscar drivers are hard to understand due to their souther accents. This could be why Europeans and Doctors don't pay the sport any atention. These drivers have developed a almost cult fallowing. People have Dale Ernhardt bumper stickers, Dale Ernhardt wallpaper, Name their children Dale Ernhard and sometimes even change their own name. Why these people find such a deep and meaningfull purpose in such a meaningless sport is beyond me.
While Nascar's begginings might have been filled with excitement and the idea of sticking the Rum filled hand to the man. It has since become a showcase for Tabbaco add's, oil consumption and driving in endless circles.

17-Jul-2006, 05:27 PM
decent arguement, it needs a spell check and a reading edit, but you "gets" points for the functional use of the term "pandemic" and for pointing out the Tobacco angle.

17-Jul-2006, 06:15 PM
wow, that's somehow still not impressive. now it's high speed commuting. as for the 2-3 hours? how is that impressive or a talent? the only thing driving for two hours requires is a decent bladder control, or the foresight to buy an adult diaper. wow, that's friggin heroic! lemme run out and buy a t-shirt.

all i did was state the fact NASCAR was far more pointless than the WNBA. if you or perhaps your poncy sport cannot handle abject criticism on of all places the internet, then i think that speaks for it's self.

go roll your eyes at that.


Whatever you say, chief. It's nice to see such hatred towards something you know nothing about.

it truthfully requires no talent.

So.......you've done this before?:rockbrow:

And Exatreides, you have some good points that I can agree with. Also, some I don't. I know you're right about how it's become nothing but advertisement, but for some people....it's still about the racing.

Take me for example, I'm no big fan by any means. My father is into racing so he's took me to a few races. That's about it. I don't have a favorite driver or know who they are(with the exception of the few that EVERYONE knows from advertisements and such) so I can honestly say that when I'm trackside, it's a thrill to watch these guys race and plan out their win. Because with as many miles as they race, they have to have a plan.(when to pit, right time to pass, etc., etc.).

I'm no fan of NASCAR in particular, but for me, racing in general is alot of fun to watch. I can understand that other people don't like it....that's just the way it goes.... but it's ridiculous when they make comments calling it easy and they have no experience to back it up their comments.....

17-Jul-2006, 06:26 PM

Whatever you say, chief. It's nice to see such hatred towards something you know nothing about.

So.......you've done this before?:rockbrow:

Why would i do something that doesn't interest me. you do understand what the word interest means right?................

further i don't hate it. i just don't think it's a "sport". Exa on the other hand, he appears to hate it.

17-Jul-2006, 06:32 PM
Why would i do something that doesn't interest me. you do understand what the word interest means right?................

further i don't hate it. i just don't think it's a "sport". Exa on the other hand, he appears to hate it.

But he did provide some support to his hatred ....

So back on topic, another reason why WNBA blows: Estrogen. I mean, do they have to cry and be emotional every ten minutes?