View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! TWD 5x07 "Crossed" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

23-Nov-2014, 10:43 AM
Please keep all talk of episode 5x07 "Crossed" specifically inside this thread.

If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).

Similarly, if you're going to discuss plot points from the comic book, please use "spoiler tags" - not everyone is up-to-date on them, and some people don't read them at all.


Episode 5.07: Crossed – “Some members hold down the church while the others are on a rescue mission.”

Directed by: Billy Gierhart, Written by: Seth Hoffman.


23-Nov-2014, 09:01 PM
Rick really is f*cking awesome isn't he...Looks like the red handled machete of retribution will become his main back-up/mele weapon from now on. :)

Will be watching this episode tomorrow when I get home from work.

24-Nov-2014, 02:16 AM
Red Handled Machete of Cock Knocker Slaying +1, +3 vs Cannibals & Undeads FTW. :lol:

Decent episode. Little bit of everything. What is the Padre up to I wonder? I wouldn't have trusted that cop if I were Sasha. Jus' sayin'. Showdown next week should be interesting. :)

24-Nov-2014, 02:26 AM
SASHA!!!!! YOU DUMBASSS!!!!!!! TRRRRRUUUUUUUSSSSSSTTTTT NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!! Not even if his name IS Bob!!!!!!

Really.....don't people in the zombie apocalypse ever think?????

Moon Knight
24-Nov-2014, 03:20 PM
SASHA!!!!! YOU DUMBASSS!!!!!!! TRRRRRUUUUUUUSSSSSSTTTTT NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!! Not even if his name IS Bob!!!!!!

Really.....don't people in the zombie apocalypse ever think?????

You can write spoilers here if they are within the episode, right? Just curious cause I was assuming if it was in the episode than its fair game.

24-Nov-2014, 03:44 PM
You can write spoilers here if they are within the episode, right? Just curious cause I was assuming if it was in the episode than its fair game.

Yes, as long as the episode has already aired.

24-Nov-2014, 04:29 PM
You can write spoilers here if they are within the episode, right? Just curious cause I was assuming if it was in the episode than its fair game.

Yes, as long as the episode has already aired.

If you're talking about events that happen within the actual episode - within the specific thread for that episode (i.e. discussing 5x07 within the 5x07 thread) - then it's fine.

Theories for where you think something might go in future episodes and comics spoilers are things to put in spoiler tags. :)


Solid episode, lots of stuff going on in various places, although it did have a hint of 'just wait until next week for the big stuff' about it ... but fair enough.

Sasha - I knew the good cop was going to do something and make an escape. When Rick told him in advance that they'd be heading out in ten minutes I thought "don't tell him that!", and when Sasha let the guy stand behind her I was again screaming at her to not be so silly ... so much for the peace and love, eh? The guy probably is a good guy, but even still, Team Rick are holding him hostage and you'd be a mug to think he wouldn't try and make his escape if an opportunity arose - he doesn't know Team Rick are good folks, so always cover your arse.

FEMA Evac Site - awesome, totally awesome. Really gruesome way to see some on-the-ground napalm damage, and man alive was that fight between Daryl and the bad cop tense! Using the skewered head like a bowling ball was crazy, but in a cool way - needs must, I guess. :D

Dawn - she's a shifty one. Making whacked-out decisions, slapping people at the drop of a hat, but she's also aware that her power is hanging by a thread (indeed, the others flat out said that to Team Rick).

Gabriel - where's that wacky preacher off to, I wonder...
Talking Dead preview clip for 5x08, plus a theory on how it might play out:
We see Gabriel back at the cook out site for Gareth & Co (including Bob's rotting leg on the grill), and those walkers are still behind that glass - but we know that glass is weak - so I reckon the walkers will get out, chase Gabriel back to the church, and then Carl and Michonne will have to fight to stay alive with Judith ... and perhaps Gabriel will finally have to fight for himself. That's what I'm thinking ... we shall see.

Daryl - openly challenging Rick in front of the group over the plans ... he's been getting some real growth this season, and as we've seen more and more, he's growing as a competent and thoughtful leader. Excellent stuff. It was interesting to see how Rick was in this episode - very uncompromising, going for the kill from the get-go - the man's gone dark in the name of survival and retribution. I wonder if we'll see more clashes of character and approach between these two guys...

TWD 5x07 Memes:

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_jrEYn7wNvg/VHNivLShn4I/AAAAAAAADV0/THixAdDHNTo/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_Rick_Gun_Every_Time _Someone_Fails_To_Call_Them_Walkers_DeadShed.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_BZDUKkqKhg/VHNi0t3lIcI/AAAAAAAADWE/HqudTxFKqpA/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_Daryl_Cop_Fight_Wal ker_Eye_Head_Pun_DeadShed.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DaomqN1FJAU/VHNizYGPNQI/AAAAAAAADV8/Xwe8E7WlTYQ/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_Rotters_Rick_Offici al_Term_Is_Walkers_DeadShed.jpg

24-Nov-2014, 08:52 PM
All the portions with the Slabtown and rescue mission were great and thrilling! On the other hand, nearly everything else not related to this story was more padding for the midseason finale than bringing, anything that advanced plot or character and essentially dragged the pacing of the episode. Though, I'm not going to lie that Daryl use a walker's head as a weapon was pretty fucking cool. Despite, how questionable it was.

24-Nov-2014, 09:12 PM
The Vehicular genocide continues with another car out of action due to mushy walkers in the wheels and another full of bullet holes.

For me the "good cop"'s lie was obvious as soon as he said "I knew one of them"...they were piles of twitching melty mush, how in hell would he recognise one?

Father Gabriel... I feel sorry for this guy. he's obviously traumatised, just about clinging to his sanity, when Rick and the gang show up and turn his sanctuary into a slaughterhouse. not content with that, they then defile his home (and religious center) by chopping up the pews and dismantling the organ. I feel that when he asked "are you going to use the cross too?" and was told yes, that was when his mind was made up. get away from these home-invading hooligans. His encounter with the walker and the crucifix she wore will either snap his mind completely, or bring him to his senses.

Obviously, at the moment, the guy is a few psalms short of a sermon.

I really don't understand Dawn's intentions towards Beth and Carol, unless it's a setup of some sort?

24-Nov-2014, 10:49 PM
Pretty good episode overall... liked the way Abraham automatically reached for his gun when Abraham 'woke up' (alive or dead tbc?)
Sasha, I guess, wasn't the full shilling at that point in time... what with tearing Bob's shirt & all. I mean if the cop knew his mate Tyler was out there, what would have prevented him putting him out his misery sometime in the last 2 - 3 years? :duh:

Nice to see the group over-rule Rick over their plan of attack & Darryl's presence of mind hanging back & to check out the caravan etc. The napalmed evacuation center was just awesome, though in the end Darryl got lucky the dead-head he grabbed wasn't one of the 'squishy' kind.

There also seemed to be some magnetism between Glenn & Rosita... and Tara got seemed happy with the consolation prize (yo-yo)!

Moon Knight
25-Nov-2014, 01:29 AM
The Vehicular genocide continues with another car out of action due to mushy walkers in the wheels and another full of bullet holes.

For me the "good cop"'s lie was obvious as soon as he said "I knew one of them"...they were piles of twitching melty mush, how in hell would he recognise one?

Father Gabriel... I feel sorry for this guy. he's obviously traumatised, just about clinging to his sanity, when Rick and the gang show up and turn his sanctuary into a slaughterhouse. not content with that, they then defile his home (and religious center) by chopping up the pews and dismantling the organ. I feel that when he asked "are you going to use the cross too?" and was told yes, that was when his mind was made up. get away from these home-invading hooligans. His encounter with the walker and the crucifix she wore will either snap his mind completely, or bring him to his senses.

Obviously, at the moment, the guy is a few psalms short of a sermon.

I really don't understand Dawn's intentions towards Beth and Carol, unless it's a setup of some sort?

Man, you nailed it about Gabriel. You gotta feel for the guy.

And I'm just excited that we finally get to see just how awesome Rosita is. She quite valuable as a group member.

Morto Vivente
25-Nov-2014, 09:04 AM
I really don't understand Dawn's intentions towards Beth and Carol, unless it's a setup of some sort?

Based on Dawn's comment to Beth about her being stronger than she thought. Dawn could be trying to create new allies encase she loses what little control she has in Slabtown.

25-Nov-2014, 10:10 AM
Based on Dawn's comment to Beth about her being stronger than she thought. Dawn could be trying to create new allies encase she loses what little control she has in Slabtown.

Yeah, I think that's what Dawn might just be doing. Those folks she sent out pose the most danger to her leadership, so she's actively putting them in danger to try and hopefully get one or both of them killed to take the pressure off herself ... she's a strange one, that Dawn ... could you ever trust her, could you ever bring her into Team Rick? The Doctor likewise, even if he'd been driven by abject fear to kill that other doctor ... although if you ask me, two doctors is better than one, if Dawn had ordered the existing Doc to be tossed out and keep the new one then she'd have been certifiable.

UndeadHippo - good thoughts on Gabriel and I agree. From his point of view Team Rick are a bizarre, violent, blasphemous bunch ... but at the same time he's been so sheltered (and lucky!) over the last couple of years. Now out in the real world (with an injured foot, no less) he's going to get a rude awakening - but one that must happen in order for him to find the strength, and realism, to survive.

25-Nov-2014, 11:48 AM
Hated to wait so long to see this episode. I love seeing new environments. As mentioned the evac sight was a nice touch. Sasha, come on.

Daryl Dixon and Rick Grimes. When I review the exchange of attack plans and the scene where Rick is obviously contemplating shooting the cop, I don't see it as Daryl defying or challenging Rick. No doubt Daryl has evolved immensely. I go back to season 4 when Rick said to Daryl, "You're my brother". Daryl took that to heart and Rick meant it. Daryl is trying to bring Rick back a little bit. All the characters realize that this world requires a more decisive and brutal approach. But it bothered Tyrese and Daryl when they heard Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes(former but still thin blue line fellas) speak of slitting police officers throats to rescue their family. Personally I liked Tyrese's plan better. Daryl loves Rick as a brother. A brother he never had. He just doesnt want to see Rick lose all of Rick Grimes.

Maggie. Look its simple. Its impossible for her to have enough screen time.

26-Nov-2014, 02:36 AM
You can write spoilers here if they are within the episode, right? Just curious cause I was assuming if it was in the episode than its fair game.

I posted shortly after the episode ended. It still hadn't aired in some markets. And I just felt like being weird and putting it in spoiler tags. :duh:

Moon Knight
26-Nov-2014, 06:33 PM
I posted shortly after the episode ended. It still hadn't aired in some markets. And I just felt like being weird and putting it in spoiler tags. :duh:

Weird is ok around here.

I also want to point out how envious I am of Glenn right now.

27-Nov-2014, 04:03 AM
I wouldn't have trusted that cop if I were Sasha.
Yeah, Sasha's gullibility there was infuriating. The most charitable interpretation is that she's still emotionally screwed up from losing Bob and it's Rick's fault for leaving her on guard duty alone. So the cop says his buddy has been lying there for two years? Well, he can lie there for one more day. After the swap has been made the cop can go take care of it. NOT a priority right now.

27-Nov-2014, 08:42 AM
Yeah, Sasha's gullibility there was infuriating. The most charitable interpretation is that she's still emotionally screwed up from losing Bob and it's Rick's fault for leaving her on guard duty alone. So the cop says his buddy has been lying there for two years? Well, he can lie there for one more day. After the swap has been made the cop can go take care of it. NOT a priority right now.

Yes, that did feel a little weak didn't it... If she'd just asked for someone to go with her? And turning your back on someone while you're facing a window?

The episode was OK but felt a bit like a filler. Especially with the car park of metled zombies. Felt like they realised it was a bit of a slow episode so decided to sex it up a bit with that scene.

27-Nov-2014, 01:53 PM
Some of it may have stemmed from her not having taken care of Bob 1. Tyrese helped her out, so she now feels that need to serve that role for someone else. There really is no room for empathy in the zombie apocalypse.

27-Nov-2014, 02:36 PM
Some of it may have stemmed from her not having taken care of Bob 1. Tyrese helped her out, so she now feels that need to serve that role for someone else. There really is no room for empathy in the zombie apocalypse.

Fair point!

27-Nov-2014, 04:38 PM
At this stage of the apocalypse I would completely hesitate to trust anyone wearing a police uniform. Especially shined and polished brass etc. They are far enough into this world that they should be completely suspicious of that alone. There is no constitution backing that badge anymore. This is the wild west with walkers. The first thing I would ditch after the initial outbreak would be my police uniform. It isn't sellable anymore. The military would be a different story if they are still disciplined and armed heavy. But as 28 days later taught us, as soon as corruption enters the equation, or the slightest breakdown in rank, its over.

27-Nov-2014, 09:08 PM
Anybody enjoy seeing them looting dead walkers on the road? It was a double buzz for me, as it shows that they really are low on everything, and anything that can be scavenged will/should be, and it also has that "resident evil/game" vibe to it.

Although yoyo's probably aren't high on my own personal list of PA essentials. :)

27-Nov-2014, 09:44 PM
They should have tied the cops shoe laces together...

27-Nov-2014, 10:34 PM
They should have tied the cops shoe laces together...

That would've helped, that dude booked!

28-Nov-2014, 02:06 AM
...and it also has that "resident evil/game" vibe to it.

I already thought that from the fact that Daryl stole Leon S. Kennedy's haircut awhile back...

28-Nov-2014, 09:15 AM
Anybody enjoy seeing them looting dead walkers on the road? It was a double buzz for me, as it shows that they really are low on everything, and anything that can be scavenged will/should be, and it also has that "resident evil/game" vibe to it.

Although yoyo's probably aren't high on my own personal list of PA essentials. :)

Yeah, I dug that. Quite often you see walker kills but little in the way of looting, although most of the walkers we see just have the fetid rags on them and little else ... although I do recall in 3x12 Rick pulled the car over to pick up that back pack from the hitchhiker who was munched by walkers. I believe that was the same back pack Rick used in this episode. :)

They should have tied the cops shoe laces together...


Clever bugger, yes, that would have been a good idea!

28-Nov-2014, 10:06 AM
Hmm, this one was good enough, but did seem a bit 'in-fill' to me too.
The KO on Sasha was the weakest part of writing I thought.
Lets not forget 'Crazy Gabe' too ... not only has he run off to god knows where (Next wheres Carl?)
He also had his own magically appearing walker moment and Also...
He's left a dirty great walker sized hole in the church floor that no-one knows about yet!!! :annoyed:

And ... Were Glenn & Rosita flirting??? tsk tsk Maggie won't be pleased :stunned:

28-Nov-2014, 10:59 AM
And ... Were Glenn & Rosita flirting??? tsk tsk Maggie won't be pleased :stunned:
Hey... Got to repopulate the world somehow!

28-Nov-2014, 03:06 PM
Hmm, this one was good enough, but did seem a bit 'in-fill' to me too.
The KO on Sasha was the weakest part of writing I thought.
Lets not forget 'Crazy Gabe' too ... not only has he run off to god knows where (Next wheres Carl?)
He also had his own magically appearing walker moment and Also...
He's left a dirty great walker sized hole in the church floor that no-one knows about yet!!! :annoyed:

And ... Were Glenn & Rosita flirting??? tsk tsk Maggie won't be pleased :stunned:

I'm 100% certain that Glenn never even had a sniff of a nasty rank battered old slapper before the ZA, now he's revelling in the outright poon-fest that is TWD.

And hey, who can blame him, seems that walkers were drawn to the ugly fat gnarly chicks and left all the hot ones to survive, Glenn is just taking advantage of the situation.

- - - Updated - - -

I already thought that from the fact that Daryl stole Leon S. Kennedy's haircut awhile back...

Harsh! :D

30-Nov-2014, 12:38 AM
I didn't trust that cop for a minute. I mean, it wasn't that long ago he was saying, "Hail Hydra!" :eek: