View Full Version : Choosing Novels for a Horror Course

28-Nov-2014, 05:50 PM
Hi Everyone!

Please can you recommend six horror novels that I can teach to undergraduate students?

As it is a course within popular culture, I have chosen to focus on vampires and zombies. It is an introduction to horror.

What do you think of the following selections? Please feel free to make suggestions / changes.

1) Richard Matheson - I am Legend
2) Stephen King - 'Salem's Lot
3) Anne Rice - Interview with the Vampire
4) Max Brooks - World War Z
5) Dean Koontz and Kevin J Anderson - Frankenstein: Prodigal Son
6) Robert Kirkman - The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor

I would really appreciate your guidance.


29-Nov-2014, 12:24 PM
Stephen King's Thinner is strangely interesting!