View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! TWD 5x12 "Remember" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

28-Feb-2015, 10:27 AM
Please keep all talk of episode 5x12 "Remember" specifically inside this thread.

If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).

Similarly, if you're going to discuss plot points from the comic book, please use "spoiler tags" - not everyone is up-to-date on them, and some people don't read them at all.


Episode 512: "Remember" - "The group has a difficult time molding to a new lifestyle, forcing them to consider whether they can be the people they once were."

Directed by: Greg Nicotero
Written by: Channing Powell


02-Mar-2015, 02:13 AM
Let the games begin!

02-Mar-2015, 02:33 AM
There's a new Sheriff in town. Who once was a Sheriff. And is now a Sheriff once again. Yep I like seeing Sheriff Rick Grimes

What the heck is going on with Daryl. I get that he's struggling to adjust but why is the towns people appear so skeptical of him? If they fuck with Daryl, they are fucking with Rick Grimes' brother.

I like how Carol put on an act. She fumbled with her gun like she didn't know how to handle it. Then she portrays herself as the threat less den mother. Smart move.

02-Mar-2015, 02:33 AM
I like Carol sandbagging it with acting like her former near useless self. Very interesting thought!

Moon Knight
02-Mar-2015, 03:01 AM
Loved, loved, loved, just loved this episode!

02-Mar-2015, 04:06 AM
I liked seeing them basially trying to reintigrate with society but they still have all their old habbits.

And im seriously what rick saod at the end of the spisode happens!

Alexandria, down with your walls!

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I liked seeing them basially trying to reintigrate with society but they still have all their old habbits.

And im seriously what rick saod at the end of the spisode happens!

Alexandria, down with your walls!

02-Mar-2015, 04:41 PM
Really dug this episode - a nice change of pace, and scenery, and facial hair! :D

So weird, but in a good way, to see the face of Season 1 Rick on the body of Season 5 Rick ... having a total man crush after that episode, it has to be said ... if I was gay I'd be chasing that shirtless, beardless Rick Grimes all over Alexandria. That dude's one smoking hot piece of zombie apocalypse ass. :lol::o;)

Carol - once again rocking my world - I loved her coy little den mother act, fumbling with the gun, her interview etc ... all dressed up nice and tidy etc. I dug her exchange with Daryl, too - clearly he's going through some serious issues at the moment, both from losing Beth and from a sense of alienation. Alexandria is decidedly not the kind of place Daryl would have been welcome pre-ZA, but it's a place far closer to the prior lives of the others in the group (even though none of them probably ever lived in such a fancy spot). Carol's got her eyes on a swivel, but you can tell she's also totally up for this place working out, but she's being nice and sly and smart about it. Gotta love Carol! :)

There's something up with Enid ... I wonder if she's related to one of the people who were "banished" ... I wonder if any of the "banished" folks have anything to do with the atrocity at Noah's place ... ooh, lots of juicy potential ways they could go with that, but it'd also be kind of nice to see what a relationship between two awkward teens in this PA world would be like and how their experiences might make things troublesome. They're still teens and they're growing up and discovering life, but they're doing so in super-extraordinary circumstances ... so it'll be interesting to see what they do with that.

Whats'er'name's husband (the guy on the porch) is evidently not a fan of Rick ... hell, a handsome and capable new guy rolls into town and immediately he's getting a tender haircut from his lady ... a chilly reception from that dude. Indeed, Rick's probably got the pick of the ladies of Alexandria ... swanning about with his beard and shirt off. :D I loved that little bit where Michonne got to see Rick clean shaven for the first time - it's just a tiny little detail, but it says a lot ... I wonder if they'll do something between Rick and Michonne ... I kinda hope they do. :)

Really interested to see where they go from here!!!

Nit pick mode: Ideally, at least in my view, I'd prefer to have the support beams for the walls on the inside rather than on the outside.


TWD 5x12 Memes:

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_dXnDZ7GkiQ/VPSaw7gK4eI/AAAAAAAADvE/sEjAEPgtHaA/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_Carol_Interview_Hou se_Wife_Gardener_People_Person_Fire_Starter_Awesom e_Ass_Kicker_5x12_DeadShed.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2eJ36VblioA/VPSbHxGaOrI/AAAAAAAADvg/UGVTgHMYOSk/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_Grizzly_Grimes_Gorg eous_Grimes_Beard_Shaved_5x12_DeadShed.jpg

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Na-JWaYNz3Q/VPSa5eC2svI/AAAAAAAADvc/mz5BCa1Ss88/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_Sexy_Rick_Michonne_ Ladies_Officer_Friendly_Town_5x12_DeadShed.jpg

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dKzSIcmWUVA/VPSazqpdNLI/AAAAAAAADvM/Hwv5pHgG2ic/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_Enid_Carl_Love_Eyes _Stay_In_House_Fence_Climb_5x12_DeadShed.jpg

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bR9EtwbbuPY/VPSa1caeWZI/AAAAAAAADvU/sOKkEC0OREc/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Meme_Daryl_Carol_New_Clo thes_Ridiculous_Shower_Hose_You_Down_5x12_DeadShed .jpg


Moon Knight
02-Mar-2015, 06:19 PM
Carol is amazing. She really has her shit figured out, doesn't she? Everything about her this episode was great and very fun to see play out.

Daryl clearly isn't fitting in. Gutting the possum on the porch, refusing to bathe, not really staying still, and almost killing Nicholas are all signs of someone refusing to adapt to what life once was.

Who took Rick's gun? Is Enid somehow involved? She seems a bit too suspicious, though.

I love how Carl and Carol both mentioned the potential of becoming weak. It's an interesting topic and pretty realistic for their current situation. How the hell can you go back and play video games after everything that's happened? Crazy to think.

I don't know about you guys but if I'm going on a run I ain't taking Noah, dude can barely walk let alone run. I'll take Rosita anytime. I'll have Sasha on sniper duty.

Great to see Jessie, Ron, Mikey, Olivia, and the others. Pete looks like trouble...

Love the fresh feel of the episode and the direction we're heading. Hopefully the show keeps this momentum. Can't wait to see what's next.

02-Mar-2015, 06:42 PM
Carol is amazing. She really has her shit figured out, doesn't she? Everything about her this episode was great and very fun to see play out.

Daryl clearly isn't fitting in. Gutting the possum on the porch, refusing to bathe, not really staying still, and almost killing Nicholas are all signs of someone refusing to adapt to what life once was.

Who took Rick's gun? Is Enid somehow involved? She seems a bit too suspicious, though.

I love how Carl and Carol both mentioned the potential of becoming weak. It's an interesting topic and pretty realistic for their current situation. How the hell can you go back and play video games after everything that's happened? Crazy to think.

I don't know about you guys but if I'm going on a run I ain't taking Noah, dude can barely walk let alone run. I'll take Rosita anytime. I'll have Sasha on sniper duty.

Great to see Jessie, Ron, Mikey, Olivia, and the others. Pete looks like trouble...

Love the fresh feel of the episode and the direction we're heading. Hopefully the show keeps this momentum. Can't wait to see what's next.

Yeah Moon I'd take Maggie, Rosita and Sasha on all my runs. And plus when I write my letter to Penthouse I can't be accused of race exclusion.

Now if I heard correctly, the reason Alexandria has lasted so long is due to two things. It's self sufficient and the population was minimal due to a massively successful evacuation of Northern Virginia. Less people = less Walkers/bad people etc. I can actually accept that because the place itself doesn't seem very skilled. Playing games with Walkers and as far as we know, no skilled combatants/look outs etc. The Governor and tank crew would have easily taken what has been portrayed.

I think there is more to this place than we've seen. Why would this congress lady so readily allow Rick into her house? The two gay guys walked through the gates with the group. How did they have time to vouch for the group? The lady said herself they haven't opened the gate in a long time(if I correctly recall). Are there more people with skill hiding behind the scenes, similar to Carol? Do they have communications of some sort? They have electricity so CB communication should be available at minimum. Lots of questions. Can't wait to see the answers.

02-Mar-2015, 09:58 PM
Two solid, solid episodes in a row. Really enjoyed this and liked all of the new characters especially the one Glenn gave a knuckle sandwich to. I though Mrs Monroe was interesting with just a hint of being a game player so even as a comic book reader I don't have a clue where they are going to go with that part of the story.

I liked how Rick and Carl interacted outside, and how Daryl reacted to the new community. He was a nobody before the apocalypse and he has risen to being a great asset to a group of great people, he is bound to be wary of losing everything. The problem is to a safe haven like this he will look like a dangerous loose cannon so going forward that could be interesting.

Only slight moans for me are, there was not enough Abe, Rosita, Eugene, Maggie and Sasha. The risk is that they get lost in the mix a little (which I doubt will happen) because I thing Abes group still have a lot more to say. Moan number two, that beard should never have been shaved off!!

triste realtà
02-Mar-2015, 10:21 PM
So weird, but in a good way, to see the face of Season 1 Rick on the body of Season 5 Rick ... having a total man crush after that episode, it has to be said ... if I was gay I'd be chasing that shirtless, beardless Rick Grimes all over Alexandria. That dude's one smoking hot piece of zombie apocalypse ass. :lol::o;)

Carol - once again rocking my world -


- - - Updated - - -

Loved, loved, loved, just loved this episode!

Is there any other way to feel about any TWD episode past or future???

02-Mar-2015, 10:58 PM
A good episode for sure. I saw what I think could be considered a bit of a spoiler during one of TWD promo adverts. It showed about 10-15 walkers moving through a living room of what looks like one of those houses. I could be wrong, but did anyone else see that?

03-Mar-2015, 03:27 AM
The "turn in your weapons" thing was stupid. If you trust them enough to let them into your community, you want them armed for defense. If you don't trust them to be armed, you shouldn't let them into your community. If I'm Rick, no way I'm accepting that rule.

03-Mar-2015, 07:26 AM
The "turn in your weapons" thing was stupid. If you trust them enough to let them into your community, you want them armed for defense. If you don't trust them to be armed, you shouldn't let them into your community. If I'm Rick, no way I'm accepting that rule.

But it’s a rule that applies to every resident of Alexandria and is just one of the many reasons why Carl, Carol and Rick can already see that the people of this community are weak. I imagine Rick saw that they were no threat especially has they still had knives, swords and crossbows. I reckon Team Rick would overpower these lot with just their bare hands. The writers did a good job of showing just how little of a threat this group were and even made us feel at the end that potentially “our heroes” were the bad guys in this scenario.

The congress woman already said that they needed people like Rick to make the community safe. I think the fact they can’t see that walking around (albeit with huge walls) without guns when at any time the walkers and bandits like the termites and Joes group could attack, is evidence of that.

MZ’s observation of the reinforcement poles being on the outside instead of the inside is a good one. Bit of an error that one, especially when a big deal was made of her other half being an architect and being useful!!!

03-Mar-2015, 08:36 AM
A top notch episode, I thought.

It really feels like the last two have kicked it up a gear into action. After a
neccessary spell while the group mourn/suffer for their losses.

Theres certainly a burning undercurrent of tension within Alexandria. It's going
to be interesting to see how this one pans out.
A lot of things about the place don't seem to add up and it's creating discord
with the alexandrians and division amongst the group ..
intentional or not, who knows??? hmm thought provoking stuff though.

As someone else said, the writers seem to have gone to some lengths to make team
Rick appear to be the baddies - that little line from Rickster at the end
WTH? - did not expect that! Maybe they're looking at our group kicking off all
the bad joo-joo this time??

Thumbs up TWD ... good stuff

Just hope that we don't see a return to the 'revolving door' of baddies.

03-Mar-2015, 09:16 AM
Why would this congress lady so readily allow Rick into her house? The two gay guys walked through the gates with the group. How did they have time to vouch for the group? The lady said herself they haven't opened the gate in a long time(if I correctly recall).

Aaron and Eric are the chosen guys who go out into the world to find new additions to the group, so they're trusted to make the right call as to who gets in through those gates. If you're at the gates you're already trusted enough, but there'd still be a trial period to see how things work out - however, Aaron and Eric had been following them for a good three weeks or thereabouts. They're extremely cautious about who they even approach, let alone bring to Alexandria and guide through the gates.

Some nice little bits of information - such as the area having been cleared out of people at the start of it all, hence the place being fairly deserted beyond Alexandria's walls - explained an awful lot in a simple sentence; I like that kind of stuff as it answers various questions attached to their situation.

Alexandria is a soft touch and I think Monroe has realised that - they've banished three people recently - and I think that has alerted her to the need for some genuine badass goodies who have been surviving out in the world to come and be their new law enforcement/protectors. Architects, politicians, hair dressers, cooks - the people of Alexandria were just ordinary folk who were lucky enough to be escorted to that haven and survive there in a very sheltered environment. Even their scavengers who go searching beyond the walls have had an easy time of it (the skin-flaying walker was grim-but-amazing) - so I loved it when Glenn laid down some truth - he should have bitch-slapped him with some truth as Glenn was doing runs in and out of Atlanta on his own in the early days in a walker infested city; he's a maestro at it. :)

03-Mar-2015, 01:13 PM
One of the best episodes in what is probably The Walking Dead's best series so far.

Love how the group have almost become the thing they hated about other people. That is they are willing to take what isn't theirs, if others don't "work out" as it were.

Something stinks about this place though. But, it's 'The Walking Dead', so you know something is going to go pear shaped eventually. So far Gimple has been blowing the crap out of Glen Mazzara's, let's be honest, poor effort in comparison.

One very minor gripe, it was pretty signposted that Mr. ROTC was going to turn out to be a dick as soon as he mentioned ROTC.

03-Mar-2015, 03:47 PM
One very minor gripe, it was pretty signposted that Mr. ROTC was going to turn out to be a dick as soon as he mentioned ROTC.

Pretty true to life though. Some people just can't wait to broadcast their dickdom. As soon as they open their mouths, you've got their number. He reminds me of a guy I work with TBH. :|

03-Mar-2015, 10:52 PM
The last couple of episodes have been great, well executed & leaving me with lots to ponder over...

The groups' current position reminds me of Darren & Merle within the Atlanta camp - one eye on taking what they can and yet sticking with it to see where it leads. The last shot once again echoed the governor's eye-patch... Then there's the question over Rick's missing stashed gun, and Edith(?) going walk-about & the 3 exiles...

I loved the interaction between Rick & Carl in the woods.

The 'interview' responses were also interesting - I think Herschel & Dale passed on their moral compass to Glen... Rick has been & is on a 'knife edge' between the person he was and the governor's 'anything is justified' approach to protecting his family.

The "You can't go back" recurrent theme of this series is also something that springs to mind. Like war veterans (of several generations) having a hard time adjusting to 'normal' life... Team Rick are in various ways finding it difficult to reintegrate & likewise the citizens of Alexandria are like ostriches with their heads in the sand = It'll probably go all FUBAR pretty soon.

I look forward to seeing how Darryl adapts, or doesn't...

PS - Re: the metal poles supports being outside rather than inside the walls - I reckon this was just an economic thing as they presumably have to show more of the inside of Alexandria than the outside, so it's cheaper & quicker for the TV bods to do...

04-Mar-2015, 08:17 AM
Nit pick mode: Ideally, at least in my view, I'd prefer to have the support beams for the walls on the inside rather than on the outside.
Yes! Very odd! Couldn't fathom that!

04-Mar-2015, 09:21 AM
But it’s a rule that applies to every resident of Alexandria and is just one of the many reasons why Carl, Carol and Rick can already see that the people of this community are weak.
The rule applies to every resident except for the hand-picked guards, one of which happens to be the leader's son. But even assuming there's no nefarious motive to the public disarmament rule (e.g. removing means of resistance to keep the people docile), what are they supposed to do if the wall is breached somehow? Rick's group has seen it happen before.

- - - Updated - - -

Then there's the question over Rick's missing stashed gun, and Edith(?) going walk-about & the 3 exiles...
Enid. I wonder whether she has the gun. She was watching Rick's group from outside the wall at least by the time they got to the gate.

Moon Knight
04-Mar-2015, 01:32 PM
I don't think Enid has the gun. Too obvious, but of course I could be wrong. Whoever took that piece also planted that Walker as a trap. I least that's my theory.

Another brilliant touch was we finally got a sense of time! Deanna telling Rick the time and proceeded by Rick setting his watch brought a smile to my face. It's those little things we all forget.

04-Mar-2015, 02:28 PM
Enid. I wonder whether she has the gun. She was watching Rick's group from outside the wall at least by the time they got to the gate.

Yes, what is the importance of the gun going missing!?

04-Mar-2015, 05:51 PM
Another brilliant touch was we finally got a sense of time! Deanna telling Rick the time and proceeded by Rick setting his watch brought a smile to my face. It's those little things we all forget.

Aye, I liked that too - as well as Rick immediately setting his watch to the right time ... in some ways it's quite an alienating thing, knowing what the definite time of day it is, rather than just an approximation after all that time out in the wild. I'd imagine the Alexandria crowd also know exactly what day it is - Team Rick probably only know what month it is.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how our battle-weary gang are going to cope within this very normal setting. It's like a fresh new direction and a change of pace, a new avenue to explore, and I'm super excited to see where things go from here.

What are people's thoughts on Deanna? How much do you trust her - do you trust her?

Moon Knight
04-Mar-2015, 06:33 PM
Aye, I liked that too - as well as Rick immediately setting his watch to the right time ... in some ways it's quite an alienating thing, knowing what the definite time of day it is, rather than just an approximation after all that time out in the wild. I'd imagine the Alexandria crowd also know exactly what day it is - Team Rick probably only know what month it is.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how our battle-weary gang are going to cope within this very normal setting. It's like a fresh new direction and a change of pace, a new avenue to explore, and I'm super excited to see where things go from here.

What are people's thoughts on Deanna? How much do you trust her - do you trust her?

I trust Deanna. Her explanation as to why they want the gang in Alexandria is very believable and makes perfect sense. She knows they are weak, she knows her son is a douchebag, she knows they can't be safe forever, she knows they NEED The Survivors. I like her and I can't wait to see her develop more.

04-Mar-2015, 09:07 PM
This episode was pretty entertaining. I enjoyed seeing a new survivor group, a new layout, a new dynamic. Alexandria was a nice departure from the kinds of groups we've seen to date. That assumes they don't turn into cannibals next week, of course.

I don't know where they are going with Rick but I don't like it. Last week he was a psychopath. He attacked, detained, robbed, and repeatedly threatened to kill Aaron, not to mention almost getting the entire group killed. This week he was a little better, but that ending comment... blah. Did Deanna's ability to read people clue her in that he's thinking about stealing their stuff and taking their place because they are weak? Shame on you Rick. I'd stand up and clap if next week opens with Michonne spending half the episode bitch-slapping Rick.

I didn't like the Carol acting job, either. Yes, it was clever. But it rubbed me the wrong way. She came off as self-serving and conniving and - once again - her unilateral decisions pose a threat to the group.

Daryl, Carl, Michonne - I thought they were all good. Interesting twists, plausible actions, good performances.

And Glenn - Booyah! The high point of the episode was Glenn getting fired up. His actions and behaviors seemed genuine, balanced, and in keeping with the ethics we expect from the group. Kudos to Deanna for backing him up. Great interaction all around.

Deanna - I like her assuming we're seeing Alexandria without some huge sinister underpinning that she's hiding. Right now we don't know much. They have an idyllic setting, but we know they've lost people recently, and had turmoil in the past. I think they're desperate given how open they've been to our little group of malcontents.

Personally, I hope Alexandria turns out to be exactly what we see of it. I'd like to see the conflict come from the outside for a change. Maybe even from the zombies?!?

Moon Knight
04-Mar-2015, 11:57 PM
^ I wouldn't say Alexandria would just let anyone in. They followed and watched Rick's group for a couple of weeks. I love this Rick. He's very unpredictable. I love it.

05-Mar-2015, 02:47 AM
What are people's thoughts on Deanna? How much do you trust her - do you trust her?

She's a politician...

...so no.


05-Mar-2015, 03:05 AM
They followed and watched Rick's group for a couple of weeks.
So they know the whole group put together is about as competent as Aaron and Eric by themselves. Or less competent, maybe, given that Aaron and Eric were basically running circles around them without being seen, in the same threat environment that Rick's group was moving through. :D

05-Mar-2015, 02:13 PM
^ I wouldn't say Alexandria would just let anyone in. They followed and watched Rick's group for a couple of weeks. I love this Rick. He's very unpredictable. I love it.No, they wouldn't let in just anyone. And the group probably portrayed itself pretty well if all you saw was them walking along a road dying of thirst.

But if I were Aaron by the end of my first day with Team Rick I would've led them off a cliff. Starting with Rick. I told the guy where my vehicles were parked and he promptly stole them, leaving my partner stranded in the woods, claimed my food and told everyone to eat up, and almost got me killed dragging me smack into a zombie riddled back road. There's caution... and then there's telling me he's going to kill me every 5 minutes.

I'm still cheesed over a season of Rick hallucinating and acting insane. That was really a slog of TWD episodes for me. It looks like we're gearing up for a repeat, possibly with Daryl losing it too. I was hoping for a half season of good solid behavior out of the group.

The rest of the group was fine. They showed a health dose of caution but remained civil. I'm loving Michonne in this story arc. Yay sanity!

So they know the whole group put together is about as competent as Aaron and Eric by themselves. Or less competent, maybe, given that Aaron and Eric were basically running circles around them without being seen, in the same threat environment that Rick's group was moving through. :DBooyah!

It's going to be interesting to see what has motivated Alexandria to seek new blood. Done right, Team Rick could integrate and positively influence this community. They clearly could add great skills and manpower. I'm just worried that the writers are using this as a vehicle to display our beloved survivors as the bad guys.

Moon Knight
05-Mar-2015, 02:59 PM
So what if they are portraying the group as bad guys? It's such a different and Interesting dynamic. Rick's behavior is justified imo. Just look at everything that has happened to the group since the Prison. Aaron understands this and he himself has "killed" two people who tried to kill him.

05-Mar-2015, 05:16 PM
Coolest thing about this episode?

Trin is up to date on the series and posting about it! :D Nice!

05-Mar-2015, 05:54 PM
So what if they are portraying the group as bad guys? It's such a different and Interesting dynamic. Rick's behavior is justified imo. Just look at everything that has happened to the group since the Prison. Aaron understands this and he himself has "killed" two people who tried to kill him.
I agree that it's interesting. Way better than sitting on the farm for a half a season wondering where Sophia is. But I don't think it is *as* interesting as having the two groups pull together for an episode and then have a greater external threat surface that they must fight off as a group. Basically, I'd like a Dawn of the Dead vibe (everyone pulling together) instead of our current Day of the Dead vibe (everyone pulling different directions).

As for Rick's behavior being justified ... that's a moralistic determination, and morality is short on checks and balances in the new world. They are living in a world where "justified" is determined solely by what you can get away with. And live with having done. Saying that "stuff has happened to them" to justify their current behavior is eerily close to the argument that Gareth applied to becoming ruthless cannibals.

Coolest thing about this episode?

Trin is up to date on the series and posting about it! :D Nice!*extra hugs for Aces*

Moon Knight
05-Mar-2015, 06:29 PM
I agree that it's interesting. Way better than sitting on the farm for a half a season wondering where Sophia is. But I don't think it is *as* interesting as having the two groups pull together for an episode and then have a greater external threat surface that they must fight off as a group. Basically, I'd like a Dawn of the Dead vibe (everyone pulling together) instead of our current Day of the Dead vibe (everyone pulling different directions).

As for Rick's behavior being justified ... that's a moralistic determination, and morality is short on checks and balances in the new world. They are living in a world where "justified" is determined solely by what you can get away with. And live with having done. Saying that "stuff has happened to them" to justify their current behavior is eerily close to the argument that Gareth applied to becoming ruthless cannibals.

*extra hugs for Aces*

I agree for the most part. However, Rick may be portrayed as a bit of a villain, but to me he's a good man doing what needs to be done. Gareth took an extreme and went the total opposite direction than Rick.

05-Mar-2015, 07:35 PM
I am sure that if Alexandria is what it appears to be on the surface (i.e a good deal with some obvious flaws) I am certain Rick will come round and if Rick comes round I think Daryl will too.

The key line in this episode was spoken not by Rick but by Glenn "we were almost out there too long". We all know that Rick is much further gone than Glenn but the tears as he was getting his barnet cut show that he is still a human. I think in five seasons we have seen that Rick will always try to do good by good people, just look at the list:

Trying to help Morgan and Dwayne
taking care of the quarry campers
Hershels family
taking in Michonne and Tyresses group at the prison
accepting Axel and Oscar
accepting Bob
taking in the Woodbury Survivors
accepting Abe, Tara, Rosita and Eugene
Taking in Gabriel
Taking in Noah and offering to take in other survivors from Dawns hospital.

He has a system and that system needs to firm up the more times you meet bad people. He has become more feral with being on the road since the prison but his core values still stand and I don't believe the Rick we know will do anything to hurt good people. That said the first sign of these peope being the next termites and Rick will take them down.

05-Mar-2015, 07:58 PM
I think there may be over reaction to Ricks statement. I don't believe Rick is advocating a murderous overthrow of the place. Knowing Rick is a good man I'd say it is more of a non hostile event. Bsically informing the residents of the evil out there and team Rick will assume power and control.

05-Mar-2015, 08:20 PM
I think there may be over reaction to Ricks statement. I don't believe Rick is advocating a murderous overthrow of the place. Knowing Rick is a good man I'd say it is more of a non hostile event. Bsically informing the residents of the evil out there and team Rick will assume power and control.
So you're saying it'd be more of a benevolent Ricktatorship.

05-Mar-2015, 08:44 PM
Excellent points all around!

Like you all are saying, I cannot imagine Rick turning a takeover into a hostile event. But they are putting a lot of foreshadowing behaviors of "evil Rick" out there. The closing comment is mostly disturbing because of the timing. It comes after Rick has ostensibly bought into the community, and thus undermines any progress in Rick having "bought in" during the episode.

I have to think they are building up to plunge Rick into some depths of darkness before pulling him back to the light. Ultimately, he comes back to the light though, because that is the core of his character, and his character is core to the show.

For my part, I just hope they don't stretch that out for a ton of episodes.

06-Mar-2015, 10:07 AM
No, they wouldn't let in just anyone. And the group probably portrayed itself pretty well if all you saw was them walking along a road dying of thirst.

But if I were Aaron by the end of my first day with Team Rick I would've led them off a cliff. Starting with Rick. I told the guy where my vehicles were parked and he promptly stole them, leaving my partner stranded in the woods, claimed my food and told everyone to eat up, and almost got me killed dragging me smack into a zombie riddled back road. There's caution... and then there's telling me he's going to kill me every 5 minutes.

I'm still cheesed over a season of Rick hallucinating and acting insane. That was really a slog of TWD episodes for me. It looks like we're gearing up for a repeat, possibly with Daryl losing it too. I was hoping for a half season of good solid behavior out of the group.

He wasn't hallucinating for a season's worth, it was like four or five episodes in season 3.

As for Rick/Aaron - Aaron and Eric had been observing them for 2 or 3 weeks, so he'll have seen what their group dynamic was, how they dealt with each other, how leadership was handled, how they interacted with the world around them, what choices they made. Aaron will be well aware that - when faced with a mysterious stranger promising a super awesome place to call home - the people he's approached (only after making a solid judgement call to do even just that) will be wary of him and immediately suspicious. What's a little food from your stocks and a punch to the jaw in this world? That'll be factored in - and Aaron would also understand that Rick would have to try and establish his dominant credentials - if anything it'd be more concerning if Rick didn't act like that when approached by Aaron.

Also, think about it from Rick's point of view, here's this stranger promising a great new place for them to live - after having encountered The Governor, The Claimers, and The Termites (and even Dawn's crowd) - so you're going to be decidedly cautious. Taking the other road turned into a bugger up, but nobody died, and when you don't trust someone (and you've got your whole family's safety to think about - both blood and extended family) it's a sensible decision at that point with the knowledge that Rick had at the time.

Like you all are saying, I cannot imagine Rick turning a takeover into a hostile event. But they are putting a lot of foreshadowing behaviors of "evil Rick" out there. The closing comment is mostly disturbing because of the timing. It comes after Rick has ostensibly bought into the community, and thus undermines any progress in Rick having "bought in" during the episode.

Honestly I think it's just keep a possibility in mind - if the Alexandrians (we'll have to come up with a catchy nickname for that lot :) ) turn out to be bad, then they can just take the place and live happily ever after - but it's only a possibility and he's only shared the idea of it with two people. We've only just arrived at the place - like Team Rick - so they'll just have to have a little patience and see how things are first.

Plus it's a thematic device, a will he/won't he, linked to what Glenn was saying about being out there almost too long - however Rick's had the burden of leadership and has had to do some ghastly things in order to survive (remember 4x16 when he tore Joe's throat out with his teeth! :stunned: )

So what I'm saying is basically - let's just wait and see - we've only just arrived at Alexandria. :)

Moon Knight
06-Mar-2015, 01:12 PM
Just a few thoughts relating comic to show observations and theories.

Is Enid the new Sophia? It's also a safe bet Aiden is our new Spencer and did you guys notice more Negan foreshadowing concerning Ron telling Carl Mikey's dad had a "pool table"? In the comics it was Spencer that had the table and now it's Nicholas; and we all know how that ends up. :D
I'm also bummed how Ambraham is getting all his material stripped and given to Michonne. It happened with Tyreese too. One of the cons of having Daryl around I guess.