View Full Version : More evidence some people/cultures are so different, it's WTF time!

03-Mar-2015, 01:33 PM
You may remember the horrific rape case in India a couple of years go where a young girl who had been to the cinema with a male friend to see "Life of Li". At 8:30pm they caught a bus home and then both were attacked/beaten with an iron bar. She was gang raped. The bar was also used to "create internal damage" such that she died days later...

Anyway, what's most terrifying are the comments from the rapist(s) - http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-31698154


In 16 hours of interviews, Singh showed no remorse and kept expressing bewilderment that such a fuss was being made about this rape, when everyone was at it.

"A decent girl won't roam around at nine o'clock at night. A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy," he said.

"Housework and housekeeping is for girls, not roaming in discos and bars at night doing wrong things, wearing wrong clothes. About 20% of girls are good."

People "had a right to teach them a lesson" he suggested - and he said the woman should have put up with it.

"When being raped, she shouldn't fight back. She should just be silent and allow the rape. Then they'd have dropped her off after 'doing her', and only hit the boy," he said.

When I asked him how he could cross the line from imagining what he wanted to do, to actually doing it - given her height, her eyes, her screams - he looked at me as though I was crazy for even asking the question and said: "She was beggar girl. Her life was of no value.

Things don't get much better when supposedly educated individuals are questioned about the matter:-

I spoke to two lawyers who had defended the murderers of the 23-year-old student at their trial, and what they said was extremely revealing.

"In our society, we never allow our girls to come out from the house after 6:30 or 7:30 or 8:30 in the evening with any unknown person," said one of the lawyers, ML Sharma.

"You are talking about man and woman as friends. Sorry, that doesn't have any place in our society. We have the best culture. In our culture, there is no place for a woman."

The other lawyer, AP Singh, had said in a previous televised interview: "If my daughter or sister engaged in pre-marital activities and disgraced herself and allowed herself to lose face and character by doing such things, I would most certainly take this sort of sister or daughter to my farmhouse, and in front of my entire family, I would put petrol on her and set her alight."

Sometimes you have to remember some people are just mad, and worse still, some cultures are so warped (mis-guided) they are on the verge of what we'd term inhuman.

Leslee Udwin's film, India's Daughter, will be broadcast on Storyville on BBC Four on Sunday 8 March at 22:00 GMT. It will be shown in India on NDTV at 21:00 local time.

03-Mar-2015, 02:34 PM

03-Mar-2015, 03:44 PM
The world is a sick, twisted, f*cked up place. That is all. :|

04-Mar-2015, 09:20 AM
Indian Parliament has moved to prevent the documentary from being shown (in India) - http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-31724516

I'm sure ignoring/hiding the mindset that causes men to behave this way is the best way forwards! :annoyed:

Interesting comments from the film maker herself - http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-31725198

06-Mar-2015, 03:47 PM
Very upsetting if only how inhumane a human can be to another human. Even more upsetting given how hard she'd worked to better herself (& family)... :(
