View Full Version : In The Flesh (BBC TV series) cancelled

06-Mar-2015, 10:31 AM
Seems we won't be getting the third series - http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/in-the-flesh/33730/in-the-fleshs-cancellation-what-bbc-three-is-missing

The worst part of the cancellation news for fans is that In The Flesh’s story wasn’t even close to ending after the series two finale. Audiences were left with a cliff-hanger that would rewrite all the rules of its universe, leading to an eventual, satisfying end-point that, ideally, wouldn’t arrive for at least a couple of years.


06-Mar-2015, 11:07 AM
god damnit BBC


06-Mar-2015, 07:59 PM
Can't say that I'm surprised really.

The last series got so engrossed in 'point making' and 'making a statement' that it
kind of lost the focus of where it was coming from. The genre and the shoulders that
it was standing on.

That said, I'm still sad to see it go, I would rather a program that made you think
than one that just does cheap thrills.

As for how this has been cancelled and BBC Three are now showing that awful
'reality' shambles ... don't get me started, could rant for hours ... is this a reflection
of the dumbing down of society?? Even the BBC would rather broadcast trash viewing??

Please someone, say it isn't so.

06-Mar-2015, 08:42 PM
Cheaper to produce "reality" TV than it is to fashion old style visual fiction.

It's only going to get worse.

In saying that, I'm not surprised in the least that this series is gone. It had a very limited appeal. But, I'm getting truly sick of series getting cut off mid way through its life. It's such a feature of modern TV that I rarely, if ever, invest any of my time in a new show. I just don't see the point. In fairness, a lot are shit, but it's so annoying to get into a show and then see the rug pulled.

It's why I'm a big believer in NOT having your series end on a cliff hanger as the audience doesn't know whether the damn show will return.

07-Mar-2015, 04:54 PM
I loved this show so much. It was one of the few BBC dramas that actually kept me coming back for more, and there hasn't been anything like that in a LONG time. Yes, Netflix, Amazon or someone else could pick it up and carry on, but the problem is that if the BBC has they're way, the commercial arm will keep a tight grip on it in much the same way that they did with Doctor Who in the 90's (They didn't want it but they didn't want anyone else to have it).

I could be wrong.... perhaps the market is saturated with zombie products. But once in a while, something will come along and breath new life into the genre. In the flesh was one of those shows.

09-Mar-2015, 12:10 PM
I've still not watched the seconds series - Sitting there on my box waiting for me!

09-Mar-2015, 10:47 PM
The last series got so engrossed in 'point making' and 'making a statement' that it
kind of lost the focus of where it was coming from. The genre and the shoulders that
it was standing on.

Can you tell what point that was to us who have not seen it?

11-Mar-2015, 03:30 AM
That's a damned shame. While I agree that the whole gay analogy thing got a bit heavy handed, I did enjoy the show. Much like the Romero movies, I'm usually able to ignore the political and just enjoy it for what it is (or was).

I agree wholeheartedly about NOT ending seasons on cliff-hangers. I've been bit in the arse a few times that way, with shows I really liked.

13-Mar-2015, 04:28 AM
Did they actually compare an abnormal infectious condition that turns you into a monstrous thing that can not control its bestial hunger for human flesh to being gay?

13-Mar-2015, 10:54 AM
There was definitely a thinly veiled gay allegory throughout the show.

13-Mar-2015, 12:08 PM
There was definitely a thinly veiled gay allegory throughout the show.

OK! This thread is starting to go just a bit too...


13-Mar-2015, 11:58 PM
Well atleast when the Xmen 3 movie did it they used handsome people with angel wings..