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18-Jul-2006, 10:14 PM
what do you suppose makes the living dead want human flesh?
i mean it doesnt benifit them at all i doubt they could really starve to death,at least in the rotld series they explain why they need brains!

is it true what john said in day,that they were being punished by the creator(god)?:eek:

maybe god new we could prevent our own exstinction if it was a meteor like what took out the dinosaurs!(yes i saw armageddon)

19-Jul-2006, 04:42 AM
what do you suppose makes the living dead want human flesh?
i mean it doesnt benifit them at all i doubt they could really starve to death,at least in the rotld series they explain why they need brains!

is it true what john said in day,that they were being punished by the creator(god)?:eek:

maybe god new we could prevent our own exstinction if it was a meteor like what took out the dinosaurs!(yes i saw armageddon)

Maybe cause humans are carnivores? So, GAR took it a step further and made the dead come back and be hungry for fresh human meat. Besides arent there old tribes in Africa that were cannibals? To me Zombies are the scariest of all the kinds of horror movies that there are out there. My Opinion!

Guru ofthe Dead
19-Jul-2006, 04:44 AM
Basic instincts. Totally the most basic of all life. Survival. They are just acting on basic instinct.

19-Jul-2006, 06:05 AM
The radiation created a hellish freakshow. That's all really. No need involved. I was going to say that the radiation perverted what humans like to do the most when they're alive but they also like to screw and that didn't become a part of zombie programming, unless you see Dawna of the Dead :D.

Guru ofthe Dead
19-Jul-2006, 06:11 AM
The radiation created a hellish freakshow. That's all really. No need involved. I was going to say that the radiation perverted what humans like to do the most when they're alive but they also like to screw and that didn't become a part of zombie programming, unless you see Dawna of the Dead :D.
You are one sick puppy. I like that. Hey, somewhere over the rainbow. You ain't a fellow Jayhawker are you?

19-Jul-2006, 07:59 AM
You are one sick puppy. I like that. Hey, somewhere over the rainbow. You ain't a fellow Jayhawker are you?

Naa, I'm a Northeastern boy. But in spirit I'm somwhere over the rainbow where the skies are blue, troubles melt into lemon drops, and sick puppies fly.

19-Jul-2006, 02:39 PM
I've talked to John Russo himself about this, and he said they made them eat flesh, because they wanted zombies to be scairier than the zombies in previous films, where they just strangled people, and walked and around and ****. Has anyone seen Zombies of the Mora Tau?

19-Jul-2006, 05:38 PM
is there really a porno call DAWNA OF THE DEAD? ha ha ha........:D

19-Jul-2006, 07:16 PM
I've talked to John Russo himself about this, and he said they made them eat flesh, because they wanted zombies to be scairier than the zombies in previous films, where they just strangled people, and walked and around and ****. Has anyone seen Zombies of the Mora Tau?

No I dont think so is that a new one or old one..back in 60's there zombie movies with Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff I mean those are old black and whites. I didnt care for those type of zombie movies...there was one but its been soo long ago I cant remember what isab out or even the name of it..anyway it was sort of ok to watch.
The zombies in those movies were made from voodoo..a spell was cast and people just walked around in a deep comatose daze, they were the slaves of who did the voodoo on them. Thats why GAR's zombies are soooo scarey!!!
You know I have watched these zombie for years and they still scare the begeebers out of me.

19-Jul-2006, 07:22 PM
Has anyone seen Zombies of the Mora Tau?

I remember seeing that a long time ago when they still showed movies like that at 2am. It was very slow moving. Another zombie flick I remember where zombies basically did nothing was Zombies of Sugar Hill. Part of the blaxploitation thing at the time.

19-Jul-2006, 07:52 PM
what do you suppose makes the living dead want human flesh?

As to their feeding, I’m trying to think of what we do know about GAR’s living dead. Correct me if I’m wrong on any of this, as I’m doing it from memory, and I may have missed crucial info…

1 – Zombies don’t eat you when you go cold. Now, we do see several shots of feasting on parts, and I can’t recall a scene where the part was rejected for being cold, but we do see the zombies ignoring some dead corpses that have not reanimated. So, it seems they eat the freshly dead, but not the dead, dead…

I wonder, just how cold does the body have to be for rejection? Body core temperature doesn’t drop that quickly, but the dead seem to be repulsed from dead tissue very quickly.

Also, they aren’t touching the body, so somehow they know the stuff isn’t desirable anymore. How?

2 – Zombies won’t eat their own kind. The best example is the way the hungry crowd, which is clawing to get into the elevator for a chunk of Flyboy, immediately turns away from the elevator, when they see him new-and-improved undead Flyboy.

What are the implications of this? Would the right Tom Savini make-up be enough to fool them? It’s like the walk through the crowd to get to the pub in Shaun – if you’re a good enough thespian, you can pass through undeterred.

Dianne: Just look at the face: it's vacant, with a hint of sadness. Like a drunk, who's lost a bet…

3 – Zombies will eat animals. The only evidence I can come up with is a line from GAR’s working script for Dawn:

“From the fire stair, we hear the sudden yelping of the puppy as it falls victim to the creatures.”

Maybe the zombies trampled the dog getting in the hidden stairway, but when GAR says “victim,” I assume he means they ate the dog. Now Dawn04 contradicts this in the sequence that involves the dog running over to the gun shop without being attacked, but I think that’s just a franchise split-off, one of many the sequel made.

4 – Zombies will eat people of former significance in their lives. Lot’s of evidence to this in my mind: the little girl in the basement in Night (well, not eat, but hoe to death), the woman in the tenement building in Dawn who goes to hug her risen husband and loses a good chunk of shoulder meat for her troubles, and Flyboy returning to the hidden room.

What other rules have I missed? What else do we know?

Trying to stay within the rules of the GAR universe, I try to think of possible reasons of why they feed they way they do. In regards to why they only eat warm flesh. Homo sapiens are hard-wired to avoid carrion, due to health reasons. Unlike scavenger mammals, like dogs, who can eat dead animals and remain healthy, humans get sick from the bacteria, and thus have a natural antipathy towards corpses of all kinds. The biological encoding that makes us dislike feces is very similar in effect; the purpose of it is to make us avoid disease-bearing biological products like the dead and human waste.

It has been suggested that zombies are merely operating at the lowest levels of human capability: ambulation, balance, aggression, feeding… (makes one wonder about the sex drive being left out of the mix). Perhaps this is how a brainstem behaves without the higher brain functions. Food is warm. Must get food, because it may not always be hunting season. Eat, Eat, Eat!

Others have suggested that the zombie is Id without Superego nor Ego. I think that’s more of a metaphor, but perhaps the subconscious left to it’s own would consume and consume and consume.

Thoughts anyone?


19-Jul-2006, 10:55 PM
i always thought that zombies are attracted to blood more than flesh.

in day, you see a crocodile has been spared by the undead. the only logical reason i can see for this is it has cold blood.

they dont each other, again.. their dead.. they have cold blood.

also when you die, your blood starts cooling straight away and cools much quicker than your flesh, especially in your extremeties (arms and legs).. again, if they are attracted to warm blood this would explain why their repulsed by a body fairly quickly.

how do they detect it? i dunno.. smell it i guess.. ive never put much thought into that!

oh and it also means that the best actor in world would not be able to pass himself off :p

20-Jul-2006, 03:49 PM
I always thought that at their most primal and base level the zombies had been rewired to eat what was most recognizable in their primal repitilian brains. What's more recognizable to zombie than another human being. A zombie thus became eating what they were before turning: a warm, living human. Maybe they avoided feeding on each other for the fact that the flesh zombies had were already cooled, decayed and transformed by whatever had started the epidemic in the first place.

20-Jul-2006, 09:56 PM
then what about the theory of how they came to life,i dont believe they ever truely explained how it happen,although in night they mentioned a space probe,but that was never justified!

or does anyone think it is the god punishment thing?:confused:

21-Jul-2006, 03:07 PM
then what about the theory of how they came to life,i dont believe they ever truely explained how it happen,although in night they mentioned a space probe,but that was never justified!

or does anyone think it is the god punishment thing?:confused:

I rather like that GAR never really gave a definite explanation to what causes it. Again, it gives people like us a reason to discuss and debate. :lol: