View Full Version : How many members here listen to rap?

19-Jul-2006, 11:26 AM
It seems like nobody here listens to rap. I'm not complaining, just curious if there is actually 1 or 2 people that do.

I listen to early-mid 80's hip-hop. Stuff like Cold Crush Brothers, Fresh 3 MCs, LL Cool J, Skinny Boys, Mantronix, etc. But I wouldn't consider that stuff rap... it was fun, good, and the lyrics were entertaining stories not just random sentences about "bitches" and "bling" strewn together.

general tbag
19-Jul-2006, 12:19 PM
i used to listen to old skool rap back in the day when it wasnt the in thing, but after nwa and all the gangstar rap, it went downhill, i still listen to the beastie boys and public enemy . i dont mind run-dmc either. but these days the message lacks and more about making the bling bling.

for new rappers i will say eminem is a very good musician but only listen to a couple of his songs.

other than that death metal or techno.

19-Jul-2006, 12:27 PM
I still listen to the classic rappers like LL Cool J, Dr. Dre, and of Course SNOOP! :D All the other rappers are a waste of my time. Why do I have to hear the word, "Nigga", Bitch, and F*ck every 3 seconds?

Rap has gone down hill, so downhill that even being an ex-Dj I couldn't even tell you who the newest and hottest rap group is right now... I am so out of touch because music today just sucks ass.

19-Jul-2006, 12:33 PM
I listen to some, but own very little. The only CD I own that comes to mind, is Dre's The Chronic. I do like some offshoot music though and can enjoy fun music regardless, so I don't hate all rap, by any means. Too many people turn up their nose at whatever they can, whenever they can. Is rap music? ****, if I know, but I like some of it, and dislike a lot of it.

19-Jul-2006, 12:33 PM
I can stomach some early Busta Rhymes - but that's about it.

19-Jul-2006, 12:44 PM
im a HIM and ozzy fan meself, but my brother actually owns a will smith cd...:barf:

and not one of his old ones like summertime i mean like from 2003...

..yeah i know...:rolleyes:

general tbag
19-Jul-2006, 01:11 PM
im a HIM and ozzy fan meself, but my brother actually owns a will smith cd...:barf::

will smith or dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince....:D

19-Jul-2006, 01:43 PM
will smith or dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince....:D

no more like when he was doing i robot, and wanted to be seen as a 'serious' artist.


19-Jul-2006, 02:42 PM
If one was to speak old school and who ruled them all. Hell, he still rules all. I'm talking about Eric B. and Rakim.

19-Jul-2006, 02:56 PM
I still listen to old NWA, but thats about it. "Fat Girl" is still a great song :D

19-Jul-2006, 03:33 PM
That human Beat box was fresh, man...

I'm starvin', I'm in the mood. Plain and simple, I need food.

Eat some beans and very soon everybody in the place will leave the room

Yeah, they don't make rap like that anymore.

Anyone remember a song called Buttermilk Biscuit? :lol:

19-Jul-2006, 03:38 PM
"fat boys are back and you know they could never be wack":lol:

.....how the hell do i know that?!?:shifty:

19-Jul-2006, 05:53 PM
Rap is without a doubt the worst "music" today...it's all teh same about getting high and talking bout macking of the bitches and bling bling. I used to liek alot of the older stuff, and right now, Run DMC is about the only hip hop I will willingly listen too...wait, and some of eminems music...where he isn't talking bout raping and killing his mom...

19-Jul-2006, 06:43 PM
Best buy must have been around 1993, Smashing Pumpkins and Snoop Doggy Dog at Best Buy.

Now That I've grown up (a little) I can't stand rap. Idiots rapping about gang violence,money,cloths and drugs does not impress me. (I do enjoy eminem though)

It makes kids want to be black streotypes. (notice i didn't say white kids)

19-Jul-2006, 07:10 PM
I cant believe no one mentioned 2pac :eek: I mean come on you cant talk about rap and not mention one of the best rappers ever!!

Yeh I like rap but not so much the new mainstream stuff....what happened to Snoop....I love his Doggystyle album but his recent efforts are just...hmmmm

I remember listening (well my brother) to NWA and Dre when I was younger and Chronic was one of the 1st albums I fully listened to!

And dont even get me started on that twat Sean Puffy P Diddy Symbol what ever my name is Combs......:mad:

At least Suges got his :lol: bankrupt :moon: that'll teach him to get 2pac shot!!!

19-Jul-2006, 07:26 PM
I cant believe no one mentioned 2pac :eek: I mean come on you cant talk about rap and not mention one of the best rappers ever!!

Tu Pac is/was a HACK!!! He was, what we doctors call a "Glamour Thug" - NOT really a thug, but, his PR men said he was.
A lot of these "Gansta Rappers" never saw a gang.....never threw a punch (unless they were punching themselves for being so talentless)
AND,.....if you believe some of these "gangsta Rappers" and the horrible "street stories" they tell,.....welll.....trust me, they (80%) never lived the streets.
I'm from Memphis and KNOW personally a member of Three Six Mafia.......that boy was spoon fed by his house-wife momma while daddy brought in $150,000 a year.

19-Jul-2006, 07:40 PM
Tupacs mum was a black panther and he grew up around drugs and the like so I think he knew what he was talking about!..but hey no one ever said rappers had to tell the truth! How many songs are true to the singer! not many!

19-Jul-2006, 07:43 PM
Tupacs mum was a black panther and he grew up around drugs and the like so I think he knew what he was talking about!..but hey no one ever said rappers had to tell the truth! How many songs are true to the singer! not many!
"Back Then",....ANYONE black could have called themselves a "black panther" (meyow, hiss), Hell, I'm white and from the south, but I don't scream LONG LIVE THE KKK!!!!
Tupac was a gimmick.
Tupac, in the Rap world, is the same thing as Sleepless in Seatle is for "chick flicks" - A dime a dozen.

Jesus, this debate screws me up as much as people that use "then" instead of "than".

19-Jul-2006, 07:47 PM
:lol: oooooooooooook I still think he is/was good....anyways I much prefer the likes of Queen, now theres some music to get your teeth in to :D :D :D :D

19-Jul-2006, 10:49 PM
I like some rap. I like the stuff from the 80's as well like run dmc and ll cool j, salt and pepper. I like some modern rap but i am not really into it

20-Jul-2006, 01:45 AM
Tupac?!?! Give me a break? Everyone seems to think he was tough as **** and hard up from the streets. How is it that every-****ing-body seems to overlook the fact that Tupac was originally the really wimpy singer/dancer in DIGITAL UNDERGROUND?!?!?!?!??!?!?!

Will Smiths "Summertime" isn't even good Will Smith. The Fresh Prince had already sold out at that point. The good stuff is "Rock The House". That album is the ****!

For those of you that like The Fat Boys... try to check out The Skinny Boys. One of my fav's. Their beats and hooks are pretty generic; some even downright rip-off Run DMC, LL, or the Beastie Boys. Their lyrics are hillarious, though, and the songs are still fun... regardless of lacking originality.

20-Jul-2006, 01:53 AM
The Chronic is an excellent album. Beastie Boys ,LL Cool J,Public Enemy, Sugar Hill Gang, NWA, Snoop.

20-Jul-2006, 02:22 AM
I still listen to the classic rappers like LL Cool J, Dr. Dre, and of Course SNOOP! :D All the other rappers are a waste of my time. Why do I have to hear the word, "Nigga", Bitch, and F*ck every 3 seconds?

Rap has gone down hill, so downhill that even being an ex-Dj I couldn't even tell you who the newest and hottest rap group is right now... I am so out of touch because music today just sucks ass..

I agree. I love the old school rappers. I've listened off and on from the start. On when there was talent and off when it was cRap.

Guru ofthe Dead
20-Jul-2006, 07:23 AM
I still have an original Fat Boys 45. Damn I'm gettin old. However rap is not rap anymore and if the guys at my classic rock website heard I listen to old rap I would probably get kicked out. FLAVOR FLAV!!!!!!!!!

20-Jul-2006, 08:57 AM
sometimes ... depends on my mood ... but I still prefer Metal or Electro

20-Jul-2006, 09:05 PM
no more like when he was doing i robot, and wanted to be seen as a 'serious' artist.


HEY HEY....no need to call him that...he is just making music! lol

I like some rap. I like the stuff from the 80's as well like run dmc and ll cool j, salt and pepper. I like some modern rap but i am not really into it

Salt and pepper??? said like a true white girl Salt N Pepa thank you.

OK not on to me me me....80% of what I listen to is rap! (The other stuff is a mix Misfits, White Zombie, Fiona apple, Hank Williams Sr, Perry Cumo, Slayer, Prodigy)

I fell in love with rap with Beastie Boys Liceince to Ill and really got into it was NWA straight outta compton (I grew up in the city BTW). By the time '93 rolled around Hip-Hop reached its Golden Era with Biggie, Pac, Nas, Jay-Z and Wu knocking on the door.

Today, sadly, it is 90% trash rap has hit the wall. While I still listen to rap it is either old stuff or stuff I find made by unsigned guys in my area, here is a link to what might be the greatest rapper I have ever heard....


If you listen to him openmindedly and read the lyrics and dont think he is talented you will never like hip-hop....ever.

BTW he did a house of 1000 corpses tribute song on his site.

22-Jul-2006, 01:13 AM
is this thread dead?

22-Jul-2006, 01:26 AM
is this thread dead?
don't know.....is it?

22-Jul-2006, 02:59 AM
just wondering?

22-Jul-2006, 03:03 AM
I'd rather "rap" to this.....(Mr. Stevie Wonder)

Looking back on when I

Was a little nappy headed boy

Then my only worry

Was for Christmas what would be my toy

Even though we sometimes

Would not get a thing

We were happy with the

Joy the day would bring

Sneaking out the back door

To hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine

Greeted at the back door

With boy thought I told you not to go outside

Tryin' your best to bring the

Water to your eyes

Thinkin' it might stop her

Grom woopin' your behind

I wish those days could come back once more

Why did those days ev-er have to go

I wish those days could come back once more

Why did those days ev-er have to go

Cause I love them so

Brother says he's tellin'

'Bout you playin' doctor with that girl

Just don't tell I'll give you

Anything you want in this whole wide world

Mama gives you money for Sunday school

You trade yours for candy after church is through

Smokin' cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall (you
nasty boy)

Teacher sends you to the principal's office down the wall

You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain't right

But while you were doin'it-it sure felt outta sight

I wish those days could come back once more

Why did those days ev-er have to go

I wish those days could come back once more

Why did those days ev-er have to go

22-Jul-2006, 07:09 AM
I listen to new rap and have serious bass in my trunk

22-Jul-2006, 12:17 PM
I'm open minded about all music.

With rap, I'm liking Kanye West right now.

Snoop does do good albums.

Tupac is always a favorite.

Tu Pac is/was a HACK!!! He was, what we doctors call a "Glamour Thug" - NOT really a thug, but, his PR men said he was.
A lot of these "Gansta Rappers" never saw a gang.....never threw a punch (unless they were punching themselves for being so talentless)
AND,.....if you believe some of these "gangsta Rappers" and the horrible "street stories" they tell,.....welll.....trust me, they (80%) never lived the streets.
I'm from Memphis and KNOW personally a member of Three Six Mafia.......that boy was spoon fed by his house-wife momma while daddy brought in $150,000 a year.

Hmm, so him getting shot, losing a testicle, and turning up to court the next day in a wheelchair was all commercial. :rolleyes:

22-Jul-2006, 03:38 PM
I love Hip Hop, I ain't ashamed to say it either.
Afeni Shakur was an ACTUAL Black Panther party memeber, Conintelpro file and everything. For the record, I thought Tupac was repititious, but when you record 5 songs a day, everyday, that happens. Probably Most Prolific recording RApper ever.

I grew up with Hip Hop. from before it had a name. B-boying(breaking as it's now known), Up Rock, MCing (rapping), tagging, the whole thing. Grandmastter Flash mix tapes, Busy Bee, Kool Mo Dee, Kurtis Blow, Fat Boys.Biz MArkie Doing BEat Box in front in my high school with his big head. Parrish from EPMD in school Band.
Strait through Run DMC, NAS,NWA, Too Short to 3 6 mafia, UGK Possee. And whatever underground stuff is out there, including UK hiphop (which has become very good).
IF you think rap sucks, you aint never heard KOOL KEITH or Ghostface Killah.

People used to give me a lotta crap for diggin the beats and being of the caucasion persuation. "Why you trying to be black?". Which is real stupid. I have long hair and a beard and wear Motorhead T Shirts and speak without any fake urban affect. People don't care too much anymore, but between 80s to 1998 people get hostile (a lot of kindds of people) cause I made beats and could say a rhyme. When I was 15 or so we used to sort of battle while we partied by the train tracks, Filthy, insulting rhymes at least 5 years before NWA. People always did that but it wasn't on a record until about 1988.
I love Slayer, I love George Jones, I love the Beatles, and I love me some stupid ass, ignorant, Banging Bass Hip Hop(and the smart stuff too, of course)
If the only hiphop you hear is on the radio (or TV), you never hear anything good. It's out there, but you have to look. Radio sucks big time, especially in NYC, believe it or not.

Used to be there was a great new record every week. Then it got corporate and turned into a wining formula. Now theres oceans of Commodified crap out every 5 seconds. That doesn't mean theres not quality out there, hidden under the mounds of dookie.

For the record, Fresh Prince sucks, always sucked and always will. What are you guys talking about?!?! Will Smith is a dillhole.

22-Jul-2006, 06:29 PM
I love Slayer,

everyone loves slayer.:D

22-Jul-2006, 06:41 PM
everyone loves slayer.:D
No they don't, and I'm glad they don't.
Its hard enough getting tickets:D

22-Jul-2006, 06:54 PM
I hate people that "love" Slayer but have no idea what "Show No Mercy" is.

22-Jul-2006, 06:58 PM
Actually I really dont like that CD much, it is a little rough around the edge which I am sure is what gives it its charm. I like from Hell Awaits - Devine Intervention.

22-Jul-2006, 08:48 PM
Dude, Show No Mercy is my favorite album!

22-Jul-2006, 10:35 PM
I'm a reign in Blood guy myself. And south of Heaven. People called it commercial when it came out.Huh? Slayer couldn't be commercial if they ate Babyface's brain.

Chemical Warfare!!!!!!

23-Jul-2006, 12:45 AM
I dont care what your fav slayer album is it is all matter of taste, I think Hell Awaits is up there from me because it is the 1st one I heard.

But South of Heaven and Reign in Blood both got the most plays on my CD player...

But Devine intervention had a lot to do with my friend being hospitalized for mental reasons because he would listen to that cd on Repeat and smoke PCP and kinda went nuts and started drinking the PCP he was using to dip the flakes....I went to visit him at Johns Hopkins and he was in restraints for writing letters to the nurses and saying he would rape and kill them when he was released...the only thing he told me to bring him was the lyrics to the Devine intervention CD....anyway we were friends for a bit when he got out and than he got into heroin really bad and I havent spoken to him more than saying hi since The Rams v. Titans Superbowl.

Long off topic post...just got me thinking lol.

23-Jul-2006, 01:31 AM
all this talk of 80's style bands has got em dusting off my guns and roses i got from my dad,lol.

*que intro to sweet child of mine coming out of cd player* :lol:

23-Jul-2006, 02:52 AM
It seems like nobody here listens to rap. I'm not complaining, just curious if there is actually 1 or 2 people that do.

I listen to early-mid 80's hip-hop. Stuff like Cold Crush Brothers, Fresh 3 MCs, LL Cool J, Skinny Boys, Mantronix, etc. But I wouldn't consider that stuff rap... it was fun, good, and the lyrics were entertaining stories not just random sentences about "bitches" and "bling" strewn together.

I don't mind the older rap. I don't mind the ninties music. But alot of the new stuff really bothers me. I dunno, just something about it doesn't catch my ear anymore. I listen to literally every type of music so I'm pretty open. A few rap songs I'll listen to. But rap is probably my least favorite next to modern country. But like in modern country, there are some good stuff hidden.

Still, rock kicks all ass :cool:

23-Jul-2006, 10:52 AM
I grew up in L.A., during the 70's and 80's, where listening to rap was something the gangsters did and the white kids didn't. Mostly, it was because I wasn't cool enough to pull off the carrying a three-foot boombox or collect the street cred to have my crew rolling in an old-school Lowrider with a kick-ass system. Instead, my friends and I collected handmade tapes of the classics, using them as sort of a private currency: MC 900 Ft. Jesus, Beastie Boys, Fat Boys, House of Pain.

Still, I can always find time in my day to fit in some early Ice-T: he rolled the same streets as me, felt the same sunshine and fell asleep listening to the same gunshots and sirens. Different parts of the same town, I guess, but we did share Los Angeles.

All the rest are still in my collection, but those handmade tapes are long gone, replaced by MP3 and DVD archives; still trade them with some of the same kinds of people.

Man, I hate missing the 80's.

:evil: Angry312; "Whitey Ford Sings the Blues" is still pretty damned awesome. :evil:

23-Jul-2006, 11:12 AM
After watching a teenage white kid crusing around the Best Buy parking lot listening to gangsta rap in his parents Ford Escort - lost all respect for rap music.

Only rap I'd listen to is vintage Run DMC (with Aerosmith) and the Beastie Boys.

23-Jul-2006, 02:57 PM
The fans dont make the music good or bad.

If 1 million tools like a group or band it doesnt make the music bad.

BTW did anyone check out the links I left at the end of page 2?

23-Jul-2006, 04:04 PM
After watching a teenage white kid crusing around the Best Buy parking lot listening to gangsta rap in his parents Ford Escort - lost all respect for rap music.

Only rap I'd listen to is vintage Run DMC (with Aerosmith) and the Beastie Boys.

I saw a black kid with a fat chain listening to Black Flag and then I lost all respect for Hardcore Punk.
How dare he!!!!!!

Maybe he just wasn't diggin the majesty that is nickelback or the pulverizing power and originality that is creed.

Do we have to observe racial lines when we listen to music? Do I have to be a sufi to like a sitar, or live in the appalachias to love Bluegrass?

I hate to tell ya, but when the Beasties came out white people called it N***** music (Yes, the Beasties.like, why are you listening to that jungle sh*t?!?!) and Run DMC was frowned upon also. The only reason Rick Rubin made walk this way was to get white kids to listen. Personally, I think it's the worst song on the record. King of Rock is the Best. And My Addidas.
People used to literally run up in your face. like How dare you?!?!. Its total crap.

I've been making Hiphop music for about 13 years and people still ask me if it's some kind of phaze. That is, until they hear it. Then they get the bozack.

I did listen to those Links OddDNA, and I liked ther 2nd one better because of the beat. He's got a good flow. Lyrically, he has some good zingers and punch lines. I listened to a few. Some I liked Some I didn't. His flow reminds me of someone strongly, I cant place who. Maybe Xhibit,

24-Jul-2006, 09:02 PM
Honestly DZK is my Fav rapper now and has been for like 3 years.

He has 160-some songs on his page and they are all free.

90% I think are among the best I have ever heard as far as rap goes.

There is a guy named ill Chris who is great at punchlines...maybe the best ever, I listen to him alot just to bask in the creativeness.

Anyway Coma do you have any stuff you made I would like to check it out, I used to rap but quit shortly after college.

24-Jul-2006, 09:54 PM
Yeah, I do. When I get it up on my site I'll ley ya know.
I got a little hard drive situation to work out, then Ill up it.

I like free.
I have a saying
"If it's free, then it's for me"
thank god for thr internet
and Computer based, affordable digital audio workstations:)

I like the whacked out punchlines, or ultra obnoxious raps
As far as gangster music theres 2 kinds;
the kind where they try to convince you they are a lowlife
and the kind where they go so over the top it can't be taken seriously as "real", nor is it intended to be. Alot of people (non fans particularly) can't tell the difference.
I prefer the latter myself.

I like intelligence, a carefully flipped wordplay
but I like some meathead, knuclebrain anti social music when I get home from a hard day of other people.