View Full Version : Fallout 4 (video game)

04-Jun-2015, 02:31 AM

fallout 3 was easily one of my favorite games of the last console generation, and from the looks of this trailer, this game is going to be an instant classic with me. glad it's only being put on newer systems and pc. who else is pumped?

04-Jun-2015, 10:11 AM
Aye, it looks pretty sweet - albeit from a short trailer - but I agree, Fallout 3 was a superb game that I got many hours of gameplay out of (more than 100, IIRC), and I didn't even explore every single nook and cranny in that time!

Hopefully it'll be solid and stable when it's released. I do worry these days that some games are just being shoved out the door before they're ready - in fact, we know it's happening (Ubisoft are fast becoming the new EA in that regard) ... so fingers crossed for a polished, stable product at release (IIRC New Vegas had an awful lot of glitches and bugs).

04-Jun-2015, 01:32 PM
Looks pretty!

04-Jun-2015, 08:32 PM

Can't wait for that.

05-Jun-2015, 12:41 AM
The news of the year, as far as I'm concerned :)

05-Jun-2015, 04:41 AM
Aye, it looks pretty sweet - albeit from a short trailer - but I agree, Fallout 3 was a superb game that I got many hours of gameplay out of (more than 100, IIRC), and I didn't even explore every single nook and cranny in that time!

Hopefully it'll be solid and stable when it's released. I do worry these days that some games are just being shoved out the door before they're ready - in fact, we know it's happening (Ubisoft are fast becoming the new EA in that regard) ... so fingers crossed for a polished, stable product at release (IIRC New Vegas had an awful lot of glitches and bugs).

i'm pleased that the trailer appears to be very heavy on what is likely in-game/game engine footage and not a brief 60 second cgi cutscene, like the dead island trailer and so many others these days.

and new vegas was good, but never really grabbed me the way fallout 3 did. got all achievements and completed all dlc for 3, and still felt like i'd only discovered about half of that amazing game. new vegas was also from a different developer than fallout 3, though both games were pretty buggy at launch.

Looks pretty!

indeed. i have read complaints online about the graphics not being quite what people expected on new consoles, but there is so much more detail and color in this world than previous fallout games and the animations appear more fluid and natural to my eyes.....and besides, there's a lot more to a great game than graphics.

05-Jun-2015, 09:34 AM
i have read complaints online about the graphics not being quite what people expected on new consoles, but there is so much more detail and color in this world than previous fallout games and the animations appear more fluid and natural to my eyes.....and besides, there's a lot more to a great game than graphics.

True. Fallout 3 wasn't the best looking game out there at the time, but it was the design of the world that convinced. Graphics have an impact to an extent (e.g. sometimes in GTA V you just stop to look and marvel at a wonderful bit of scenery, or a storm on the horizon), but without a good story or an immersive and well-designed world, it'd be all mouth and no trousers.

The world of Fallout 3 told so many unspoken stories and there was a history to the places you visited that inspired you to explore every nook and cranny. Discovering hidden secrets, sometimes very dark ones, offered thrills as sizeable as a big shoot out.


Screenshots here for your drool-mouthed perusal:

15-Jun-2015, 04:09 AM
tonight's e3 reveal was incredible. some vids (not the best quality, sorry) are below:

character creation and intro:
weapons and armor customization:


combat gameplay:


lots of other cool stuff, too, such as customizable outposts, having your dog fetch items for you and obey commands, new crafting features.

releasing november 10th of this year. day one purchase for me, GOTY contender for sure.

15-Jun-2015, 11:41 PM
Loving all the post apocalyptic themed games.
Tom Clancy's The Division looks quality and a new Rainbow 6 title coming too.
Also backwards compatability from the 360. I bought a load of 360 titles dirt cheap just before the xbone came out so I'm chuffed with that announcement :D

- - - Updated - - -

Bethesda presentation


16-Jun-2015, 09:13 AM
Backwards compatibility? Eh? This is news to me ... please explain. :shifty:


There's also a game for your tablet that they're putting out for folks who are into that kind of thing. :)


16-Jun-2015, 07:28 PM
The xbone will play 360 games basically

17-Jun-2015, 09:34 AM
The xbone will play 360 games basically

Huh ... funny how it was such a big deal beforehand (i.e. MS not offering that capability). How times change, eh?

27-Jul-2015, 09:43 AM
Saw this just now, had a giggle.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11755158_1690405067855491_6697812987947790403_n.jp g?oh=9b32e684002371019c7a47b4f89e9d00&oe=565C1A17

20-Oct-2015, 08:32 PM
Tick tock.

I've been trying to finish The Witcher 3 before this comes along but it's such a good game, that's written so well, I get distracted with 3rd tier adventures/missions.
Fallout 4 looks special though and they've been developing Doom alongside it so the FPS elements will be stellar. Fit that into an RPG and I'm going to be lost to the game for a good 6 months

21-Oct-2015, 09:44 AM
I've still not got onto the latest generation of consoles (nor have I even decided over the choice of XB1 or PS4) - I've been playing catch up on some Xbox360 titles that I never got around to instead ... ... but with some of these titles coming around, perhaps I'll have to look into upgrading. :shifty:

25-Oct-2015, 04:04 AM
Just read that the Xbone version will have the pc mods as dlc. Sweet

09-Nov-2015, 01:48 AM

my ps4 started my digital download this morning. should be able to play the second it releases tomorrow night, taking tuesday and wednesday off from work. my body is f***ing ready.


09-Nov-2015, 02:23 PM
Reviews seem to be very +ve!


My favorite times in Fallout 4 felt like an archaeological expedition through an alternate history. The Commonwealth, like the Capital Wasteland before it, is a character all on its own, full of black humor and tragedy. There are so many stories everywhere, whether in Bethesda's macabre but impeccable set dressing or in more fleshed-out incidents that feel like nothing so much as post-nuclear ghost stories. Fallout 4 feels like wandering through a giant, haunted city, and I want to know every secret it has.

10-Nov-2015, 07:10 AM
love this game already. the opening cutscene with live action footage to start the game is neat, then you take control. my wife was watching me mess with the character creator and asked if she could design the female to look like her....didn't think i was going to get the controller back. there are so many ways to customize your look.

reminds me of skyrim in regards to the crafting. i've barely dabbled in it in my first few hours but it looks deep and detailed. if you loved fallout 3, you're in for a treat. gameplay is very similar with an upgraded and more fluid, natural feel to it. looting bodies and containers is way quicker and simple, the VATS system works better in slo-mo and amps the tension of firefights, and everything so far has run and played smoothly. new animations and effects, enivronments, way more detail and a beautiful open world full of possibilities. granted, the graphics still look like last-gen gta5, but who gives a damn with a game like this?

game of the year for me. i can already guarantee i will log a couple hundred hours in this one.

edit: another bonus is that some of the tracks from fallout 3 are in this game, which made me feel instantly at home wandering the ruins. hoping to hear a track or two from new vegas as well.

10-Nov-2015, 08:11 AM
Talk of stutters on XBONE? - http://attackofthefanboy.com/news/fallout-4-has-major-issues-on-xbox-one-frame-rate-drops-to-0-at-some-points/

Mr. Clean
10-Nov-2015, 11:27 PM
I'll wait for Game of the Year Edition....all I'm seeing on Facebook right now are video after video of glitches.

11-Nov-2015, 12:38 PM
Talk of stutters on XBONE? - http://attackofthefanboy.com/news/fallout-4-has-major-issues-on-xbox-one-frame-rate-drops-to-0-at-some-points/

I hope the PC Master Race aren't affected. I was going to download it tonight.

11-Nov-2015, 02:31 PM
playing on ps4, i have had the game crash once and go back to the psn menu, and i once left a weapon-crafting bench and couldn't move, just stood there with my arms in the air and legs dangling as if i were falling. it's a bethesda game, people should know what to expect. save early, save often, back up your saves and you should be fine. not trying to give them a free pass, but i'm sure there will be frequent patches to fix problems.

looking forward to seeing some of your reactions. i am loving this new-gen fallout experience, it's like fallout 3 on steroids or something.

13-Nov-2015, 01:47 AM
This game is brilliant.
I notice it's getting low scores on metacritic from the public but it's clear that those people haven't put the hours in that you have to with Bethesda games and good RPG s in general. It just hasnt been out long enough for them to explore like you have to, to get a good idea of the depth of the game. I purposely booked days off work so i could get a good run at it and was lucky to get it a day early.
I'm currently storming a castle to take over so I can set up trade routes between other settlements I've established. All without going near the main quest line.
Think of State of Decay in a Fallout environment with elements of civilization. It's also really helped with the crafting and leveling that Ive been playing Fallout shelter and Witcher 3.
My current routine is

Wake up.
Play Fallout 4 while cooking breakfast
Play Fallout 4.
Go outside and interact with humans for a bit.
Play Fallout 4 when cooking dinner.
Play Fallout 4 till early hours.
Go bed.
Wake up and repeat.

I think I might need an intervention

13-Nov-2015, 09:44 AM
Does Metacritic have any way of checking the veracity of the scores? Do we know those scores are all coming from people who actually have played the game? Surely it could easily be a bunch of folks who have a specific disliking of the game (perhaps because it has otherwise been very popular?)

I've been watching some videos of it online and I'm certainly interested ... although I've still not hopped onto next gen yet ... ... I say "next gen", because to me it still is, but technically it is "current gen". I guess I'm "old gen" now. :p

17-Nov-2015, 09:10 AM
Game breaking bug involving Monsignor Plaza:


Players have reported to the Bethesda forums that their game has crashed after taking the Minutemen settlement quest to Monsignor Plaza. Others have reported that it occurs while traversing through the Plaza during the Hunter/Hunted main quest. The crash has occurred on all formats of the game.

And apparently, nothing fixes this bug once you have it. Starting a new game won't fix it, transferring your save won't fix it, reinstalling the game doesn't work, and upgrading the OS doesn't resolve it either.

Until a patch releases, avoid this area all together. The Monsignor Plaza is just east of the CIT Ruins.

24-Nov-2015, 05:03 AM
thanks for the info, mz, will be sure to avoid that area till i hear it's patched. i've not really had any trouble except for a few frame rate dips here and there, nothing major.

like kidgloves said, this game is brilliant. the weather effects are an awesome and welcome addition to the series. the radiation storms are impressive and add to the immersion factor immensely. i still haven't devoted much time to the settlement developing, really putting a lot of effort into crafting weapons, armor, and drugs right now.

fallout 4 is also brutal. so many ways to die unexpectedly. the new enemies are great, and the old ones are revamped and way more menacing than their last-gen counterparts. the sentry bots are like mini-terminator tanks and very tough to take down in early levels. it is incredibly satisfying when you do manage to defeat one, given that you are far enough away to survive the damn thing exploding!

i'm a level 21 right now, been pretty busy in the real world as of late to properly waste a solid day or weekend exploring the commonwealth. with holiday time off and winter weather around the corner though, i'm sure i'll be spending a shitload of time with this one. not having a level cap and the ability for endless free roaming and random quests after the main story really adds to longevity of a title like this as well.


24-Nov-2015, 09:26 AM
What format are you playing it on Prof?

I've heard that side quests can sometimes affect the main quest line in certain ways ... I don't know specifics, but it was something I heard on a random IGN video about 'tips for new players' starting out ... have you noticed any direct effects of side quests on the main story quest line?

24-Nov-2015, 09:53 AM
playing on ps4. i've only completed the first couple of missions of the main story....first i've heard of any side quests impacting the main story.

24-Nov-2015, 10:08 AM
playing on ps4. i've only completed the first couple of missions of the main story....first i've heard of any side quests impacting the main story.

I'm not sure to what extent the side missions impact the main missions (probably just cosmetic changes for the most part I'd have guessed), but that's what I heard ... vague as it was.

30-Nov-2015, 10:23 PM
The side quests seem to have an affect on the relationships you build with your companions not sure about the main quest though. At this stage, im not even sure what the "main" quest is

18-Dec-2015, 11:17 PM
No one else playing this?

19-Dec-2015, 10:12 AM
No one else playing this?

I'd like to play it - but I've not got onto the new generation of hardware yet, and won't for some time yet.

How are you finding it in terms of bugs and glitches etc? I've heard very mixed things - some people barely experience a thing, while others have had game breaking bugs - so strange! Have there been updates for it yet?

22-Dec-2015, 03:04 AM
No one else playing this?

i'm still playing the hell out of it. currently a level 39, did some quests for the railroad and unlocked the ballistic weave mods for clothing, which is pretty cool and essentially lets you ignore the need for power armor.

i was starting to get a bit lost with all the side quests and miscellaneous objectives, and felt i was becoming over-powered compared to all the raiders and occasional sentry-bot...then i picked up the main story again and had to go the glowing sea and ran across all sorts of albino radscorpions, irradiated deathclaws, and swarms of infected bloodbugs who proceeded to put me on my ass. good times.

anyhow, still loving this game. had one afternoon where the frame-rate was dropping to ridiculously low levels and i had to reboot the game, but otherwise it's been a pretty smooth experience.

edit: and as far as i know, there has been at least one patch for the ps4 that supposedly dialed the graphics back a tad to compensate for frame-rate issues, but i've not really noticed any difference.

29-Dec-2015, 02:53 AM
No one else playing this?

Oh, I'm playing! I just want to avoid spoilers for the early portion of my first playthrough.

I love the recent entries in the Fallout series and am in heaven exploring and crafting in the Commonwealth :)

16-Feb-2016, 12:26 AM
Got 277 hours invested in this. Level 61.
Brilliant, brilliant game if you can find the time for 12 hour sessions.

16-Feb-2016, 03:07 PM

not sure how many hours i've logged, but i sort of hit a wall and haven't played much of this in the last few weeks. still fun, but open-world games tend to get overwhelming anymore with limited time for gaming. pretty sure i'm at level 42.

on a related note: some good news and bad news about the DLC plans was announced today. the first dlc packs are listed, priced, and given rough release dates. but this is apparently the tip of the iceberg, and with much more to come, bethesda is will be soon raising the price of the season pass.

Given the expanded DLC plan, the price of the season pass will increase from the current $29.99 to $49.99 USD (£24.99 to £39.99 GBP; $49.95 to $79.95 AUD) on March 1, 2016. However, if you already purchased the season pass for $29.99, nothing changes - you still get everything at no additional cost— the full $60 offering of add-on content for the original price of $29.99. In addition, if you didn’t buy the season pass yet, there is still time: anyone who buys the Season Pass for $29.99 before March 1st will get all $60 worth of content. This is our way of saying thanks to all our loyal fans who have believed in us and supported us over the years.

lucky for me, i knew that i'd be spending loads of time with this and bought the season pass right away, but for those still on the fence, you'd be saving yourself 20 bucks by jumping on the dlc hype-train by march 1st.


17-Feb-2016, 05:24 PM

not sure how many hours i've logged, but i sort of hit a wall and haven't played much of this in the last few weeks. still fun, but open-world games tend to get overwhelming anymore with limited time for gaming. pretty sure i'm at level 42.

on a related note: some good news and bad news about the DLC plans was announced today. the first dlc packs are listed, priced, and given rough release dates. but this is apparently the tip of the iceberg, and with much more to come, bethesda is will be soon raising the price of the season pass.

lucky for me, i knew that i'd be spending loads of time with this and bought the season pass right away, but for those still on the fence, you'd be saving yourself 20 bucks by jumping on the dlc hype-train by march 1st.


Damn. They had the season pass for £20 over Christmas as well. I'm going to buy it anyway. Love this game

14-Mar-2016, 06:56 PM
22nd March for the Automatron dlc


14-Mar-2016, 11:04 PM
I'd love to play this, I just missed the boat when it got released.
I've decided to wait for a sale. For no other reason than I really don't have time to play this right now.

15-Mar-2016, 10:17 AM
I'd love to play this, I just missed the boat when it got released.
I've decided to wait for a sale. For no other reason than I really don't have time to play this right now.

Never played any of the Fallout games... This one is on my Steam wish list, so maybe if it drops in price I'll dive in...

16-Mar-2016, 10:12 PM
Never played any of the Fallout games... This one is on my Steam wish list, so maybe if it drops in price I'll dive in...

Neil. It's one of those games where you wonder why on earth you haven't played it before if your into the post apocalyptic genre.
Its best played in long sittings when you really get immersed in the world.
It's an RPG first person shooter with other genres thrown in if you want to play it that way.
Bethesda games are always brilliant if you've got the time to play them.

17-Mar-2016, 01:06 PM
Neil. It's one of those games where you wonder why on earth you haven't played it before if your into the post apocalyptic genre.
Its best played in long sittings when you really get immersed in the world.
It's an RPG first person shooter with other genres thrown in if you want to play it that way.
Bethesda games are always brilliant if you've got the time to play them.

So it's OK then :)

20-Mar-2016, 07:02 PM
So it's OK then :)

Yes mate.
Just finished The Witcher 3 and that was on par with Fallout 4. Different game but just as deep and superbly written

20-Mar-2016, 10:17 PM
I read that Fallout 4 doesn't have any any skills and that they more or less simplified all dialogue so that all options are more or less the same. Is this true? Doesn't sound like much of an RPG to me if they removed the skills.

21-Mar-2016, 12:04 AM
I read that Fallout 4 doesn't have any any skills and that they more or less simplified all dialogue so that all options are more or less the same. Is this true? Doesn't sound like much of an RPG to me if they removed the skills.

Its a deep game


24-Mar-2016, 09:53 AM
Yeah, but did they remove the skills? Is it all perks now?

26-Mar-2016, 11:21 PM
I bought the game on the sale on Steam. Have to say I am very impressed so far.

31-Mar-2016, 12:20 PM
Well, thanks to Neddy's heads up about the Steam sale, I bought this too.

So far, it's more of the same. Which is grand, if you like 'Fallout 3' and 'New Vegas'. But, also so far, the story is extremely light.

Plus, there are some serious bugs going on. So serious, it's a wonder how they made it past phase 1 of testing. I know these Bethesda games are mightily complex and very difficult to QA completely, but there are bugs with the missions involving the Brotherhood of Steel that are mind bending. Paladin Danse is a whopping pain in the arse, to be frank. His response triggers and pathfinding are pathetic, to say the least. I had to open the console and force end the first quest involving them, as he just kept repeating "Check your fire...blah blah". In the next mission involving him, he wouldn't enter the ArcJet building, that he asked me to accompany him to! He just about faced and buggered off in an endless loop.

Seriously, the BoS can go **** themselves.

At the moment, I'm just wandering around Boston, with no quest markers and seeing who I bump into.

31-Mar-2016, 12:32 PM
I agree with the bugs, from my limited time playing this.

27-May-2016, 02:53 PM
I am enjoying the Far Harbor DLC. It is huge, and the quests/stories are a bit better than many of the main game. I'm also looking forward to being able to use mods on the console version of the game.

27-May-2016, 06:37 PM
I am enjoying the Far Harbor DLC. It is huge, and the quests/stories are a bit better than many of the main game. I'm also looking forward to being able to use mods on the console version of the game.

Agreed. I'm playing The Division as well at the moment so time is limited but what I've played of Far Harbor has been great