View Full Version : blue in the face...

19-Jul-2006, 08:41 PM
since the 80's ive notice the change in the zombies make up!

for somereason i still really like the make up used in dawn 78',something about it really put fear into my mind!
i know they are trying to make the zombies more realistic,but i wouldnt mind if they ever did that again!

although as the plague contiues i suppose the zombies will decay more and more!:moon:

19-Jul-2006, 10:39 PM
I watched The Omega Man for the first time today, and that film had great makeup. If Dawn 78 would have had makeup of the same caliber, it would definetly have been my favourite in the series.

19-Jul-2006, 11:14 PM
i recently saw that on cable which ill bet is when you saw it!

i had never seen it either,but as corny as the make up or even the effects and fashion sense,stranglely i had to watch the whole movie i thought it was pretty freaky!

i would recommend it to others!

20-Jul-2006, 12:07 AM
The Omega Man scared the crap out of me as a kid. When I saw it more recently, I was surprised at how non-scary it seemed. As far as the blue makeup in a new zombie film, I dont think it would be as effective as it was in Dawn78. Dawn78 was a special film at a special time and we overlook problems with it that we wouldnt for other films.

I am curious. EvilNEd, you say...
If Dawn 78 would have had makeup of the same caliber, it would definetly have been my favourite in the series.
What is your fav of the series then if not Dawn?

Guru ofthe Dead
20-Jul-2006, 04:58 AM
The Omega Man scared the crap out of me as a kid. When I saw it more recently, I was surprised at how non-scary it seemed. As far as the blue makeup in a new zombie film, I dont think it would be as effective as it was in Dawn78. Dawn78 was a special film at a special time and we overlook problems with it that we wouldnt for other films.
I agree Philly_SWAT. Dawn's makeup was perfect for the time. The crayon looking blood was the stuff in the day. Today with the advancement of makeup effects highlights current movies. And with Yawn04 styles of scripts they need all the help they can get. Just think if Yawn tried to use blue makeup. I would pass out from terror.

20-Jul-2006, 09:46 AM
I am curious. EvilNEd, you say...What is your fav of the series then if not Dawn?

Day of the Dead is my favourite. I don't know why exactly, because they are both great films. But Day of the Dead is so much darker, and I like dark.

I thought the Omega Man creeps were pretty creepy. But of course, they have been more creepy if they would have shambled arounds and wanting to eat your living flesh with no remorse. When you realize that these guys are just humans, except albino, they're no longer that scary.

The Dawn zombies worked back in the day. But I've never found them to be scary unless the scene makes them scary. Such as the scene where Stephen is in the machine room. That's an eerie scene.

red max
21-Jul-2006, 12:35 PM
I'm no expert, but don't filmmakers sometimes use filters to tinge their movies? It seems quite common to emphasise red in hot, tense scenes today. Looking at Dawn, especially in the projects, there's a real blueish hue to the place. I know some of the walls are actually painted blue-green, but throughout the movie the colour seems biased towards pale blue, giving a cold feel to events. I always assumed the zombie paint was supposed to be grey and lifeless, but the tint of the movie made them look blue