View Full Version : I've got a lot of time for Obama

25-Jun-2015, 08:47 AM
I know some folks here really don't like him, but boy is he a breath of fresh air from Bush!

Look at how he deals with this heckler... You imagine Bush being blustered and completely thrown by it!


25-Jun-2015, 10:08 AM
All those chumps with their sodding phones up - how about you just experience the moment rather than viewing life through a wobbly image in a stupid vertical aspect ratio? That bugs the crap out of me, all these damn people living their entire lives through a phone!

As for Obama - I'm neither here nor there. Both the hatred and the sycophancy he receives is a total turn off for me, but that's also connected to my wider dislike of American politics being so divided and combative. Whoever's in charge it so often seems to be a case of Saviour/Satan - which side's shouting what just switches every eight years.

25-Jun-2015, 11:47 AM
Except the divide is merely cosmetic to a large degree. Republicans and Democrats are just two cheeks of the same arse as far as I'm concerned.

As far as Obama is concerned, at least he has more genuine charisma than a whole slew of US presidents. But that isn't saying much. I'm neither here nor there on him myself, but the hatred he receives simply because he's a "democrat" is quite nauseating, TBH. On the other side of the coin, the people that think he's close to Jesus levels are just as mid numbing.

So, in that respect, I'm in Mini's Meh gang.

Still though, the video was funny.

25-Jun-2015, 05:39 PM
So, in that respect, I'm in Mini's Meh gang.

We're rebels, we are! We're dangerous! Watch out, folks! One cosy night in front of the telly at a time. :D

I listened to the episode of Marc Maron's WTF podcast from earlier this week (Monday) when Obama was on being interviewed. He didn't really get especially deep into policy, or stick his neck out on anything, but he easily did the charismatic thing that he does, and he flagged up the insanity that is the never-ending gun rampages that just keep happening over there. As he was saying, he's done that sombre address to the nation far too many times - something's gotta change on the issue - although what, and how, wasn't addressed as it's a bit too complex a thing to get into during an hour long podcast.

Anyway - it was an interesting listen, and I could respect most of what he said on his goals or inspirations ... although, as is the way, aspirations and reality are two different things.

If I was American, I'd likely not vote at all, what with the way the political machine seems to work over there ... and I'd never watch the sodding news, either, what with the state of it. Seemingly nothing but fearmongering and opinions posing as facts - something that's becoming all-too-common over here, sadly.

But I digress ... still generally neither here nor there on Obama.

26-Jun-2015, 03:28 PM
If I was American, I'd likely not vote at all, what with the way the political machine seems to work over there ... and I'd never watch the sodding news, either, what with the state of it. Seemingly nothing but fearmongering and opinions posing as facts - something that's becoming all-too-common over here, sadly.

There's a very good chance that I will skip the presidential election next year, the first in 28 years of voting. I'm fed up with the US government & the political system in general. Choosing between the lesser of two evils while nothing changes, except to get worse, & nothing is ever fixed or gets better as the in-fighting continues while Rome burns...I can't participate anymore. :|

Except the divide is merely cosmetic to a large degree. Republicans and Democrats are just two cheeks of the same arse as far as I'm concerned.

Back in the Regan era I would have disagreed vehemently. Now? Couldn't agree more. Don't think I've ever heard American politics summed up so succinctly. :(