View Full Version : The Circle - Dyatlov Pass Incident Inspired Movie

01-Aug-2015, 08:42 AM
We’d like to share an amazing unsolved mystery with you. It’s THE CIRCLE, an upcoming paranormal film written, produced, and directed by Maine Coon Films LLC.

Maine Coon Films, LLC is an independent motion picture company, specializing in film production and distribution in both domestic and international markets. Its management team is well known and respected in the film industry, with years of experience and a long track record of success in film production, distribution and marketing.

The Story

“The Circle” reveals the truth about the real-life story of nine young college hikers who met a horrible death on the Ural Mountain Kholat Syakhi (Mountain of the Dead) in February of 1959. The snowy pass where the incident occurred has since been named the Dyatlov Pass, after the group’s leader, Igor Dyatlov.

A lack of eyewitnesses has inspired speculation about the cause of the deaths. Suggestions range from UFOs to mind control experiments to Abominable Snowmen. Soviet investigators determined only that “a compelling unknown force” caused the deaths. The story becomes even more bizarre because the corpses showed no signs of struggle. However, two of the victims had fractured skulls, two suffered broken ribs and one poor girl was missing her tongue.

We need help from horror and zombie enthusiasts to be able to reach our campaign goal to make “The Circle” film project come to life and honor the innocent victims of this terrible tragedy.

If you want to help and contribute, here’s the link to our campaign: