View Full Version : Z Nation now on pick TV (UK)

05-Aug-2015, 06:06 PM
Discovered that "Z Nation" is now being shown on 'pick TV' here in the UK - it's on SKY (and Freeview I think).

On Sky at least the first couple of episodes are available on catch -up too.

Nothing particulary great, but ah well...

05-Aug-2015, 07:51 PM
I think I saw a little of that crapfest once. If it's the one with D.J. Qualls, then barfola.

03-Sep-2015, 10:44 AM
Caught a part of one of these episodes this week. Looked terrible. Characters saying dumb things, and doing even dumber things. eg: A guy in an ice cream truck or something driving around trying to draw zombies to him... and seemingly - because the script said so - having no inclination to look around and try and keep himself alive. Strange how he almost looked relieved (to be out of the show) when zombies started munching on him. And how our "hero" didn't seem to care one bit when he was asked to put a bullet through Mr Icecream Van man's head...

Later we have lots of extras running around in random directions with random zombies picking on them... All seemed a typical Asylum affair. Lots of time, effort and reasonable effects wasted on some low brow, witless writing and direction. What a waste!

03-Sep-2015, 12:20 PM
I've watched about 5 episodes of this nonsense and it's filled with bad acting, bad dialogue, bad effects, mixed up zombies, an epileptic storyline and a whole host of other lamentable gibberish.

It's also way more enjoyable than it has any right being, I'm ashamed to say. :o In parts anyway.

I'll finish out the series and I don't think I'll be returning to it ever again. But, the biggest problem with the whole thing is that they could have made a great TV show if they tried. There's a lot of good ingredients there for a decent zombie road movie/series...but...Asylum. Those bleeders just can't help themselves. :mad:

BTW, I'll expect to hate the series by its end.

03-Sep-2015, 09:24 PM
I watched this on netflix over the holidays and it became a guilty pleasure... It's not supposed to be the walking dead... it's campy, low budget at times utterly ridiculous. It doesn't take itself seriously.... you shouldn't take it seriously either... it reminds me of past shows like Cleopatra2525 or Young Hercules. I will say that I haven't laughed as much watching other comedic zombie media (i.e. Zombieland) and definitely recommend it to zombie fans those looking for a laugh.