View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! Fear The Walking Dead 1x06 episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

03-Oct-2015, 10:50 AM
Please keep all talk of episode 1x06 "The Good Man" specifically inside this thread.

If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).


Directed by: Stefan Schwartz
Written by: Robert Kirkman & Dave Erickson

Moon Knight
05-Oct-2015, 02:26 AM
More importantly, WHO is The Good Man?

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Fantastic episode and a great way to end the season. Definitely has me hooked for season 2. Success.

05-Oct-2015, 09:05 AM
Very much an episode worthy of the main series, in fact I think it pretty much stands up against a lot of the episodes in the main series. I think where it at times lacks is the quality of the acting is lower than The Walking Dead, but considering the high standards set by the likes of Andrew Lincoln, Jeff DeMunn and Scott Wilson it was going to be hard to match that.

Characters I love so far are the obvious Daniel, Nick and Travis. Travis really stepped up in this episode and set himself out as a leader, even despite his series ½ Rick Grimes mistake of letting the soldier walk. By the way that was an eye roll moment for me that this seemingly nice enough young solider all of a sudden turns and shoots the girl he had feelings for. Thankfully the pay off was top draw with Travis rearranging his face.

I was also a little bit disappointed that over the six episodes we didn’t get a massive Walker / Military war that we should have had in the WWZ. The little battle we had in this episode was fun but I imagined so much more, which perhaps happened during the nine day leap.

I was also happy to see Liza struck off because the last thing we needed was a mirror image of Lori, Shane and Rick in the sister series. I thought that part of the story was well done, but like I say having Liza and Madison fighting over Travis would have been a path well worn.

I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with the boat, but am hoping they don’t spend too long on it next series because that could halt any momentum we have built up so far. Although it will be kind of interesting to see them pulling into coastal towns on supply runs.

Like Moon said, I am hooked for series two and to see if Nick will finally change his clothes. Now the juices are flowing for the return of TWD.

05-Oct-2015, 02:32 PM
I want to see a season of them sailing up and down the coast raiding towns. It would definitely make the show distinguishable from the main series

05-Oct-2015, 02:39 PM
Its about time someone used my idea of using a boat in the zombie apocalypse! You could make periodic raids along the coast for supplies/gas, explore islands, and work on your tan in peace. Until "Walkers" become "Swimmers", you'd be safe enough out on the water. Heck, maybe there's some unique threat in the ocean we don't know of since we haven't seen it in The Walking Dead...

05-Oct-2015, 04:04 PM
Jolly good episode, that!

On one hand I was bummed to not see Daniel unleash the walkers from the stadium ... but on the other it did allow for that badass walk-by and over-the-shoulder glance as he saunters on by to reveal a ruddy herd of the buggers! :cool:

Thinking about it further though, Daniel's plan of action cost many lives. Not only the solders who were under/giving orders to ditch the civvies and jet (interesting to note that one of them mentioned there was little/nothing in the way of a true chain of command/commanding officers IIRC), but a whole bunch of civilians - sick and wounded civilians, no less. Seeing Doctor Exner sat with all those dead patients she'd had to put down was proper bleak ... her situation felt really hopeless. The actress performed it very well.

I'd like to see more military guys featured in prominent roles who aren't arseholes, though. The trio who accost Alicia and Chris as an example. Sure, they could be bastards, but they could also just be desperate ... it was a little bit edging towards the 'all men are potential rapist scum' schtick. Even Adams (the guy Ophelia was hanging out with - partly because she liked him, but probably more to try and get her mother some medicine) turned into a git ... to be fair though he had been tortured, so why should he care for these people who did/allowed it? I imagine he shot Ophelia because: 1) it would cause Daniel more harm than Adams just shooting Daniel, and 2) a sense of betrayal. Ophelia, to Adams at least, just left him to be tortured by her father.

GREAT to see Travis snap and beat that bastard down. Cliff Curtis (who I had no idea was a New Zealander!) said on Talking Dead that it was a sort of broken trust thing. He'd made a deal with Adams, and Adams broke that deal and threatened his family in the process. The world's been chipping away at Travis, so I think having him flip his lid in this finale was the ideal place for it to happen.

Sad about Liza - because they handled that scene so well (beautifully acted too!) - although it makes sense. Madison and Liza had that deal earlier on, if either of them needed to be put down the other would do it to protect Travis ... although in the end Travis stepped up on his own and did it, which makes sense, but boy ... it'll be interesting to see how it affects him in Season 2. A pretty rough ending there, but shot really well and has me stoked for Season 2!

Gore hat on, and I loved the bit where the bitten soldier ran into that rotor blade! :elol:

Like Moon said, I am hooked for series two and to see if Nick will finally change his clothes. Now the juices are flowing for the return of TWD.


It's certainly one of the things I'll be keeping an eye on in Season 2. :D

I want to see a season of them sailing up and down the coast raiding towns. It would definitely make the show distinguishable from the main series

I too am looking forward to a 'coastal' vibe to Season 2, although hopefully we won't be stuck on a boat too much ... and I don't want to lose the L.A. vibe either having really dug it in this season. It'll be interesting to see how they balance it all, particularly over 15 episodes!

Its about time someone used my idea of using a boat in the zombie apocalypse! You could make periodic raids along the coast for supplies/gas, explore islands, and work on your tan in peace. Until "Walkers" become "Swimmers", you'd be safe enough out on the water. Heck, maybe there's some unique threat in the ocean we don't know of since we haven't seen it in The Walking Dead...

Showrunner Dave Erickson was talking about there being human threats on the water - basically other people who had the bright idea of getting on a boat. That'll be cool to see, but hopefully it doesn't outstay its welcome. They're confined quarters and there's only so much you can do - and there's no real chance for walkers (unless someone dies on a boat). One thing he did say was they'll have to figure out how to get to the boat itself ... so I'm assuming a little dinghy/motorboat isn't readily available (perhaps stolen?) ... could there be someone already hanging out on Abigail?

FTWD 1x06 Memes:


http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iUOUTQZSIm8/VhKYiyIk8tI/AAAAAAAAEQw/HW44WW7HcTk/s1600/Fear_The_Walking_Dead_Season_1_Meme_Daniel_Wah_Her e%2527s_Your_Zombies_1x06_DeadShed.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XYK6moqGeZ0/VhKYjUnuhTI/AAAAAAAAEQ8/yLLH_e8HySM/s1600/Fear_The_Walking_Dead_Season_1_Liza_Travis_Beach_W ell_That_Was_Bleak_1x06_DeadShed.jpg

Moon Knight
05-Oct-2015, 04:55 PM
The bitten soldier running into the propeller was gold. I literally screamed in excited when it happened. It's good to see this show isn't straying too far away from gore as the pilot and various episodes were PG-14.

Will this group now run into pirates and various deadly marine life? Will they replicate the classic zombie vs shark scene from "Zombie" as an homage? Raiding coastal homes for supplies? Yes, please, the possibilities can be endless if done right.

Strand getting his cuff links back from that soldier as he's getting eaten alive was a guilty pleasure of mine. He's an interesting character and was actually compared to Han Solo(?) lol aside from his at times over the top dialogue I really like this chat cater. Feels fresh for The Walking Dead world.

Daniel is just awesome. Nuff said.

My man Travis finally came through in both beating Andy to a pulp and having the balls to put down Liza himself. However, how will this affect him next season? Will it make him stronger or even more broken?

Extner is a good character. We didn't see her die so there's hope she'll be around but it looks pretty bleak. The sadness that was portrayed in her scene painted the situation perfectly.

Not a perfect episode, some questionable scenes here and there, like the asshole soldiers abusing Chris just because they can should have been cut cause it didn't play into the story whatsoever.

And finally Liza. Poor Liza, I really wish we got more time with her this season. I liked her and she was believable. Her final moments were heartbreaking and wonderfully acted. The final shot panning the ocean was a perfect way to end the season.

05-Oct-2015, 05:28 PM
As we don't see Exner or Adams die on screen, I'm wondering if she changes her mind - stays alive - and finds Adams still alive, but seriously beaten. She gets him back on his feet, and Adams sets out with a vendetta ... a possibility.

The showrunner did mention that we don't see certain characters die on-screen, so it was a pretty hefty hint that at least one of them will come back into the show somehow. :shifty:

Moon Knight
05-Oct-2015, 08:55 PM
As we don't see Exner or Adams die on screen, I'm wondering if she changes her mind - stays alive - and finds Adams still alive, but seriously beaten. She gets him back on his feet, and Adams sets out with a vendetta ... a possibility.

The showrunner did mention that we don't see certain characters die on-screen, so it was a pretty hefty hint that at least one of them will come back into the show somehow. :shifty:

I was thinking more along the lines of Tobias.

05-Oct-2015, 10:43 PM
I don't know. Am I the only one bothered that FTWD essentially thrown out the collapse of society? The one good story FTWD had--the one it, in fact, exists to tell--was how civilization collapsed and was overrun by the walking dead, and that's the one story the series has aggressively refused to tell this season.

Why does it exist, if not to tell that one story?

05-Oct-2015, 10:48 PM
I don't know. Am I the only one bothered that FTWD essentially thrown out the collapse of society? The one good story FTWD had--the one it, in fact, exists to tell--was how civilization collapsed and was overrun by the walking dead, and that's the one story the series has aggressively refused to tell this season.

Why does it exist, if not to tell that one story?

No, your not alone. Did my nut in with that 9 day jump. :mad:

05-Oct-2015, 11:21 PM
Great episode, great series. My only gripe is there's not enough environment. I was hoping for something along the lines of how the opening of Dawn04 was, just better, TWD style.
It comes off as kind of cramped. Small sets, limited environment. I wanna actually see the world falling apart, not just the characters world falling apart. It's LA-TWD style, there should've been some really grand sweeps through the crumbling city, large scale riots and looting. Even if it's just a few sequences in a few episodes, done in CG. The crumbling world and civilization has always been my favorite part of this genre.

05-Oct-2015, 11:57 PM
I don't know. Am I the only one bothered that FTWD essentially thrown out the collapse of society? The one good story FTWD had--the one it, in fact, exists to tell--was how civilization collapsed and was overrun by the walking dead, and that's the one story the series has aggressively refused to tell this season.

Why does it exist, if not to tell that one story?

I too felt somewhat cheated by this...especially because of the fact that it was promoted as "taking place from the beginning." Well they neglected to point out that there was a 9 day gap in there and "oh by the way...Los Angeles pretty much falls to the dead in that time..." I completely get that they wanted to film this from the point of view of the main characters but maybe the National Guard came in a little too fast? Maybe one good episode of hell on earth stuck in between EP 2 and 3?

I know it's just TV but I think the riot scene in EP 2 should have been more bloody and convincing of the fact that something very wrong was happening...should have been violence on the order of what might have taken place at the arena - people getting shot, multiple walkers taking down rioters in packs...instead they made it look like a block party...

And while their drive to Strand's mansion through Los Angeles at the end was epic...could Los Angeles really have fallen that COMPLETELY in just 10 days...Just seemed like everything happened too fast and we missed it...

Oh well enough of my bitching...just happy that from now it looks like we have nearly year round Walking Dead :D

06-Oct-2015, 02:31 AM
I was thrilled with the opening shots of L.A. turning gray from the dead. The fires burning consuming the city. Creepy stuff. That set the stage for this episode and I was absolutely pleased.

Minion hit most of the points I came to discuss. But I echo his concern about having some sane, technically sound and non rapist soldiers in one of the series. Not sure why every show has to follow Dawn/Day by pigeon holing the soldiers as rape mongoring buffoons. Many soldiers in the U.S. are battle tested and arent going to go neanderthal because of stress. Granted its appearing to be the apocalypse which is a different scale than the combat they are used to. This has always bothered me and I just need one damn soldier that breaks the zombie theme mold. Rant over.

The boat idea is great. Or is it? It sure is a safe haven from the walkers. But a fancy ship like that will appeal to many folk. If they are smart, they will always keep land in sight(going out to see with an inexperienced crew is bad idea), go completely dark at night. And at least one person has to be on deck and awake at all times. As mentioned above the ability to loot and raid is great tv. I cant wait for next season.

Moon Knight
06-Oct-2015, 03:01 AM
I don't know. Am I the only one bothered that FTWD essentially thrown out the collapse of society? The one good story FTWD had--the one it, in fact, exists to tell--was how civilization collapsed and was overrun by the walking dead, and that's the one story the series has aggressively refused to tell this season.

Why does it exist, if not to tell that one story?

I talked about this in the previous episode's thread. They built up episode 1-3 nicely and just as it was about to go down they skip over everything the show was promising to tell. When they came back it was 9 days later and society had already crumbled. Dissapointing.

Anyway, the season ended on a high note so I'm happy. As good as it was though, it could have been even better.

06-Oct-2015, 08:06 AM
OK! I enjoyed the final episode BUT, two things annoyed me slightly:-
1) How how heroes seems to happily leave a trail of dead people in their wake:- When leaving their gated community, they didn't seem bothered about closing the gates? Walkers just happily wondering in now to munch on their neighbours kids. Charming! All for want of pressing a button to give them a better chance!
Inflict all that death and destruction on the military, doctors, nurses and civilians by letting out the 2000 walkers at the stadium? Really? Are they now uncaring butchers?
2) How a number of people seemed so willing to give up and die. The doctor seemed certain there was no where to go - ok maybe she'd just seen and done too much, but Liza? Surely she'd at least wait a few hours or a day to see if any infection had been transfered? Or at least make it clearer she's now running a fever and recognises the symptoms etc rather than ho-hum, I suspect I might be infected so shoot me just in case...

But those aside, so far so good. Guess the next season will tell us where it's really headed I guess :)

ps: Shame the army doesn't have hand grenades or flame throwers :rolleyes:

I want to see a season of them sailing up and down the coast raiding towns. It would definitely make the show distinguishable from the main series

I was wondering about that, but suspect it would be too expensive to film? Give the quality of the CGI used for the boat, I'm even more certain of that! :)

That said, it would be a good way to inject them into lots of different stories. eg: Each week or so they're landing somewhere and encountering some new scenarios etc...

06-Oct-2015, 10:26 AM
Aye - them leaving the gate open really did annoy me. Even just seeing someone push the button and dart out as the gate closed would have been fine - but we didn't see that at all - that really did bug me. Although the sight of that happy family sitting around the candles in their living room was chilling - they've got no idea what's coming their way ... ... more so now that our guys left the sodding gate open!!! They somewhat redeem themselves by letting out the other captives in that compound ... but they also unleashed hell on the place and caused Exner to kill all her patients (which is the clear reason she was so hopeless and wanted to top herself).

Yeah, the CGI for the boat was rather iffy. It looked pasted on ... I think it maybe looked too clear ... perhaps it should have been a bit hazier to take into account the distance, and any temperature hazing or whatever (the shadow cast on the water was particularly dodgy).

As for 'zombies taking over L.A.' - well that's not really the case. During thost 9 days the people were evacuated, or the vast majority were, so there aren't that many walkers stumbling about the city (as we saw at the end - it was more of an abandoned ghost town with a few shamblers). We don't know what's happening in the rest of the city - the story our folks got was that people were evacuated. That'll be true - but probably only to an extent - there might very well be other pockets of people/imprisoned walkers just waiting to get out.

It makes sense for the show to been seen through the eyes of our protagonists - it's the same in TWD ... but it would have been nice to get more of a look in to those 9 days ... however, unlike some, I don't think there would really be that much we could really get out of it in terms of story telling. On the one hand it might be daft for our characters - particularly as they'd safely got back to Madison's house - to get themselves in another fine mess right in the middle of a mass evac situation. However, a montage would have been nice (albeit expensive and practically problematic) to open that episode to ease us in to what happened over those 9 days.

I think we've seen an awful lot though. Just think of the first episode and how much we get to see, and then in episode two - I for one didn't need gushing blood and mass shootings to make the riot scary - it was terrifying as it was. The violence that mankind is capable of, brought about by piss-poor communication on the part of the authorities and the determined lack of listening on the public's part. We saw isolated incidents (e.g. the traffic jam, videos online), we saw dropping school attendance, we saw cops stocking up and bugging out early. We actually saw quite a lot happening. We got a nice good look at a quarantine/safe zone situation - we got to see lots of stuff.

Even though we didn't see some of that stuff in those 9 days (frankly, there might not have been a huge amount to really see - many of those 9 days could very well have been the same as the day seen in that particular episode when Chris is looking for that flashing light on the hillside, with not an awful lot actually happening in the city), we did get to see the failed evacuation in the finale. Exner trying to convince that chinook to land while it just hovers there and the pilot very politely and officially tells her to wait ... that was, yes I'll use it again, chilling.

While FTWD is coming on the tails of TWD's success - it won't have TWD's current budget. It'll have more than Season 1 TWD had, but it certainly won't have TWD Seasons 5 or 6 levels of cash to splash about. Frankly it's amazing we got to see as much as we did.

06-Oct-2015, 04:37 PM
A splendid episode - the only niggle was how quiet the 2000 or so walkers were when Daniel was doing his 'pied piper' bit on the approach to the hospital.

I watched the 1st three shows again in one go & the 9 day gap worked better when not having to wait a week for the next installment...

I just hope they don't now set off in search of an island & end up caught in a long-standing family feud :clown:

06-Oct-2015, 05:29 PM
Aye - them leaving the gate open really did annoy me. Even just seeing someone push the button and dart out as the gate closed would have been fine - but we didn't see that at all - that really did bug me. Although the sight of that happy family sitting around the candles in their living room was chilling - they've got no idea what's coming their way ... ... more so now that our guys left the sodding gate open!!! They somewhat redeem themselves by letting out the other captives in that compound ... but they also unleashed hell on the place and caused Exner to kill all her patients (which is the clear reason she was so hopeless and wanted to top herself).
...and you didn't find them basically destroying the military base, causing the death of dozens/hundreds of soldiers, doctors, nurses and civilians rather morally questionable for them to be doing?

06-Oct-2015, 05:58 PM
...and you didn't find them basically destroying the military base, causing the death of dozens/hundreds of soldiers, doctors, nurses and civilians rather morally questionable for them to be doing?

The military were abandoing the civilians and planning to kill them under 'cobalt'...

06-Oct-2015, 06:29 PM
The military were abandoing the civilians and planning to kill them under 'cobalt'...

Ahhhh... That was the military location and not the neighbourhood? Why kill them in the base and not the neighbourhood?

07-Oct-2015, 05:57 AM
Ahhhh... That was the military location and not the neighbourhood? Why kill them in the base and not the neighbourhood?

The Military were withdrawing from the area of LA including the neighbourhood where Major Travis lived, which in '1x05' was said by Andrew to be scheduled for bombing at 09:00 the next morning as operation 'cobalt'.

Given that all the civilians were going to die soon enough, leaving the gates open is no great shakes...

Similary Daniel using the walkers as a diversion so they could get into the military base, and rescue their kinfolk was I think justified given the miliary plan to kill the civilians in the neighbourhood.

07-Oct-2015, 07:06 AM
I clearly missed some of this...

The Military were withdrawing from the area of LA including the neighbourhood where Major Travis lived, which in '1x05' was said by Andrew to be scheduled for bombing at 09:00 the next morning as operation 'cobalt'....and they didn't feel the need to share this information with their neighbours?

Similary Daniel using the walkers as a diversion so they could get into the military base, and rescue their kinfolk was I think justified given the miliary plan to kill the civilians in the neighbourhood.But what about all the soldiers just doing their jobs, and the doctors, nurses and civilians in the base? Surely dozens/hundreds of them lost their lives because of the walker hoard brought down on the base?

07-Oct-2015, 09:35 AM
...and you didn't find them basically destroying the military base, causing the death of dozens/hundreds of soldiers, doctors, nurses and civilians rather morally questionable for them to be doing?

The military were abandoing the civilians and planning to kill them under 'cobalt'...

...and they didn't feel the need to share this information with their neighbours?

It did bother me - I would have ruddy well told them at least ... it's then up to them whether they want to flee, but I'd at least tell them! :stunned: There's a time factor, sure, so perhaps they could have told one family and then said "pass it on to everyone else, because we've got shit to do". At least give them a chance ... and hell, the barest minimum would be to close the gate (even if that would be futile in the grand scheme of things).

The compound thing is a give and take thing. That was their only real way of getting in - they're not a crack squad of commandos or spec ops infiltrators, they just civilians with no real tactical knowledge (although Daniel knows a thing or two from his war experiences). It was Daniel's method, but the others also stood back and allowed it to happen. The innocent blood is on their hands, but they also did it to rescue people who had been snatched away and otherwise abandoned in filthy facilities. However, plenty of innocent people will have died ... medical staff wise there were barely any of them (Exner tells Liza that most had fled or been moved elsewhere, so it was those two and one or two other medical staff who we don't know what happened to them). On the plus side for the group, they did let out all the people who were trapped in the cages.

I wonder if their actions will come back to haunt them.

While yes, we might very well see Tobias come back (hopefully!), I wonder if Erickson was also referring to the likes of Adams and Exner. We don't see them die, so it's entirely possible that they come back. Not certain, but possible.

I think some of these murkier aspects will become clearer (or even darker) upon a second viewing of the whole season.

07-Oct-2015, 01:07 PM
Franlkly, I thought this episode was a bit meh, TBH. It was an ok way to to end, I suppose. But Lisa's death was just so obvious. It would have been preferable NOT have killed her, or anyone else. I suppose her cards were marked. Two wives, one of them has to go and it's not going to be the one with the most screen time.

The whole thing with 'Fear the Walking Dead' is WTF is the point? We're already in "apocalypse stage" after a meager six episodes and practically near a situation that the main show is at. We have 'The Walking Dead' and now we have what simply amounts to 'The Walking Dead L.A.'. It's all a bit of a head scratch. If I was AMC, I'd have simply pumped the money into the main show. I'll watch again next year, but I don't get it's reason for existing. I suppose it good for filling in time between 'The Walking Dead' seasons and $.


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I don't know. Am I the only one bothered that FTWD essentially thrown out the collapse of society? The one good story FTWD had--the one it, in fact, exists to tell--was how civilization collapsed and was overrun by the walking dead, and that's the one story the series has aggressively refused to tell this season.


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I talked about this in the previous episode's thread. They built up episode 1-3 nicely and just as it was about to go down they skip over everything the show was promising to tell. When they came back it was 9 days later and society had already crumbled. Dissapointing.

Yeh. AMC needed a bit of balls and made this a 10 episode series. fck sake...FX can commission 13 episodes for 'The Strain', a show that nobody had an idea how it would be received. Why the hell could AMC not take the risk with a show that practically mirrors their biggest seller? It had a built in audience an all.

Just stupid.

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A splendid episode - the only niggle was how quiet the 2000 or so walkers were when Daniel was doing his 'pied piper' bit on the approach to the hospital.

How did Danny boy know that the zombies weren't simply going to run him down and scoff him, 'Dawn of the Dead '04' style? As far as I know, he has very limited knowledge of the living dead. He certainly wouldn't have known that they are all shuffly, slow feckers.


07-Oct-2015, 05:05 PM
...and they didn't feel the need to share this information with their neighbours?

When they were leaving the house & their neighbur was out walking the dog, it did cross Madison's mind, but Ofelia said something along the lines of 'they didn't lift a finger when they came at night & took our people away, why should we help them?'

I guess it might also have jeapoardised their rescue attempt, but that was probably unlikely...

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How did Danny boy know that the zombies weren't simply going to run him down and scoff him, 'Dawn of the Dead '04' style? As far as I know, he has very limited knowledge of the living dead. He certainly wouldn't have known that they are all shuffly, slow feckers.:/

Opening a door with even a load of the 'shuffly slow zombies' behind, would be a risky move, especially if they presumably would have tumbled out & fell all over those steps... I would have liked to have seen that scene!

Daniel probably has gleaned quite a bit of info from the guy he torchered & I'd have expected Team Travis to have discussed their experiences with Susan etc?

07-Oct-2015, 05:20 PM
How did Danny boy know that the zombies weren't simply going to run him down and scoff him, 'Dawn of the Dead '04' style? As far as I know, he has very limited knowledge of the living dead. He certainly wouldn't have known that they are all shuffly, slow feckers.


He's seen them in action - up-close, even - for example when he shot that neighbour guy in the face with a shotgun. :elol: Also, in TWD/FTWD land there's no such word as "zombie" and no such thing as zombie movies (geez ... what a living hell that must be! :lol::D)

When they were leaving the house & their neighbur was out walking the dog, it did cross Madison's mind, but Ofelia said something along the lines of 'they didn't lift a finger when they came at night & took our people away, why should we help them?'

Ah yes! I'd forgotten about that ... still quite cold, though ... they could have at least closed the gate! :p

Interesting way for the characters to go about it though ... essentially they've done something evil ... ... and hey, imagine if someone from there, one of their neighbours, survived some kind of zombie incursion, found the open gate, and figured out it was them who did it, set out into the world, and stumbled across them somewhere down the line.


Defining the show in contrast with TWD will be a tricky thing to do as we get further into the apocalypse. I wouldn't say we're 'full on' into it yet. There were very few walkers on the streets when they drove through, we're a bit shy of two weeks into proceedings from my estimations (10 or 11 days?) ... and I think I saw pockets of light in random houses and buildings when we saw some of those dusk/night shots of the city. I'd say there's people out there, folks who laid low. Could the military really have done an entire room-to-room evac of the entire city? Doubtful. I'd wager plenty of people hid out ... and I'd reckon a considerable number of them will be utter bastards hell bent on some lawless 'fun'.

07-Oct-2015, 05:49 PM
Interesting way for the characters to go about it though ... essentially they've done something evil ... ...

I have a feeling that is why this is "FEAR" the Walking Dead...I am pretty convinced that these people (or at least some of them) over the course of time are going to evolve into a pretty ruthless group...they've already done some pretty shitty things in just the first 6 episodes...

07-Oct-2015, 10:29 PM
Aye - them leaving the gate open really did annoy me. Even just seeing someone push the button and dart out as the gate closed would have been fine - but we didn't see that at all - that really did bug me. Although the sight of that happy family sitting around the candles in their living room was chilling - they've got no idea what's coming their way ... ... more so now that our guys left the sodding gate open!!! They somewhat redeem themselves by letting out the other captives in that compound ... but they also unleashed hell on the place and caused Exner to kill all her patients (which is the clear reason she was so hopeless and wanted to top herself).

As for 'zombies taking over L.A.' - well that's not really the case. During thost 9 days the people were evacuated, or the vast majority were, so there aren't that many walkers stumbling about the city (as we saw at the end - it was more of an abandoned ghost town with a few shamblers). We don't know what's happening in the rest of the city - the story our folks got was that people were evacuated. That'll be true - but probably only to an extent - there might very well be other pockets of people/imprisoned walkers just waiting to get out.

Can't say I'm a huge fan of the groups decision to leave the gate open let alone not tell people. Ophelia's little jab about the neighbors not helping them: Soldiers came in large numbers with capable firearms. They are following orders and protocal. They were in fact there peacefully to help. Granted they could have done a better job explaining why and where but I have been on the end of carrying out orders and sometimes the more you try to accomodate and explain stuff the more people fuck you over. Back to the point, what was the neighbors supposed to do? Yell, "please stop taking the lady with the shattered foot and fever". So to Ophelia and Daniel I say piss off. The lady needed surgery, and it wasnt gonna happen on the bed.

I dont know Minion about the zombies taking over L.A. Strand told Maddy to not drive through the city because it will be filled with those things. He seemed to have an inside track to what was happening and why. We know they took over Atlanta while Rick was in a coma and that is with the military fire bombing the city. I'd imagine once the numbers got to great, the military retreated and regrouped. And us Yankees are stubborn sons a bitches when it comes to evacuating our homes. See New Orleans/Katrina. People living below sea level with 5 days warning of a colossal hurricane and they stayed. Add to that the people that actually took head and tried to flee L.A ended up stuck in impossible gridlock. All those people went somewhere.

07-Oct-2015, 11:30 PM
He's seen them in action - up-close, even - for example when he shot that neighbour guy in the face with a shotgun. :elol:

He saw one or two. I wouldn't be calling myself an expert after that. I certainly wouldn't be opening any doors that contained a few thousand. You never know...he might have got a could of Day '08 style ceiling zombies.

Also, in TWD/FTWD land there's no such word as "zombie" and no such thing as zombie movies (geez ... what a living hell that must be! :lol::D)

zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie
- - - Updated - - -

Opening a door with even a load of the 'shuffly slow zombies' behind, would be a risky move, especially if they presumably would have tumbled out & fell all over those steps... I would have liked to have seen that scene!

Well, yeh, that WOULD have been a good scene.

Moon Knight
08-Oct-2015, 01:38 PM
That would have been a good scene to watch as the undead flee the stadium but I'm quite happy with what we got. Maybe not completely plausible but, man, it sure did make great television.

08-Oct-2015, 04:44 PM
That would have been a good scene to watch as the undead flee the stadium but I'm quite happy with what we got. Maybe not completely plausible but, man, it sure did make great television.

Plus Daniel looked flippin' badass just sauntering along ... like an apocalyptic mic drop. :D

08-Oct-2015, 04:52 PM
That would have been a good scene to watch as the undead flee the stadium but I'm quite happy with what we got. Maybe not completely plausible but, man, it sure did make great television.

It was a dreadful scene. But how the heck could Daniel play it that cool? An unimaginably painful and violent death is a few feet away. I would have been pale and sweating buckets.

08-Oct-2015, 06:26 PM
It was a dreadful scene. But how the heck could Daniel play it that cool? An unimaginably painful and violent death is a few feet away. I would have been pale and sweating buckets.

Yeah, but he's been in a war - he's seen and done terrible things - so I think he's pretty innured to horror. Just look at how easily (and readily) he blew that walker's head off in Madison's living room.

Which reminds me - a nice little touch that I dug was when Madison sadly touched the little marks on the wall that showed the growing heights of her kids, and then up at the top was her and her former husband (if I recall her backstory correctly, her husband died a long time prior). There's been various moments like this dotted throughout the season and I've loved them all. Very small and generally quite subtle (like when Madison locked her office for what she realised was quite probably the last time), but decidedly powerful and particularly human moments.

09-Oct-2015, 05:07 PM
Plus Daniel looked flippin' badass just sauntering along ... like an apocalyptic mic drop. :D

I suppose next season Travis and Chris (Especially) will have to grapple with the fact that Daniel's actions actually led to Liza's death...that probably won't go too well...

09-Oct-2015, 06:12 PM
I suppose next season Travis and Chris (Especially) will have to grapple with the fact that Daniel's actions actually led to Liza's death...that probably won't go too well...

I don't think it will be an issue. They went along with the plan. Unleashing couple thousand walkers is gonna end badly. The plan worked because the writers made it so. In reality unleashing that many to a facility that the group must break into and out of, is probably a poor idea. lol