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21-Jul-2006, 04:23 PM
New user here, named after my favorite character from Land.

I recently became a fan of Romero's movies over the past few years and in watching the movies, I ended up wondering something.

Maybe it is just me, but the only movie I noticed making a specific reference to the President was the 2004 Dawn remake.

Where is the President in the Romero films because I never heard him mentioned, that I remember?

I suppose from a timeline and storyline standpoint it would be a moot point, since society falls apart anyway. Just curious.


21-Jul-2006, 04:36 PM
New user here, named after my favorite character from Land.
Where is the President in the Romero films because I never heard him mentioned, that I remember

Probably in Cheyenne<sp?> Mountain, but considering the depth of the epidemic.... maybe pieces of him are going through Zombie intestines about now.... Or maybe they sealed it off successfully. But people die inside of a mountain too... and the strange radiations (or whatever) probably work there too so it's only a matter of time.


21-Jul-2006, 04:43 PM
the short answer is, dead or in a bunker.

21-Jul-2006, 04:47 PM
I think the President, his family and enough of his cabinet probably still surviving within one of the secret nuclear bunkers. The Secret Service would've made it their first and only priority that POTUS and his immediate family and those designated as important to running the government be moved to an ultra-secure location the moment the crisis went past containment phase.

By this time I'm sure the Secret Service would have known that a single bite would've been fatal and thus killed anyone in the group who had been injured at some time. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire group decided on an aircraft carrier instead of a mountain or underground bunker to go to.

Crow T R0bot
21-Jul-2006, 05:54 PM
If you listen carefully to the radio in Dawn '78. You can hear someone on the radio say "...the President has sent a package of initiatives to Congress...(something, something)..."

And on the "DotD" DVD, one of the headlines on the close-up of the "THE DEAD WALK" Newspaper reads "President is missing" or something to that effect. Another headline on that same paper reads "Vice-President calls for calm."

This doesn't necessarily mean the Prez is dead, but that for security purposes, he had to be taken to an "undisclosed location" and in the chaos, was unable to announce that at the time. That, or the VP had to be sworn in in his place to send in that "package of initiatives."

21-Jul-2006, 06:24 PM
if it's the current president, he's on vacation more than likely :rolleyes:

21-Jul-2006, 07:22 PM
good one!

Crow T R0bot
21-Jul-2006, 08:30 PM
if it's the current president, he's on vacation more than likely :rolleyes:

*Thinks back to a certain Family Guy cutaway gag*

Brian walks up to a treehouse on George Bush's property.

Brian: Mr. President, you have to come down there!

President: (peaking over the side) Go away!

Brian: Mr. President, people are dying and zombies are rising in their place and killing more of them, you have to do something!

President: Leave me alone! I'm reading Archie!

21-Jul-2006, 08:47 PM
i believe that the president is mentioned in dawn. right when peter, fran, roger, steven are first hold up in the mall they are listening to the radio and the announcer says, "the president today has sent to congress a package of intiatives aimed at..." - i cannot remember off the top of my head exactly how the rest of it goes, but there is at least one mention of the president in dawn.

21-Jul-2006, 11:51 PM
At an undisclosed location, of course.

21-Jul-2006, 11:57 PM
Gotta have continuance of gubbment, God forbid. He was likely whisked away somewhere safe after the fit hit the shan. There is a renovated 747 nicknamed "Kneecap" that is supposed to fly about in the event of a nuclear war. It's basically a floating White house, with more to offer in the way of communications and what have you than Air Force One. Pretty likely he'd be in that. With midair refueling it's supposed to be able to fly contniuously for a very, very long time.

22-Jul-2006, 12:52 AM
Didn't the president get shown in the Washington scene of the original Night of the Living Dead. I can't remember because it's been a bit since I've watched it. Plus, in Dawn, they mention the president and his stuff sent to Congress.

Then, the more you think about it, the president is the kind of person they'd stick in some kind of underground shelter to thrive for the rest of time.

22-Jul-2006, 12:05 PM
Our current VP would be out with shotgun in hand.

22-Jul-2006, 02:30 PM
Our current VP would be out with shotgun in hand.

Both our VP and P would be blown over and then somebody would be like, "Oh, I thought they were zombies!"

22-Jul-2006, 04:42 PM
reading "My Pet Goat" while clearing brush on his ranch.
The vice pres will be "acciedentally" shooting his best friends in the face.
Got em!
Thats another one for the fire!

22-Jul-2006, 04:46 PM
This is the article on the front page of the paper in Day.

Just a few hours after announcing a state of emergency and instituting martial law in several states along the Eastern seaboard, President Ronald W. Reagan and his wife Nancy was reported missing. This coming four days after a state of the nation address. Reagan's close advisors are also missing, along with several national security agents namely advisors Robert McFarlane and John Poindexter. This has lead some to speculate there is more to the crisis than what the media is revealing. "It is not clear if they [the Presidential Family] indeed fled the nation as some began to speculate early this morning or if there is a political factor to motivate this disappearing act," Senator Lawton Chiles reported in an interview. "All we know is that Florida as well as the rest of the nation are going to have to pull together if that is the truth." Reagan's supporters have said the disappearing act is a result of emergency surgery he was in need of for some time and that he will return.

23-Jul-2006, 12:28 AM
You are The Duke; A #1!

23-Jul-2006, 02:24 AM
Our current VP would be out with shotgun in hand.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Duck and cover Harry

Both our VP and P would be blown over and then somebody would be like, "Oh, I thought they were zombies!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I didn't see nothing, I swear it. :D

23-Jul-2006, 05:24 AM
in dawn 04 in the begining it shows a quick scene of the white house lawn being attacked and a helicopter trying to get out

23-Jul-2006, 06:58 AM
Per SOP, the President is to be immediately evacuated to the basement of the Alamo at the first sign of the zombie plague.

Atleast that's the SOP that came down when Bush was elected.

23-Jul-2006, 08:07 AM
You are The Duke; A #1!

Much rep for the Escape quote. LOVE THAT MOVIE.

23-Jul-2006, 02:37 PM
Per SOP, the President is to be immediately evacuated to the basement of the Alamo at the first sign of the zombie plague.

This psychic lady told me my stolen bike is in the basement of the Alamo!

23-Jul-2006, 03:07 PM
Both our VP and P would be blown over and then somebody would be like, "Oh, I thought they were zombies!"

God knows, I'd be damn tempted.

23-Jul-2006, 04:31 PM
the short answer is, dead or in a bunker.

Even shorter answer: Who cares?

23-Jul-2006, 06:31 PM
Even shorter answer: Who cares?

Exactly! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Crow T R0bot
24-Jul-2006, 01:33 AM
in dawn 04 in the begining it shows a quick scene of the white house lawn being attacked and a helicopter trying to get out

Actually, I'm positive the building you're thinking of is the Capitol Building, where the houses of Congress are.

24-Jul-2006, 05:50 AM
Well Dawn is 3 weeks into the pandemic and it's the government is still functioning normaly (Congress was still meeting) though it's unclear if they're still in DC. The Greenbriar resort used to be designated as the Congressional shelter (though nothing was provided for Congressional families). By Day the government had apparently collapsed and POTUS had been missing for months.

24-Jul-2006, 01:53 PM
Probably taking his lead from thatcherism, he sent out the plague for a social experiment to see how long society would last in stressful circumstances such as this.

24-Jul-2006, 03:51 PM
This is the article on the front page of the paper in Day.

Just a few hours after announcing a state of emergency and instituting martial law in several states along the Eastern seaboard, President Ronald W. Reagan and his wife Nancy was reported missing. This coming four days after a state of the nation address. Reagan's close advisors are also missing, along with several national security agents namely advisors Robert McFarlane and John Poindexter. This has lead some to speculate there is more to the crisis than what the media is revealing. "It is not clear if they [the Presidential Family] indeed fled the nation as some began to speculate early this morning or if there is a political factor to motivate this disappearing act," Senator Lawton Chiles reported in an interview. "All we know is that Florida as well as the rest of the nation are going to have to pull together if that is the truth." Reagan's supporters have said the disappearing act is a result of emergency surgery he was in need of for some time and that he will return.

That's a heap of good info, Philly_Swat! You never cease to amaze. I'd give some rep, but, apparently, I have to "spread some around" first :dead:

24-Jul-2006, 04:07 PM
twenty four hours have passed since the dead have risen...
George Bush sits on a tropical beach in the bahamas watching as yet another boat fleeing the mainland is torpedoed by a patrol boat.
"Poor bastards." He sneers
A SS comes up to him "Mr President sir, time to make your speech."
"Did they get the right neck tie for me?"
"Sorry sir."
"****in' idiots, still, not like anyones gonna notice, their all gonna be dead before this is over."

24-Jul-2006, 05:37 PM
If the Prez had resurfaced in Kaufman's neck of the woods during the LOTD-era, would he have been just another guy who was "shining his shoes and pressing his pants" with the rest of the unwashed masses.

I say this in jest :lol: