View Full Version : Star Trek Beyond (film)

14-Dec-2015, 04:33 PM
First trailer for the third film in the new Trek timeline:


Okay.....so Pegg has kept promising that this film is going back to the roots of Trek. Why does it appear to have more action than the last two?? I love me some action scenes, but that's the entire trailer! Maybe it's just the marketing to help bring in more viewers....

Either way, I've been waiting on this for a long time and can't wait. Also, I've always said it and I'll say it again: Karl Urban is absolutely perfect as Bones! Easily the best of the new cast...

17-Dec-2015, 07:31 PM
Also, I've always said it and I'll say it again: Karl Urban is absolutely perfect as Bones! Easily the best of the new cast...
I wholeheartedly agree. I think Spock and Kirk are well cast too, though I think the plot and storyline obscure the good casting choices in their cases.

I'm a pretty big hater on the Trek reboot but I think the casting choices have been very enjoyable.

17-Dec-2015, 08:14 PM
Hear hear. I agree with the casting and especially with Karl Urban. He has the grouchy Bones down to a T, Deforst would be proud.

Also agree on the trailer (teaser?). Looks really bland. But I also think the studio is trying to push the action elements on us because that's what sell. I hope it's less of an action flick than Into Darkness however. If it isn't, I won't hold out for number 4...

18-Dec-2015, 10:45 AM
Thanks to a rift in the fabric of space and time, Into Darkness never happened.

22-May-2016, 02:13 AM
hdA new trailer that premiered at the Trek 50th anniversary celebration yesterday. Still has action of course, but this one also features some moments that feel more in line with TOS.


Definitely an improved trailer, but I'm still cautiously optimistic. And do we REALLY need to destroy the Enterprise AGAIN???

22-May-2016, 07:30 AM
I do get the feeling more and more of these films, they come up with ideas for special effect driven scenes, and only then try and work out how they can explain them, validate them and join them up...

22-May-2016, 10:10 AM
After the letdown that was "Into Darkness" I hope they can go back to the relative greatness of the first film.
While it is SFX heavy, we all knew there'd be action in it. I'm hoping there'll be less of it than Into Shitness.

That said, i agree with Bassman about the Enterprise...
It gets blown up in Search for Spock and Generations. It's been done...

22-May-2016, 11:45 AM
Idris Elba is completely unrecognizable as the villain!

02-Jun-2016, 06:29 PM
Why do they go through so many Enterprises? Because two more punches on the Utopia Planetia card and they get a free one!

04-Jun-2016, 10:41 PM
I found this to be an interesting interview with Karl Urban: http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/karl-urban-almost-didnt-return-as-dr-mccoy-for-star-trek-beyond-304

In a nutshell, he was only contracted for two films, meaning he was not required to return for this film and he was about to turn it down until he met with the new director and felt like they were taking it in the right direction. Something more within the realm of TOS.

Urban is a huge Trek fan, so he clearly knows what's right for the franchise. If he says this one gets it closer than the last two, I'm inclined to believe him. As I've said earlier in the thread, Urban is the best casting decision of this "timeline B" franchise and felt a bit underused in the films. McCoy should be just as an essential character as Kirk and Spock, so this gives me hope that Beyond will correct the course a bit.

05-Jun-2016, 08:08 AM
I found this to be an interesting interview with Karl Urban: http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/karl-urban-almost-didnt-return-as-dr-mccoy-for-star-trek-beyond-304

In a nutshell, he was only contracted for two films, meaning he was not required to return for this film and he was about to turn it down until he met with the new director and felt like they were taking it in the right direction. Something more within the realm of TOS.

Urban is a huge Trek fan, so he clearly knows what's right for the franchise. If he says this one gets it closer than the last two, I'm inclined to believe him. As I've said earlier in the thread, Urban is the best casting decision of this "timeline B" franchise and felt a bit underused in the films. McCoy should be just as an essential character as Kirk and Spock, so this gives me hope that Beyond will correct the course a bit.

Fingers crossed... I thought the first one was OK in places, but the second one was a bit of a mess TBH. Hopefully the new one is a good step back in the right direction. And please! No more time travel!

05-Jun-2016, 09:49 AM
I highly doubt we'll see anymore time travel. After being used to establish this alternate timeline of the original crew in Abrams' first film, there shouldn't be any reason to use it again. It served its purpose as a way to reboot the series but also to not ignore any of TOS or the first six films as "Canon".

Flaws and all, I enjoyed Into Darkness, but I'm also ready for them to go on to more original exploration missions. It IS a bit baffling that they found a way to successfully start a new timeline only to make the second film a remake of Space Seed and Wrath of Khan, isn't it? Sure, the Khan storylines are a favorite among fans, but being that they were able to successfully reboot the original crew WITHOUT erasing the timeline of TOS, they should've jumped straight into brand new adventures for the second film and left Khan to Timeline A....

12-Jun-2016, 02:53 PM
Slightly off topic from "Beyond", but I thought some fans would like to hear that they're releasing a nice boxed set for the 50th anniversary: http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=19194

While this may be a triple or quadruple dip for most fans, I'm looking forward to this release because I only have select films and watch TOS on Netflix. The set features TOS, the animated series, and all six films with the original crew. The enticing feature for fans that already own these Blu rays is a new feature length documentary about TOS and it's transition to motion pictures.

13-Jun-2016, 10:37 AM
Might be something for me.
I wouldn't mind it. I already have all the films on DVD but not Blu-Ray. In addition, it'd be awesome to have TOS on Blu-Ray as well. It used to be on (Swedish) Netflix but it got picked down in the new year for whatever reason.

As for the documentary, I doubt there'll be something I haven't seen before. I read William Shatner's Movie Memories; He covers it pretty well.

02-Oct-2016, 02:13 PM
I'm going to have to give this film a second viewing because something about it just didn't "click" with me. It felt like the trailers, meaning all action and little substance. Reviews suggested that it has a lot of heart amongst the action pieces, so perhaps I missed something. As of now, I actually prefer Into Darkness over Beyond....