View Full Version : The Man in the High Castle (TV series)

21-Jan-2016, 12:08 PM
Anyone else watching/watched this?

I'm about 5 episodes in and enjoying it quite a bit!


23-Jan-2016, 11:13 PM
ive got it there to watch just havent got round to it yet

24-Jan-2016, 07:34 PM
Finished the series... Although a few sections were a tad clunky, generally it was very good IMHO. Although it did end on a true WTF!

24-Jan-2016, 07:34 PM
i thought it sounded like a pretty neat concept, so it's on my radar, but haven't started it up yet. sounds like you're digging it, though, so i will be sure to check it out eventually.

have you read the book? or is it a short story?

25-Jan-2016, 08:19 AM
i thought it sounded like a pretty neat concept, so it's on my radar, but haven't started it up yet. sounds like you're digging it, though, so i will be sure to check it out eventually.

have you read the book? or is it a short story?

No, I haven't read the book, which I suspect might be a good thing. ie: I'll be more forgiving abuot it!

27-Jan-2016, 12:38 AM
No, I haven't read the book, which I suspect might be a good thing. ie: I'll be more forgiving abuot it!

The book is pretty decent (it's PKD for criminy's sake!), but much more thoughtful and subtle than the typical alternate history wank (which I also tend to enjoy). As it was written by a classic scifi author, it's definitely heavy on subtext and does not have the more traditional, grounded approach of the TV show.

Personally, I think a strict book to film adaptation would have gone over like a lead balloon, as people would not have dug the philosophical and uncertain nature of the book's narrative on film, when most of them really just tuned in to see nazis get punched in the face (or to see victorious Nazi-wank fantasies on film :duh:). So, I say both are good in their own ways and play to the strengths of their respective formats fairly well.