View Full Version : Cabin Fever (film) - Remake

29-Jan-2016, 08:25 PM
Yes, it's a remake of that film made really not very long ago!


29-Jan-2016, 10:00 PM
I'm not even gonna watch the trailer.

What the f*ck.

In what way is the original dated? It's from 2002.

30-Jan-2016, 10:33 AM
Erm, did you intentionally post the trailer for the actual original movie as a joke at how the remake is just doing the exact same script over again? :rockbrow:


Exactly the same - just with a bigger budget, a couple of minor tweaks, and extra action scenes chucked in 'cos they have a bit more cash to toss about.

The very definition of "sodding pointless".

30-Jan-2016, 02:30 PM

They just made the bloody first one. :rolleyes:

31-Jan-2016, 11:12 PM
Yeah, very weird for them to bother moving ahead with this at this time.

14-Feb-2016, 08:30 AM
AICN puts it frankly - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/74447

There is no f***ing point to it.

14-Feb-2016, 10:22 AM
So what does this new version bring to the table?

Absolutely f**king nothing.

It's exactly the same, only bad. Same exact plot. Same exact characters. None of the jokes. Same lines (minus the funny ones). Weak makeup and poor effects. There are a few occasional additions and omissions, but they are all overshadowed by a sense of deja vu so profound that you feel like the Matrix must have crashed completely.

If you are a fan of the original CABIN FEVER, this one takes everything you loved about it and throws it into the trash. And then sets it on fire. If there is one thing this film does demonstrate, it's that it takes more than a script and a camera to make a film that resonates with its audience. Even with the same plot, characters and dialogue, this movie is nowhere near the level of its predecessor.


Was nothing learned from the remake of Psycho?!

13-Jun-2017, 12:22 AM
I never liked the first one so I'm pretty sure this one will be garbage too. Also what is with all these freakin remakes does Hollywood have no original ideas anymore? :rockbrow:

17-Jul-2017, 04:05 PM
I watched it months ago. In fact, it was on cable the other night. If you watched the original, then pretty much do not have to view the remake. The remake lacks the charm the 2002 version had. It may be slightly gorier, but it was hard to notice. Just a pointless remake like Quarantine.

17-Jul-2017, 05:48 PM
I watched it months ago. In fact, it was on cable the other night. If you watched the original, then pretty much do not have to view the remake. The remake lacks the charm the 2002 version had. It may be slightly gorier, but it was hard to notice. Just a pointless remake like Quarantine.

I think the remake has hit the UK television circuit, but I avoided it - what's the point in it at all? :lol: I'd agree with you that the original 2002 version had a lot of charm to it (some good character moments, as well), particularly that 'my first movie' vibe coming from full-on horror fan Roth. I've watched it several times over the years.

Quarantine ... the one thing going for it is Jennifer Carpenter's performance. I've rarely seen terror so vividly captured in a performance before. Other than that the film isn't a patch on REC., but at least it has one thing going for it.

17-Jul-2017, 05:56 PM
I watched it months ago. In fact, it was on cable the other night. If you watched the original, then pretty much do not have to view the remake. The remake lacks the charm the 2002 version had. It may be slightly gorier, but it was hard to notice. Just a pointless remake like Quarantine.

My quick review of it:


I certainly did not find this cheesy remake "gorier" than the original. The original is better in all departments.