View Full Version : Transormers Movie Update

22-Jul-2006, 07:48 AM
Breaking News

From Netscape:

Hey guys, I'm reporting live from the Paramount films' panel at Comic-Con. It was just announced that Peter Cullen, the voice of the 1980's cartoon version of Optimus Prime, will be reprising his role for the big screen version next summer. So so happy. Maybe Michael Bay does know what he's doing...
That's pretty badass, man.

Source (http://movies.netscape.com/viewstory/2006/07/21/breaking-news-optimus-primes-original-voice-is-returning/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmovies.netscape.com%2Fstory%2F20 06%2F07%2F21%2Fbreaking-news-optimus-primes-original-voice-is-returning%2F&frame=true)

22-Jul-2006, 10:38 AM
awesome, the only one from the 80's i didnt like was omega supreme, he was just wrong "i have a speech impediment, but only when i choose not to talk normally"...?!?
they need the origional megatron, and as an old school transformers fan i cant wait but i hope there not rehashing the unicron storyline like they have been for the last 10 years.

23-Jul-2006, 10:01 AM
Omega's speech pattern was due to something called the robo wrecker trying to make him a cold unfeeling machine like the Decepticons (course, that is completely poorly thought out as the Decepticons have displayed the full range of emotions) he's more like a drone, due to his nature as a weapon he's denied social interaction. One of the voices I found the most irritating was the combiners, five minds meld into one bieng and they sound dumb! All that intellect they posess as individuals seems to go to waste! Ironically the only effective ones were the Predacons and Terrorcons who were primatives.