View Full Version : The 2045 Initiative - Live forever within 30yrs...

14-Mar-2016, 03:32 PM

Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov believes he will live forever through robots, into which his consciousness and personality would be uploaded. The ultra-advanced robots would be made of materials with a virtually infinite lifespan, with only the occasional technical and mechanical maintenance required.

BBC 2 will be broadcasting a Horizon documentary called ‘The Immortalist’ on 16th March, at 8pm. According to the BBC, the show is:

“The gripping story of how one Russian internet millionaire is turning to cutting-edge science to try to unlock the secret of living forever.”

Some huge moral dilemma would come abuot with this technology of course! Who would have access to it? Would you want to be locked into a "machine" forever?

14-Mar-2016, 04:48 PM
Some huge moral dilemma would come abuot with this technology of course! Who would have access to it? Would you want to be locked into a "machine" forever?

Innit! You'd end up with utter bastards, who happen to have wealth and power on their side, ruling/controlling/generally being a bastard/whatever forever.

Some things are more trouble than they're worth. A better thing would be the ability to maintain all our faculties and abilities for the entire duration of our natural lifespan - so you get the most out of the years you do have, rather than declining health. That would be more fair.

But yeah, immortality would ultimately either be hell for you, or hell for others - or both.

14-Mar-2016, 07:58 PM
I've actually read up on this thing before IIRC. If I'm not mistaken, the premise is that if you can't afford to invest/"buy" into one now, that you can sign up to work part time promoting, canvassing, etc to earn credit to "buy" one, with the ultimate end game goal of getting the cost down to affordable levels for everyone.

Granted, it all sounds implausible at best and tin-foil hat, spoon-in-yer-arse crazy at worst. But I find the whole idea intriguing in a "what-if" sort of way. :|

14-Mar-2016, 11:03 PM
Jesus man, the thought of all the moral conundrums this poses is just mindboggling. I believe that if we were ever to unlock this technology, there'd probably be such social upheaval that we could start talking about a second Great Terror. This is the drop that would make that 1% get torn down by desperate poor mobs

15-Mar-2016, 10:16 AM
Jesus man, the thought of all the moral conundrums this poses is just mindboggling. I believe that if we were ever to unlock this technology, there'd probably be such social upheaval that we could start talking about a second Great Terror. This is the drop that would make that 1% get torn down by desperate poor mobs

Indeed... Imagine it's insanely expensive, so only the uber rich/elite can afford it.

So we'd have a small band of wealthy immortals, getting ever richer... Watching the rest of the world growing older and dying... Hmmm...

15-Mar-2016, 01:22 PM
Indeed... Imagine it's insanely expensive, so only the uber rich/elite can afford it.

So we'd have a small band of wealthy immortals, getting ever richer... Watching the rest of the world growing older and dying... Hmmm...

Well, they'd only be saved from death from aging. So...