View Full Version : Doom 4 Open Beta 15-17 April

16-Apr-2016, 11:22 AM
So on Steam you can play the upcoming Doom game in an Open Beta. I'm downloading it right now.
I'm a big fan of all things Doom. I grew up on the original two games. Looking forward to it, tho it looks to play more like Halo than the Doom predecessors.

16-Apr-2016, 03:56 PM
Cheers for the heads up.

16-Apr-2016, 05:03 PM
Holy crap this game is fun. And fast-paced.

17-May-2016, 04:40 AM
based on the solid reviews the single-player campaign is getting, i've decided i'm buying this as soon as it goes on sale. looks like a damn good time!

17-May-2016, 03:37 PM
I pre-ordered it.

I'm only like 40 minutes or so into the singleplayer campaign, but DAMN it's tense. Action packed to the rim.

The multiplayer is really fun too. I have some issues with it. Will be writing a review soon enough.

18-May-2016, 06:00 PM
I bought it Friday night and played it pretty much solidly all weekend, it's awesome! Plot wise although it still follows the usual Doom story it's much weaker than Doom3, but that aside the gameplay is fantastic, real old skool run and gun stuff! Visually impressive, great atmospheric music and solid sounding booms when you let rip with the shotguns. Recommended!

13-Dec-2016, 09:32 AM
I finally hopped on the next gen train and got myself an Xbox One S.

I made sure to get a copy of Doom and I've been enjoying it quite a lot. I've got four levels left to go and the gameplay is indeed fantastic. It straddles the 'old and new school' divide quite well, and it's so satisfying to perform a new glory kill (or chainsaw kill) on a new demon. :elol: The platforming bits (e.g. when climbing that ruddy big Argent Tower thingymywatsit) don't have get my hands sweating. :lol:

I will say, though, when it checked for an update it said it was 35-flipping-gigs!!! :eek: WTF is that about? Is that in addition to the 45gb install size, or is it an exceptionally inefficient patch that replaces a bunch of the install data? My connection is slower than molasses in January (Redneck Rampage reference fer ya there :D ), so I'd be there for a couple of weeks of solid downloading to get all that downloaded (hence why I've not updated Doom) ... meanwhile FarCry 4 had a total patch size of 1.7gb (still bloody big in my estimation, but decidedly reasonable by comparison - hence why I did update FC4 ... not that I've got around to playing it yet).

There really should be a way to split the patches up into segments, e.g. 1) Vital updates (e.g. fixes for any game breaking/basic functionality problems), 2) Multiplayer gubbins (I don't play online), and 3) General bells and whistles that aren't necessesarily necessary.

13-Dec-2016, 11:38 AM
From being the underdog to the PS4, the XBox One has done a good job carving out a place for itself... Build in 4K player and HDR! Nice!

13-Dec-2016, 04:22 PM
From being the underdog to the PS4, the XBox One has done a good job carving out a place for itself... Build in 4K player and HDR! Nice!

The thing that irks me still, though, is that it seems you have to be online in order to 'register' any of your achievements from gameplay. WTF is that about? You could do it just fine offline with the Xbox 360, so why does it need to change? Then I go online (the wireless receiver is good so it manages to pick up a decent signal) and it seems to discover an achievement or two that I've unlocked, but it seems kind of inconsistent at recognising them sometimes. A smaller thing, but still - why faff it about with an online requirement, can't they just be registered offline just as easily?

I'm also playing Forza Horizon 3 at the moment (came with the console) and it's rather fun (open world 'arcadey' racing game set in Australia).

14-Dec-2016, 07:09 AM
Let's do a deathmatch then. You're in the UK, it's not too far.

Btw, I will destroy you.

14-Dec-2016, 10:03 AM
Let's do a deathmatch then. You're in the UK, it's not too far.

Btw, I will destroy you.


Well, doesn't that sound fun? :p

I'm not on Xbox Live, though, as I've never really had much of an interest in playing games online. But thanks for the offer anyway. :)

14-Dec-2016, 07:50 PM

30-Dec-2016, 08:25 PM
I actually didn't finish the singleplayer until a week ago. I mostly spent my time doing Multiplayer, which I enjoy.

But the singleplayer campaign was something else. Wow, really amazing and action packed stuff. Edge of your seat action.

31-Dec-2016, 10:18 AM
Yeah, I've just never really got into Multiplayer - online anyway - I used to play Halo 2 deathmatch with some of my mates back in the day. We'd play that game for hours and hours - good times - I think that's the key thing for me. Multiplayer online you're still sat in a room on your own, often having to deal with too many arseholes and people who are way better at the game than you, whereas multiplayer in-person you're with your mates having a laugh.

But at heart I've always been about the single player experience in games, to get lost in the world the dev team have created - and yeah, Doom's single player is rather good. They dispense with unnecessary story gubbins (quite humorously at times) and just focus on excellent gameplay. The fast-paced arena combat is a hell of a lot of fun (although it is used a touch too much at times), and how you dispense the final boss made me burst out into a devilish grin. :elol:

You might want to check out a three-part documentary about the making of Doom (2016) on the NoClip YouTube channel. It's a really good watch and even digs into the aborted Doom 4 project (with preview footage). :)

PART ONE (of THREE) here:


31-Dec-2016, 11:59 AM
A few months ago trying to keep up with Doom multiplayer was impossible because the people who were still playing it were the cream of the crop. Kinda like picking up Counter-Strike today; You're only gonna face people who have played it for years.

But now with the closing of the year, winter sales and Doom appearing on all sorts of "Game of the Year" lists there's an influx of rookies to kill.

31-Dec-2016, 02:01 PM
Yeah, I've just never really got into Multiplayer - online anyway - I used to play Halo 2 deathmatch with some of my mates back in the day. We'd play that game for hours and hours - good times - I think that's the key thing for me. Multiplayer online you're still sat in a room on your own, often having to deal with too many arseholes and people who are way better at the game than you, whereas multiplayer in-person you're with your mates having a laugh.

But at heart I've always been about the single player experience in games, to get lost in the world the dev team have created - and yeah, Doom's single player is rather good. They dispense with unnecessary story gubbins (quite humorously at times) and just focus on excellent gameplay. The fast-paced arena combat is a hell of a lot of fun (although it is used a touch too much at times), and how you dispense the final boss made me burst out into a devilish grin. :elol:

You might want to check out a three-part documentary about the making of Doom (2016) on the NoClip YouTube channel. It's a really good watch and even digs into the aborted Doom 4 project (with preview footage). :)

PART ONE (of THREE) here:


Well, that's made me want to get it!

01-Jan-2017, 11:05 AM
Well, that's made me want to get it!

You should definitely get it and you can probably pick it up quite cheap, too. I got my copy for £14 and certainly got plenty of bang for my buck. :thumbsup:

01-Jan-2017, 12:26 PM
You should definitely get it and you can probably pick it up quite cheap, too. I got my copy for £14 and certainly got plenty of bang for my buck. :thumbsup:

Can you do levels in co-op with one or more friends?

01-Jan-2017, 04:41 PM
Can you do levels in co-op with one or more friends?

Erm ... you mean like play the main campaign with another person? No.

If you want that kind of thing, I noticed that "Far Cry 4" lets you do co-op campaign gameplay (although, again, I'm just playing it single player ... it came out in 2014, IIRC).

02-Jan-2017, 10:11 AM
Can you do levels in co-op with one or more friends?

No, but there is a third mode called "SnapMap" where users can create their own maps. In this function there are a lot of COOP maps available, including several with a Survival theme.

Not sure if Snapmap is on the consoles but I don't see why not.

02-Jan-2017, 11:15 AM
Well, I've bought it... Just got to wait for 60GB to download now! :eek:

02-Jan-2017, 04:41 PM
Well, I've bought it... Just got to wait for 60GB to download now! :eek:

Download code, is it?

I stick with physical media, personally (although you still need to install the data on the console itself). I didn't download the update for it because it's like 35gb or something stupid!!! My internet connection simply ain't anywhere near fast enough to shift that kind of data in a reasonable time - it's been even slower over the holidays as well, what with all these people sitting online all day sending festive-themed pictures of their wing wangs and hoo hahs to each other.

Also - yes - SnapMap is available on the console version.