View Full Version : Season 3 of Fear The Walking Dead greenlit with 16 episodes

18-Apr-2016, 07:58 AM

AMC has renewed The Walking Dead spinoff Fear the Walking Dead for a third season. The cable network made the announcement today, ordering 16 more episodes that will premiere in 2017.

ps: Yes I know MZ has mentioned it elsewhere already :)

18-Apr-2016, 11:40 AM

Have to say I'm surprised at that.

18-Apr-2016, 12:30 PM
I don't think this show has the staying power to last. At least personally, I just don't care much about it.

18-Apr-2016, 04:31 PM
I half-wonder if they've ordered these already as a show of strength. They tend to do this with TWD, but frankly FTWD is nowhere near TWD's level - but you can't admit that as a network - a bunch of blogs and gossip columns and clickbaity news sites will have a field day with that.

I wonder how the ratings will go for FTWD over the course of Season 2. I'd be surprised if they grew much beyond their current level. The show will still hold very respectable numbers, but they'll be much more average for TV and not a patch on the hefty numbers that TWD consistently brings in. I suppose for AMC's part they couldn't have done anything else but to order a third season. They'll be wanting to allow the show time to bed itself in, which is good - they seem to have learned the lesson of Breaking Bad, which was on the verge of cancellation in the early years with its very low figures (which gradually grew over the years), and look at how beloved and successful that show has become. But, especially as FTWD is new, they can't do anything to make the show look like it's having trouble compared to TWD (i.e. not ordering a third season) and have a sort of 'self-fulfilling prophecy' come about to scupper it.

I worry that 15 episodes is going to be too much for this season, and 16 isn't going to help either. I'd have been much happier with 10 max. I'm wondering if season 2 is going to have way too much filler now. The first season was quite well paced for the most part and never really felt like it was dawdling ... might season 2 plod by comparison? :shifty:

06-May-2016, 10:54 PM
I agree 10 episodes would be a better season length. Works great for Game of Thrones