View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! Fear The Walking Dead 2x07 "Shiva" episode discussion...

21-May-2016, 04:11 PM
Please keep all talk of episode 2x07 "Shiva" specifically inside this thread.

If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).


The mid-season finale, folks.

Directed by: TBA
Written by: TBA

22-May-2016, 08:58 AM
I'm still really enjoying this series... Watched it again a couple of days ago & realised that Alex was on the boat when the crew disclosed their destination... so with Connor bit and Reed gone, I'm wondering if Alex and Jack will turn up at the gates...

Celia killing the local population to protect the dead was a nice twist I thought. F**ked up, but nice.

23-May-2016, 10:47 AM
Celia killing the local population to protect the dead was a nice twist I thought. F**ked up, but nice.

She got locked up with the undead, which is also f**ked up. But that seems like a fitting end for someone so strangely hell-bent on protecting creatures that kill people and eat them. Poetic justice.

23-May-2016, 12:12 PM
Is it just me, or did anyone else find that episode all a bit vague and scattered?

We didn't actually see Celia die (although I did enjoy the poetic justice of it, even though I knew that's what was going to happen before it happened), Nick just wanders off into the zombies, and the whole subplot with Chris going from normal teen to total loony in a couple of weeks just doesn't play for me.

There was some good stuff - again, with Daniel - I dug the whole thing with his past, his wife, and seeking to set her free etc, but again, it was part of a strangely jumbled climax to a vague and scattered episode. :|

Nick's in and out of his bloody t-shirt like nobody's business, too. It's almost laughable how many times he's slapped on the gore to go and do something. We'll see where it goes from here, what the story will do to try and gather all these disparate pieces back together again, but that mid-season finale left me feeling pretty flat, unfortunately.

Moon Knight
23-May-2016, 02:57 PM
So did they really write off Daniel? Wow what a way to speed through his arc. Amazing.

Yeah, this was really scattered and they really have jumped the shark with Nick. I dig the concept but again, like Chris and Daniel, it feels like they just skipped tons of character development just to get to this episode.

I still like Strand. That's a good thing.

Overall dissapointed.

23-May-2016, 03:59 PM
Mmm ... it felt a bit muddled. The various strands of story - and especially how they have been told, and were told in this specific episode - didn't come together to form a cohesive whole. It felt more like pieces clumped together loosely, rather than a tight piece of storytelling. It makes me feel like the showrunners and writers don't really quite know, or even understand, what this show could be, should be, might have been, etc. It's a shame. :confused:

25-May-2016, 07:45 AM
Is it just me, or did anyone else find that episode all a bit vague and scattered?

We didn't actually see Celia die (although I did enjoy the poetic justice of it, even though I knew that's what was going to happen before it happened), Nick just wanders off into the zombies, and the whole subplot with Chris going from normal teen to total loony in a couple of weeks just doesn't play for me.

There was some good stuff - again, with Daniel - I dug the whole thing with his past, his wife, and seeking to set her free etc, but again, it was part of a strangely jumbled climax to a vague and scattered episode. :|

Nick's in and out of his bloody t-shirt like nobody's business, too. It's almost laughable how many times he's slapped on the gore to go and do something. We'll see where it goes from here, what the story will do to try and gather all these disparate pieces back together again, but that mid-season finale left me feeling pretty flat, unfortunately.

Yes... All seemed a tad scrappy and ultimately, myeh!

Really caring less and less about it... Too many character seemingly caught up in angst for the sake of it...

25-May-2016, 11:41 PM
...Aaaaand...I'm done.

Too little spare time these days to be wasting on stuff like this.

26-May-2016, 12:08 AM
...Aaaaand...I'm done.

Too little spare time these days to be wasting on stuff like this.

Yeah, it's kind of weird that I semi-watch it. Hell, I even dvr it, though I do not know why...
I'm just not feeling it, plus I want the heroin junkie to dieeeeeeeee.
He really seems to like rubbing zombie juice all over him, and it's creeping me out.

26-May-2016, 11:43 AM
Yeah, it's kind of weird that I semi-watch it. Hell, I even dvr it, though I do not know why...
I'm just not feeling it, plus I want the heroin junkie to dieeeeeeeee.
He really seems to like rubbing zombie juice all over him, and it's creeping me out.

I know. That's just about as dumb a thing as I can imagine. People harping on about "infection", "The infected", etc, and then they wipe that shite all over them, including their lips sometimes. Honestly WTF?

In any case, I've tried to like this show, but as an audience we were sold a pup in so far as the central conceit of showing us the collapse of society in a zombie apoc never really materialised and now it's just people doing silly things with a few zombies thrown in here and there. TWD Lite, if you will.

Bottom line is that the budget just isn't there, the writing isn't good and there's not a lot for the characters to do now.

It all seems kind of pointless.

26-May-2016, 04:04 PM
I know. That's just about as dumb a thing as I can imagine. People harping on about "infection", "The infected", etc, and then they wipe that shite all over them, including their lips sometimes. Honestly WTF?

To play devil's advocate, the first time it happens it's an accident - which is fair enough - but yes, he keeps going back to that and it is like "erm, excuse me - you don't know that you're all infected (which is the case), so why are you slapping it on like that?!" ... it makes you feel even more than the showrunners and writers aren't thinking FTWD through enough, there's things getting thrown in too early or in such a manner that they've not been made to make sense (lacking in-world logic). At best, you could say that Nick - having been a heroin junkie - might have not cared so much about infections (e.g. the possibility of sharing needles), but seeing as we've had no indication of that, it does seem awfully silly for him to be doing it (and for nobody else - his mother included) to not be worried about him covering himself in that gunk. As we know it's okay for him to do, but they don't know that.

In TWD 1x02 they're very careful to wear overcoats and use gloves to protect themselves from the gore, assuming that they might get infected if they're not careful. There's actual in-world logic going on there, whether you like the whole 'zombie smell' thing or not, with the characters acting in a manner that makes sense for their knowledge and situation. The same cannot be said of Nick and his gleeful dipping in and out of his gore suit. :rockbrow:

Moon Knight
26-May-2016, 04:14 PM
To play devil's advocate, the first time it happens it's an accident - which is fair enough - but yes, he keeps going back to that and it is like "erm, excuse me - you don't know that you're all infected (which is the case), so why are you slapping it on like that?!" ... it makes you feel even more than the showrunners and writers aren't thinking FTWD through enough, there's things getting thrown in too early or in such a manner that they've not been made to make sense (lacking in-world logic). At best, you could say that Nick - having been a heroin junkie - might have not cared so much about infections (e.g. the possibility of sharing needles), but seeing as we've had no indication of that, it does seem awfully silly for him to be doing it (and for nobody else - his mother included) to not be worried about him covering himself in that gunk. As we know it's okay for him to do, but they don't know that.

In TWD 1x02 they're very careful to wear overcoats and use gloves to protect themselves from the gore, assuming that they might get infected if they're not careful. There's actual in-world logic going on there, whether you like the whole 'zombie smell' thing or not, with the characters acting in a manner that makes sense for their knowledge and situation. The same cannot be said of Nick and his gleeful dipping in and out of his gore suit. :rockbrow:

The blood camo was fine at first but now it's just rediculous. The show is really trying to set itself apart from TWD but the issue is they are trying too hard at the expense of character development and logic. We all know TWD makes us suspend our disbelief but I just find some of the character actions are just forced.

Zombie Snack
27-May-2016, 10:22 AM
I have just lost interest in this series. I don't hate it, I just have no more interest in the story they are trying to tell. I will dvr it in the future and i'm sure give it a watch but if the show continues as is I honestly feel I will fade away as a viewer.

12-Jun-2016, 12:47 AM
Okay, so this was a pretty terrible episode. I almost hate to reply to this thread (over the others) because I've enjoyed Fear to this point. I've been digging it in general. But this one was goofed up. The characters seem hell bent on going crazy or ruining their free ride. Daniel and Chris and painful to watch now. Nick is good, but just so odd it's hard to really connect. Nick's mom is so overplaying the protective mother thing that it's painful. And Travis is paralyzed by the competing forces.

About the gore/camo and Nick. I am definitely one who thinks that the gore/camo is silly and needs to go away. But I have to say I like how they are twisting it in Fear. Nick uses it all the time because it WORKS all the time. We've been bitching about it in TWD because it either needs to go away or they need to use it more freely. Nick is pretty much using it like I'd expect. And getting bitched out for it. I really have a hard time arguing with that.

I did like Strand in the past few episodes. He's become a stand-out character.