View Full Version : Preacher

24-May-2016, 02:46 AM
Finally got around to watching it today. As much as I wanted it to / expected it to suck, it wasn't half bad. I don't know the source material, but what I saw was definitely on the weird side. Hope the rest of the show doesn't suck, because I will pull the plug on it in a heartbeat.
So far, so good...

24-May-2016, 07:42 AM
Finally got around to watching it today. As much as I wanted it to / expected it to suck, it wasn't half bad. I don't know the source material, but what I saw was definitely on the weird side. Hope the rest of the show doesn't suck, because I will pull the plug on it in a heartbeat.
So far, so good...

A friend of mine has been on about this show for sometime, since he spotted it was being made. I guess he is familiar with the source material!

I'll let him know you recon it's alright. I know he's keen to watch it!

24-May-2016, 06:32 PM
A friend of mine has been on about this show for sometime, since he spotted it was being made. I guess he is familiar with the source material!

I'll let him know you recon it's alright. I know he's keen to watch it!

I liked it for the most part, but my sister was bitching about it not being much like the comic. Quite the rant this morning on Facebook...

22-Jul-2016, 05:51 PM
So how is everyone finding the show? It's got a couple more episodes to go in the season.

Now, I'll say that I've never read the comics, so I'm coming at it purely from a TV show perspective.

I generally like it, but at the same time I find it very scattered. Half the time I've not got the first clue what's going on, and certain subplots being spread over random episodes in little dribs and drabs makes it kinda frustrating to figure out what's going on. As a result, when you watch the next little snippet in that subplot, you've got no sodding idea what's going on.

At other times it can work very well indeed (e.g. the big fight in the motel room from a couple of episodes ago).

I'm sort of on the fence about whether I'd watch a second season, personally ... because it feels so scattered at times, leaving me scrabbling for something to hold on to to find my way through all the disparate plot threads and so on. I feel it could use a bit of re-structuring in its storytelling. There's lots of potential in it, though, absolutely.

I'm not particularly sure where it's going or what's going on half the time ... it lacks a 'distant goal clarity', if you will ... e.g. The Walking Dead has "Rick wants to find his family, then survive the zombie apocalypse" - we know what he wants, and what everyone wants ... likewise with Breaking Bad: Walter White is dying so he turns to making meth to earn money to support his family once he's gone. We know what the goal is, we have a direction to always look ... whereas with Preacher it feels a fair bit like being lost in the woods and just wandering around, ending up confused a lot of the time, while sometimes finding entertaining delights along the way.

How are other people feeling about the show so far?

23-Jul-2016, 02:34 PM
I'm fairly certain all or at least most of the plot threads will be tied up by the end of this first season. Judging by the "coming soon" trailer just out of comic con, we'll definitely see the long haired cowboy plot tied up, as well as Jesse's plan to bring God to the church.

I think they may have spread these threads across an entire season rather than only a few episodes like most shows. I can see why they would take that angle when you consider how most TV shows are binged on in rapid succession these days. One long movie that could be enjoyed over a rainy weekend. Problem is, it gets frustrating when viewed week-to-week.

As for the main goal of the character....I would say it's been there since the first episode. Jesse wants to be a man of God and do well for those around him. Toss in his past as a criminal, alcoholism, and this Genesis within him, and it makes ultimate goal slide further and further away...

25-Jul-2016, 09:29 AM
I'm fairly certain all or at least most of the plot threads will be tied up by the end of this first season. Judging by the "coming soon" trailer just out of comic con, we'll definitely see the long haired cowboy plot tied up, as well as Jesse's plan to bring God to the church.

I think they may have spread these threads across an entire season rather than only a few episodes like most shows. I can see why they would take that angle when you consider how most TV shows are binged on in rapid succession these days. One long movie that could be enjoyed over a rainy weekend. Problem is, it gets frustrating when viewed week-to-week.

As for the main goal of the character....I would say it's been there since the first episode. Jesse wants to be a man of God and do well for those around him. Toss in his past as a criminal, alcoholism, and this Genesis within him, and it makes ultimate goal slide further and further away...

1) I've not seen the 'coming soon' trailer, but it's good to know that we'll likely get some answers as I so often feel kinda lost with this show.

2) I think you're right. It would probably make more sense in a binge-viewing environment, but seeing as its first port of call is weekly television, it makes for frustrating viewing at times. Because I sometimes I have no idea what's going on, it's hard to get invested or care enough.

3) Well, sure, but it's a kind of an existential main goal. It's not as clear as the others I mentioned, so I don't know, for me at least it's harder to empathise/understand.

This all said, I do generally like the show, but it's circling the 'must watch' drain at times. I'm sticking with it for the time being, but I regularly feel adrift as an audience member thinking "what's going on?" I'll probably end up watching Season 2 anyway, but I guess I'm just not quite fully invested in the show as I always feel like I'm being kept at arm's length by it. I don't really know what it is, but it's hard to explain.

27-Jul-2016, 01:02 AM
Keep an eye out for a few great Breaking Bad references in episode 109....

27-Jul-2016, 09:59 AM
Keep an eye out for a few great Breaking Bad references in episode 109....

Erm, do you mean 1x10, the episode coming up, or the one that just aired a few days ago (1x09)?


Anyway, finally I have an idea of what's going on with the cowboy dude! This show kind of bucks and weaves for me, some episodes I'm quite lost or don't enjoy so much, and then other ones give me something to grab onto or have a neat twist (e.g. church lady's fake phonecall!)

28-Jul-2016, 01:00 AM
The last one released, episode 9.

When the angels are picked up by the bus to hell....they're on the exact same spot Walter was picked up for his new identy. The same dog crosses the street in the last shot. This episode was directed by Michael Slovis, who was the cinematographer and one of the big players on Breaking Bad.

28-Jul-2016, 09:47 AM
The last one released, episode 9.

When the angels are picked up by the bus to hell....they're on the exact same spot Walter was picked up for his new identy. The same dog crosses the street in the last shot. This episode was directed by Michael Slovis, who was the cinematographer and one of the big players on Breaking Bad.

Oh, yes, of course! Yeah, I spotted that similar location, but I'd forgotten about the context it was used in in Breaking Bad. Very cool! :)