View Full Version : Jason Bourne (film) - Sets a new world record

28-Jul-2016, 08:07 AM
The f***ing bounciest, most over the top, unnecessary shaky cam $hit ever!

Seriously! :duh:

It's like the director decided to put most of the camera crew on pogo-sticks... A few times during the film I actually laughed as a camera shot just needlessly started spazzing out all over the place. It's like this guy is to camera spazzing what Abrams is to needless lens flare... It's just the lens flare is less annoying!

Besides that, a fairly OK'ish action flick.

Oh and what would a modern spy thriller be without:-
- Blurred fuzzy photo appears... "Clean up image!".... Computer sounds... and voila! Loads of new detail from somewhere so you can see who's in it!
- At a computer just type, "Override Encryption Algorythm," and of course the computer does anything/everything necessary to do what ever magical outcome they require. It's akin to in scifi films where they just shoot door electronics to open the door, or lock the door, as (the script) required...

28-Jul-2016, 03:52 PM
Um, that sound disappointing.

Seems like Bourne died with the third one.

28-Jul-2016, 07:28 PM
^ It's a perfectly good watch... As long as you can put up with the shakey cam...