View Full Version : Jerry Doyle: Babylon 5's Mr. Garibaldi; dead at 60

28-Jul-2016, 06:22 PM
I will probably put some kind of link in later, but for now the details are sketchy. Also, I know that Babylon 5 was an acquired taste for some of us; when set beside Trek or Stargate, or even the updated BattleStar Galactica, but for me personally it was Science Fiction story telling at it's very best. And Jerry Doyle's character was a huge part of that; a gruff McClane styled personality transferred to the chief of security aboard a 5 mile long space station in neutral space. But Jerry owned the part over time, and I can't ever think of Mr. Garibaldi's trials and tribulations without breaking into a huge grin. God speed, Jerry Doyle.

28-Jul-2016, 07:20 PM
Ffs! :(


28-Jul-2016, 10:26 PM
Ffs! :(


Ffs, indeed.


29-Jul-2016, 11:08 AM
Only just found out about Michael O'Hare's issues - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_O%27Hare


30-Jul-2016, 02:27 AM
I was thinking about Jerry Doyle passing on, and revisiting some of his work; to hopefully honor his memory. And I came across this interesting closing thought he gave at the finish of the Babylon 5 20th Anniversary panel, at Phoenix Comicon 2013. Please excuse the shape of it, I was transcribing the text directly from the video(available on YouTube), but this is what Jerry Doyle had to say at that time.

“Life changing experiences; you get them every now and again. You may have heard some rumors that I was in a little coma about three years ago? Well it’s true. If your friends say you look like shit; go to the doctor.
“I was in a coma, life support, multiple organ failure, stopped breathing, last rites, call the family and fly them out – he’s gonna die. And, I showed them. When I came out of the coma- uh; I don’t know, maybe a week and a half later, I didn’t know where I was. I thought maybe I’d just had a couple of drinks and dozed off somewhere. And I knew I had to go to the bathroom, so I attempted to do that, and ended up wiping out, and broke my neck and my shoulder. And people said: Wow, you had a pretty shitty year. And I said: Not really- because I’m still here. And- another life changing experience.
“Since that day; three years ago, I have not missed a sunrise. And (He turns to Mira Furlan; seated next to him) I remember your character used to do the same; after John Sheridan passed on. I’m pretty sure the sun is gonna come up tomorrow. I know if it does, I’m gonna be there. And my point is: We don’t know when it’s over. But as long as we got today, and you got a choice, why would you choose to make it a bad day?”

30-Jul-2016, 09:03 AM
"We don’t know when it’s over. But as long as we got today, and you got a choice, why would you choose to make it a bad day?"
