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View Full Version : Train to Busan - South Korean WWZ

21-Aug-2016, 11:55 AM
Came across this trailer recently and was surprised to see that it wasn't posted on here.
Have the bulk of posters left this forum? I remember a time when this was the go to place for zombie related chit-chat.



25-Feb-2017, 03:12 AM
I just saw it. It is one of the best zombie flicks I have seen in years.

01-Mar-2017, 12:24 PM
I've heard about it but not seen it yet, I may give it a watch this weekend if I get chance! :cool:

01-Mar-2017, 04:40 PM
I'll give it a spin when it rolls around on the telly schedules.

I have heard in a couple of places that it might be a bit overlong for what it is - did anyone who has watched it think that?

01-Mar-2017, 11:30 PM
I really enjoyed it. It had heart. A little cheesy in places. But altogether done well. One of the few zombie movies in the past few years that held my interest all the way through.

02-Mar-2017, 08:59 AM
I really enjoyed it. It had heart. A little cheesy in places. But altogether done well. One of the few zombie movies in the past few years that held my interest all the way through.


02-Mar-2017, 09:12 AM
I came away from it a bit disappointed, The "zombies" are the modern type. Sprinters with milky lenses and stupid alien screams. The story is fine, the setting well used and the moving ending builds well.

It's worth a look.

05-Mar-2017, 05:58 AM
Thanks to the OP. I came across this thread a couple of weeks ago. Had no idea of this movie. I Netflixed it the next day. I really enjoyed it. So much so I ordered a blu ray on Ebay. I had to have it in my collection! Is it Dawn of the Dead, good? No; but it sure is a decent zombie flick. Luckily I don't have a problem with sprinters. It had me on the edge of my seat more than a few times.

Moon Knight
09-Mar-2017, 11:36 PM
It's a good flick. Not my kind of zombies but it's really entertaining.

26-Jun-2017, 01:42 AM
Never been a fan of the modern, fast/weird alien screech zombies, but DAMN this was a great film...most fun I've had with a first time watch in a LONG time....now watching the second day in a row with the wife who HATES horror (especially zombies) and shes enjoying it.

26-Jun-2017, 06:10 PM
I thought it was really well done. I liked the zombie reaction to the lack of light and the military responses. The casting was great, they really made me care what happened. I watched it with subtitles though, I imagine it's horrible dubbed.

12-Dec-2017, 12:00 PM
I highly recommend this movie. Sure the zombies were fast but it worked for this action movie.
Pros: Outbreak movie with lots of action and people reacting to the zombie menace. We follow them moment from moment as they try to get to safety. And the actors are all great, the characters are all interesting with both heroes you root for and villains you hate!
Cons: Only two. First the zombies are runners and the weirdness of seeing them running around takes away from the creepiness factor but it does bring action so.. And second the first ten minutes of the movie are a bit odd introducing concepts and characters we dont see for the rest of the movie.

13-Jan-2018, 06:19 PM
I watched this movie last night.
Thumbs up. The posts above pretty much sum it up. If you are considering watching it, DO IT.:)