View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! Fear The Walking Dead: SEASON 2B (2x08-2x15) discussion...

21-Aug-2016, 05:24 PM
This thread covers all of SEASON 2B (2x08 through 2x15) of "Fear The Walking Dead". So if you don't want the latest episode to be spoiled, make sure you're caught up with the latest instalment before returning to this thread to rejoin the discussion.


Well ... it's back for Season 2B...

N.B. This thread was previously only for episode 2x08, but with seemingly much lower interest in Fear The Walking Dead discussion, I have decided to change this thread so it covers all of Season 2B.

22-Aug-2016, 12:26 PM
Episode summary: Nick just doing some very stupid, nearly suicidal things.

22-Aug-2016, 04:22 PM
Episode summary: Nick just doing some very stupid, nearly suicidal things.


The bit where the Doctor guy said 'don't put any weight on your leg' - but then proceeded to not give him crutches, and then not give a single solitary shit about Nick joined in on a game of football (even kicking it with his duff leg). Er, okay then... :rockbrow:

I'm wondering about just doing a single thread rather than a series of individual ones for "Fear" now, as interest in the show is generally quite weak now so it seems. What say you guys?

Hell, I'm thinking about stacking up the episodes and then just binge-watching them once they've come and gone.

It's a real shame, but there's really nothing happening in FTWD that couldn't happen on TWD. Fear's raison d'etre was lost after the first season. Now it's just become "The Walking Dead: Mexico" like it's a version of CSI.

You get a few bits that are interesting - like the ravenous dog attack (a random encounter in a newly wild world) - but I'm just not feeling this show anymore. :(

I don't really 'get' Nick's state of mind either. They're not selling me on the how and why of him seeing the walkers as anything other than monsters. Sure, he was an outsider in society as a junkie, and we've seen the Mexican view of death - but come on, folks they're attacking and eating living people.

It was kinda interesting to see the 'junkie walker girl' from the first episode return in a flashback ... but even then there's wasn't an awful lot of material to work with there. Indeed, this whole season feels like there's an awful lot of filler floating around. The jump from 6 to 15 episodes has not been kind to the plotting, as I'd feared - there just isn't the material, especially when the show is basically not doing anything that couldn't happen on TWD.

I've definitely seen (and continued to watch) worse shows, no doubt, but FTWD has become a sore disappointment in this second season after a promising start (remember how awesome those first few episodes were). :(

22-Aug-2016, 07:43 PM
This show has suffered and will probably be cancelled because they moved far too fast to get to this point. America reduced to burning cities in 6 episodes... I want to love this show, but I just can't. It is now The Walking Dead: Mexico. little communities just plodding along until one of the regulars stumble upon them and be part of the destruction of the place. The little hidden annex shown at the end there will be gone by the end of the season.

We should still be in LA with Military turning up to clear the streets. AMC have dropped the ball with this show trying to keep it fast paced. The dry-dock governor story arc was ridiculously quick as was Baja. I just don't get why they want to be at the same place at TWD so quickly when it was always an outbreak story.

(remember how awesome those first few episodes were). :(

That single scene where they drive past the burning hospital with the swat team firing line was top telly. AMC definitely missed a trick. Do you think it was cash prohibitive to do that kind of thing every week and cheaper to just get to the end of the world and not have to work in the city?

23-Aug-2016, 09:42 AM
That single scene where they drive past the burning hospital with the swat team firing line was top telly. AMC definitely missed a trick. Do you think it was cash prohibitive to do that kind of thing every week and cheaper to just get to the end of the world and not have to work in the city?

Hmmm ... I don't know ... if you set your mind to it, you could achieve anything. What it comes down to is scope and how much you can show ... but I don't really see why they couldn't have continued to show the early days and weeks of the zombie apocalypse. Perhaps with the city shooting it might prove cost prohibitive, but TV shows shoot in cities all the time - so it comes back to scope again, but you could have smaller spectacle but still get the ideas across.

On Talking Dead it was confirmed we're now two months into it. Remember when the selling point was also "this is what happens while Rick is in a coma" - well at this point Rick has been awake for a month, and has reunited with his family a good three weeks ago or thereabouts. Hell, by this point the first season of TWD is over. They might even be at Hershel's farm by this point.

There were so many opportunities to really do something different with FTWD, but they're just doing a CSI with it. The Mexican angle on death is interesting, but can you really get all that much material out of it? Couldn't they have done a version of that still in Los Angeles? We could have seen it from a government perspective. We could have seen the practicalities of dealing with an event like that and pluck dramatic events from those things (a shortage of water to a safeguarded community could result in a riot, hiding your dead could create all sorts of problems). Hell, you could even have had the President as a major character having to deal with all this mess at a government level behind the scenes while attempting to reassure the public on TV. Maybe he has to be transported somewhere - maybe something happens and the President is left to fend for himself in the wild, will he survive? Who might he come across? What will they do when they cross the President's path? What happens if they die and it becomes public knowledge?

As I've said before, too, if they'd structured in a 'day by day' manner, that would have been something else to set it apart from TWD and let it be its own show. Now it's reason for being is gone and it's just 'doing a CSI' ... it's a damn shame. They have been in such a rush to get far enough into the apocalypse so they can include more zombies. Either they never intended to do what the claimed they were going to do when promoting season one, or they've just tossed the idea straight out the window.


And so I take it that Daniel Salazar is dead now? Well that sucks - he was the best character! Nick is the other best character on the show, but the way they're writing him now - the direction they're taking his character - just isn't working for me. :(

As for cancellation? I doubt it. If the viewing figures hold up well enough (even if they're not a patch on TWD's hefty numbers) then it'll stick around. The mid-season finale had 4.3 million which is plenty to keep it on the air. "Halt & Catch Fire" is now into its third season, and yet the second season ended with less than 0.5 million. I imagine that'll be a cheaper show to make, but even still.

23-Aug-2016, 06:42 PM
I doubt Salazar is dead but yeah. Major disappointment. I'll still watch of course but like everyone else, I can't wait for October.

Moon Knight
24-Aug-2016, 03:56 AM
Good episode. If it was TWD proper it would get more love. Cinematography was great.

24-Aug-2016, 06:08 PM
As usual I quite enjoyed FTWD, but I thought the death of two of the three bandit type guys was very poorly handled.

Still, I loved how Nick was starting to hallucinate whilst in the pack of walkers & the dog scene was great - If that was done for real, the zombie extras closing up on the dogs & their handlers were pretty brave.

25-Aug-2016, 11:19 PM
I'm not watching this anymore and I'm so disinterested that I won't be following the ratings so someone please feel free to update the ratings thread

26-Aug-2016, 09:39 AM
I'm not watching this anymore and I'm so disinterested that I won't be following the ratings so someone please feel free to update the ratings thread

3.86 million - down again from the mid-season finale's 4.39 million.


Also, just a heads up, I'm re-naming this thread so it covers all of Season 2B. There's no point cluttering up the forum with a bunch of individual low-traffic "Fear TWD" episode posts.

26-Aug-2016, 01:10 PM
Still not watched series 2A and probably won’t now.

I enjoyed series one but it diluted the main show down a little for me and took me a while to adjust back to Ricks group. As series two what I saw of it was basically TWD v2.0 with worse acting / characters I have no desire to keep up to it.

From memory Daniel was interesting, Travis was basically Rick and Nick was likable if making the most ridiculous decisions. Did the ever kill Travis’s son and Maddies daughter, if not, why not?!

Zombie Snack
26-Aug-2016, 09:59 PM
There were some interesting tid bits in this episode, as already mentioned the scene with the dogs was done very well, I would love to see more of those type of situations. The drinking of his own urine after he lost his water supply was a true real world survival tactic, no matter how hard to swallow. There were obvious flaws with the episode as most have already been mentioned. I think I enjoyed this episode more than most because of only following one character Nick, I didn't have to watch or listen to all the other characters usual dumb comments and more dumb actions. Enjoyed the back flash back story bit, that was a nice surprise. I honestly think if I didn't have the superior writing/acting/editing of the Walking Dead to compare this show to I would have more appreciation for Fear, but even with a positive feel for this episode I still only give it a rating of 5 out of 10. I do not expect any major changes or improvements unless a complete overhaul of the writing/directing is done. I will still watch but I can see myself giving up on this show if some major changes don't take place soon. I will hope for the best but I expect more of the same.

26-Aug-2016, 10:17 PM
There's waaaay too much walking with the walking dead in this show. It's stupid.

What's the point in a zombie apocalypse when the living dead can be neutralised in such a simple (and idiotic) way?

27-Aug-2016, 02:54 AM
There were some interesting tid bits in this episode, as already mentioned the scene with the dogs was done very well, I would love to see more of those type of situations. The drinking of his own urine after he lost his water supply was a true real world survival tactic, no matter how hard to swallow. There were obvious flaws with the episode as most have already been mentioned. I think I enjoyed this episode more than most because of only following one character Nick, I didn't have to watch or listen to all the other characters usual dumb comments and more dumb actions. Enjoyed the back flash back story bit, that was a nice surprise. I honestly think if I didn't have the superior writing/acting/editing of the Walking Dead to compare this show to I would have more appreciation for Fear, but even with a positive feel for this episode I still only give it a rating of 5 out of 10. I do not expect any major changes or improvements unless a complete overhaul of the writing/directing is done. I will still watch but I can see myself giving up on this show if some major changes don't take place soon. I will hope for the best but I expect more of the same.

For some strange reason, which apparently I am not the only one who fails to see any logic for, Nick has mutated into either the dumbest or most suicidal character in this group. The things he did in this episode are those of either a mentally challenged person or someone who no longer cares to survive and does not give a damn about his life anymore. Starting with falling asleep on the ground in a world where he is very well aware that carnivorous walking corpses freely roam the land in search of "food", when he could easily have just climbed on top of the abandoned bus (which he later in fact does, but only after he gets attacked by the dogs) and take the nap there to begin with. It does not take a rocket scientist to have figured this one out from the very beginning. This whole episode looks more like Nick's clumsy attempts at either dying of starvation/thirst, get eaten by zombies or get shot by lawless mercenaries; potentially deadly situations that he could have avoided getting into if it weren't for his weird and illogical decisions.

27-Aug-2016, 10:30 AM
Yeh. The writing really leaves a lot to be desired. I said after the last run that I was done with the show. i just find it annoying at this stage, because all of its faults are easily avoidable. I've gone back on that, cos I'm a sucker for zombies and all that noise. But, by christ, it doesn't make it easy to like.

27-Aug-2016, 10:42 AM
For some strange reason, which apparently I am not the only one who fails to see any logic for, Nick has mutated into either the dumbest or most suicidal character in this group. The things he did in this episode are those of either a mentally challenged person or someone who no longer cares to survive and does not give a damn about his life anymore. Starting with falling asleep on the ground in a world where he is very well aware that carnivorous walking corpses freely roam the land in search of "food", when he could easily have just climbed on top of the abandoned bus (which he later in fact does, but only after he gets attacked by the dogs) and take the nap there to begin with. It does not take a rocket scientist to have figured this one out from the very beginning. This whole episode looks more like Nick's clumsy attempts at either dying of starvation/thirst, get eaten by zombies or get shot by lawless mercenaries; potentially deadly situations that he could have avoided getting into if it weren't for his weird and illogical decisions.

Yeah. I thought the same thing about the bus - why not just sleep on top of it to begin with?!

They said on Talking Dead that the Nick character believes he's invincible, or some bollocks like that - well it just doesn't make sense. Yeah, he's been through some stuff and survived it, but surely when confronted with so much death in such a short time you'd start thinking you could go at any minute? His decision making processes just aren't making enough sense, and it comes down to how the character is being written.

I did like that we focused just on him this episode, but even still there just wasn't enough content to fill the running time. That's often the case with FTWD now - you can see it reflected in Talking Dead where, when discussing Fear, they seem hard-up for topics to dig into. Everything's very surface level and they oftentimes end up talking about stuff that's clear for all to see. When discussing TWD, on the other hand, they have plenty of material to dig into.

Fear undoubtedly suffers in the shadow of TWD, but even if TWD didn't exists, the problems Fear has would still exist. It's a damn shame. They desperately need to buck up their ideas because I'm just not feeling this show for the most part. :( There are bits and pieces that I like, but bits and pieces scattered around doesn't cut it.

29-Aug-2016, 05:03 PM
2x09: Los Muertos

Okay, so that one was a little bit better. There were even a couple of bits I really liked - such as the gangland territory that was blocked off and they had taken over a supermarket/storage area. We've not really seen that aspect of hoarding material things for short term gain (beyond personal survival) in the early days.

They also, finally, added a little more flesh to the bones of the 'alternative view on the dead' that they've been playing with for several episodes. It made a little bit more sense, or you could understand the perspective a little better, but they've taken a long time to dig deeper into it.

I liked the bit where the zombies stumble over the edge of their balconys and crash down to the ground - but, come on, no broken bones, no severe head trauma?! None of them seemed to die from the fall (head trauma) or at least get seriously damaged (e.g. broken legs).


As for Madison's former husband - I take it he deliberately crossed the divide to deliberately get into a car crash? Some kind of history of depression etc? (Nick mentioned he spent a lot of time just lying in bed).

29-Aug-2016, 06:51 PM
2x09: Los Muertos

I liked the bit where the zombies stumble over the edge of their balconys and crash down to the ground - but, come on, no broken bones, no severe head trauma?! None of them seemed to die from the fall (head trauma) or at least get seriously damaged (e.g. broken legs).

Yes, that is a contradiction. We see that the zombies in this universe die from a heavy blow to the skull, so most of those zombies falling down from the higher floors should have died from head trauma.

- - - Updated - - -

Nick risks his life & limb for a pair of Gansitos, but who can blame him?


Mexico's take on the Twinkie is YUMMY!

PS: the folks in Talking Dead kept getting it wrong and saying that what Nick stole were "cookies". They are snack cakes, covered in chocolate and filled with cream and strawberry jam/jelly.

29-Aug-2016, 08:55 PM
The last season's episodes left me so myeh I've not even bothered with the new episodes...

I'll get around to them and I hope they're an improvement!

Moon Knight
29-Aug-2016, 10:34 PM
The last season's episodes left me so myeh I've not even bothered with the new episodes...

I'll get around to them and I hope they're an improvement!

It's not terrible, definitely watchable. My biggest gripes are the need to pull key moments from the comic book that haven't yet been used on the main show; including parallels to a very important group that has yet to show up on TWD. That really irks me!

Also they really jumped the shark with the zombie guts camo this past episode. I forgave them when Nick used it but c'mon now lol.

30-Aug-2016, 09:30 AM
Also they really jumped the shark with the zombie guts camo this past episode. I forgave them when Nick used it but c'mon now lol.

Yeah, the scene where they applied a few bits of zombies blood in the middle of the death zone on the other side of the fence - and have a chat whilst they're being encroached upon (ever - so - slowly) - was quite wobbly as a scene. I didn't like the staging of it, it just felt off - you could see the extras were having to go extra slow just for the scene - but in 'TWD reality' those walkers would have been on top of them far quicker, even for shamblers.

A few smears of zombie blood and that's enough now, is it? :rockbrow: It kinda smacks of "we're gonna be using this conceit a lot, but we don't want our actors forever covered in gore" ... well, them's the rules in this universe as far as I'm concerned. Now they're cheating on that front.

I also wondered - where are all the zombies? - when they returned with those trolleys full of water. They were making such a racket! It seems strange that they don't even have a car at their disposal for such runs - in an area that was previously well populated, no less. Are you telling me they can't find one car to use for shopping trips?! :rockbrow:

30-Aug-2016, 01:31 PM
Yeah, the scene where they applied a few bits of zombies blood in the middle of the death zone on the other side of the fence - and have a chat whilst they're being encroached upon (ever - so - slowly) - was quite wobbly as a scene. I didn't like the staging of it, it just felt off - you could see the extras were having to go extra slow just for the scene - but in 'TWD reality' those walkers would have been on top of them far quicker, even for shamblers.

A few smears of zombie blood and that's enough now, is it? :rockbrow: It kinda smacks of "we're gonna be using this conceit a lot, but we don't want our actors forever covered in gore" ... well, them's the rules in this universe as far as I'm concerned. Now they're cheating on that front.

I also wondered - where are all the zombies? - when they returned with those trolleys full of water. They were making such a racket! It seems strange that they don't even have a car at their disposal for such runs - in an area that was previously well populated, no less. Are you telling me they can't find one car to use for shopping trips?! :rockbrow:

We also saw that in the TWD universe talking blows away your zombie-camouflage, you have to keep quiet to be able to fool the zombies, the rotting smell is not going to make them deaf. Yet here in this episode quite in contradiction to this fact, talking while walking through the encroaching zombies did not do a thing, the zombies continued to be fooled.

Moon Knight
30-Aug-2016, 02:33 PM
Yeah, the scene where they applied a few bits of zombies blood in the middle of the death zone on the other side of the fence - and have a chat whilst they're being encroached upon (ever - so - slowly) - was quite wobbly as a scene. I didn't like the staging of it, it just felt off - you could see the extras were having to go extra slow just for the scene - but in 'TWD reality' those walkers would have been on top of them far quicker, even for shamblers.

A few smears of zombie blood and that's enough now, is it? :rockbrow: It kinda smacks of "we're gonna be using this conceit a lot, but we don't want our actors forever covered in gore" ... well, them's the rules in this universe as far as I'm concerned. Now they're cheating on that front.

I also wondered - where are all the zombies? - when they returned with those trolleys full of water. They were making such a racket! It seems strange that they don't even have a car at their disposal for such runs - in an area that was previously well populated, no less. Are you telling me they can't find one car to use for shopping trips?! :rockbrow:

Bro, I hated that scene haha. They literally smeared a bit of blood and suddenly the zombies stop going for them as they have a conversation? I usually defend this show but that was inexcusable. Shit, Rick usually looks far worse than that and yet the zombies still go after him haha.

30-Aug-2016, 04:10 PM
We also saw that in the TWD universe talking blows away your zombie-camouflage, you have to keep quiet to be able to fool the zombies, the rotting smell is not going to make them deaf. Yet here in this episode quite in contradiction to this fact, talking while walking through the encroaching zombies did not do a thing, the zombies continued to be fooled.

Bro, I hated that scene haha. They literally smeared a bit of blood and suddenly the zombies stop going for them as they have a conversation? I usually defend this show but that was inexcusable. Shit, Rick usually looks far worse than that and yet the zombies still go after him haha.

Yeah. I think the writers on FTWD need to do their TWD homework.

Hell, 1x02 "Guts" tells you everything you need - you need a lot of coverage, and you can't talk (maybe you can whisper up close, but no more).

To be fair, 1x02 also had a really stupid moment in it with walkers climbing over a fence - thankfully they've not done that since (the buckling prison fence and a mound of bodies underfoot in Season 4 doesn't count).

30-Aug-2016, 04:58 PM
Another things that seemed odd was how the hotel had been cleared of food, yet the bar appeared to be fully stocked...

Still enjoying it though...

30-Aug-2016, 07:03 PM
Yeah. I think the writers on FTWD need to do their TWD homework.

Hell, 1x02 "Guts" tells you everything you need - you need a lot of coverage, and you can't talk (maybe you can whisper up close, but no more).

Rick's new girlfriend and her son got killed precisely for not keeping quiet while otherwise fooling the zombies with the smell trick. Nick and the girl should have been attacked by the zombies since they were in fact very casually having a conversation while walking through the approaching zombies.

To be fair, 1x02 also had a really stupid moment in it with walkers climbing over a fence - thankfully they've not done that since (the buckling prison fence and a mound of bodies underfoot in Season 4 doesn't count).

Some of the zombies were clearly climbing up the fence in that episode too:

http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/68630/96b32eba-ce71-48d3-df94-83c682cc1acc_TWD_402_GP_0520_0431.jpg?t=1471536691 691

Don't know how this second "slip up" happened. They supposedly wanted to get rid of the idea that the zombies could have the ability of climbing.

Moon Knight
30-Aug-2016, 09:18 PM
Another things that seemed odd was how the hotel had been cleared of food, yet the bar appeared to be fully stocked...

Still enjoying it though...

The hotel was a bit confusing as why did the zombies suddenly decide to jump the ledges when they did? Eh, cool location and the Mexican atmosphere really does help this one stand out. Strand is still the man.

30-Aug-2016, 10:29 PM
The hotel was a bit confusing as why did the zombies suddenly decide to jump the ledges when they did? Eh, cool location and the Mexican atmosphere really does help this one stand out. Strand is still the man.

I thought that maybe it was because they were hearing the noise at the bar, but the fact that Alicia was yelling to warn them that the zombies were falling down and they could not hear her seems to discard this possibility.

31-Aug-2016, 09:53 AM
I thought that maybe it was because they were hearing the noise at the bar, but the fact that Alicia was yelling to warn them that the zombies were falling down and they could not hear her seems to discard this possibility.

A considerable inconsistency! Perhaps the piano would work for the ones in that ground level building (they were pressing against the breaking glass), but all the way up say ten or twenty storeys? As if. The sound of the ocean would cover up any leaking sound, and it's not like they had the doors or windows open.

Things like that need a bit more thought applied to them. They're getting a habit of making silly mistakes and leaving logic gaps.

01-Sep-2016, 06:58 AM
This entire show is one big logic gap. I honestly don't know why I'm still bothering.

Zombie "make up".... FFS. They're not even pretending any more that the zombies are a threat, unless you literally walk up to them an offer yourself as lunch, yet the producers are expecting the audience to believe that America, as a continent, has been over run by these things?

Plus, as already mentioned, while falling zombies look cool, having them get up and brush themselves off like fuck all happened is laughable to say the very least. Their bones would be in pieces falling from that height. Maybe one or two might get up and hobble around, but they all took those falls like bosses and didn't give a tinkers cuss. :lol:

So bad.

Seriously, nobody tried to apply just even a little bit of logic to that scene? Really...no one?


It's got to the point that I'm just watching the show for Kim Dickens and Coleman Domingo now.

Also...more religious South American Catholics...come on writers...Feckin hell...

01-Sep-2016, 09:45 PM
In the TWD show with the walkers falling into the quarry, did any of them get up and walk? I can't remember...

02-Sep-2016, 12:26 PM
In the TWD show with the walkers falling into the quarry, did any of them get up and walk? I can't remember...

I think with the quarry, IIRC, there was a steep slope around most of it - so steep enough to stop them from clambering back up, but not steep enough to seriously injure/kill them. I'm sure some went off the cliff edge and got splattered down below, but I seem to recall the logic of that quarry pit being much more sound and acceptable to the viewer.

On a few occasions we've seen walkers falling on TWD. One that springs to mind is the Season 4 premiere - where the walkers fell through the roof of that supermarket - there we saw the sheer chance, the flip of the coin, of their landings. We saw numerous ones go head first into the floor and their heads burst like water melons under a sledge hammer, while others were seriously wounded (e.g. one broke both it's ankles to such a degree its feet were barely still attached, so it had to crawl after people on its belly). There was variety to how they landed.

Likewise in Season 5, when Daryl and Carol go into the city to try and find Beth, they go off that bridge in the van (the drop is a bit iffy in its execution across the cuts, but so what), and then a bunch of walkers rain down upon the van and they're all either killed by the fall (head trauma) or they're incapacitated.

Meanwhile in FTWD you had them dropping from a greater height (or perhaps equal to that of the Atlanta city bridge), and yet they aren't snuffed out or even seriously injured/incapacitated. Sure, a human being has been known to fall from such great heights and survive - but without injury? One time in a billion that might happen under simply extraordinary circumstances.

It was cool to see the walkers stumble to the balcony and go over - but them getting up uninjured (or at all!) was a piss take.

Moon Knight
02-Sep-2016, 09:40 PM
MZ said it best. The quarry had that slope so most just slid down to break the fall. With easy fixes and adjustments to the writing, the hotel scene could have been pretty damn cool. Just gotta take it for what it is and that's a shame. They could do much better.

05-Sep-2016, 11:43 AM
3.66 million for 2x09 - another (slight) drop from 2x08's 3.86 million (down from 2x07's 4.39 million).


2x10: Do Not Disturb

A decent episode. They're still not really doing anything you couldn't have happen on TWD beyond locations, but I liked the backstory to the hotel and using the keys and knowledge of it to block off areas and keep safe from those that the hotel lady had crossed.

05-Sep-2016, 04:42 PM
I suppose that next week we are going to be shown how in blazes did Strand and Madison get out of the zombie invaded bar. Let me guess: a trapdoor behind the bar, a la Shaun of the Dead? ;)

05-Sep-2016, 05:19 PM
I suppose that next week we are going to be shown how in blazes did Strand and Madison get out of the zombie invaded bar. Let me guess: a trapdoor behind the bar, a la Shaun of the Dead? ;)


Sounds like a plan to me.

Moon Knight
05-Sep-2016, 05:24 PM
I really dislike how the zombies are being portrayed on this show. They seem more Hollywood and have that baked in angry look; the jump scares are also a bit much.

I really do like Travis. He's a genuine nice guy. It's refreshing in not everyone needs to be portrayed as a badass. Not to mention the actor is really good.

Did not like the hotel backstory. The instant death to angry zombie is another example of that "Hollywood" style of zed.

Alecia wasn't bad here, her counting the zombies was a cool touch but didn't come into play at all.

Hey, at least they did show us that "some" zombies didn't make the fall from the balcony as splattered corpses littered the pavement as Alecia looked below. Haha.

Again, not terrible but nothing really sets this show apart yet other than scenery and zombie flaws. Here's hoping for a strong finish.

05-Sep-2016, 06:39 PM
I really do like Travis. He's a genuine nice guy. It's refreshing in not everyone needs to be portrayed as a badass. Not to mention the actor is really good.

Did not like the hotel backstory. The instant death to angry zombie is another example of that "Hollywood" style of zed.

Alecia wasn't bad here, her counting the zombies was a cool touch but didn't come into play at all.

Hey, at least they did show us that "some" zombies didn't make the fall from the balcony as splattered corpses littered the pavement as Alecia looked below. Haha.

1) Me too. Travis is one of my favourite characters on the show, and the dude playing him is great in the role. Don't really give much of a shit about Chris, though, the kid needs a bloody good slap. :elol: I did like the inclusion of those three other guys and that scene in the car where Chris is up front with them - you can see how easily someone like Chris could be seduced over to the dark side of the apocalypse. Indeed, gradually following it along that vein would make/have made a hell of a lot more sense than how quickly he turned into a nutjob over the course of Season 1 and 2A. :rockbrow:

2) Yeah, the 'insta-zombie' element pissed me off. It smacks of not bothering to go to the effort of engineering the scene around the virus.

3) A shame that her counting meant sod all, yeah - because she instantly runs into two batches on either side. And who does scores like that?! :lol: It's four vertical and one diagonal for five, you silly sausage! :D

4) Yeah, I noticed one there ... but not showing it in the episode where it was actually happening, nor really showing any of them seriously damaged by the fall was just daft and a bit lazy. :(

06-Sep-2016, 09:51 AM
OK.. Finally watched episode 8...

Not too bad, although I do get annoyed at times at characters mad behaviour. eg: Bad jeep dude who noticing Nick in the crowd of zombies then basically did what the baddy in Austin Powers did when the steam roller was approaching; Rather than just moving, he stood there and stood there until he was killed - Bit silly...

06-Sep-2016, 03:57 PM
OK.. Finally watched episode 8...

Not too bad, although I do get annoyed at times at characters mad behaviour. eg: Bad jeep dude who noticing Nick in the crowd of zombies then basically did what the baddy in Austin Powers did when the steam roller was approaching; Rather than just moving, he stood there and stood there until he was killed - Bit silly...

Yeah, that bit did fudge me off - just step back slowly as you reload, mate, rather than stand there. Yeah, he might have been a bit wigged-out by the sight of someone living walking with the dead, but dude ... surely he's seen plenty of crazy stuff in the last two months to not be paralysed with fear/confusion at this point? :rockbrow:

Moon Knight
06-Sep-2016, 05:56 PM
Yeah, that bit did fudge me off - just step back slowly as you reload, mate, rather than stand there. Yeah, he might have been a bit wigged-out by the sight of someone living walking with the dead, but dude ... surely he's seen plenty of crazy stuff in the last two months to not be paralysed with fear/confusion at this point? :rockbrow:

He was rattled by Nick, and as stupid as that was, what was his buddy's excuse who ALSO just stood there haha.

It's amazing how much potential this show has and how much it's hindered by lazy writing. I actually liked episode 8 more than these last two but the issues people complain about are getting exposed more and more as the series goes on. I'm still rooting for it though, dammit!

06-Sep-2016, 08:29 PM
He was rattled by Nick, and as stupid as that was, what was his buddy's excuse who ALSO just stood there haha.

It's amazing how much potential this show has and how much it's hindered by lazy writing. I actually liked episode 8 more than these last two but the issues people complain about are getting exposed more and more as the series goes on. I'm still rooting for it though, dammit!

The dogs scene was cool!

06-Sep-2016, 10:09 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I think the last three episodes have been the strongest yet. I like the locations (Mexican deserts, the hotel setting, the new drug lord warehouse) and splitting up the characters for more diverse arcs was a wise choice. (Vs. everyone on a boat!)

06-Sep-2016, 11:44 PM
The dogs scene was cool!

The majority of the scenes in that episode were "cool" and well shot, but the problem is that all those situations we are shown were the result of Nick turning into either a moron or a suicidal maniac for some unexplained reason. His decisions in that episode made very little sense for a normal person who is perfectly capable of rational thinking and still values his life. Just "lazy writing", as many keep pointing out.

07-Sep-2016, 09:54 AM
The majority of the scenes in that episode were "cool" and well shot, but the problem is that all those situations we are shown were the result of Nick turning into either a moron or a suicidal maniac for some unexplained reason. His decisions in that episode made very little sense for a normal person who is perfectly capable of rational thinking and still values his life. Just "lazy writing", as many keep pointing out.

And in some cases a very minor tweak would give enough reason for an action - e.g. Nick sleeping beside the vehicle shell rather than on it. You could tweak it so that Nick stumbles up to the thing completely exhausted. He sees the roof, tries to climb up, but is simply too weak to do it - so he slumps down beside it and passes out. Then the thing continues as-is, with him waking up to find dogs attacking him, and a sudden burst of energy gets him up onto that roof.

07-Sep-2016, 11:45 AM
And in some cases a very minor tweak would give enough reason for an action - e.g. Nick sleeping beside the vehicle shell rather than on it. You could tweak it so that Nick stumbles up to the thing completely exhausted. He sees the roof, tries to climb up, but is simply too weak to do it - so he slumps down beside it and passes out. Then the thing continues as-is, with him waking up to find dogs attacking him, and a sudden burst of energy gets him up onto that roof.

Yes, totally. It's not like it would have taken much to make the situations in this episode be more reasonable and easy to accept. Just plain "lazy writing" here.

Moon Knight
08-Sep-2016, 07:19 PM
The majority of the scenes in that episode were "cool" and well shot, but the problem is that all those situations we are shown were the result of Nick turning into either a moron or a suicidal maniac for some unexplained reason. His decisions in that episode made very little sense for a normal person who is perfectly capable of rational thinking and still values his life. Just "lazy writing", as many keep pointing out.

Nick himself pointed out in the episode that he was making stupid decisions. Nick wasn't the problem for me other than the zombie camo. I do agree with better tightening on the writing these last three episodes could have been even better. Like JotD pointed out I think this back half has been stronger than the first so far.

09-Sep-2016, 09:58 AM
Like JotD pointed out I think this back half has been stronger than the first so far.

Yeah, I'd say so too. Being stuck on that boat was so limiting, and that farm-type place with the crazy lady running it was kinda naff.

These last three have been more interesting by comparison, but we're coming from a low base and they're continuing to make really silly slip ups.

10-Sep-2016, 11:26 PM
OK... Two episodes into this half of the series... And apart from characters doing stupid stuff, I'm quite enjoyed it :)

Onto the third episode now...

BTW, why is episode 9 reminding me of this epic trailer?


11-Sep-2016, 11:34 AM
Cos it's set in a hotel?

Have to say that's what came to my mind too. Gave me a goo to go play it again. Even though 'Dead Island' had its issues, it was blood atmospheric.

I wonder if there's a mod where you can get the guy who constantly says "I heard this scourge came from outer space. Came down on a goddamn meteor" and drag him out to the zombies.

Moon Knight
11-Sep-2016, 05:59 PM
Where the f*ck is Ofelia? Lol

11-Sep-2016, 06:39 PM
Where the f*ck is Ofelia? Lol

Maybe she went raiding all the mini-bars that are still accessible (i.e. in the rooms without zombies in them.) But I think you wouldn't find much in them, that lady with the keys to the hotel seems like she pretty much took most of the snacks and drinks already.

Or maybe she's gone a bit insane, like Nick in the first mid-season episode, and is just aimlessly wandering the hotel doing random nonsensical things for no apparent reason.

12-Sep-2016, 04:13 PM
2x11: Pablo & Jessica

Fairly entertaining, a decent episode. Felt a bit closer to some of the characters here (e.g. Strand).

One thing with their 'lure the walkers' plan, though - it relied on luck with them luring two different streams of walkers to the same entrance of that pier at the same time (admittedly the only entrance). In reality you'd want to do that in two batches, perhaps ... then again, with the plan meaning a jump into the water you'd have to do it in one lest you jump off a second time and get bitten by a floater.

I understand why they'd do it in one go - it's much more efficient storytelling, and the main reason not to do it in two is the risk for whoever jumps off the pier the second time.

Ratings update for last week's episode (2x10):

So, 2x09 was 3.66 million ... ... 2x10? Another drop - 2.99 million.

I'd imagine we'll see an uptick for the finale, but eep ... I'd be getting a little bit nervous with the figures continually sliding like this. :shifty: I'd be really surprised to see this cancelled any time soon, I just don't think that'll happen - but might there'll be a budget cut? Honestly, if that meant fewer episodes per season I'd be perfectly fine with that. 15 episodes of FTWD for Season 2 is way too much - not enough content stretched over too many weeks.

12-Sep-2016, 07:44 PM
2x11: Pablo & Jessica

Fairly entertaining, a decent episode. Felt a bit closer to some of the characters here (e.g. Strand).

One thing with their 'lure the walkers' plan, though - it relied on luck with them luring two different streams of walkers to the same entrance of that pier at the same time (admittedly the only entrance). In reality you'd want to do that in two batches, perhaps ... then again, with the plan meaning a jump into the water you'd have to do it in one lest you jump off a second time and get bitten by a floater.

I understand why they'd do it in one go - it's much more efficient storytelling, and the main reason not to do it in two is the risk for whoever jumps off the pier the second time.

Also, I would always be nervous of the possibility of some of them somehow making it back to the shore. You never know. Zombies don't drown and the group doesn't know how far will the tide take the zombies to. Maybe it doesn't take them very far away from the hotel.

Moon Knight
12-Sep-2016, 10:54 PM
I looooooooved the ending with Strand! He's become my favorite character by far.

The last fifteen minutes were really enjoyable but Nick's story I just don't care for anymore.

13-Sep-2016, 09:58 AM
Nice to see how Madison and Strand got out of trouble - getting their gore on for the first time (having learned it from Nick). They seem to be becoming a bit of a power couple - and nice to see Strand take a silent role in Madison's negotiation with the wedding party survivors. I'm enjoying this part of the plot and dig the set up of the hotel ... but how long will it really last? It's an operating business in real life, so I can't imagine they'll hang around there for long. That mother of the bride is casting all kinds of shade.

But did you notice that Nick and Luciana (who is a character I'm starting to like more and more now) barely had any blood on them whatsoever in this episode when they went out and about? Less so than before, even, so it seemed. Their t-shirts had old bloodstains on - but surely the idea is to keep the gore fairly fresh, too? :rockbrow:

Also, I would always be nervous of the possibility of some of them somehow making it back to the shore. You never know. Zombies don't drown and the group doesn't know how far will the tide take the zombies to. Maybe it doesn't take them very far away from the hotel.

It was supposedly a rip tide - but yeah, I think I'd prefer to go room-by-room and kill them all. That way I'd be sure. Also, to do that, I'd make sure I was wearing some sort of improvised armour - especially on my forearms. Sure, it'd take a long time, but with them locked in rooms they're not going anywhere. Deal with the ones outside first, fortify the location, then deal with the individual walkers locked in the rooms.

Like with Dawn of the Dead (yes, I'm aware in TWD land no characters have ever heard of zombie movies - they don't exist in that world) ... nevertheless, they sealed the place up and then dealt with the zombies. Mind you, that wouldn't be as spectacular as leading a herd for a long walk off a short pier. :p

Moon Knight
13-Sep-2016, 03:38 PM
The issue of lack of blood on Nick and Lucianna was just another example of bad lazy writing. The fact that nothing has really happened to build a connection and they just decided, "Hey, we need these characters to grow a strong bond so that viewers can get emotionally invested, oh I know, let's have them f*ck!" Ugh this is why I'm so happy Daryl and Carol never hooked up. I care more about their relationship because of it, it's how it's done.

13-Sep-2016, 06:11 PM
The issue of lack of blood on Nick and Lucianna was just another example of bad lazy writing. The fact that nothing has really happened to build a connection and they just decided, "Hey, we need these characters to grow a strong bond so that viewers can get emotionally invested, oh I know, let's have them f*ck!" Ugh this is why I'm so happy Daryl and Carol never hooked up. I care more about their relationship because of it, it's how it's done.

The Daryl/Carol relationship has been one of the very best things about TWD. Both have been abused by people close to them, they've both grown a huge amount during the apocalypse, they've both had to change a hell of a lot and do things that trouble them - Daryl had to learn to become more than a loner, to think for himself, to allow himself to be a part of a group ... Carol had to become a warrior, but didn't do so cleanly, and as a result of some mistakes and allowing herself to be as brutal as needed she's now reached a point where she can no longer continue in that vein and has to change all over again if she's ever to live with herself. Their relationship is far more complicated than "you're hawt, let's fook!". There's a mutual understanding, similar experiences, a mutual search for healing and redefinition, and they've supported each other throughout the show. They were both on the outskirts of the group for different reasons and have become indispensible at the same time.

They might have stuffed up Andrea's character towards the end, but they took Carol - who was, let's be honest, pretty naff in the comics - and turned her into an incredibly rich character whose journey has been deep, varied, and hugely rewarding to watch.

I like Luciana, but her relationship with Nick has been very quick and is kinda shallow, I gotta say, that we're already at the kissing stage after only four episodes.

13-Sep-2016, 08:10 PM
Nice to see how Madison and Strand got out of trouble - getting their gore on for the first time (having learned it from Nick). They seem to be becoming a bit of a power couple - and nice to see Strand take a silent role in Madison's negotiation with the wedding party survivors. I'm enjoying this part of the plot and dig the set up of the hotel ... but how long will it really last? It's an operating business in real life, so I can't imagine they'll hang around there for long. That mother of the bride is casting all kinds of shade.

But did you notice that Nick and Luciana (who is a character I'm starting to like more and more now) barely had any blood on them whatsoever in this episode when they went out and about? Less so than before, even, so it seemed. Their t-shirts had old bloodstains on - but surely the idea is to keep the gore fairly fresh, too? :rockbrow:

It was supposedly a rip tide - but yeah, I think I'd prefer to go room-by-room and kill them all. That way I'd be sure. Also, to do that, I'd make sure I was wearing some sort of improvised armour - especially on my forearms. Sure, it'd take a long time, but with them locked in rooms they're not going anywhere. Deal with the ones outside first, fortify the location, then deal with the individual walkers locked in the rooms.

Like with Dawn of the Dead (yes, I'm aware in TWD land no characters have ever heard of zombie movies - they don't exist in that world) ... nevertheless, they sealed the place up and then dealt with the zombies. Mind you, that wouldn't be as spectacular as leading a herd for a long walk off a short pier. :p

Yes, but a riptide might not necessarily carry the zombies to a place where the sea itself later on might not carry them back to shore:


14-Sep-2016, 02:51 AM
Just watched 2X08... wow...

Walking, walking, yawning, walking...
Flashback, flashback...
Main character break with reality...
Implausible, wtf, implausible...

They pretty much did a "best of" of all the things I hate about TWD.

I will say that I found the dog attack completely believable. I can't imagine Nick crawling on top of the bus when he first sits down. He was clearly cold and suffering early signs of exposure. I'm more surprised he didn't crawl inside the thing.

I literally spent the entire episode cringing at the sunburn he must be getting. I couldn't think about anything else.

15-Sep-2016, 09:19 AM
2x11 viewing figures - 3.40 million - so a bit of a jump from last week's series low of 2.99 million.

Moon Knight
15-Sep-2016, 06:30 PM
2x11 viewing figures - 3.40 million - so a bit of a jump from last week's series low of 2.99 million.

"Pablo & Jessica" is probably my favorite of the back half so this pleases me.

16-Sep-2016, 05:55 AM
I have to say I am enjoying the second half of this season. I really like the hotel setting. I know it's petty; but it still bothers me Nick looks so damned scuzzy. He's out there playing soccer with all of these Mexicans with all of this beautiful hair. You would think somebody would give him some damned shampoo!!! Still, I am enjoying this series even though it didn't live up to it's expectations. Then again; I'm from a time when there wasn't much zombie action out there. I guess I can pretty easily impressed.

16-Sep-2016, 08:58 PM
I will say that I found the dog attack completely believable. I can't imagine Nick crawling on top of the bus when he first sits down. He was clearly cold and suffering early signs of exposure. I'm more surprised he didn't crawl inside the thing.

He did not look tired enough not to have the energy to climb on top of the abandoned bus. Rule #1 in a world where the living dead are free to roam the land at their leisure: DO NOT FALL ASLEEP ON THE GROUND if you are wandering around by yourself without a travelling companion to take turns.

- - - Updated - - -

I know it's petty; but it still bothers me Nick looks so damned scuzzy. He's out there playing soccer with all of these Mexicans with all of this beautiful hair. You would think somebody would give him some damned shampoo!!!

In a world where you can fool the living dead by smelling bad, personal cleanliness might not be the #1 priority.

16-Sep-2016, 09:46 PM
I have to say I am enjoying the second half of this season. I really like the hotel setting. I know it's petty; but it still bothers me Nick looks so damned scuzzy. He's out there playing soccer with all of these Mexicans with all of this beautiful hair. You would think somebody would give him some damned shampoo!!! Still, I am enjoying this series even though it didn't live up to it's expectations. Then again; I'm from a time when there wasn't much zombie action out there. I guess I can pretty easily impressed.

I agree! I'd almost given up on the series... Now I'm eager to watch the episodes...

17-Sep-2016, 11:20 PM
Good thread guys....You all pretty much echo my sentiments of the show so far.The writers really do need to buck up. I have no major issues with the acting yet though....

I have been really digging the mood & atmosphere so far during 2(b)....The old school synth music soundtrack is killer IMO.

Moon Knight
18-Sep-2016, 04:04 PM
Good thread guys....You all pretty much echo my sentiments of the show so far.The writers really do need to buck up. I have no major issues with the acting yet though....

I have been really digging the mood & atmosphere so far during 2(b)....The old school synth music soundtrack is killer IMO.

One thing that this show does not get any credit for is its great musical score. From the unique to episode title screen to the already mentioned retro synth score and music choices, it's always good. Also, Travis, Madison, Nick, and Strand are doing a great job on the acting side; Daniel too of course.

18-Sep-2016, 04:14 PM
One thing that this show does not get any credit for is its great musical score. From the unique to episode title screen to the already mentioned retro synth score and music choices, it's always good. Also, Travis, Madison, Nick, and Strand are doing a great job on the acting side; Daniel too of course.

Yeah, to be fair, both the areas you mention are pretty strong. I'd agree with that.

19-Sep-2016, 04:46 PM
2x12 "Pillar of Salt"

So another time jump ... not sure how much time, a week or two? We saw them getting the hotel all sorted out with a garden etc - and time for surfing lessons (!) - but it was good to get a bit more info on Ofelia once again. I suppose she sees the hotel as a sweet-ass paradise and figures "ah, they'll be fine now" and just takes off with the 4x4, but at the same time that's a bit of a bloody cheek (you've only searched some of the place, surely?) - good to see her kicking some arse, though. I liked the push/pull of her character with her parents - who was she living her life for? And now she's headed back to the USA? Interesting - we might get to see the border all messed up, or large areas all burned out from Napalm/whatever.

Madison is clearly quite capable - but she's got a significant weakness in yearning to bring Nick back into her life. She made some stupid moves, but it was clearly out of desperation - she wasn't thinking at all clearly - and it was good to see Alicia call her out on it. Her character has improved greatly in recent episodes, especially so after her idiotic time on the radio waves at the beginning of the season.

How much longer do you reckon Colonia has? Should we expect that place to fall in the season finale? I wouldn't be too surprised if that happened. There's already hints at getting the band back together (Madison and Nick almost crossed paths, she reckons he's near, and of course Travis spotting those lights in the night).

Quite looking forward to next week's episode - notice how Travis' beard is full in the last minute reveal just after the Hotel lights go out, but in the preview for next week's episode (as seen on Talking Dead) he's nowhere near as bearded (just generally unshaved). We'll likely see a big episode between father and son next week - what do you reckon will happen?

My theory:
Either Travis will abandon Chris, realising there is no helping him ... or something really bad happens and it all goes wrong for Travis. I'm not so sure Travis would kill Chris, but might Chris die by his own reckless actions/eagerness to get into deadly situations (and finds himself mortally wounded in some sort of run-in with the wrong people). Might there be a struggle between Travis and Chris and might Travis accidentally kill Chris?

Of course, even with the hotel lights, if you happen to be in the vicinity of it during the day you're not going to miss it - it's hardly an inconspicuous structure - and a hotel would be ripe for plundering, perhaps even living in - that's exactly what Madison & Co did.

Moon Knight
19-Sep-2016, 09:19 PM
Hell yeah Ofelia was pretty badas in this episode. Finally. Loved her confidence and the way she siphoned that gas like a champ was quite pleasing.

I do believe the Colonia will fall and I for one welcome it. I really don't like it there and the zombie gut camo is just ridiculous now. Everybody is doing it! Ughhhh.... enough.

Alicia is growing on me and this episode continued that.

Madison annoyed me but I can see a mother reacting like that. It's funny how everyone felt so far apart but now seem to be pretty bottled up within miles. The ending with Travis was pretty good and considering how rough and out of it he looked something went horribly wrong with his story. We'll find out next week.

Things are picking up really nice now. This episode was clearly just a set up to further move the pieces towards the dual finale in a couple weeks.

20-Sep-2016, 12:11 AM
2x12 "Pillar of Salt"

How much longer do you reckon Colonia has? Should we expect that place to fall in the season finale? I wouldn't be too surprised if that happened.

What is surprising is that it hasn't been found earlier already. It is a fairly big and noisy place. The "narco" gang at the supermarket should not have been having this much trouble to locate the place.

20-Sep-2016, 09:13 AM
What is surprising is that it hasn't been found earlier already. It is a fairly big and noisy place. The "narco" gang at the supermarket should not have been having this much trouble to locate the place.

Yeah, that's what I thought. They've made it this far without being discovered, and then as soon as it gets directly referenced - boom - they've been found. And considering they often walk to the Narcos gang territory, it really can't be that far at all - and the Narcos gang have people in cars roaming around the place, so... :rockbrow:

20-Sep-2016, 10:18 AM
What is surprising is that it hasn't been found earlier already. It is a fairly big and noisy place. The "narco" gang at the supermarket should not have been having this much trouble to locate the place.

Yes, that's one thing that confused me to... But I guess we need to just go along with that... ie: How "narco" gang can't find a huge colony of people with just a couple of miles of them... ie: Smoke, lights and noise alone would give their position away...

But enjoying these episodes more than anything before in the series I recon... Hopefully it's a sign of changes in the right direction!

22-Sep-2016, 09:36 AM
Viewing figures for 2x12 - 3.62 million - so another little jump after last week's 3.40 million (after the previous week's lowest point of 2.99 million).

Just noticed that there'll be a three week gap between FTWD S2B ending and TWD S7 beginning - good - to me at least it felt like FTWD S1 stole some of TWD S6's premiere thunder, and I also felt a little bit 'zombied out' by the time it got going, so a couple of weeks off in-between will be a nice demarcation and let me get the juices flowing for TWD S7. :)

Moon Knight
22-Sep-2016, 02:07 PM
Viewing figures for 2x12 - 3.62 million - so another little jump after last week's 3.40 million (after the previous week's lowest point of 2.99 million).

Just noticed that there'll be a three week gap between FTWD S2B ending and TWD S7 beginning - good - to me at least it felt like FTWD S1 stole some of TWD S6's premiere thunder, and I also felt a little bit 'zombied out' by the time it got going, so a couple of weeks off in-between will be a nice demarcation and let me get the juices flowing for TWD S7. :)

I totally agree. TWD season premier definitely did suffer a bit in the ratings because of it; FTWD's dissapointing first season also hindered it as well imo.

I'm also glad they are airing the final two episodes back to back.

A nice little break until TWD7 is much needed considering the longer FTWD season this time around.

23-Sep-2016, 09:18 PM
For anyone who watched "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tv show this week, it looks like we got a spoiler about the fate of one of the cast from Fear.

Moon Knight
24-Sep-2016, 04:03 PM
For anyone who watched "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tv show this week, it looks like we got a spoiler about the fate of one of the cast from Fear.

Depends on how much of a role him/her will play on AoS. That was filmed prior to this current FTWD season half.

24-Sep-2016, 04:22 PM
Well don't give anything away, folks. I never got into Agents of SHIELD, personally, so I'm oblivious and would like to keep it that way. :p

Moon Knight
24-Sep-2016, 06:41 PM
Well don't give anything away, folks. I never got into Agents of SHIELD, personally, so I'm oblivious and would like to keep it that way. :p

Would never haha.

26-Sep-2016, 04:03 PM
2x13 "Date of Death"

Got rather talky in the last stretch there (the amount of it throughout felt a bit 'holding pattern' waiting for next week's double episode season finale), but the Travis/Chris stuff was quite good - especially from Travis' perspective.

Madison's little desperate thing with the hotel lights is turning into a right old bugger up, isn't it?

Moon Knight
26-Sep-2016, 04:23 PM
Man, Travis is really becoming my favorite Character. I love everything about this guy.

My only complaint was how it felt like they were building up to a big confrontation between Travis and Chris and his new "friends" only to have it end with Chris just leaving.

Someone needs to die next week.

27-Sep-2016, 09:21 AM
Man, Travis is really becoming my favorite Character. I love everything about this guy.

My only complaint was how it felt like they were building up to a big confrontation between Travis and Chris and his new "friends" only to have it end with Chris just leaving.

Someone needs to die next week.

Yeah, I was kind of expecting something a bit bigger (i.e. deadly) between Travis and Chris, so I was a little thrown by how it played out ... but I guess we'll discover more next week.

It was a bit surprising that the crowd didn't push the gate open when they let Travis in, but at least they're keeping them contained in a (seemingly) secure area of the hotel grounds to examine and interview everyone.

27-Sep-2016, 12:34 PM
Another enjoyable episode... Slightly talky, but still far better than we had in the first half of the season generally!

27-Sep-2016, 10:37 PM
It was a bit surprising that the crowd didn't push the gate open...

I was surprised that some didn't just climb over the wall... Strand is going to be pissed off about the new arrivals, if he survives his wound...

Hopefully we'll find out Chris' fate next week... what with the two gang members arriving at the hotel in the closing scene.

And yeah - a very talky episode and noticeable lack of walkers... I guess they must have missed the lit up hotel sign!

Does anybody know if this series is coming out on DVD?

28-Sep-2016, 04:06 AM
I was surprised that some didn't just climb over the wall...

That's what I was wondering too, or just climb the gate itself. Also, the hotel is such a large place that it would be rather easy for many of these "intruders" to find their way in somewhere else where no one is watching. The group manning the hotel simply do not have enough people to cover the entire area.

and noticeable lack of walkers...

It would be great if now that the hotel is being flooded by survivors the tide brings back most of the zombies that the riptide took away. There would be a major mess in that hotel, and the best solution for anyone wanting to survive it would be to get the hell out of there fast before the zombies reclaim the place.

03-Oct-2016, 12:22 PM
RIP Chris.

One naturally expects Travis to have been extremely pissed off about what happened to Chris, but in fairness to those two punks Chris was travelling with: what did Travis expect them to do in such a situation? It was either a mercy kill for Chris or let him suffer and slowly die from his injuries. Let us remember that they are in the middle of a "war zone", with zombies and lawless mercenaries roaming the land, no manned hospitals anywhere in sight. Chris was sentenced to death by the accident, so those two guys were not really responsible for what happened this time.

03-Oct-2016, 12:46 PM
2x14 "Wrath" & 2x15 "North"

Sure, we get to see the story of what happened to Chris, but did the two scumbags tell him exactly what happened? They may well have done, or they might have been rather vague on the details (with Travis not having the luxury of a flashback sequence like we get).

However, him killing those two scumbags is as much Travis raging against himself letting Chris go with them, and "failing" his ex-wife and mother of his child, about Chris being gullible enough to believe they'd help him at all, as it is about punishing the two gits.


I have to say that Travis is one of my favourite characters on the show. He's had a lot of meat to chew on this season, particularly in 2B.

The two episodes in general? They were alright, there were some good moments in there, but it was a bit wobbly in some regards. I wasn't especially gripped during a fair amount of it. It was obvious to me that they'd all be cast into the wind by the end of the season, and sure enough. Unless we see more of them in Season 3, I felt some of the hotel characters were kinda under-used - e.g. the mother of the bride - it felt like there was going to be more with that and it just kinda stopped.

With this camp in the distance, and these dudes who look tooled up, might we see some semblance of government - or remnants and left overs at least - in Season 3? A little bit Day of the Dead-like? Or maybe they're just a bunch of bozos yomping around the border.


BTW: viewing figures for 2x13 = 3.49 million (previous week was 3.62m).

Moon Knight
03-Oct-2016, 03:15 PM
If someone was to tell me that they would reveal Chris's death by flashback I would have not been happy but the way they told that story was fresh and pretty creative. I loved it and wouldn't have wanted it any other way. It was brutal and consistant with the Bromigos characters. What Travis did was amazing.

These last two had great gore and plenty of deaths oh my.

What Alejandro did was both heroic and badass. Too bad Nick messed up lol.

Excellent final two with minor flaws. Can't really complain.

03-Oct-2016, 08:54 PM
They were both pretty good episodes. Thank god Chris is gone. Because they split the episodes like this, ALL direct tv DVR's did not record the second episode. This seems like a major blunder. I don't know why exactly it glitched out and did not record the second episode but I was watching it live so no big deal but I'm sure there will be some bummed out folks out there. Weird how they split it like that. Oh well. Bring on season 7. I'd be willing to bet it will set a record for viewings.

04-Oct-2016, 09:39 AM
I like the coldness with which Chris was dispatched - that high wide shot of him crawling on the hot tarmac, the no-nonsense execution etc. It showed up how stupid Chris had been to trust the 'Bromigos' ... good riddance. :elol:

When he appeared on Talking Dead last week I figured he'd be snuffed out on the show because he had clearly had a haircut and was trying to hide the fact with that backwards baseball cap. It was like that time when the actress who played Jessie on TWD turned up on the Talking Dead couch with blue due in her hair.

Anyway ... having forgotten that Strand stayed behind at the hotel, I'm sure we'll see a bit more happen there, but will Strand then re-connect with Madison et al? He's still got an enemy there in the mother of the bride, and I wonder if the others will end up taking against him as he was with Madison & Co when they rocked up on the hotel's doorstep in 2x09.

They were both pretty good episodes. Thank god Chris is gone. Because they split the episodes like this, ALL direct tv DVR's did not record the second episode. This seems like a major blunder. I don't know why exactly it glitched out and did not record the second episode but I was watching it live so no big deal but I'm sure there will be some bummed out folks out there. Weird how they split it like that. Oh well. Bring on season 7. I'd be willing to bet it will set a record for viewings.

Technically they're separate episodes, but they decided to show them back-to-back instead, so that'll have something to do with it.

I presume DirecTV DVRs have something like a 'season link' to record all episodes, right? Perhaps whatever tells the boxes what is showing when wasn't updated properly/forgotten about? Probably some silly little bugger up like that.

04-Oct-2016, 08:12 PM
I agree: Thank Beelzebub that Chris is gone. I could not stand him, and thought his acting stunk.
Still on the fence about the show. I want to like it, but it's just lame. Also, please die, Nick. Now everybody is rubbing themselves down with zombie goo, and pretty sparsely at the end of the episode...

05-Oct-2016, 09:55 AM
I agree: Thank Beelzebub that Chris is gone. I could not stand him, and thought his acting stunk.
Still on the fence about the show. I want to like it, but it's just lame. Also, please die, Nick. Now everybody is rubbing themselves down with zombie goo, and pretty sparsely at the end of the episode...

The zombie gore rub downs are very inconsistent - even with Nick - he was covering himself, then he went all the way down to a few finger-sized smudes and a couple of splats on a t-shirt, and then in this double-episode finale he was wearing like a shell suit jacket that was covered in blood - so wtf is going on there? If they're going to use this mechanism regularly then they need to be consistent about it. One of the most egregious scenes was when him and Luciana were 'blooding up' by the rear end of the bus and talking out loud as zombies approached them (exceedingly slowly, I might add - almost just moving on the spot) ... yeah, that scene was a low point for Season 2B.

There's a lot of work to be done with FTWD, and it's whole purpose for being in the first place has been blown past long ago sadly, but there have been improvements over the course of Season 2B after a lacklustre 2A. We'll see where we go from here.

Moon Knight
05-Oct-2016, 07:03 PM
The show's writing is very inconsistent. The show does many things well but is always hampered down by logic gaps and lazy writing. I'm still into it but mainly for Travis. Very curious what path he goes on next. The zombie guts trick really takes me out of the moment it's so laughable. Episodes like "Wrath" still keep me engaged, however. Also, stop splitting people up ffs.

12-Oct-2016, 08:49 PM
OK... Really dug the second half of the season... Looking forward to its return if it continues like it ended!