View Full Version : Nintendo Switch (console)

13-Jan-2017, 08:11 AM
So, will Nintendo's latest console do better than their last (Wii U) one?


13-Jan-2017, 10:18 AM
I suppose Nintendo find themselves in a tricky position when trying to corner the 'casual gamer' market - they're casual, so as we saw with the Wii, you had a lot of people buying the console but then not buying many games (with the Wii's themselves gathering dust in a corner eventually). Meanwhile, the PS4 and XB1 both go for the hardcore/committed gamer crowd who buy a lot of games and spend plenty of time on their consoles.

There's some neat ideas in there, but whether it'll actually work in practice (e.g. battery lifetime, what those dinky controllers feel like to actually use) ... not that I'll ever buy one, to be frank. I've just hopped on to XB1 and I've never been all that interested in Nintendo, personally - each to their own - but I started out with Sega, went to PC, then hopped over to Xbox.

13-Jan-2017, 10:46 AM
Indeed.. You have the big boy consoles (Xbox and PS etc), and then Nintento seemingly are trying to find a niche which even tablets and phones are surely cutting into too?

My kids still play on the Wii from time to time, mainly due to its social gameplay. eg: Mario Karts and Wii Sports Resort etc... And it's interface with things like Netflicks (thanks to the controllers pointer) is brilliant. Just a shame the output isn't HD!

13-Jan-2017, 05:46 PM
Indeed.. You have the big boy consoles (Xbox and PS etc), and then Nintento seemingly are trying to find a niche which even tablets and phones are surely cutting into too?

My kids still play on the Wii from time to time, mainly due to its social gameplay. eg: Mario Karts and Wii Sports Resort etc... And it's interface with things like Netflicks (thanks to the controllers pointer) is brilliant. Just a shame the output isn't HD!

Aye, there's a place for it, but the casual aspect is it's biggest weakness while simultaneously being its whole driving force.

I was on holiday with a bunch of friends a couple of years back and the flat we were staying in had a Wii, so we ended up playing a fair bit of that (Mario Kart, Wii Sports Resort or something similar, IIRC) in the down time between excursions. A bit of fun - but exceedingly casual - as easy to pick up as it was to put down (and the latter is the trouble with casual gaming). Plus, as you say, the use of tablets/phones for casual games will surely - surely - cut into the Nintendo end of the market. When the Wii came out originally there wasn't as much of that super casual gaming on phones/tablets - now though, there is.

Moon Knight
13-Jan-2017, 11:52 PM
Nintendo has their loyal supporters and as long as they keep buying, they'll keep making systems.

24-Apr-2019, 02:42 PM
Two years on and Switch is my go to system.
It's mostly for the classic ports like Okami, Outlast, the recent Final Fantasy games, the forthcoming Resident Evil ports. I am continually impressed by what Switch is getting, Mortal Kombat 11 is the latest in unlikely ports.

03-Sep-2019, 03:32 PM
Funny since my last post a lot's happened like the Switch has had a update that 'overclock's the system resulting in stable framerates in a few games, Nintendo announced two models: the first is just a battery revision for the standard model, the second is a portable only system likely for their upcoming Pokemon games.
Personally I am just waiting for a upgrade similar to DSi or New 3DS, just a simple hardware revision allowing a few extra apps and to have a stable 720p resolution for Xenoblade 2 in portable and maybe a cleaner 720p Doom 2016 or Wolfenstein 2 on the TV.

03-Sep-2019, 09:02 PM
Two years on and Switch is my go to system.
It's mostly for the classic ports like Okami, Outlast, the recent Final Fantasy games, the forthcoming Resident Evil ports. I am continually impressed by what Switch is getting, Mortal Kombat 11 is the latest in unlikely ports.

Had my first true go on one this weekend, and I can envisage it replacing our Wii as the family console :)

04-Sep-2019, 01:10 AM
IDK about y'all, but I'm saving up to get the Lite when it drops (even if the color choices leave much to be desired)

Moon Knight
13-Sep-2019, 06:08 AM
I think Nintendo did pretty alright with the Switch.

10-Feb-2020, 08:59 AM
I treated myself to a turquoise lite for christmas and its got lots and lots of use.
Just waiting for the modchip to release now