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View Full Version : Hiya friends...a lot's been happening.

24-Jul-2006, 03:42 PM

I don't think I've posted since the new site has been up, but my life's been crazy. A few really big things have been happening out here in Hollywood, so I just wanted to give you the update.

First of all, after almost three months of negotiating, I finally signed my five step deal to write a video game. Sadly, I can't tell you what it is - it will not be announced until E3 next year, but it's a big, big franchise and it's really wild. I've haven't done a game before and I hadn't really thought about doing one until the producer considered us, but I tell you it's a lot more complicated than writing a script. Just last week, we had to deliver about 600 lines of small soundbites, many of them alternative ways of saying the same thing. On top of that, you have to look at the game as totally non-linear. All the while, you have to stay on top of the game's lore and mythololgy, while writing completely new characters, settings, and baddies. While it is a small detour from moveis and TV, I'm glad to be working again as a writer.

I'm also finishing up my deal to go back and produce and direct for VH1 on their end of the year awards show, Big In 06. I don't know if I even told you guys I worked on Big in 05, but it did really good ratings and they've asked us back. On top of producing a bunch of pieces, we got to direct the film spoof segments, such as the Lost spoof, which really helped us out this year in the film world. We actually started getting our names in the pile to direct some studio comedies. So, that was a good deal and the show is a lot of fun - plus it's nine straight weeks of work during the holiday season, which is very nice in this town.

On the scripted side, I'm taking in a big movie to Paramount next week and I have no idea what will come of it. More and more I've started to pitch directly to the studios and now we've been working with some producers who have a first look deal at Paramount, and we're all confident that we can take it in. These are really longshot deals since we are still unsold on the studio side, but they love our samples and keep taking the meetings, so if you play the odds game...

And lastly, old PJoseph (that's me) is having a baby. Well, my wife is having it, I will be helping. We are in midst of moving to a larger space in L.A., and with all of that, our lives have been in utter chaos. But it's all very exciting.

Hope you all are well and safe.
