View Full Version : Interview About George Romero

07-Mar-2017, 03:04 AM
Hey everyone! As you can tell I'm new here, as I was just browsing the web for a fansite/online forum dedicated to George Romero and the "Dead" franchise. I'm writing an essay for an intermediate nonfiction class at Pitt, and I'm looking for any dedicated fans or experts on the subject willing to be interviewed about Romero's impact on them as well as his influence on zombie movies and the horror movie genre as a whole. So if anyone is willing to help me out, just send me a DM and we can work out a time to talk. Sorry if this is in the wrong section, mods can feel free to move it as necessary. Thanks everyone!

07-Mar-2017, 07:35 AM
This might be of interested then. A little article I wrote, God, 18 years ago! - http://www.homepageofthedead.com/baps/romero_trilogy.html

07-Mar-2017, 09:47 AM
Perhaps you could ask your questions in this thread - organised by number - and then the posters here could respond directly to each question?

07-Mar-2017, 01:13 PM
Perhaps you could ask your questions in this thread - organised by number - and then the posters here could respond directly to each question?

That could be a possibility, but my professor wants it to be more of an interview setting. So if I can organize a few phone interviews that would be better, but if not maybe I'll just start posting questions in here.

28-Mar-2017, 05:56 AM
Hey guys, I haven't heard back about an interview from anyone in my PMs, so I'll just bump this and ask for any responses in here. So I want to know: what kind of impact have George Romero and his films had on you? Let me hear your stories!