View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! TWD 7x13 "Bury Me Here" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

12-Mar-2017, 11:32 AM
Please keep all talk of episode 7x13 "Bury Me Here" specifically inside this thread.

If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).

Similarly, if you're going to discuss plot points from the comic book, please use "spoiler tags" - not everyone is up-to-date on them, and some people don't read them at all.


Directed by: Alrick Riley
Written by: Scott M. Gimple

"Things do not go as planned when a group of Kingdommers delivers goods to the Saviors during a routine supply drop-off."


12-Mar-2017, 04:37 PM
I think this will be powerful episode

Moon Knight
13-Mar-2017, 02:10 AM
Now this is a bottle episode I can get into. It has Morgan- one of my favorites, and Carol. What's not to like? The Kingdom and its crazy and interesting cast of characters is a bonus. This one will be Carol's story for sure.

- - - Updated - - -

I was wrong, it was a Morgan centric episode and I freaking loved it. Best episode this half for me.

13-Mar-2017, 03:10 AM
“Bury Me Here” / Air-date: 12 March 2017 /*SPOILER WARNING!*

A very tough episode indeed!… Carol shows she still has what it takes on a return trip to “The Kingdom” to see Morgan… He offers to take her to, “Alexandria” -But she declines. Benjamin asks her for lessons ...but he is denied! :(

-That "Kingdom" bloke who’s got it bad for Carol, (I still say he looks a little too much like, “The Governor’s” younger brother!) keeps stalkerizing her!
He is one persistent bugger!

-Jerry eats a pie.

Later, on a routine supply drop-off to, "The Saviors" King Ezekiel gets a headache via Morgan’s staff! (...JERRY!) -Benjamin catches a bullet that he later bites… Meouch! -And that idiot bloke from, “The Kingdom” gets what he finally deserves, when he once and for all convinces Morgan to travel “The Warrior’s Path”!

The loss of Benjamin was hard for me to take, as I grew to love the kid…

What, “The Saviors” will have to sacrifice when Morgan goes on the war-path is any body’s guess, but it looks like he’s off to somewhere… Perhaps, somewhere he might be of some use!

-Go get ‘em Morgan! :)

-I honor the dead with Easter-eggs! Please view & comment on my living dead tribute, ”The Walker”! www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EIsv6QmEHk

13-Mar-2017, 03:22 AM
Great episode. Hit ya right in the feels. Morgan will always be a favorite of mine. Clear has reared its ugly head back(great for story, not for Saviors). But he isnt full Clear mode. He has some control and focus. I am dissapointed that he murdered Richard. First, I think Richard was a good man that understood the bigger picture. Granted his methods were lacking execution and caused another solid character to die RIP Benjamin. And second, I really liked Richard and thought the actor playing him did a fantastic job. Apparently the character Richard has lost favor with fans over Daryl/Carol scenes but I don't see Richard as evil at all.

The Morgan flashbacks were perfect. I love when they pay homage to the history of our characters. Seeing Duane and Morgan's wife mixed with the insanity was an emotional roller coaster for me and I loved it.

I may have had something painfully stab both my eyes when Morgan dropped the Glenn and Abe bomb to Carol. Her expression says everything. The Saviors have poked 2 of the most lethal bears in the woods with Carol and Morgan. Without Carol speaking you can read the mental switch that happened in her. She is trading in her soul/sanity to go do what has to be done. Rejoice folks we have our Carol and Morgan back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moon Knight
13-Mar-2017, 04:03 PM
Great episode. Hit ya right in the feels. Morgan will always be a favorite of mine. Clear has reared its ugly head back(great for story, not for Saviors). But he isnt full Clear mode. He has some control and focus. I am dissapointed that he murdered Richard. First, I think Richard was a good man that understood the bigger picture. Granted his methods were lacking execution and caused another solid character to die RIP Benjamin. And second, I really liked Richard and thought the actor playing him did a fantastic job. Apparently the character Richard has lost favor with fans over Daryl/Carol scenes but I don't see Richard as evil at all.

The Morgan flashbacks were perfect. I love when they pay homage to the history of our characters. Seeing Duane and Morgan's wife mixed with the insanity was an emotional roller coaster for me and I loved it.

I may have had something painfully stab both my eyes when Morgan dropped the Glenn and Abe bomb to Carol. Her expression says everything. The Saviors have poked 2 of the most lethal bears in the woods with Carol and Morgan. Without Carol speaking you can read the mental switch that happened in her. She is trading in her soul/sanity to go do what has to be done. Rejoice folks we have our Carol and Morgan back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes we do!

I thought it was brilliant having Morgan killing Richard right in front of the Saviors with his bare hands. Morgan's response to the Saviors was exactly what Richard had planned and Morgan sacrificed Richard to really convince them, just like Richard wanted. He gave his life for The Kingdom. Perfect.

The Morgan episodes are always the best, man. "Days Gone By", "Clear", "Here's Not Here", and now "Bury Me Here". He's my number 3. Love that character so much.

Things are finally starting to pick up and I'm excited.

13-Mar-2017, 05:46 PM
I wouldn't even call this one a "bottle" episode. Perhaps we use the term too much? The reason I'd argue this episode isn't a "bottle" episode is that things in general move forward quite a bit. Carol makes her return to beast mode, Morgan's journey with peace comes to a shuddering halt, two (relatively) new and interesting characters died, and Ezekiel has now been convinced to join the war effort against The Saviours after a fair bit of resistance prior to this.

Interestingly, this is Gimple's second episode this season as writer (he also wrote 7x01), and displayed what he does best and how he does it. We need more of this sort of writing again. Even though we've had many of the same writers this season as in seasons past, something about several episodes thus far have felt a bit off in some ways and those weaknesses have kind of moulded together to form a bigger, if tricky to define, problem with the storytelling in general. Has something changed with Gimple's guidance of the overall story as showrunner? Either way, this episode proved that he's still got it - this was an excellent episode - the second best of the season (behind 7x01), and the third episode in a row that's been thoroughly enjoyable (before this we've had the Richonne Goes to the Carnival episode, and the Eugene Becomes One of the Cool Kids episode).

So a lot happened in this one ... we could use some more events happening in some of the other episodes, so the moving forward of the entire story feels more spread out, rather than clustered up in a handful of episodes. Does that makes sense?

Anyway - great episode! Tonnes of meat on the bone to chew on here, Carol giving up her cottage for Morgan - to be 'here but not here' - was a nifty touch, too.

As soon as Benjamin started getting some considerable character development (and considering that sombre cold open, replete with blood stain) I knew his number was up. It's a shame in a way as I quite liked his character - and an example of a young person in this world who isn't a ruddy psycho kid (unlike that friggin' annoying tyke at Oceanside). Interesting tidbit on Talking Dead there, that the kid who plays Benjamin's younger brother is the real-life brother of Madison Lintz (who played Sophia). Neat.

Great stuff for Morgan in this episode, too. The Duane/Benjamin moment was a punch in the feels. Some of the best moments in TWD reference past events or the characters' pasts in general - it's important not to forget what came before, what these characters' journeys have been, how they've been shaped. That's where some of the most satisfying material comes from, I feel.

I can't wait for that bastard who stole Morgan's stick and killed Benjamin to get what's coming to him. It was fascinating to see that even amongst The Saviours he isn't popular - there are splits within The Sanctuary, ready to be exploited.

Hopefully this is all part of an upswing that'll continue over the next three episodes to close out the season, and then continue throughout Season 8. :)


TWD 7x13 Memes:

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-I93-DVw8hOg/WMbVAtEVrCI/AAAAAAAAFLg/DKenmFFqxjgWNceumiamY2FnVfgA3CIfACLcB/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_7_Meme_Talking_Chris_Hardw ick_Into_Badlands_Table_Flip_7x13_DeadShed_Sm.jpg

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-l_pD-YYoXFo/WMbVBD7uaxI/AAAAAAAAFLk/YOupdHm-gL0_3PxNpZ8-gFwQrLkZKAmRgCEw/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_7_Meme_Benjamin_Richard_No ah_Character_Backstory_Last_Episode_7x13_DeadShed_ Sm.jpg


Moon Knight
14-Mar-2017, 06:44 PM
They HAVE to give Jared's death to Morgan. I hate that guy.

14-Mar-2017, 09:23 PM
Hey! I enjoyed that episode...

Just three more left :(

15-Mar-2017, 11:13 AM
Much better this week. Good to see Morgan chuck a wobbler and go mental as well. Richard really screwed things up, although I believe his heart was in the right place. Have to say I was kinda shocked when Morgan made his move.

There has to be a really gruesome death awaiting that long haired Saviour guy. What an absolute C U Next Tuesday. The actor plays him well though. I'd say those parts are great fun to do.

Moon Knight
15-Mar-2017, 01:07 PM
Let's not forget it was Daryl who pushed Richard to "Die for the Kingdom". Richard was a desperate man as we saw he was ready to throw even Carol under the bus. I believe it was Daryl who planted the seed in Richard's head to come up with this elaborate suicide mission that went horribly wrong. However, in the end, it actually did quite work.

15-Mar-2017, 03:23 PM
True, good point. Adds a layer to Richard's tragedy as a character.

Sorry to see him go actually. I was expecting...um...other things from him?

15-Mar-2017, 04:50 PM
Makes you wonder if Richard over thought the whole process. If he wanted a fight with the Saviors he very well could have emptied a magazine into the saviors when they arrived. They are generally bunched up and a couple have their sidearms holstered. That would start a war. King E can't deny the saviors will come for blood. And 2nd it leaves Richard alive for the moment. A man who sure seems to be a competent fighter ready to kill Saviors. Let's face it, these dicks are willing to kill over 1 GD melon. Ok ok I get it. For story telling purposes, having Ben die and then Richard is more interesting. I guess I just wish Richard could have stuck around longer.

15-Mar-2017, 05:32 PM
Much better this week. Good to see Morgan chuck a wobbler and go mental as well. Richard really screwed things up, although I believe his heart was in the right place. Have to say I was kinda shocked when Morgan made his move.

There has to be a really gruesome death awaiting that long haired Saviour guy. What an absolute C U Next Tuesday. The actor plays him well though. I'd say those parts are great fun to do.

Aye, the actor plays him well, but damn ... that character is such a scumbag. He was no doubt a bully throughout every year of high school and was lucky enough to survive long enough to find a like-minded group of assholes with a hierarchy that is skewed towards bullies and scumbags and the like. I can't wait to see that character die - and, as said earlier in the thread, hopefully at the hands of Morgan.

Makes you wonder if Richard over thought the whole process. If he wanted a fight with the Saviors he very well could have emptied a magazine into the saviors when they arrived. They are generally bunched up and a couple have their sidearms holstered. That would start a war. King E can't deny the saviors will come for blood. And 2nd it leaves Richard alive for the moment. A man who sure seems to be a competent fighter ready to kill Saviors. Let's face it, these dicks are willing to kill over 1 GD melon. Ok ok I get it. For story telling purposes, having Ben die and then Richard is more interesting. I guess I just wish Richard could have stuck around longer.

I would argue that Richard making the first move wouldn't have been good. The Saviours making the first move in pushing for a war - that's part of what helps convince Ezekiel. If Richard had made the first move that day then Ezekiel may very well have taken a different tack, blaming Richard more than The Saviours. Yes, he knows that Richard brought this about, but his plan went awry and The Saviours were the ones who chose to shoot Benjamin. I think Richard shooting first, as it were, would have muddied the waters. His original plan was to see him self-sacrifice as an unfortunate victim of The Saviours and for his 'poking the situation with the stick' (the stolen melon) to remain secret.

In the end it turned into a big mess of a plan, but the result was what Richard intended in terms of convincing Ezekiel to join the war effort.

15-Mar-2017, 08:45 PM
Makes you wonder if Richard over thought the whole process. If he wanted a fight with the Saviors he very well could have emptied a magazine into the saviors when they arrived. They are generally bunched up and a couple have their sidearms holstered. That would start a war. King E can't deny the saviors will come for blood. And 2nd it leaves Richard alive for the moment. A man who sure seems to be a competent fighter ready to kill Saviors. Let's face it, these dicks are willing to kill over 1 GD melon. Ok ok I get it. For story telling purposes, having Ben die and then Richard is more interesting. I guess I just wish Richard could have stuck around longer.

Such a move might not have guaranteed a combined effort on behalf of the Kingdom though and could have led to much worse things. Him sacrificing himself might not have guaranteed it either, but I think he was willing to check out that stage. We only get to see the truly sad side of Dickie in this episode, but the man probably has been operating on the edge for some time.

I'd like to think that perhaps his willingness to sacrifice Carol so easily gave him pause for thought and realise that that's not the man he was (happy families) and not the man he wants to be.

Pity he didn't hang around longer and help Rick formulate a real plan to deal with the Saviours.

Moon Knight
16-Mar-2017, 07:03 AM
Richard was a great character. Pretty complex with a few layers. Good actor portraying him too. As said above, Richard attacking first would defeat the purpose. Richard wanted Ezekiel to see just how cruel and unforgiving the Saviors can be.

I also believe Gavin is a good character too. I like him. He's a Savior, sure, but I don't believe he's just a one dimentional villain either. Gimple summarizes him as the grumpy dad of the group. Just look at how he treats Jared. He was also upset when he found out Benjamin had died because of Jared. Not saying he's a good guy, but he comes off as a dude who's not too happy with the job he is forced to do in his current situation. Good stuff.

16-Mar-2017, 09:59 AM
Yeh, I think he's just a guy who's found himself there and wants nothing more than to have things run smoothly. He doesn't look like he's a person to have made any real choices in matters and just goes with the flow. He's just a functionary.

Then again, he was willing to stand by and watch Richard get killed for little or nothing, instead of simply saying we'll be back for the other cantaloupe later

Moon Knight
16-Mar-2017, 05:33 PM
As a Savior he knows what has to be done in order to keep his position. He doesn't like it, but it has to be done. I can understand him.