View Full Version : DC Burny aka Svengoolie aka Dante Bonaparte passed away on 3/7/17

15-Mar-2017, 05:11 PM
His mother called me the morning she found him. He was notorious on this board and others. I often teased him that there was never a board or facebook group that he wasn't kicked out of.

We were friends for over 10 years. We spoke to each other often on the phone, and it was a rare week that we didn't speak for 3 hours or more. He had one face for the world and another for those he trusted. If you knew him on facebook, and you blocked him he understood.

One of our board members wrote this as a eulogy on facebook:

Daniel Christopher Burny, 43-year-old resident of Florida, former USMC soldier and law enforcement officer passed away at home on 3/7/2017. Always outspoken and unapologetic for his controversial conservative views, he was without fail a good friend to even those who disagreed vehemently with him. A loyal, stand up guy who taught me that friendship can overule and transcend differences of political ideology. I shall miss my friend, but know he has passed me on the trail in the night to ride ahead and keep the fire burning in the darkness at the camp waiting for me to catch up.it was a great honor to be considered as your friend my brother. Until we meet again- this life for me shall never again be the same without you.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

His mother is struggling with his final expenses, and if you knew him please consider contributing:https://www.gofundme.com/daniels-final-expenses

His joy in life was writing, and he had great stories to tell. I'll miss him.

15-Mar-2017, 05:44 PM
Christ... How sad :(

Any idea how he died?

15-Mar-2017, 05:59 PM
Christ... How sad :(Any idea how he died?Not certain. I know he had high blood pressure that he was not treating due to lack of insurance.

15-Mar-2017, 08:52 PM
Not certain. I know he had high blood pressure that he was not treating due to lack of insurance.

Can't say I knew him, but that shit shouldn't happen in a modern society. :mad:

16-Mar-2017, 01:43 AM
Can't say I knew him, but that shit shouldn't happen in a modern society. :mad:

America is exceedingly modern but not always civilized.

16-Mar-2017, 01:59 PM
Damn, I remember he used to post on here a lot in the old days, often getting peoples backs up! 43 is no age at all, I'm 35 now and things like this make you wonder how long you have yourself, I lost my dad last year at 59 and that was far too young as well. Enjoy life while you can!

21-Mar-2017, 10:41 PM
Just an update - his mother received enough donations to handle his final expenses and he has a respectful urn. He is now home, and she is immensely grateful.

18-Jun-2017, 04:52 AM
For anyone interested... the primary cause of death was congestive heart failure. 90% blockage. 90%. Although he worked out often his diet and genes killed him. He also hated going to the doctors. His mother told me to post the information in the hopes that folks would get regular check ups.

18-Jun-2017, 09:02 AM
For anyone interested... the primary cause of death was congestive heart failure. 90% blockage. 90%. Although he worked out often his diet and genes killed him. He also hated going to the doctors. His mother told me to post the information in the hopes that folks would get regular check ups.

Wow... :(

09-Jun-2018, 04:03 PM
I’d missed this until browsing the forums just now. Very sorry to hear it! He was an asshole on the forums, but he always kept it interesting! :lol:

Very sorry for the loss, Kaos. :(

Regarding his Svengoolie handle, I just recently discovered that there is currently a revamp of the character hosting horror movies every weekend on the MeTV network. When I saw it I immediately thought of him...

15-Jun-2018, 10:55 PM
Thank you, Bassman!

Yeah, I watch Svengoolie almost every week. Danny often told me stories of his show before he was syndicated.

Did you make it to Monroeville? I didn't see you there.

15-Jun-2018, 11:25 PM
Thank you, Bassman!

Yeah, I watch Svengoolie almost every week. Danny often told me stories of his show before he was syndicated.

Did you make it to Monroeville? I didn't see you there.

No, sadly it didn’t come together for me. All of my potential road trip companions slowly backed out one-by-one until it got down to the point that I would’ve been traveling alone. I just couldn’t bring myself to make that lengthy trip without some passengers to share it with.

Although I did give the solo trip some heavy consideration, I just couldn’t do it. Really disappointed about it, honestly.

15-Jun-2018, 11:37 PM
No, sadly it didn’t come together for me. All of my potential road trip companions slowly backed out one-by-one until it got down to the point that I would’ve been traveling alone. I just couldn’t bring myself to make that lengthy trip without some passengers to share it with.

Although I did give the solo trip some heavy consideration, I just couldn’t do it. Really disappointed about it, honestly.

A true fan would make the "pilgrimage" to Monroeville either in a helicopter (making stops whenever necessary in order to steal fuel), or among a rolling army of marauding bikers.

15-Jun-2018, 11:46 PM
Ehh.....even Flyboy and Blades had traveling companions...

15-Jun-2018, 11:51 PM
Ehh.....even Flyboy and Blades had traveling companions...

Solution: check classifieds for "Marauding Biker Army for Hire"

17-Jun-2018, 01:39 PM
Sad to hear of this. My thoughts to him and his friends.

Moon Knight
26-Jun-2018, 03:15 AM
I must have missed this thread a year ago. This really hit home. RIP, sir.

24-Nov-2018, 09:58 PM
Wow, that's a name I remember well from the time of the old, old (cgi? pearl?) forums. Sorry to hear about this. :(