View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! TWD 7x16 "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life" episode discussion... **SPOILERS*

01-Apr-2017, 10:14 AM
Please keep all talk of episode 7x16 "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life" specifically inside this thread.

If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).

Similarly, if you're going to discuss plot points from the comic book, please use "spoiler tags" - not everyone is up-to-date on them, and some people don't read them at all.


Directed by: Greg Nicotero
Written by: Scott M. Gimple, Angela Kang & Matthew Negrete


Moon Knight
01-Apr-2017, 08:50 PM
Look how much bigger Eugene looks compared to Negan haha.

03-Apr-2017, 02:01 AM
Look how much bigger Eugene looks compared to Negan haha.

I'm 6'0" and he's taller than me. Josh is a large man.

I posted during commercial break. As there are so many it has become nauseating. God damn tension killer.

03-Apr-2017, 11:53 AM
Now we know who was the "little birdie" that informed Negan about what Rick & company were planning: the scumbag Scavengers. Their cowardly & shady behavior should already have sent warning alarms that they should not be trusted.

03-Apr-2017, 02:46 PM
There were some very nice scenes but I don't have much time to dive in. Overall I didn't care for this episode. Too much implausibility. And yes I realize the dead walk in this world. But how far as this world changed that Rick Grimes(not pain free granted) gave the order for Rosita to detonate with Eugene and a possible Sasha present. I expect Wylde to show up here soon.

Moon Knight
03-Apr-2017, 03:34 PM
I'll dive in more later as well. Quickly though, I agree about Rick giving that order. I'll have to watch this again. Wylde can show up but I don't read his stuff anymore. He's on a different level.

03-Apr-2017, 04:12 PM
Too much implausibility.

Like for example: how does Shiva know who are the "bad guys" and who are the "good guys"??? Such concepts would be unknown to a tiger. The Alexandrians and Hilltoppers, most of whom she has had basically no contact with before, would be as much "fair game" as the Saviors and the Scavengers. Yet she only selectively targeted "bad guys".

03-Apr-2017, 04:20 PM
Like for example: how does Shiva know who are the "bad guys" and who are the "good guys"??? Such concepts would be unknown to a tiger. The Alexandrians and Hilltoppers, most of whom she has had basically no contact with before, would be as much "fair game" as the Saviors and the Scavengers. Yet she only selectively targeted "bad guys".

Lol yep. That's one of many. I won't hate on this one too much because it's iconic for comic readers.

03-Apr-2017, 04:25 PM
I enjoyed that! :)

1) Abraham/Sasha flashbacks - good to have some of this, but we really needed this kinda stuff earlier in Season 7 to add more credence to her decisions throughout the season. I do understand having some of this in this episode as it was Sasha's swansong, but we still needed more glimpses behind Abrahama/Sasha's curtains nevertheless.

2) Sasha was a strong character ... interesting way to go out - the negotiation down to "one" death, coming out from the coffin as a walker after taking the pill. It is a bit of an iffy play - a two hour ride, sure, but everyone resurrects in different amounts of time, although it seems relatively swiftly seems to be most common: around a couple of hours. Glad they tracked her down at the end as mid-way through I was like "erm, what about the Sasha walker?". :p

3) SHIVA! FUDGE YEAH! Now that's a sneak attack that works. In 6x16 Morgan's sneak attack made no real sense as you'd have heard the horse clip clopping about on the concrete from a mile away, but Shiva is a predator so they're capable of suddenly pouncing, and everyone else was hidden behind the houses. ONE THING - we'll have to assume Alexandria has a back entrance somewhere we've not been privy to?

4) This one skewed in a few directions I hadn't predicted, so it was an enjoyable watch. Naturally you know full well Michonne wasn't going to be the one who fell from that balcony, but if you were living that situation for real you'd believe it. We the viewer have all kinds of perspective that the characters don't.

5) Finally! The Scavengers are bad guys - now we can kill these buggers off! I never trusted them for one second. Their M.O. came across as very selfish ... they smelled bad (and not just literally, I'd assume! :lol: ) as, clearly, their allegience is bought by whoever the highest bidder is. I can't imagine Oceanside's going to be particularly thrilled. :lol: Figured they were gonna do a double cross as I didn't like them anyway, but especially so when that one with Michonne said the "we win" line with an imaginary mustache twirl. :p

6) Great to see the first battle that leads to the war. Great to see Maggie as a leader (but where the hell was Gregory? Just skulking about in his office after last week's humiliating incident outside Hilltop's gates?). Shiva, again, was awesome. Great to see Morgan and Carol in the fight, and I guess Daryl inherited Hershel's infinite ammo cheat. :D

7) "Trust A Move" made me giggle, as did Jadis propositioning Rick.

8) Negan flipping the bird made me chuckle, too ... but damn, there's some shitty shots in the group. Mind you, Father Gabriel isn't exactly Rambo, is he? Would have been nice to have a shot of Negan and his driver ducking for cover in the truck cab, then him flipping them off once they were far enough away. Perhaps even suggest an added layer of armoured protection at the back of the cab?


TWD 7x16 Memes:


https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sJJ3izGMW6M/WOJypVQmM0I/AAAAAAAAFNk/_MWBOJwidv4xaLuaeUKamuUJkmsAomDEgCLcB/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_7_Meme_Jadis_Lay_With_Rick _Michonne_Ain%2527t_No_Cuck_7x16_DeadShed_Sm.jpg

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7rGSmtKruh8/WOJymjBVBKI/AAAAAAAAFNc/IrTh5ly6EcMYLLvsfjl4riMXRHvdFBNXwCEw/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_7_Meme_Abraham_Sasha_Kick_ Eat_Snakes_Chat_Up_Lines_7x16_DeadShed_Sm.jpg

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8LMXmdhI9Zs/WOJymxRZI0I/AAAAAAAAFNg/NINlwIYoYX84HGKI3yGipDyxb6dnSK7ygCEw/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_7_Meme_Negan_Going_To_War_ Six_Months_7x16_DeadShed.jpg


Moon Knight
03-Apr-2017, 05:45 PM
I know people aren't complaining about Shiva haha it's based on a comic book, I think people sometimes forget that. ;)

- - - Updated - - -

This episode was good overall. I'll chime in more when I can but the one bit I really disliked was all the shooting and no one really getting hit on screen. Rosita is an exception because we now know how they plan to mask her pregnancy come season 8.

I also really wanted to see more of Walker Sasha. Cool moment though, I enjoyed her storyline.

03-Apr-2017, 06:08 PM
When did Eugene find the time to sneak around Savior HQ and bend all the iron sights on their firearms?

Moon Knight
03-Apr-2017, 06:20 PM
When did Eugene find the time to sneak around Savior HQ and bend all the iron sights on their firearms?

Wait, I miss something or you're joking? Because those asshats missed everything haha.

Okay, just watched this episode again. Great finale. The Saviors were on the run at the end because of the save from The Kingdom and The Hilltop. I freaking love King Ezekiel. Seeing a tiger maul someone during the zombie apocalypse can make anyone freak out haha.

Once again my favorite moment was the little things they do. Maggie's speech at the end was a great callback to Glenn and it hit me right in the feels. Nice writing there.

Sasha's story was nice as well and the callback to my man Abraham worked great. I love how this finale was structured. Great selection of music too.

Now I can't wait for season 8.

03-Apr-2017, 11:25 PM
ONE THING - we'll have to assume Alexandria has a back entrance somewhere we've not been privy to?

We saw in a previous episode that there was another entrance through the sewer system below Alexandria, but it's obviously impossible for that whole army of Hilltoppers & Kingdomers, including even horsemen, to have secretly entered Alexandria through there.

Moon Knight
04-Apr-2017, 12:41 AM
We saw in a previous episode that there was another entrance through the sewer system below Alexandria, but it's obviously impossible for that whole army of Hilltoppers & Kingdomers, including even horsemen, to have secretly entered Alexandria through there.

I'm sure they do.

04-Apr-2017, 02:32 AM
I think they missed making an impact with the red shirt deaths. I felt nothing as Rick walked past random Alexandria residents whom I had no idea who they were. We are talking close combat with fully automatic machine guns. This takes me back to why I didn't like Richard and Ben dying in the same episode as the tool to convince Ezekiel to fight. This battle would have more meaning if Ben or Richard maybe throw in Tobin, Tara etc in the death count. The garbage kids may be incompetent but the fact that they all failed to kill an Alexandrian whom they had a gun to their back made for chicken shit writing. Just don't sit well with me.

On to the chess piece. I assume Dwight left it for Daryl. It said "I didn't know". To what is he referring? That Negan was tipped off by garbage kids? I'm not confident on this and I missed Talking Dead.

Moon Knight
04-Apr-2017, 03:55 AM
I think they missed making an impact with the red shirt deaths. I felt nothing as Rick walked past random Alexandria residents whom I had no idea who they were. We are talking close combat with fully automatic machine guns. This takes me back to why I didn't like Richard and Ben dying in the same episode as the tool to convince Ezekiel to fight. This battle would have more meaning if Ben or Richard maybe throw in Tobin, Tara etc in the death count. The garbage kids may be incompetent but the fact that they all failed to kill an Alexandrian whom they had a gun to their back made for chicken shit writing. Just don't sit well with me.

On to the chess piece. I assume Dwight left it for Daryl. It said "I didn't know". To what is he referring? That Negan was tipped off by garbage kids? I'm not confident on this and I missed Talking Dead.

Yeah, that he didn't know about the betrayal.

That was my only gripe. In the book, we had multiple deaths and someone extremely injured. The Saviors didn't even use the grenades. Only scenario I can think of is they are saving that for seasons 8 along with Negan's classic speech.

04-Apr-2017, 09:07 AM
An ok episode, but very, very, predictable.

There were absolutely no surprises there, except for the tiger. But, I knew something was coming and they wouldn't have the balls to kill off Karl.

... and I want to see every one of the garbage pail kids tortured until they learn to speak English properly again.

04-Apr-2017, 10:19 AM
Did anyone else catch the reference to Escape From New York? :)

And only one walker in the entire episode - I didn't even notice until it was pointed out on Talking Dead! :D

Moon Knight
04-Apr-2017, 02:33 PM
Did anyone else catch the reference to Escape From New York? :)

And only one walker in the entire episode - I didn't even notice until it was pointed out on Talking Dead! :D

Nah, what was the reference?

Only one walker haha that's cool. Sasha being that walker makes it even better.

04-Apr-2017, 03:05 PM
Nah, what was the reference?

Negan's machine gun.

04-Apr-2017, 03:22 PM
Negan's machine gun.

Oh shit he did have that suppressed mac 11!!!! Can't go wrong with Snake Plisken.

04-Apr-2017, 03:43 PM
As for shooting accuracy, aside from the moment where you had three automatic weapons blitzing Negan's fleeing truck, it seemed fine to me.

The Saviours and The Scavengers suddenly find themselves on the back foot - Shiva jumps in and tears shit up - while Team Rick are ready to go and react immediately and start blasting. The Saviours and The Scavengers are suddenly being chased by three groups of people, all firing with purpose, so they end up fleeing in a panic - you're not going to be a marksman in that context - the best you'll be hoping for is effective cover while you make good your escape while trying to minimise casualties.

There are several shots where The Hilltoppers and The Kingdomites are pressing forth confidently with a strong, firm line of automatic and pistol weapon fire - meanwhile the baddies are scattered all over the shop, trying to get a handle on the situation and stay alive in the process. A tiger leaps out of your peripheral vision and starts slaughtering people? You'd damn well be in a tizzy with that going on!

Also note that Negan now knows that Maggie is alive: "The widow's alive! Guns-a-blazin'!"

Nah, what was the reference?


Moon Knight
04-Apr-2017, 05:40 PM
wow I didn't even notice Negan's gun lol wtf Snake is my boy too!

As far as my gripe about the gunfire, I was addressing that we saw a lot of shooting and no one getting hit on screen aside from a few red shirts. I'm sure they could've killed someone like Francine or Scott. Not Tobin, though. I like him and hope he gets a bit more material next season. Same thing happneed during he prison attack.

Not really a big deal though. Sasha's story and Maggie's speech was enough for me honestly. The Kingdom was just the icing on the cake. Also Rick echoing back his words to Negan from the season openener was great. This was more comic Rick than anything we've seen all season. Good stuff.

04-Apr-2017, 10:51 PM
I agree. It was a bit off, to say the least, that the rubbish people had every one in point blank sight, down a barrel, and nobody fired?


Moon Knight
04-Apr-2017, 11:57 PM
I agree. It was a bit off, to say the least, that the rubbish people had every one in point blank sight, down a barrel, and nobody fired?


One of my biggest gripes of the show. So much shit going on and no one dies. It's not like that in the book. The only thing I fear about the upcoming war in season 8. Gotta have more than one casualty in war; one that matters of course.

05-Apr-2017, 02:03 AM
Another thing: doesn't anybody else find it a bit unsettling that Rick & company were preparing this massive attack against the Saviors without any regard for Eugene's safety? Keep in mind that until the Saviors showed up at Alexandria's gate in this episode no one knew what exactly was happening with Eugene and the Saviors. As far as everyone outside of the Savior compound was concerned, Eugene was a hostage, just like Daryl was. The Alexandrians stayed in line and did not provoke the Saviors as long as Daryl was being kept captive. Why didn't they do the same in Eugene's case?

05-Apr-2017, 03:01 AM
Another thing: doesn't anybody else find it a bit unsettling that Rick & company were preparing this massive attack against the Saviors without any regard for Eugene's safety? Keep in mind that until the Saviors showed up at Alexandria's gate in this episode no one knew what exactly was happening with Eugene and the Saviors. As far as everyone outside of the Savior compound was concerned, Eugene was a hostage, just like Daryl was. The Alexandrians stayed in line and did not provoke the Saviors as long as Daryl was being kept captive. Why didn't they do the same in Eugene's case?

Why? Because no one really cared about that RETARD. They knew he would never physically fight back for anyone, they knew he had to be sacrificed for the greater good of the group. Come on, you really think Rick thought of Eugene as a great loss??? Haha no way

05-Apr-2017, 03:50 AM
Another thing: doesn't anybody else find it a bit unsettling that Rick & company were preparing this massive attack against the Saviors without any regard for Eugene's safety? Keep in mind that until the Saviors showed up at Alexandria's gate in this episode no one knew what exactly was happening with Eugene and the Saviors. As far as everyone outside of the Savior compound was concerned, Eugene was a hostage, just like Daryl was. The Alexandrians stayed in line and did not provoke the Saviors as long as Daryl was being kept captive. Why didn't they do the same in Eugene's case?

I believe the contrast comes that at one point Rick and family were submissive and not ready to fight and at the other end they were. There was pain/sadness in Ricks face when he gave the order to Rosita. I know Rick respects Eugene as he told him he does. As soon as TF decided to fight it became an all in affair. There was no half in the fight and there will never be a point to call time out or call a truce. This is total victory or total loss when dealing with Negan and his Saviours. If Rick takes Negan at his word then he at minimum has to choose a Lucille victim. But even that is a mute point as they have already chosen to fight. This was one of those horrible decisions a leader has to make. Its not easy. Its down right painful but defeating the Saviors was the decision that ruled the day. For the record I like Eugene but I would have ordered the detonation.

Also I believe I saw a John Wick reference. Done a little sloppy in this show but none the less I feel the inspiration came from Wick.

- - - Updated - - -

Why? Because no one really cared about that RETARD. They knew he would never physically fight back for anyone, they knew he had to be sacrificed for the greater good of the group. Come on, you really think Rick thought of Eugene as a great loss??? Haha no way

Eugene survives different than the rest. He did fight in ASZ when the walls were breached by a horde of Walkers. And then there was the time he manned up and drove the RV as a diversion earning the respect of 2 of the top badass characters in Rick and Abe. I believe at that moment Eugene and the others believed there was a high probability of him not surviving the rv trip.

05-Apr-2017, 04:35 AM
Why? Because no one really cared about that RETARD. They knew he would never physically fight back for anyone, they knew he had to be sacrificed for the greater good of the group. Come on, you really think Rick thought of Eugene as a great loss??? Haha no way

I beg to differ. Rick knows that Eugene is a valuable member of the group in his own way. He is not much of a fighter, Eugene himself admits he is a coward, but he makes up for it as a handyman. He is good at fixing and improvising things. Negan has also seen Eugene's value, that's why he "stole" him from the Alexandrians in the first place.

- - - Updated - - -

I believe the contrast comes that at one point Rick and family were submissive and not ready to fight and at the other end they were. There was pain/sadness in Ricks face when he gave the order to Rosita. I know Rick respects Eugene as he told him he does. As soon as TF decided to fight it became an all in affair. There was no half in the fight and there will never be a point to call time out or call a truce. This is total victory or total loss when dealing with Negan and his Saviours. If Rick takes Negan at his word then he at minimum has to choose a Lucille victim. But even that is a mute point as they have already chosen to fight. This was one of those horrible decisions a leader has to make. Its not easy. Its down right painful but defeating the Saviors was the decision that ruled the day. For the record I like Eugene but I would have ordered the detonation.

I would have expected Rick or any of the other Alexandrians to at least have brought up the issue of Eugene's safety first before launching a massive attack against the Saviors, but strangely enough it seems like no one even thought about it. When Glenn and Maggie were captured by the Governor and his people they did not openly go to war with Woodbury but first went on a rescue mission, and then, after having recovered them, went into an open war with the Governor. The obvious reason for this plan is because if your enemy has made hostages of some of your people you run the risk of them being executed or used as human shields if you try anything funny. Really, if I was Eugene and I became aware of this I would have found this deeply disturbing and would have no regrets now about having become part of team Negan.

05-Apr-2017, 07:49 AM
One of my biggest gripes of the show. So much shit going on and no one dies. It's not like that in the book. The only thing I fear about the upcoming war in season 8. Gotta have more than one casualty in war; one that matters of course.

A whole bunch of Scavengers and Saviours bit the dust - sure, red shirts (in one case literally, for a random Alexandrian - he's wearing a red shirt, quite deliberately no doubt), but it's not like nobody died in that skirmish.

You've got to give enough time to main/supporting character deaths so you don't swallow them up/distract from them. You could argue that T-Dog's death is ultimately overshadowed by the death of Lori in 3x04 ... although I thought that episode was pretty damn rad and I didn't see the second death coming at all when I first watched it.

Sasha had been around since 3x08 - so we lost a long-time cast member this episode and it was right to focus on her story and demise in this episode. Throw in some red shirts (red shirts to us, but to the characters on the show they wouldn't be as dispensible).

Big up for Tobin, too - I like that character and hope to see more of him. :)

05-Apr-2017, 10:42 AM
When did Eugene find the time to sneak around Savior HQ and bend all the iron sights on their firearms?


I thought I was watching an episode of the A-Team given all the pi$$ poor shooting. And a bullet proof super intelligent tiger who knows exactly who is good/bad is always handy to have.

I must admit I've found this season to be a tad mediocre all too often...

05-Apr-2017, 03:55 PM
I'm not entirely seeing the gripe with the gun accuracy during the climactic fight - we lost a major character on the show in this episode, so you don't want to rob that death of its power and toss it away. Toss in too many deaths and it becomes a factory of throwaway kills. A bunch of Scavengers and Saviours got gunned down, Michonne was severely beaten during her fight, and a couple of Alexandrians got wounded (in addition to the odd (literal in one case) red shirt or two from Alexandria).

Also, as I said before, Team Rick (with the surprise help of The Hilltop and The Kingdom) had the Saviours and the Scavengers totally on the back foot. All they could do was lay down cover fire for their frantic escape. Not the circumstances for crack shots, really, is it?


The season overall? It's certainly been quite messy and up-and-down. There's been some fantastic episodes and some all-time greats (7x01 is one of the very best episodes of the show ever, and 7x13 - Bury Me Here - was the second-best of the entire season) ... but there's also been some sore low points (7x06 - Oceanside - being the main one, and 7x10 - the introduction of The Scavengers - the other as a close second on those stakes). There's been a few episodes affected by scrappy plotting, or certain subplots not playing out in a particularly joined-up manner (as if the writers weren't talking to each other effectively enough to make everything link up correctly across the entire season), or character motivations/decisions feeling unclear/unconvincing at times.

There's lessons to be learned from Season 7, and the team have learned from past mistakes before, so I'm hopeful for Season 8 - but they absolutely do need to get their heads down and tidy up the mistakes they've made with this season and consolidate the successes they've achieved with this season as well.

05-Apr-2017, 04:30 PM
I'm not entirely seeing the gripe with the gun accuracy during the climactic fight - we lost a major character on the show in this episode, so you don't want to rob that death of its power and toss it away. Toss in too many deaths and it becomes a factory of throwaway kills. A bunch of Scavengers and Saviours got gunned down, Michonne was severely beaten during her fight, and a couple of Alexandrians got wounded (in addition to the odd (literal in one case) red shirt or two from Alexandria).

Also, as I said before, Team Rick (with the surprise help of The Hilltop and The Kingdom) had the Saviours and the Scavengers totally on the back foot. All they could do was lay down cover fire for their frantic escape. Not the circumstances for crack shots, really, is it?


The season overall? It's certainly been quite messy and up-and-down. There's been some fantastic episodes and some all-time greats (7x01 is one of the very best episodes of the show ever, and 7x13 - Bury Me Here - was the second-best of the entire season) ... but there's also been some sore low points (7x06 - Oceanside - being the main one, and 7x10 - the introduction of The Scavengers - the other as a close second on those stakes). There's been a few episodes affected by scrappy plotting, or certain subplots not playing out in a particularly joined-up manner (as if the writers weren't talking to each other effectively enough to make everything link up correctly across the entire season), or character motivations/decisions feeling unclear/unconvincing at times.

There's lessons to be learned from Season 7, and the team have learned from past mistakes before, so I'm hopeful for Season 8 - but they absolutely do need to get their heads down and tidy up the mistakes they've made with this season and consolidate the successes they've achieved with this season as well.

Either the Saviors are a competent or formidable opponent or they are not. I was terrified of them 6-16. Organized, crafty and battle ready. But now they are just back ground fodder. But the biggest gripe people have is the garbage folks have TF at such a disadvantage and only Rosita gets winged? A couple pounds of pressure on a trigger and there should have been some serious casualties. It's not realistic at all. Carl's John wick move was nice and I'd agree he caught two right off the bat.

I understand what you are saying about losing impact of Sasha's death. You are right it would. That's 3 A list cast members in 1 season. But the Alexandrians and GPK had no cover when gun fire erupted. At the close ranges you are talking a bloodbath. Years into the ZA a person doesn't have to be a marksman in that scenario to be effective. I don't think it's even lazy writing. I think TPTB don't have an expert on weapons handling and gun fighting to advise them. And if they do the person is incompetent or the director ignores him. I can even forgive them having everyone firing full auto because it makes for cooler tv. But without ammo strapped to your person that's a dangerous way to spend bullets. But like I said that one slides for me.

06-Apr-2017, 12:11 PM
Got to admit the poor shooting did bother me a bit perhaps because of my military experience, in the British army we are always told about conserving ammo, deliberate rates of fire and aimed shots. We only fire on full auto in the close quarters phase of a section attack or with support weapons, and to be fair it doesn't even take a massive amount of practice to become competent at hitting targets. Still love the show but things like that do detract from it a bit, kind of like Hershel's unlimited ammo shotgun in the season 2 finale. Also Rick was shot through the abdomen by the chief scavenger, but it barely seemed to bother him and it would appear there was no internal injuries from it!

06-Apr-2017, 04:36 PM
Of course, if things were done on screen as they would be done in real life it'd look a bit dull.

Now, something like John Wick makes pretty efficient use of ammunition look exciting because of all the intricate and over-the-top 'gun-fu' choreography. However, the gleeful abandon would be lost in 7x16's finale without the full auto fire. It's kind of like how in Fast & Furious 5 the director told his stunt drivers to make the cars skid as they were doing that segment where they all try to get around a mocked up garage to avoid being spotted on the security cameras. In reality it's much faster to do it without all the tail out skiddy stuff, but on camera it looks ruddy boring and without the in-person thrill of it you absolutely need to up the ante to inspire a thrill in your viewers, who are all sat on their arses at home. :D

06-Apr-2017, 06:42 PM
I think our Alexandrian friends need to find some kind of military weapons dump and get themselves a .50 cal HMG in the new series, look at the quick job John Rambo made of the Burmese army with one! :p :evil:

Moon Knight
06-Apr-2017, 08:46 PM
"You smell that Simon, that's the smell of shit!"

Negan had some great lines in this one haha.

Rick and Rosita were the only survivors to take bullets. I don't count the red shirts. ;)

Aside from FTWD jacking the famous Holly comic scene causing Sasha's death to feel a bit flat, I really did love everything in this episode.

16-Apr-2017, 10:23 PM
On to the chess piece. I assume Dwight left it for Daryl. It said "I didn't know". To what is he referring? That Negan was tipped off by garbage kids? I'm not confident on this and I missed Talking Dead.

I today rewatched the episode where Daryl first met Dwight before we knew who he was. Daryl stole the same chess piece from him in this episode as revenge for him stealing his crossbow. Dwight explained that his grandfather had taught him how to carve.

So subtle I doubt anybody caught it!!!

17-Apr-2017, 12:54 AM
I today rewatched the episode where Daryl first met Dwight before we knew who he was. Daryl stole the same chess piece from him in this episode as revenge for him stealing his crossbow. Dwight explained that his grandfather had taught him how to carve.

So subtle I doubt anybody caught it!!!

What I think will probably never be explained is why Dwight and his wife absurdly went back to the Saviors when they could easily have gone anywhere out of Negan's reach, including taking Daryl's generous offer for them to come to Alexandria with him (at that time the Saviors didn't even know about the existence of Alexandria, so it was a safe haven from them.) Without any logical explanation given for such a strange decision (Dwight knew well about the severe punishment that Negan would give him if he came back after deserting), it makes these two characters look basically like clueless individuals who are quite incapable of reaching the best decisions even when it comes to their very own lives.

17-Apr-2017, 07:30 AM
What I think will probably never be explained is why Dwight and his wife absurdly went back to the Saviors when they could easily have gone anywhere out of Negan's reach, including taking Daryl's generous offer for them to come to Alexandria with him (at that time the Saviors didn't even know about the existence of Alexandria, so it was a safe haven from them.) Without any logical explanation given for such a strange decision (Dwight knew well about the severe punishment that Negan would give him if he came back after deserting), it makes these two characters look basically like clueless individuals who are quite incapable of reaching the best decisions even when it comes to their very own lives.

As you say a crazy decision, especially as at that point Dwight seemed to be quite grounded.

I think the rational is that he felt the best way to make sure his white lived was to take a knee again. As we know his sister in law bit the dust days after escaping the sanctuary, we have to assume it made him realise he couldn't keep Sherry safe alone.

Maybe he didn't rate Daryl, based upon the fact he stole his crossbow, not once but twice. He probably didn't see, Daryl and his group as safe from Negan

17-Apr-2017, 08:37 AM
As you say a crazy decision, especially as at that point Dwight seemed to be quite grounded.

I think the rational is that he felt the best way to make sure his white lived was to take a knee again. As we know his sister in law bit the dust days after escaping the sanctuary, we have to assume it made him realise he couldn't keep Sherry safe alone.

Maybe he didn't rate Daryl, based upon the fact he stole his crossbow, not once but twice. He probably didn't see, Daryl and his group as safe from Negan

I have a lot of problems believing the explanation about Dwight either not trusting or not considering Daryl a worthy ally. In fact, if it wasn't for Daryl all of them would have been either dead or captured by the Saviors. Their best bet at that point was to take Daryl's offer and go back to Alexandria with him. It sure beats the heck of having to humiliatingly surrender your wife to your "boss" and then on top of that have half of your face burnt with a hot iron!

Moon Knight
17-Apr-2017, 05:51 PM
I like how they keep using the little carved soldiers to keep connecting Daryl and Dwight.