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01-May-2017, 09:38 PM
Anyone else like this music video with the dancing zombies? I thought it was awesome and it's probably my all-time favorite song. :D

02-May-2017, 03:40 AM
Anyone else like this music video with the dancing zombies? I thought it was awesome and it's probably my all-time favorite song. :D

Plus the look of the zombies in it inspired the look of the zombies in Day of the Dead.

02-May-2017, 08:01 AM
Vincent Price... Enough said :)

02-May-2017, 01:22 PM
I also think the part where the girl runs into the abandoned house surrounded by zombies was a reference to Barbara in Night of the Living Dead.

When you're in a horror movie you make poor choices. It's what you do. :D

02-May-2017, 06:23 PM
I also think the part where the girl runs into the abandoned house surrounded by zombies was a reference to Barbara in Night of the Living Dead.

When you're in a horror movie you make poor choices. It's what you do. :D

The scene where she is standing with her back against the window and the zombies start breaking through it and trying to grab her seems lifted straight out of Hell of the Living Dead.

02-May-2017, 11:07 PM
Didn't that movie rip off Night of the Living Dead (among other movies)? Barbara and Helen were having to fight off zombies breaking through the boarded up windows too.

02-May-2017, 11:47 PM
Didn't that movie rip off Night of the Living Dead (among other movies)? Barbara and Helen were having to fight off zombies breaking through the boarded up windows too.

They were breaking through the door and the two women were trying to block it. They were also facing the incoming zombies and they were not caught by surprise. In Hell Lia is alone in that room, with her back against one of the windows and doesn't know what to do next with all the zombies surrounding the house, then they break the window and grab her by surprise. That scene in Jackson's video seems copied from this movie.

02-May-2017, 11:57 PM
They were breaking through the door and the two women were trying to block it. They were also facing the incoming zombies and they were not caught by surprise. In Hell Lia is alone in that room, with her back against one of the windows and doesn't know what to do next with all the zombies surrounding the house, then they break the window and grab her by surprise. That scene in Jackson's video seems copied from this movie.

Well Hell of the Living Dead obviously copied that scene from Night of the Living Dead and if you think you can convince me otherwise I will have you smacked with one hundred wet noodles (or not).

03-May-2017, 03:34 AM
Well Hell of the Living Dead obviously copied that scene from Night of the Living Dead and if you think you can convince me otherwise I will have you smacked with one hundred wet noodles (or not).

I just described both scenes. They are not the same. Hell copied that whole scene about the doctor explaining that cadavers are coming back to life from Night, even the line of dialogue is exactly the same, but that is a different part of the movie. Bring on the noodles!

03-May-2017, 04:43 AM
I just described both scenes. They are not the same. Hell copied that whole scene about the doctor explaining that cadavers are coming back to life from Night, even the line of dialogue is exactly the same, but that is a different part of the movie. Bring on the noodles!

And they copied the characters of the bickering married couple with the infected zombie kid. Whooooops!!!11!!1! :fin:

Moon Knight
03-May-2017, 04:55 AM
C'mon, Thriller is a classic. :)

Rick Baker, man.

03-May-2017, 05:06 AM
C'mon, Thriller is a classic. :)

Rick Baker, man.

And it's kinda like a mini movie and not just your typical music video. :)

03-May-2017, 09:06 PM
The combination of Jackson and Landis seems so strange if you think about it, yet they made a classic with this video.

Unfortunately, Scorcese later teamed up with Jackson for "Bad", with very different results...

22-May-2017, 02:03 PM
Anyone else like this music video with the dancing zombies? I thought it was awesome and it's probably my all-time favorite song. :D

I always include thriller on my list of favorite zombie movies. Can't go wrong with zombies and Jackson, also the werewolf was pretty cool. Just one of those unique things that come around once and nobody even dares to copy.

23-May-2017, 12:12 AM
I always include thriller on my list of favorite zombie movies. Can't go wrong with zombies and Jackson, also the werewolf was pretty cool. Just one of those unique things that come around once and nobody even dares to copy.

Yeah I agree. It's because of this awesome music video that I can actually overlook the fact that Michael Jackson may have been a pedophile.

25-May-2017, 06:33 PM
My biggest problem with Thriller was non-Horror related. One was that John Landis tried to get his music video listed as a short subject so it would get considered for an Oscar. My objection at that time was it would have made it harder for lower budgeted productions to compete. I think there were a few other things I had issue with, but ... I forget. And since the video was an homage(not rip off)to Horror, we're going to reference a lot of cool stuff. Still, like Neil said: Vincent Price. So it's all good. ;)

12-Jun-2017, 05:36 PM
I thought the funniest part of the video was when M.J. and his girlfriend were walking through the ghetto late at night after she made it obvious that the werewolf movie scared her and he's singing to her about ghouls and demons coming out to get her... and this seems to be cheering her up! XD

darth los
17-Jul-2017, 11:42 PM
I always include thriller on my list of favorite zombie movies. Can't go wrong with zombies and Jackson, also the werewolf was pretty cool. Just one of those unique things that come around once and nobody even dares to copy.

I thought it was more like a were-cat or something.


18-Jul-2017, 02:31 AM
Remember when India made a rip-off of Thriller? (Or some other Asian country around that area) Pretty sure it was India though. A thing called "Golimar" or some such, which people put fake English subtitles to for humorous effect. Might have been taken down, but it was one of the first funny things on Youtube I saw, back around 06-07. So yeah, it has had imitators, but none have been able to surpass it.

18-Jul-2017, 12:50 PM
Remember when India made a rip-off of Thriller? (Or some other Asian country around that area) Pretty sure it was India though. A thing called "Golimar" or some such, which people put fake English subtitles to for humorous effect. Might have been taken down, but it was one of the first funny things on Youtube I saw, back around 06-07. So yeah, it has had imitators, but none have been able to surpass it.