View Full Version : Mr Mercedes (TV Series) - Stephen King

09-Aug-2017, 08:00 PM
Based on the book, this TV series could be interesting... I've just finished the book and the first half is very very good. The second half is very good.

Note: Interesting they had to double the victims from 8 to 16 from the book!?


05-Sep-2017, 11:16 AM
Finished the trilogy of books. All very good, the first two in particular. I'd say the ending (of the final book) let's it down a little, but then it wouldn't be a Stephen King novel then would it :)

07-Sep-2017, 08:52 AM
Have you been watching the show? I haven't heard a peep about it.

I've got them all there waiting to be watched. But, I haven't found the time yet. Haven't even got around to looking at the last 'Game of Thrones', 'Better Call Saul' or 'Fargo'.

11-Jan-2021, 08:11 AM
Well four episodes in and enjoying it so far...

11-Jan-2021, 08:30 AM
First series is great. Second series is the worst case of a show diving off of a cliff I can think of. Terrible rubbish altogether.

My advice...watch the first series and then leave it at that.

14-Jan-2021, 02:46 PM
First series is great. Second series is the worst case of a show diving off of a cliff I can think of. Terrible rubbish altogether.

My advice...watch the first series and then leave it at that.

Thanks! I'll watch the first couple of episodes of the second series just to see if it's not to my taste then.

And series 3?

14-Jan-2021, 11:22 PM
Never bothered with it Neil, so I can't say. i might give it a spin at some point purely because of Gleeson who's great in the role, but TBH, I have so much on my To Do list that I can't see myself bothering any time soon.

I still haven't managed to get around to settling down to the latest series of 'The Expanse' and that's actually something that I WANT to watch. Which, BTW, has the Shootemindehead seal of absolute approval and that's hard to come by. It's an absolutely excellent show.