View Full Version : OK, NOW I've heard it all!!!!

25-Jul-2006, 12:16 PM
Was channel flipping last night while commercials were interrupting my local news programs (I got rid of cable because it p*ssed me off so I'm stuck with local crap) - For SOME unknown, insane reason I stopped on a program called Inside Edition - it's one of those "Supermarket-Rag-Mag-Gossip Shows" that gives me the hives. Anyhooooo, there was a "BREAKTHROUGH Feature" about an operation procedure women are going through to "REVIRGINIZE" themselves.

"Wha wha what!!!???", I screamed hysterically, looking around madly for my straight-jacket.

In the report women are heard telling some talking head that "I did it for my husband for Valentines' Day" or "He's such a wonderful man, I thought this would be the perfect Fathers Day gift".
One woman even said "Women often hope they'd lost their virginity to the man they married; what a perfect wat to FEEL LIKE WE'RE DOING IT FOR THE FIRST TIME" - This last, rediculous remark was made by a woman that's already squeezed out 6 kids - I doub't the "Magic" of "First Contact" will be there.
Now, I watched the entire article but never understood exactly how this "REVIRGINIZATION" procedure is actually done - I'd think some sort of Time Travel would be involved.
Whatever they do, it costs $5,000, is a very painful recovery and is over after the "Re-De-flowering".

Please, someone pass me a bowl of Xanax, an IV of Morphine, a few LSD25 tainted sugarcubes, a 5lb brick of Tibetan Finger Hash and a tall glass of Vodka - Some humans make my head whacky.:confused:

25-Jul-2006, 12:21 PM


Everyday there are people dying from countless diseases.....but that's okay, we've found a way re-pop the cherry:rolleyes:

What's the world coming to?....

25-Jul-2006, 12:33 PM
You guys act like this is a bad thing. :rolleyes:

Re virginized WOMEN.... Where the hell do I get in line to start poppin' cherries? :D

25-Jul-2006, 12:41 PM
You guys act like this is a bad thing. :rolleyes:

Re virginized WOMEN.... Where the hell do I get in line to start poppin' cherries? :D
I wouldn't say it's "Bad" - I'd say it's INSANE!!!!
I mean, really.....they can't become "virgins" again. From what I understood from the article "The procedure re-tightens the vaginal canal" - Hell, grab a box of alum and coat that kitty with a generous ammount, girls!!! Save your $5,000!!!:D :D :D

25-Jul-2006, 12:59 PM
Next thing you know, they'll be a procedure to de-circumcise or something.

Something about this feels really f*cked up to me. I agree with DJ's comment.....It could be a good thing. But still, man.....wtf?

Oh well.....it's probably a marketing ploy to sell more white bridal dresses...

25-Jul-2006, 02:17 PM
Next thing you know, they'll be a procedure to de-circumcise or something.

It's possible. It requires stretching the existing foreskin out and...

Here, read this:


25-Jul-2006, 02:23 PM
It's possible. It requires stretching the existing foreskin out and...

Here, read this:


Dude....you've crossed the line and there's no way in hell that I'm going to click on that link. That one sentence that you gave was already too much information.


25-Jul-2006, 04:20 PM
Old news. Get off line sometime, Adreno, and get out in the world and you'd have known of this years ago... :bored:

25-Jul-2006, 04:21 PM
Old news. Get off line sometime, Adreno, and get out in the world and you'd have known of this years ago... :bored:
Big talk from the pizza boy. LOL
Go play, kid. You're silliness bores me.

silly silly Janny-Poo

25-Jul-2006, 04:32 PM
Old news. Get off line sometime, Adreno, and get out in the world and you'd have known of this years ago... :bored:

Well I didn't know....so it wasn't a complete waste....

But I guess if you already know...that means everyone else should automatically know:rockbrow:

25-Jul-2006, 04:42 PM
I didn't know about this either... So to me this was great news. More virgins for everyone. :D Even if they were slightly used before! :lol:

My day was excitedly better when Adreno posted this news.

25-Jul-2006, 04:56 PM
*only in America!* :lol:

Man alive that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard ... hey, how about that thar edu-ma-cashun stuff I've heard about, like TEACH all the little girls to not fall for cheeseball lines from Mr Blue Balls at Wendy's super-cool party in the hamptons, daft tossers, ha!

You can stick a wig and a dress on a cow and think you're f*cking a heavyset girl, but you're still just a sad loser in a field with his pants down. :p

25-Jul-2006, 04:59 PM
In the report women are heard telling some talking head that "I did it for my husband for Valentines' Day" or "He's such a wonderful man, I thought this would be the perfect Fathers Day gift".
One woman even said "Women often hope they'd lost their virginity to the man they married; what a perfect wat to FEEL LIKE WE'RE DOING IT FOR THE FIRST TIME"

This is the most retarded thing I've heard...gee, all morning. Way to go, women! Way to tell the world you're not just a f*cktoy! I'd be re-thinking my relationship the moment I though that reviginizing myself would be the "perfect gift" for my partner. :rolleyes:

25-Jul-2006, 09:25 PM
This is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of. I can think of a 100 ways better than this to spend 5G, involving no pain, and still have great sex. Some people just have way to much money.

25-Jul-2006, 09:33 PM
Was channel flipping last night while commercials were interrupting my local news programs (I got rid of cable because it p*ssed me off so I'm stuck with local crap) - For SOME unknown, insane reason I stopped on a program called Inside Edition - it's one of those "Supermarket-Rag-Mag-Gossip Shows" that gives me the hives. Anyhooooo, there was a "BREAKTHROUGH Feature" about an operation procedure women are going through to "REVIRGINIZE" themselves.

"Wha wha what!!!???", I screamed hysterically, looking around madly for my straight-jacket.

In the report women are heard telling some talking head that "I did it for my husband for Valentines' Day" or "He's such a wonderful man, I thought this would be the perfect Fathers Day gift".
One woman even said "Women often hope they'd lost their virginity to the man they married; what a perfect wat to FEEL LIKE WE'RE DOING IT FOR THE FIRST TIME" - This last, rediculous remark was made by a woman that's already squeezed out 6 kids - I doubt the "Magic" of "First Contact" will be there.
Now, I watched the entire article but never understood exactly how this "REVIRGINIZATION" procedure is actually done - I'd think some sort of Time Travel would be involved.
Whatever they do, it costs $5,000, is a very painful recovery and is over after the "Re-De-flowering".

Please, someone pass me a bowl of Xanax, an IV of Morphine, a few LSD25 tainted sugarcubes, a 5lb brick of Tibetan Finger Hash and a tall glass of Vodka - Some humans make my head whacky.:confused:

Well I would see why a gal would want to tighten it up after popping out a bunch of kids but why in gods earth does anyone want to go threw the first time again? Generally the first time is not all that pleasant to begin with. I am dumbfounded

This is the most retarded thing I've heard...gee, all morning. Way to go, women! Way to tell the world you're not just a f*cktoy! I'd be re-thinking my relationship the moment I though that reviginizing myself would be the "perfect gift" for my partner. :rolleyes:

if anyone has a link to a story on this send it to me i am courious!

25-Jul-2006, 10:20 PM
its people like this that should go **** themselves with a plasma flat screen.....after the revirginisation :rolleyes: , its so friggin dumb and i cant believe how people lap stuff like this up.

that said people digged scientology and oxygen bars. once again only in america, which is kinda the yin to japans yang in wierd-shiat terms.:)

25-Jul-2006, 11:40 PM
Women don't really have to do this at all ,there is a little exercise called a kegel that will tighten everything up. Do about 100 a night and you will be back in shape in no time. You squeeze your lower muscles inside and hold them, no need for the knfe or pain at all. Girls if you would like to know if you are doing it right during sex contract your muscles and if your guy gives a reaction you've done them right. :D

25-Jul-2006, 11:47 PM
Women don't really have to do this at all ,there is a little exercise called a kegel that will tighten everything up. Do about 100 a night and you will be back in shape in no time. You squeeze your lower muscles inside and hold them, no need for the knfe or pain at all. Girls if you would like to know if you are doing it right during sex contract your muscles and if your guy gives a reaction you've done them right. :D

I've had chicks do that to me. Quite the surprise. Also now makes me think a bit...... :rockbrow:

26-Jul-2006, 12:26 AM
my friend had an idea years ago for
"virgin again" condoms
they were condoms with sandpaper on
the outside
so "she'll bleed like it was her first time"
i thought it was a pretty good idea at the time

26-Jul-2006, 12:38 AM
my friend had an idea years ago for
"virgin again" condoms
they were condoms with sandpaper on
the outside
so "she'll bleed like it was her first time"
i thought it was a pretty good idea at the time

That's just.......sick.

26-Jul-2006, 12:47 AM
I'll tell my ex-wife being the who*e that she is.

26-Jul-2006, 04:08 AM
I'll tell my ex-wife being the who*e that she is.


26-Jul-2006, 10:57 AM
That's just.......sick.

but funny!....:lol:

His friend had to be messed up when they thought of it. A sober person would never think up something like that.

28-Jul-2006, 04:31 AM
Now, I watched the entire article but never understood exactly how this "REVIRGINIZATION" procedure is actually done :

Epoxy? A little spackle, perhaps? [shudder] Make me even happier that I'm married. :)

28-Jul-2006, 11:15 AM
Epoxy? A little spackle, perhaps? [shudder] Make me even happier that I'm married. :)
ya, I was thinking maybe Duct Tape and Tub Caulking...:D

28-Jul-2006, 11:22 AM
and a hot glue gun and papier mache'.

"well billy whats your science project?....":lol:

28-Jul-2006, 11:40 AM
"well billy whats your science project?....":lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now that's funny.

However, could you imagine your wife coming home and telling you she was re-virginized at the Dr's office today. What would you think if she sprung that on you?

Would you be in shock?
Ask her WTF are you babbling about?
Or dive right in and pop that cherry?

Since I am the sick f*ck of the board I will will go with option #4 :D