View Full Version : Living Dead Weekend Monroeville 2018

01-Feb-2018, 02:44 AM

I'm taking my daughter to this one. We have VIP tickets, and a behind the scenes tour Friday night. First convention appearance by Richard France btw. They update their facebook page quicker than their web page, but Greg Nicotero will be there too.

01-Feb-2018, 04:30 PM
The Monroeville Mall should have prohibited any further messing with the original configuration of its stores and declared them to be "landmarks". They should specially never have allowed the locale where the Penneys department store was to be torn down and turned into a movie theater :mad:

01-Feb-2018, 07:16 PM

I'm taking my daughter to this one. We have VIP tickets, and a behind the scenes tour Friday night. First convention appearance by Richard France btw. They update their facebook page quicker than their web page, but Greg Nicotero will be there too.

All the VIP tickets are gone already :(

11-Feb-2018, 06:40 AM
They may open up a few more VIP tickets. Keep your eyes open!

25-Mar-2018, 08:37 PM
i'll be there as well. May have the whole family but not sure. Its going to be a blast!

26-Mar-2018, 07:30 PM
Wish I’d heard about this sooner, I would’ve been all over those vip tickets. I’d totally be up for the road trip to PA. Fingers crossed they’ll put up some more!

01-Apr-2018, 06:11 AM
So there have been some discussions behind the scenes between long-time and regular members here regarding possibly setting up a meeting between fans here from HPotD, amongst other possibilities. Just as a very early preliminary question: How many members would be open to or interested in participating in a meet up for this event. Prior, during, after, maybe even road trips or extra activities involving all our long time buddies here at HPotD.

Just kinda testing the waters. Who might be interested?

01-Apr-2018, 07:41 PM
So there have been some discussions behind the scenes between long-time and regular members here regarding possibly setting up a meeting between fans here from HPotD, amongst other possibilities. Just as a very early preliminary question: How many members would be open to or interested in participating in a meet up for this event. Prior, during, after, maybe even road trips or extra activities involving all our long time buddies here at HPotD.

Just kinda testing the waters. Who might be interested?

Let's do it. I mean how often are we all going to get the chance to actually meet in person at an event like this.

03-Apr-2018, 04:08 AM
Let's do it. I mean how often are we all going to get the chance to actually meet in person at an event like this.

Exactly! Looks like you’re in PA, so you have easy access. Right now we’re trying to figure out how to get some of the more globally fans over here. I’m offering airport pickup and travel! Really looking forward to it! I hope it happens

03-Apr-2018, 07:06 PM
I'd be glad to meet up with folks. We're booked for the Friday night tour, and we are going to the VIP mixer. I could catch up with you guys anytime before or after those events.

04-Apr-2018, 10:04 AM
I'd be glad to meet up with folks. We're booked for the Friday night tour, and we are going to the VIP mixer. I could catch up with you guys anytime before or after those events.

Sweet! Seeing as we’re kinda late getting this HPotD gathering together, most of us won’t have vip tickets, so we’ll just have to go get drunk and wander the parking lots. Seems fitting though, doesn’t it?? lol

05-Apr-2018, 06:01 AM
I am thinking about bringing a projector and portable blu-ray player. We could schedule a late night unauthorized showing of any version of Dawn we would like to show. I am thinking maybe after Friday night's tour.

05-Apr-2018, 12:32 PM
I am thinking about bringing a projector and portable blu-ray player. We could schedule a late night unauthorized showing of any version of Dawn we would like to show. I am thinking maybe after Friday night's tour.

I have no idea how all the rights stuff works, but being that this is an official convention, wouldn’t it be risky to do an unauthorized screening?

05-Apr-2018, 10:29 PM
Yeah, I was thinking of a screening in one of our rooms... not in one of the convention rooms.

06-Apr-2018, 10:43 AM
Yeah, I was thinking of a screening in one of our rooms... not in one of the convention rooms.

Oh.....well in that case, heck yeah! :lol:

11-Apr-2018, 11:04 PM
i've been on here since 1998 and i'd love to meet up with some old heads and kick back some Iron City's in Monroeville

16-Apr-2018, 02:03 AM
damn, i've been waiting for years to make the pilgrimage and finally planned it for this year..in may, like 2 weeks before this goes down. there's not enough sad face emoji's on the internet to describe how bummed i am right now.

the purpose of our trip is to visit PNC park (trying to see all MLB parks in my lifetime, kind of my thing) and see the monroeville mall and evans city cemetery. i really should get on this site more often, might have planned things a bit differently if i had known about this.

edit: the wife and i already have booked hotels and purchased tickets for a couple of pittsburgh pirates games in may (they are out of town the weekend of this convention), as well as requested time off from our respective jobs. it's also about 8 hours from home so there's really no way i can make 2 trips like that 2 weeks apart. otherwise i'd be all over this event like a cheap suit.

12-Jun-2018, 02:38 PM

My daughter took a selfie with flyboy while we were waiting for the Behind the Scenes tour of the mall. In the background is the motorcycle entrance.

12-Jun-2018, 04:16 PM
What was the con like, Kaos? It would have been awesome to be there, but financially speaking it just wasn't a goer for me all the way over here on the other side of the pond.

12-Jun-2018, 04:52 PM
yeah, i've been wondering how many of you guys went? was there an HpotD meet-up? like i said before, if i lived anywhere close i'd have been there.

13-Jun-2018, 09:35 PM
I had a great time. Didn't meet up with any HPOTD folks I didn't already know though. The highlight was definitely the after hours tour of the mall. Seeing the control room/boiler room, the hallway that leads to the stairway to the loft, etc... The layout of back area of the mall in the movie is different in reality. The hallway behind the door that is covered up in the movie isn't connected to the stairwell that leads up to the living area. The control room/boiler room is on the opposite side of the mall off of the first floor. The boiler room did have that familiar hum though.

First time meeting Richard France and John Amplas. Richard still has that great voice.

13-Jun-2018, 11:32 PM
I had a great time. Didn't meet up with any HPOTD folks I didn't already know though. The highlight was definitely the after hours tour of the mall. Seeing the control room/boiler room, the hallway that leads to the stairway to the loft, etc... The layout of back area of the mall in the movie is different in reality. The hallway behind the door that is covered up in the movie isn't connected to the stairwell that leads up to the living area. The control room/boiler room is on the opposite side of the mall off of the first floor. The boiler room did have that familiar hum though.

First time meeting Richard France and John Amplas. Richard still has that great voice.

Did he say "DUMMIES! DUMMIES! DUMMIES!"? Inquiring minds want to know.

14-Jun-2018, 10:00 AM
Ooh, the after hours tour must've been great! *jealous* :)

Oh aye, Richard France has a fantastic voice, doesn't he? He was great in Dawn and great in The Crazies, too.

07-Feb-2021, 09:02 PM
Hey folks,

Someone on the tour I was on posted a video of the highlights of the after hours tour:


I hope you enjoy it.

08-Feb-2021, 09:46 AM
That's great thank!

Flyboy looks good 40yrs on! :)

08-Feb-2021, 04:14 PM
That's great thank!

Flyboy looks good 40yrs on! :)

He is from the UK. At other times during the con he was the non-zombie Flyboy wearing a leather jacket and aviator sunglasses. Gaylen Ross did a double-take when he walked by.

08-Feb-2021, 08:12 PM
gaylen ross did a double-take when he walked by.lol! :)

11-Jun-2024, 07:27 PM
Long time, no talk, but did anyone go just this past weekend? I was there, my first time at the mall, and even took a quick trip to Evans City. Should have thought to post something here to see if anyone I know from way back was going, especially kaos!

11-Jun-2024, 10:40 PM
Long time, no talk, but did anyone go just this past weekend? I was there, my first time at the mall, and even took a quick trip to Evans City. Should have thought to post something here to see if anyone I know from way back was going, especially kaos!

Crikey! Here's a familiar-named blast from the past. :)

How was your visit to the mall and Evans City?

12-Jun-2024, 08:11 PM
It was great! Recreated some scenes from both films, haha. Great to finally see the mall, though not much looks like it used to. Made me think about my old stomping grounds, hpotd! Hope you're all well!

13-Jun-2024, 07:59 AM
I still have a little fragment of the 'wood' lining to the Fly Boy lift...

ie: This...

Bran Salisbury
27-Jun-2024, 02:01 AM
I still have a little fragment of the 'wood' lining to the Fly Boy lift...

ie: This...

I have a piece as well. Nice that some things have been salvaged. The Museum has some other pieces for sale, some stone from thr Wampum mines, as well as the stone by the biker entrance and JP Penny's pieces.