View Full Version : Deadpool 2 (film)

22-Mar-2018, 07:15 PM

23-Mar-2018, 11:02 AM
Really looking forward to Deadpool 2!!! :hyper:

Latest (red band) trailer below:



29-Mar-2018, 01:42 AM
Looking forward to it, but I fear it’s going to suffer from the sophomore curse. From the trailers alone, it already seems like they have their work cut out for them by introducing so many new characters in one film. Cable and Donino alone will require a good chunk of the story, but it looks like they’re also bringing in a lot more characters from the X-Men world....

16-May-2018, 10:14 AM
OK, caught this last night.

Not as original and impactful as the first, but still a good fun ride, if a tad slow in one or two places.

ps: And a nice final credits moment :)

05-Jun-2018, 03:07 AM
I really enjoyed it! I couldn’t have been more wrong in my previous post about having to introduce too many characters. They definitely found a way to work around d that!:lol:

Even though Fox did throw more money at this sequel, Reynolds and crew managed to keep it still feeling similar to the original, while also giving it it’s own spin.

However, it’s beyond time to retire the Wolverine and Green Lantern jokes....