View Full Version : I think this is going to be the kiss of death for TWD

30-May-2018, 02:58 AM


Andrew Lincoln is supposed to be leaving TWD. Unbelievable.:annoyed:

Carl's gone and Rick's going to be gone, too!?! I doubt I'll be watching anymore, to be honest.

But, according to the article, "Don't worry fans, Daryl Dixon isn't going anywhere." WOO fucking HOO.:rolleyes:

30-May-2018, 10:13 AM
What the actual fuck?

Only six episodes to feature Rick, as well as only six episodes to feature Maggie in season 9, and then that'll presumably be it for those characters? Fucking bullshit.

30-May-2018, 03:44 PM
It’s okay by me because after Carl died, I considered that to be the last season of the show. It wrapped things up pretty well for a semi-series finale. They made many mistakes over the years, but killing off Carl was a complete sh*t the bed moment. Rick keeping Carl alive IS TWD. With Carl dead, Rick has no purpose, so the entire show loses its heart.

It’ll be like FTWD, just with Daryl Dixon in the lead. I won’t go as far as to say I won’t give it a watch, but chances are very low that I’ll tune in regularly. I haven’t felt the need to go back to FTWD since the beginning of season two, so I don’t see myself giving the Daryl Dixon show a watch until it hits Netflix.

Moon Knight
30-May-2018, 04:07 PM
Might as well end the show with season 9.

30-May-2018, 04:40 PM
Looking back Gimple should have been moved aside after season 7, and Kang should've come on to captain season 8. At this rate she's been handed a poisoned chalice.

I understand the method behind killing Carl, to cover a gaping plot hole in the comics, but it was such a huge departure that it is now feeling - in light of this shitty news - to be like some crumbling moment as a pillar of the entire point of the show has been toppled.

I've heard talk of Danai Guirira possibly shipping off as well - so Rick, Michonne, and Maggie? Are you fucking kidding me?

I always hated the arrogance/stupidity of saying the show could go on for 20 seasons ... even if it was half-joking when said on occasions. If you have a huge hit show then you've gotta know your actors are likely going to become hot property and are going to be offered big pay days on other gigs, so you'll lose them or have to compete somehow (or come to some iffy compromise). You can keep the comics going for much longer because it's just ink on a page - the show is entirely different, it features real people who age and get into contract disputes etc (talk of Reedus getting a big payday when AMC have seemingly been whining about coughing up more dough for Cohan is galling ... I have no beef with Reedus on it, mind you, my beef is solely with AMC on that poke in the eye).

If all this bullshit is indeed how things are going, it feels more like leaks springing up in the dam. The ratings can only go one way with all this - down. The right call would have been to make season 9 the last season (and to have moved All Out War along a damn sight faster, concluding it during Season 8a at the latest), but they've long since started production, nevermind actually writing it. I wonder how long Kang & Co have had to work all these troubles into the scripts. I certainly don't envy Kang having to guide the show through this minefield! :(

A clear 10-season target would have been better, especially later on, so you have something to work towards. End the main show on your own terms - rather than letting it crumble and fall apart (which is what this feels like, sadly) - and then develop another spin off, or focus on FearTWD, end that, then do another spin off. AMC's approach to TWD in the last few years has felt like draining every last drop from the franchise and damn the consequences. :(

30-May-2018, 05:11 PM
I predicted this would happen and I'm not proud of it. The show has been declining. For as much as Gimple saved Mazarras season 3 IMO Gimple has been making decisions that have set us in motion to disaster. I never thought I would stop watching live airings but I did after Carl died. I'm aware of events but my investment has faded. Truthfully I'm just sad. The first few seasons were magical. Sundays were an amazing ride and revolutionizing and improving on Romeros universe. This show has always been Rick Grimes for me. I needed for him to make it to the end. Now I feel cheated. Utterly gutted folks.

30-May-2018, 06:25 PM
I predicted this would happen and I'm not proud of it. The show has been declining. For as much as Gimple saved Mazarras season 3 IMO Gimple has been making decisions that have set us in motion to disaster. I never thought I would stop watching live airings but I did after Carl died. I'm aware of events but my investment has faded. Truthfully I'm just sad. The first few seasons were magical. Sundays were an amazing ride and revolutionizing and improving on Romeros universe. This show has always been Rick Grimes for me. I needed for him to make it to the end. Now I feel cheated. Utterly gutted folks.

We wake up with Rick Grimes, we spend the first scene with Rick Grimes - in many ways we, the viewer, are Rick Grimes ... so getting rid of him, THE LEAD OF THE SHOW, is like getting rid of us ... ... if that makes sense?

Gimple has done a lot of good for the show, but he also got too clever for his own good at times, and persisted in a very rinse/repeat storytelling structure that lead to fan frustration (time moving much faster in the viewer's world compared to the character's world in the show - so the overall pacing feels too slow), plus - as mentioned elsewhere - too much focus and importance being laid on the four premieres and finales each season. AMC have fumbled the ball on different occasions for various reasons ... and it's all such a shame because the people who are fronting up the show put in such a lot of hard work and effort and love for TWD. In some ways they have played too safe with certain things, and in other ways when they've been daring it's been a mixed bag of hit and miss.

It's funny watching some reactions from non-comic readers complaining about this saying it all started because of killing Glenn ... well, that was in the comics and was a hugely important event that spun the story off into a new direction (Gimple got too clever with one too many fake outs on Glenn's fate ... maybe some events are just accepted and we don't need a big surprise attached to them?), so that's rather silly ... ... but killing Carl? FFS. I understand wanting to plug that plot hole, but there must surely have been a far better way to do that.

Having Rick leave the show would have been somewhat bearable if we'd had Carl to continue the line - that would have made narrative sense and the show could have spun into new territory for a little while before wrapping up (to see Carl become his own man, his own leader - truly on his own in the world). Thematically that would have fit in a hell of a lot better. But that can't happen now, can it?

30-May-2018, 06:36 PM
I predicted this would happen and I'm not proud of it. The show has been declining. For as much as Gimple saved Mazarras season 3 IMO Gimple has been making decisions that have set us in motion to disaster. I never thought I would stop watching live airings but I did after Carl died. I'm aware of events but my investment has faded. Truthfully I'm just sad. The first few seasons were magical. Sundays were an amazing ride and revolutionizing and improving on Romeros universe. This show has always been Rick Grimes for me. I needed for him to make it to the end. Now I feel cheated. Utterly gutted folks.

I agree.

The first few seasons, especially the first one, were magical and as good as or better than most of the zombie movies out there.

I though the drop in quality hit hard when season 6 began. That's when they really started doing a bunch of inane artsy-fartsy crap (like the B&W shots, endless face close up BS, etc), the Glen/dumpster mind fuck:mad:, and just the general continuity and writing started to really nosedive.

The beginning of season 8 was nearly unwatchable to me, but things seemed to get (somewhat) better about halfway through. I remained hopeful, especially when I heard Gimple was out. But, after the let down of a season finale and then this news? Forget it. It's done.:(

Moon Knight
30-May-2018, 07:47 PM
What’s even more crazy and confusing is the fact that Andy reportedly is only in 6 episodes. That is just mind boggling.

30-May-2018, 09:02 PM
Minion you are spot on. They are quitting on us. This news has me really down. For as exited as I was after seeing the pilot I can't believe it has come to this. The telling sign of doom here is how outspoken you are on this Minion. It's clear you are pissed off. I say this respectfully but you have always had a more positive outlook on the shows decisions etc. so for me to see you down this path, man it makes it more real that I'm not over reacting. Killing Carl was so fucking stupid even more so when you kill(probably) Rick less than a season later. I'm not a comic guy but I understood Carl's importance. No offense to Judith but Carl was Ricks motivation for the entire GD show.

Beat truck I too feel that season 6 was when things started slipping. My favorite season was 2. It felt like the end of the world. Beside the dying fire is one of my very top episodes. Do you guys remember the excitement and anticipation when that episode ended and panned out to see the prison in the background? Gave me goosebumps man. I was obsessively invested.

I love Norman Reedus and Daryl Dixon but I just don't see him being able to pull off Ricks role. He peaked in season 4 imo as a counsel member at the prison. He was respected and took an active role in decision making but was not a solo leader. As Minion eluded to earlier, they should have set an end game, got all major parties on board and closed the show. Then do a spinoff of the Daryl Dixon adventure or something. I will not forgive Gimple arrogant ass or AMC for this.

And one last food for thought. It is my belief that Lincoln made this choice in part(not entirely) on how Gimple flat out lied to Chandler Riggs being a major player in the future of the show and firing him months later. The cast is close and at some point, maybe years from now, Lincoln will publicly say that. I can't wait for next comic con so I can ask the former cast their opinion and views of this unravel.

Moon Knight
30-May-2018, 09:28 PM
This was 100% Lincoln’s Choice. He’s been wanting to back away for years now. He’s been saying it. Killing Carl was simply a way to not give Chandler a bigger money contract. Gimple then was tasked to come up with an excuse storywise to mask the true nature of Chandler’s departure. No way they would kill Carl just to cover up a plot hole created in the comic; but that was what Gimple implied, they killed Carl to push Rick’s story. Yeah right. All that is just my opinion.

AMC are cheap bastards. They gutted the budget in season 2 causing Darabont to be fired. They didn’t want to pay Chandler. They cut down on violence and gore to avoid backlash. All Out War felt small in scope but covered in filler and bottleneck episodes to once again cut cost. Finally, they refused to pay Cohan what she wanted then threw 20 million at Norman to save the show after Andy had enough. Sad.

Again, just my opinions and speculations on the matter but the evidence is all there.

Man, I wish HBO would have never passed on this show from the start. Imagine a Walking Dead with no commercials, non censored, bigger budget, and a shorter season episode run without bottle episodes. Magical.

30-May-2018, 10:08 PM
I never read the comics either, but I also saw Rick and Carl as the main focal point. And, the decision to kill Carl was a stupid one.

I respect Minion, but he has always been a little more enthusiastic/optimistic regarding the show than I have been, as well. Yes, I'm down about this news, but honestly I have been down about the show for quite a while now. Part of me thought/hoped it would get better, but I didn't really expect it to. I don't see it coming back from this.:(

Hopefully they decide to pull the plug before the show becomes a TOTAL farce, although many people think it already is one.

I haven't even watched any of last season or this season of FTWD, even though I have it all recorded. I don't know that I will, either. I am tired of being disappointed and my interest in both shows is nearly gone. Hopefully some new zombie movies come out that are good, or at least worth watching. I ain't holding my breath for that one either, though.:|

30-May-2018, 11:32 PM
But did they kill Lincoln's character or is the actor just leaving because of other projects or whatever decision he made? If they didn't kill the character itself, they might be thinking of pulling a "Bewitched" (bring in Dick Sargent to fill in for Dick York) on the audience, LOL!

- - - Updated - - -

AMC are cheap bastards. They gutted the budget in season 2 causing Darabont to be fired.

I always thought that was a mistake. He was doing a good job with the show.

30-May-2018, 11:36 PM
It was bound to happen eventually. An actor is not going to stick around on a TV show indefinitely and this has been going since 2010. Lincoln, no doubt, thinks he's going to go onto a stellar movie career and the world will be his oyster.

I'll give him David Duchovny's number.

In saying that, when he goes, the show is done. However, this may just be a negotiation ploy on behalf of Lincoln for more money.

31-May-2018, 09:36 AM
I respect Minion, but he has always been a little more enthusiastic/optimistic regarding the show than I have been, as well. Yes, I'm down about this news, but honestly I have been down about the show for quite a while now. Part of me thought/hoped it would get better, but I didn't really expect it to. I don't see it coming back from this.:(

Minion you are spot on. They are quitting on us. This news has me really down. For as exited as I was after seeing the pilot I can't believe it has come to this. The telling sign of doom here is how outspoken you are on this Minion. It's clear you are pissed off. I say this respectfully but you have always had a more positive outlook on the shows decisions etc. so for me to see you down this path, man it makes it more real that I'm not over reacting. Killing Carl was so fucking stupid even more so when you kill(probably) Rick less than a season later. I'm not a comic guy but I understood Carl's importance. No offense to Judith but Carl was Ricks motivation for the entire GD show.

And one last food for thought. It is my belief that Lincoln made this choice in part(not entirely) on how Gimple flat out lied to Chandler Riggs being a major player in the future of the show and firing him months later. The cast is close and at some point, maybe years from now, Lincoln will publicly say that. I can't wait for next comic con so I can ask the former cast their opinion and views of this unravel.

I always thought the overt hatred that some viewers heaped upon the show was totally disproportionate, as if they were willing themselves to hate the show, or were hating the show because they were simply blinkered to anything good. I've always been someone to find the good points, especially in something I really care about - TWD is one of my all-time favourite TV shows - so to see AMC shitting all over it is a major gut punch, even more so when you consider how much the people actually making the show care about their work (#TWDfamily and all that) ... but I've also pointed out areas where things have drooped or mistakes that have been made. I've been alive to that, and I've also been alive to times when they've realised a mistake and corrected it, but I've not been willing to just focus on the bad and ignore all the good.

Now, though, the powers that be at AMC seem to be doing everything in their power to throw it in the bin through their own greed (how many lawsuits are currently running against them now, with multiple members of the key creatives seeking money they are contractually owed or have been cheated out of?) and idiocy. It's mind boggling to see, especially as the key reason the viewers get so invested in the show is the characters on-screen. Those characters deserve to be respected according to the source material (I was totally split down the middle on the death of Carl, but now with this bullshit happening I've decidedly come down on the side of BAD IDEA).

As for how the show has dealt with the source material, over-the-piece it's been fine. Mazzara strayed too far from it, for instance, while Gimple was far better with it (although in season 7 he skewed off in his own curious directions that sewed sour seeds that are now blooming into destruction). The show has done many things better than the comics (e.g. Carol), but even the comics have stumbled of late.

It's so goddamned frustrating to see, especially the money matters - just for a little extra scratch the likes of AMC seem entirely willing to burn the whole thing down (and who's gonna earn from a pile of ash? IDIOTS!)

And aye, the handling of Riggs' departure smells of something rotten.

It's all so painful to see as a huge fan of the show, especially after that episode of Talking Dead for 8x16 with Lincoln and JDM being so happy together, the love of the production was there for all to see.

10 episodes should be the target for any of these shows now. Better Call Saul is 10 episodes and that's perfect. Preacher got dragged out to, what, 13 episodes last season and it showed - painfully so - with filler galore dragging it down. TWD has needed a trim to 12 episodes for the last 2 or 3 seasons, too.

Beat Truck - you might want to give FearTWD Season 4 a go. I was done with it after Season 3, but the change-ups they were making enticed me back, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it since. It's not up to the snuff of TWD's golden years, but Fear's fourth season stands tall over the last couple. Six episodes in so far and we'll see how it goes from here, but so far so good with FearTWD season 4.

31-May-2018, 05:34 PM
I'll give him David Duchovny's number.

I see what you’re saying and I’d even thought about the similarities with Duchovny’s departure as well, but to be fair, he’s went on to have a successful acting and directing career, including another long-running show with Californication. No real leading man roles in feature films, though.

I suspect Lincoln’s career will be similar. He’ll struggle for a while to escape his popularity as Grimes, never really becoming a feature film leading man, but will ultimately have good roles in smaller films and television.

31-May-2018, 07:46 PM
Yeh, but it wasn't the career he thought he was going to have. Otherwise, we wouldn't be seeing 'The X Files' back on tele with him in it.

Don't get me wrong, I understand why actors want away from roles. Who would want to do that same gig all the time, especially when money is no longer an issue?

It just shortchanges the fans in a really bad way.

31-May-2018, 10:51 PM
Beat Truck - you might want to give FearTWD Season 4 a go. I was done with it after Season 3, but the change-ups they were making enticed me back, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it since. It's not up to the snuff of TWD's golden years, but Fear's fourth season stands tall over the last couple. Six episodes in so far and we'll see how it goes from here, but so far so good with FearTWD season 4.

Well, that's encouraging. I might give it a shot. I still have to catch up on Season 3 first. It's been so long that I don't remember if I watched any of it.

I just need to see which tapes are which. The first couple fell on the floor and got out of order. And, of course I was too lazy to mark them.:rolleyes:

01-Jun-2018, 09:27 AM

So considering all this, how do you salvage a workable story from the chaos? I certainly don't envy Angela Kang and the writing staff!

You could write in some sort of 'Negan escapes' plot line and Rick and Maggie both head off (perhaps together) to hunt him down (but the problem arises with Maggie, after a time jump, being a mother) ... I'd like for their characters to not be killed off, but somehow be removed from the equation and allowed to come back towards the end of the show's run to tie things off a bit better.

Meanwhile, a new threat arises with Daryl having to fill Rick's boots and he suddenly has to deal with very different issues - no longer a Lieutenant, Daryl's now a General, and he's having to learn new skills and the ways of politics to maintain peace with The Sanctuary, bring the communities together, and face the new threat without Rick's leadership, which they've previously relied on.

As I've said, ideally Gimple would have been replaced prior to season 8 and Kang would have taken over for that, Carl would still be alive, and All Out War would have been an intense half-season with the time jump coming mid-season and for there to be a clear end-game. You could have wrapped up TWD and maybe even done a Daryl Dixon spin-off series.

Instead, though, we've pretty much got a dumpster fire in the making and it breaks my TWD fan's heart. I'll still be watching, but boy, this should stand as a lesson to any other shows that find themselves becoming a huge success on how to plan for the future and avoid chaos that does nothing but disrespect the fans and squander the excellent hard work of a dedicated cast & crew.

01-Jun-2018, 11:09 AM
Well, you don't.

I'll be honest, I have zero interest in 'The Walking Dead' without Rick Grimes. It's his fucking story, for Christ's sake. As you said Mini, we woke up with the guy.

The show will be dead, once he goes. I'd almost guarantee that.

Everyone better start hoping 'Fear the Walking Dead' gets better. :lol:

01-Jun-2018, 12:42 PM

So considering all this, how do you salvage a workable story from the chaos? I certainly don't envy Angela Kang and the writing staff!

You could write in some sort of 'Negan escapes' plot line and Rick and Maggie both head off (perhaps together) to hunt him down (but the problem arises with Maggie, after a time jump, being a mother) ... I'd like for their characters to not be killed off, but somehow be removed from the equation and allowed to come back towards the end of the show's run to tie things off a bit better.

Meanwhile, a new threat arises with Daryl having to fill Rick's boots and he suddenly has to deal with very different issues - no longer a Lieutenant, Daryl's now a General, and he's having to learn new skills and the ways of politics to maintain peace with The Sanctuary, bring the communities together, and face the new threat without Rick's leadership, which they've previously relied on.

As I've said, ideally Gimple would have been replaced prior to season 8 and Kang would have taken over for that, Carl would still be alive, and All Out War would have been an intense half-season with the time jump coming mid-season and for there to be a clear end-game. You could have wrapped up TWD and maybe even done a Daryl Dixon spin-off series.

Instead, though, we've pretty much got a dumpster fire in the making and it breaks my TWD fan's heart. I'll still be watching, but boy, this should stand as a lesson to any other shows that find themselves becoming a huge success on how to plan for the future and avoid chaos that does nothing but disrespect the fans and squander the excellent hard work of a dedicated cast & crew.

I'm with ya on the sigh. A dumpster fire out of control. I am beyond saddened and angry. I need Rick Grimes to be there at the end. From the pilot on Lincoln has absolutely performed for us and making us believe in Rick. I love many characters past and present but Rick is the one I needed to last.

Your idea about leaving an opening for Rick and Maggie would be great but I doubt that is what will happen. They're dead and that ends the show for me. I always wanted the show to end positively and with hope of a future society. In a perfect world, considering current events, I would be thrilled if Daryl leads survivors to a new, safe and secure society and as he walks through the gates a man appears behind him with. .357 python and Daryl hears "glad you made brother". Ok that may be far to optimistic but I would be content with that. But let's face it, there is no way it happens. How could they explain Rick leaving everyone, finding true sanctuary and not going back for his friends. Heck he went back for Merle

Moon Knight
01-Jun-2018, 02:46 PM
Well, you don't.

I'll be honest, I have zero interest in 'The Walking Dead' without Rick Grimes. It's his fucking story, for Christ's sake. As you said Mini, we woke up with the guy.

The show will be dead, once he goes. I'd almost guarantee that.

Everyone better start hoping 'Fear the Walking Dead' gets better. :lol:

Fear has gotten better. ;)

01-Jun-2018, 04:57 PM
Your idea about leaving an opening for Rick and Maggie would be great but I doubt that is what will happen. They're dead and that ends the show for me.

But is it for sure that the characters have been killed? Has it been confirmed?

01-Jun-2018, 05:01 PM
I don’t think there’s been any confirmation on exactly how the character will exit the series. As others have said, given the nature of the show, it’s probably a safe bet that it’ll be by death.

01-Jun-2018, 07:06 PM
But is it for sure that the characters have been killed? Has it been confirmed?

Why exactly would they confirm something like that? That kind of defeats the purpose of airing the show, to come out and tell fans what happens in advance.:rockbrow:

Although, at this point nothing they do would really surprise me.

01-Jun-2018, 09:11 PM
But is it for sure that the characters have been killed? Has it been confirmed?

Not confirmed. And as alluded to below I doubt it is something AMC can or will do at this point. Maybe at SDCC they will try and exploit 'Rick Grimes last season'. One thing is for sure Andrew Lincoln will get bombarded at cons/panels. I read that last years con in San Diego, the cast was very somber and appeared troubled. We now know that was probably due to Carl's death.

01-Jun-2018, 11:29 PM
Why exactly would they confirm something like that? That kind of defeats the purpose of airing the show, to come out and tell fans what happens in advance.:rockbrow:

Although, at this point nothing they do would really surprise me.

Since the cat's out of the bag that the actor who plays the series' main protagonist is leaving the show, I would think that they have little choice left but to address the situation regarding the fate of the character. This means that there are only 3 choices left:

1- Rick is dead

2- Rick will somehow be written out of the show

3- They will pull a "Bewitched" on the audience (i.e. bring in another actor to play the protagonist)

Choice number 3 sounds like a friggin' joke in this day & age (they could get away with such things in the 60s & 70s, but this hardly passes muster today), so I don't think they will try to pull it off. Seems strange that Lincoln's departure was not more carefully kept a secret. Whenever an actor in this show leaves, nothing is said about it until after the episode where his/her character is killed hits the airwaves.

02-Jun-2018, 01:08 AM
Because an actor’s departure has leaked, you expect them to go ahead and explain exactly how it will happen? :rockbrow:

That’s not going to happen, but if you must know before the episode airs, a quick google search will point you toward the direction of spoiler sites with set leaks. Like every death before, Rick’s will leak onto the net, but it won’t be given away by AMC or the crew.

02-Jun-2018, 01:26 AM
Since the cat's out of the bag that the actor who plays the series' main protagonist is leaving the show, I would think that they have little choice left but to address the situation regarding the fate of the character. This means that there are only 3 choices left:

1- Rick is dead

2- Rick will somehow be written out of the show

3- They will pull a "Bewitched" on the audience (i.e. bring in another actor to play the protagonist)

Choice number 3 sounds like a friggin' joke in this day & age (they could get away with such things in the 60s & 70s, but this hardly passes muster today), so I don't think they will try to pull it off. Seems strange that Lincoln's departure was not more carefully kept a secret. Whenever an actor in this show leaves, nothing is said about it until after the episode where his/her character is killed hits the airwaves.

I still don't see them confirming anything. Providing plot spoilers that large is not something creators normally do with their shows. This ain't a normal show, though, so who knows.

I agree when it comes to #3. I sure hope they don't embarrass themselves by bringing in another actor to play Rick.:confused:

Moon Knight
02-Jun-2018, 04:07 AM
Lincoln is confirmed by spoiler sites that he only has six episodes this season; same as Maggie. Out of respect for the character and Lincoln they didn't want to spoil what happens. I'm assuming since he's leaving he's definitely dead, Maggie too. Unless Maggie's role this season is spread out; Three this half and three the next.

Rick is confirmed gone already so I'm assuming it happens before mid season finale.

I bet AMC was gonna announce at SDCC but it got leaked beforehand. Look for them to announce anytime now due to leaks.

02-Jun-2018, 05:31 AM
Because an actor’s departure has leaked, you expect them to go ahead and explain exactly how it will happen? :rockbrow:

That’s not going to happen, but if you must know before the episode airs, a quick google search will point you toward the direction of spoiler sites with set leaks. Like every death before, Rick’s will leak onto the net, but it won’t be given away by AMC or the crew.

If Lincoln confirms it himself (has he? I would think that it would be a breach of non-disclosure agreements between him and the producers if he does) that he is no longer in the show, then how will they handle it? Not saying anything about it, as if nothing had been leaked, won't make much of a difference now, the spoiler is already in place (either Rick is dead or written out of the show), and is not just a "rumor" but something confirmed by the actor himself.

02-Jun-2018, 09:44 AM
Not confirmed. And as alluded to below I doubt it is something AMC can or will do at this point. Maybe at SDCC they will try and exploit 'Rick Grimes last season'. One thing is for sure Andrew Lincoln will get bombarded at cons/panels. I read that last years con in San Diego, the cast was very somber and appeared troubled. We now know that was probably due to Carl's death.

That could be part of it, but IIRC the sombre tone at that time was generally attributed to the very recent on-set death of a stuntman. :(

02-Jun-2018, 04:13 PM
If Lincoln confirms it himself (has he? I would think that it would be a breach of non-disclosure agreements between him and the producers if he does) that he is no longer in the show, then how will they handle it? Not saying anything about it, as if nothing had been leaked, won't make much of a difference now, the spoiler is already in place (either Rick is dead or written out of the show), and is not just a "rumor" but something confirmed by the actor himself.

They’ll likely just ignore it, while at the same time allowing the leak and news of Lincoln’s departure to bring in higher viewer numbers.

As a former administrator for a large TWD forum, I can assure you that EVERY death in the show has leaked out before the episodes air. AMC will generally just quietly send out cease and desist letters for their removal, but will avoid any sort of official statement. They can’t quiet the news of Lincoln’s departure at this point, but they’ll keep the plot details under wraps as best as possible until his final episode airs.

02-Jun-2018, 05:39 PM
They’ll likely just ignore it, while at the same time allowing the leak and news of Lincoln’s departure to bring in higher viewer numbers.

As a former administrator for a large TWD forum, I can assure you that EVERY death in the show has leaked out before the episodes air. AMC will generally just quietly send out cease and desist letters for their removal, but will avoid any sort of official statement. They can’t quiet the news of Lincoln’s departure at this point, but they’ll keep the plot details under wraps as best as possible until his final episode airs.

But those previous "leaks" were not confirmed by the actors themselves, as far as I can recall. That's what I am wondering in this case. Did Lincoln confirm that he is in fact out of the show? If he did, then this isn't merely a "rumor", a major spoiler has indeed been leaked by someone directly involved in making the show.

02-Jun-2018, 05:44 PM
Lincoln or AMC hasn’t commented on it yet. As I said, they likely won’t comment on it and let the rumor mill do some free advertising for them.

IF they decide to confirm that Lincoln’s days are numbered, they’ll most likely do so next month at comic con. IF they address it...

Moon Knight
02-Jun-2018, 08:58 PM
Both Norman Reedus and Michael E. Satrazemis posted about Lincoln departing, very cryptic mind you, but it's there.

Other cast members past and present commented as well.

Either that's all the confirmation we need or this is all just one big troll job for increased interest for season 9.

Lincoln doesn't have social media by the way.

02-Jun-2018, 09:07 PM
Either that's all the confirmation we need or this is all just one big troll job for increased interest for season 9.

Ha....it’d be hilarious if AMC intentionally leaked this and then the season comes and goes with Rick still standing as usual.....

02-Jun-2018, 10:54 PM
I sure wouldn't find it funny at all. It'd just be yet another shitty little trick that AMC pulls.

Moon Knight
03-Jun-2018, 02:05 AM
I sure wouldn't find it funny at all. It'd just be yet another shitty little trick that AMC pulls.

AMC is the worst. I wouldn't put it past them.

03-Jun-2018, 10:14 AM
Ha....it’d be hilarious if AMC intentionally leaked this and then the season comes and goes with Rick still standing as usual.....

I sure wouldn't find it funny at all. It'd just be yet another shitty little trick that AMC pulls.

I'd be super pissed off, but ultimately I'd be happy because Rick would still be on the show and that'd be the right thing to do.

But chances are they're hellbent on doing the wrong thing. :(

03-Jun-2018, 07:06 PM
I'd be super pissed off, but ultimately I'd be happy because Rick would still be on the show and that'd be the right thing to do.

But chances are they're hellbent on doing the wrong thing. :(

That would be the happiest prank for me. I'd get over my anger quickly either Rick Grimes continuing.

04-Jun-2018, 09:32 AM
That would be the happiest prank for me. I'd get over my anger quickly either Rick Grimes continuing.

But I'd still be pissed off if Maggie was still getting shafted off the show, especially as there's a whole swathe of story left to tell with her character - including a really awesome arc between her and Gregory ... indeed, if Maggie gets bumped off, what about her being the new leader of Hilltop and that whole journey? Just thrown in the bin, I guess, because AMC didn't want to pony up a little bit of dosh to pay one of the show's longest serving performers, so it seems. Fucking pathetic.

05-Jun-2018, 06:57 PM
But I'd still be pissed off if Maggie was still getting shafted off the show, especially as there's a whole swathe of story left to tell with her character - including a really awesome arc between her and Gregory ... indeed, if Maggie gets bumped off, what about her being the new leader of Hilltop and that whole journey? Just thrown in the bin, I guess, because AMC didn't want to pony up a little bit of dosh to pay one of the show's longest serving performers, so it seems. Fucking pathetic.

At the end of the day, AMC doesn't give a shit. It's about profit margins and that's all. TWD and it's fans are getting screwed and a waterdowned version of a show that once attained greatness.

05-Jun-2018, 07:10 PM
It’s a shame that they haven’t given the show the artistic support it deserves, but it’s not very surprising for a business to only be looking at the bottom line. It’s definitely not the first or the last time this sort of thing will happen.

I’m honestly shocked they didn’t run the show more into the ground sooner than they have...

06-Jun-2018, 09:44 AM
It’s a shame that they haven’t given the show the artistic support it deserves, but it’s not very surprising for a business to only be looking at the bottom line. It’s definitely not the first or the last time this sort of thing will happen.

I’m honestly shocked they didn’t run the show more into the ground sooner than they have...

And it's such a short sighted and ludicrous thing to do. I'd be stunned if the ratings didn't drop further with all this crap going on, especially once Lincoln leaves. :(

As you say, you've gotta support the product and respect what it is you're creating, because if you don't do that then there's no longevity in it - you'll kill it, and (for the bean counters at AMC) ultimately cost yourself a hefty amount of cash. Idiots.

Moon Knight
06-Jun-2018, 04:27 PM
And it's such a short sighted and ludicrous thing to do. I'd be stunned if the ratings didn't drop further with all this crap going on, especially once Lincoln leaves. :(

As you say, you've gotta support the product and respect what it is you're creating, because if you don't do that then there's no longevity in it - you'll kill it, and (for the bean counters at AMC) ultimately cost yourself a hefty amount of cash. Idiots.

Im gonna go ahead and predict they will drop closer to FTWD ratings by season 10.