View Full Version : Sense 8 (Netflix Series)

08-Jun-2018, 10:09 PM
Anyone else here seen this show created by the Wachowskis(The Matrix, V For Vendetta, Cloud Atlas)?

A group of people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, and must find a way to survive being hunted by those who see them as a threat to the world's order.


With the majority of our members being fans of science fiction, I highly recommend the series. It’s an amazing series, but sadly Netflix had to cut it’s life short because of the high production costs involved with filming at over eight locations across the globe. It was cancelled after season two, but luckily Netflix recognized it’s fan base enough to greenlight a 2.5 hour series finale, which just went up today, completing the series.

09-Jun-2018, 07:22 AM
OK... Given it's a finite no. of episodes that actually interests me too!

I'll give it a watch!