View Full Version : Resident Evil 2 Remake

12-Jun-2018, 03:10 AM
Well, after being supremely let down on the 20th anniversary (earlier this year in January) when Capcom didn't even acknowledge on of their greatest games, I was losing faith in this project.

Alas, tonight at Sony's E3 press briefing, my faith was restored, and hype levels were sent through the roof. I'm an old-school RE fan, and at this point, I'm not even concerned about fixed-camera angles vs over-the-shoulder cameras, co-op, etc....just stoked beyond belief that it's actually happening, they seem to have nailed the atmosphere and mood, it appears to be set back in the late 90's (notice the PS1 in the opening scene of the 2nd video), and it's coming out in January!:hyper:



I know if darth los or danny were still active on the forums, we'd be internet-high-fiving and wiping tears of joy out of our collective eyes together.....anyone else around here as pumped as I am right now? Day one purchase, without a doubt!

12-Jun-2018, 10:19 AM
I've never been much into playing the games, personally, but I do remember playing the demo of RE2 way back when on a friend's Playstation and being mightily impressed with the aesthetic. I was just getting into the works of George A. Romero at the time, so that RE2 demo on the PS1 had a big impact. :)

12-Jun-2018, 12:26 PM
Looks cool and all, but I can't help find it amusing that they are even "remaking" games now :lol:

12-Jun-2018, 03:15 PM
Like MZ, I have memories of the first time I saw the game on my friend’s PlayStation back in the day. That opening scene was mind-blowing at the time. I believe it was also around the time I had been getting into Romero’s films as well. I remember they’d also done a lackluster port to the Nintendo64 at one point?

Looks like this should land at a good time, as I should be finishing up Red Dead Redemption 2 by it’s release.

Oh and on the video with the rat....they totally missed an opportunity at naming those boxes of cherrios/fruit loops as “Romer-O’s”! :p

12-Jun-2018, 04:50 PM
Looks cool and all, but I can't help find it amusing that they are even "remaking" games now :lol:

nintendo has been pulling this shit for years. while i'm not a fan of the concept of video game remakes, this one was a total classic and to see it re-imagined with today's technology is something i'm totally on board with. i've been wanting this game remade since they remade the first for the nintendo gamecube back in 2003....fifteen years is a long wait. i'm pre-ordering this one, and taking a couple personal days from work to fully enjoy it.

22-Jan-2019, 07:52 PM
reviews seem very positive so far, currently at 90 on metacritic. haven't been this jazzed about a game in years. only a couple more days!

17-Feb-2019, 02:18 PM
Any personal reviews from our regular members yet? I’d taken my daughter to Gamestop yesterday and saw that they had the RE2 remake for a good price. Decided to wait and see what the hardcore dead fans here would say about it?

19-Feb-2019, 09:27 PM
i fucking love it. when i switched from gaming on an xbox to the ps4, i pretty much stopped caring about "achievement points" or "trophies" as they're called on PSN...but i have been plugging away at this one, going for the platinum. it really nails the vibe of the original classic with a few modern features that makes it seem very familiar, yet shiny enough to be fun all over again.

it was pretty well received by the critics, too. think it's still holding a 90 on metacritic. graphics are awesome, the level of detail in the zombies and how you can take them apart with your arsenal is impressive. i got the deluxe edition, so i've been playing with the classic soundtrack and it still holds up today. they've released classic low-res ps1 skins to play as and there are unlockable costumes, as welll as infinite ammo weapons to unlock. there's also a couple extra bonus modes from the original and a recently-released free DLC pack with more characters and mini-modes.

i could go on and on, but have got plans i'm already running late to....long story short, if you liked the original in '98, you'll be pretty happy with it. i'd say it's a safe bet for newcomers too. and, according to capcom, if this one does well and there's interest, they may remake resident evil 3: nemesis!

hope this helped and that you enjoy it if you try it out!

25-Feb-2019, 02:41 PM
it's more than just a remake. it expands and improves on a lot of the less fun parts of the original. It's atmospheric, downright creepy and doesn't rely on cheap jump scares. The move to the over-the-shoulder RE4 style of gameplay was an excellent idea, and makes the whole experience that much more immersive.

it also looks beautiful, the bog standard zombies are awesome, the gore effects are reminiscent of Savini in some places. They maybe a little too tough to dispatch with headshots, but it forces you to adapt your strategies, sometimes blowing off the arms or shooting out the knees is a better bet, neutralising the threat with less ammo expenditure.

My only criticism is that to get the original soundtrack it costs a couple of quid extra (but it's totally worth it) and the Scenario A/B could have been done a little better.

Free DLC now brings it up to having 7 seperate scenarios to play through, so it's well worth the investment.

Also, not a single QTE. thank the maker. hopefully that period of gaming is over. God of war was arguably the peak of that style of gameplay, and other games began to rely on it a little too heavily since.

The great news is that Capcom have said that if the RE2 remake was well recieved, they will look at updating RE3:Nemesis, and RE:Code veronica as well. It looks like that may well happen.

07-Apr-2019, 01:41 PM
My only problem is the 2nd run/scenario B felt tacked on, it reuses cutscenes from that characters 1st run, even if they contradict events plus the games not really all that different since Mr X has been thrown into the 1st run.

Otherwise RE2 is a decent update of the classic.

08-Apr-2019, 03:17 AM
yeah, i agree that the second scenario wasn't handled nearly as well as it was in the original, almost like it was an afterthought or just put in to keep fans from being upset.

btw, i was totally in the zone on this game, beat it on hardcore mode with both characters, unlocked the infinite minigun and rocket launcher, beat the dlc, got all trophies, and had a total blast.

i'd say the toughest thing to do was survive the wave of 100 zombies in the convenience store as the sheriff, almost started pulling my hair out a couple times on that one....but it was so rewarding to finally beat it.

29-Feb-2020, 02:50 AM


didn't think this really deserved its own thread, but here we go again! can't wait. only about another month!